Instytut Fizyki

KontaktGrudziądzka 5, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 3310

Physics Laboratory 2

Laboratory experiments

  1. X-ray radiation properties
  2. Determination of surface tension by optical method
  3. Laser (Doppler) anemometry
  4. Measurement of photoluminescence polarization of organic dye solutions
  5. Investigation of the laser radiation properties: The He-Ne laser
  6. Study of absorption spectra of dye solutions
  7. Determination of the diffusion coefficient by the optical method
  8. Optical tweezers
  9. Study of hyperfine structure of atomic lines: The Zeeman effect
  10. Atomic force microscopy
  11. Pyroelectric effect
  12. Optical microscopy
  13. Fourier optics
  14. Determination of e/kB ratio and energy gap in semiconductors
  15. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
  16. Rutherford experiment
  17. Nuclear reactions (n, γ)
  18. Studies of γ-radiation absorption
  19. Compton effect
  20. Determination of phase and group velocity as well as dispersion relations for coupled vibrating systems
  21. Franck-Hertz experiment
  22. The Ramsauer-Townsend phenomenon
  23. Electroluminescence
  24. Electron diffraction on a crystal lattice
  25. Radiation of a black body. Stefan-Boltzmann law

Support materials

Organizational information

Contact in matters of Physics Laboratory 2

Head of laboratory:
Dr. hab. Daniel Lisak, prof. NCU
Scientific and technical staff:
MSc. Eng. Krzysztof Wejer