Institute of Physics

ContactGrudziądzka 5, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 3310

Days of open labs

We invite all secondary school students interested in exact and natural sciences to the research labs and computer rooms at the Institute of Physics at Nicolaus Copernicus University. If you are a teacher or a student of a class whose profile is Mathematics, Physics, Information Technology, Chemistry, Technology or Biology, or the head of a scientific interest group, this offer is for you.

All the Physics labs are situated within the NCU’s Institute of Physics at 5 Grudziądzka Street, except for the Machines and Robots Workshop and Dispersed Systems Laboratory, which are located in the Polytechnic Study at 17 Szosa Okrężna Street in Toruń. They are a place of daily work for researchers, which is why sightseeing trips must be adjusted to the research schedule. Due to the necessity to keep the facility clean and stable in terms of temperature, the number of visits at the National Lab of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics is limited.

The trips are free and designed for groups of  up to 30 pupils, involve sightseeing of two laboratories and last about one hour. All participants must abide by the sightseeing rules. The project’s coordinator is doctor Andrzej Karbowski, e-mail:, tel.: +48 56 611 3291. The dates can be individually negotiated.

Applications should be sent via the application form.