We recommend using a bike parking located in the Institute of Physics (on the left from the building’s main entrance). The parking is available to all employees and students of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Informatics. The doors are opened with a card or a student/doctoral student ID which was fitted with the function of allowing entrance to the bike parking. All employee and doctoral students cards are automatically granted such access, whereas all students wishing to access the facility with an ID should contact Paweł Binnebesel, tel. +48 56 611 3265.
ATTENTION- when leaving the bike parking, the doors open automatically, but there is an additional emergency opening switch next to it, along with a light switch. The facility is also fitted with a motion sensor, and a camera which is accessible from the lodge.
The bikes must without exceptions be locked to the stands.
A freely accessible bathroom with a shower is located in room 251 (level -1), in the building’s second wing, on the left, net to the entrance to the Unit of Semiconductor and Carbon Physics. The bathroom is available to all employees, students and doctoral students of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Informatics- the key can be collected in the lodge, in the case of students after presenting a student’s ID.
Due to a limited number of parking spots, for a number of years the rules of using the parking are as follows:
1. Between 7 A.M. and 3 P.M. the parking can be used exclusively by the Faculty’s employees, doctor al students, and disabled students who were granted parking permits.
2. After 3 P.M. the parking is available also to students.
Please abide by the above rules.
FACILITY ACCESS/COLLECTING THE KEY (students, doctoral students, individuals not employed at the Faculty- with the exception of retired professors)
Access to classrooms, lecture halls, computer rooms and laboratories where didactic classes take place is authorized by means of the class schedule. In order to obtain access for a student, doctoral student or a person from outside the Institute of Physics, a special form must be filled in (all spaces), printed, signed by the head of unit, supervisor of a scientific circle, or a direct supervisor, and submitted at the Secretary Office of the Institute of Physics. The signature of the person who is granted facility access is not necessary at that moment. The applicants are asked to make sure that the permit is revoked should such a reason take place.
In some cases the abovementioned procedure may apply also to employees (access to rooms or labs of other teams/employees).
The Institute of Physics’ lodge an Automatic External Defibrillator is available, meant to save lives in case of cardiac arrest. The manual is available at