Institute of Physics

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the qsub command sends a job to the queue system (eg. qsub script), which receives a unique number (the so-called job-id).
Sample form of the script file:

#PBS -N name
#PBS -q queue
#PBS -l resources
#PBS -j oe

All information passed to the queue system in the script must start with #PBS characters, after which you can use different options:

The following example of a script sent to the queue:
#PBS -N test-1
#PBS -q batch
#PBS -l nodes=3:ppn=4, walltime=2:00:00
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -o test.o

defines the following conditions of the job:

  1. the job will have a name test-1
  2. the job will be running in the queue batch
  3. three nodes will be needed for execution, 4 cores will be occupied on each of them
  4. the job will be performed for a maximum of 2 hours
  5. the error stream will be attached to the output stream
  6. the result of the script will be saved in the file test.o