Name: Józef Sienkiewicz 70-th Birthday Symposium - referat zaproszony Title: Recollections on interaction, cooperation, and inspiration Place: Politechnika Gdańska, Gdańsk (2024-05-10 - 2024-05-10)
Name: Math/Chem/Comp 2024 - 35-th MC2 Conference - referat Title: Reflections on a certain density functional Place: Dubrovnik (2024-06-03 - 2024-06-07)
Name: Math/Chem/Comp 2024 - 35-th MC2 Conference - referat Title: A modified expression for the Hamiltonian expectation value exploiting the short-raange behavior of the wave function Co-authors: Andreas Savin, Anthony Scemama Place: Dubrovnik (2024-06-03 - 2024-06-07)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: Optics, Electronics and Magnetism in 2D Material - referat zaproszony Title: On the robustness of gapless states in gated multilayer graphene Place: San Sebastian, Spain (2024-05-21 - 2024-05-24)
Name: - Graphene and other 2D materials – 9th Polish Graphene Conference - referat zaproszony Title: On the robustness of gapless states in gated multilayer graphene Place: Poznań (2024-09-08 - 2024-09-10)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry CTTC 9 - referat zaproszony Title: A critical evaluation of the hybrid KS DFT functionals based on the KS exchange-correlation potentials Co-authors: Vignesh Kumar, Szymon Śmiga Place: Kraków (2024-09-01 - 2024-09-05)
Name: Molecular Electronic Structure Conference MES 2024 Pescara - referat zaproszony Title: An evaluation of the hybrid KS DFT functionals based on the KS exchange-correlation potentials Co-authors: Vignesh Kumar, Szymon Śmiga Place: Pescara, Italy (2024-09-21 - 2024-09-25)
Name: Quantum Chemistry and Cheminformatics - referat zaproszony Title: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Hybrid Kohn-Sham DFT Functionals Co-authors: Vignesh Kumar, Szymon Śmiga Place: Rome, Italy (2024-09-26 - 2024-09-27)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: 20th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its Applications - referat Title: Analysis of 2nd order Görling-Levy energy-based DFAs with error decomposition Co-authors: Aditi Singh, Eduardo Fabiano Place: Paris, France (2024-08-25 - 2024-08-30)
Name: Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry - referat zaproszony Title: Towards second-order based exchange-correlation functional with broader applicability Co-authors: Lucian A. Constantin, Fabio Della Sala Place: Kraków, Polska (2024-09-01 - 2024-09-05)
Name: 19th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - referat Title: Towards the Kohn-Sham adiabatic-connection interpolation models with broader applicability Co-authors: Lucian A. Constantin, Fabio Della Sala Place: Terme Sveti Martin, Chorwacja (2024-09-11 - 2024-09-14)
Name: DFT in Chemistry - Dispute at Inception and Rise to Prominence - udział bierny Place: Stockholm, Szwecja (2024-11-07 - 2024-11-08)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: Seminar - referat zaproszony Title: The second-order correlation energy-based exchange-correlation functionals: can we improve them and how? Place: Erlangen, Germany (2024-06-17 - 2024-06-18)
Name: Seminar - referat zaproszony Title: Ab initio design of exchange-correlation functionals Place: Stockholm, Szwecja (2024-11-05 - 2024-11-09)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Quantum International Frontiers QIF2023 - referat zaproszony Title: Orbital-Dependent Functionals in Kohn-Sham DFT - Practical Realization of ab initio DFT Place: Łódź , Poland (2023-06-21 - 2023-06-24)
Name: QUANTUM SYSTEMS IN CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, AND BIOLOGY (QSCP-XXVI) - referat zaproszony Title: Assessment of the KS potentials and electron densities in KS-DFT Place: Jaipur, India (2023-10-15 - 2023-10-20)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: 17th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry - plakat Title: A fresh perspective on the construction of the hybrid exchange-correlation functionals Co-authors: Lucian A. Constantin Place: Bratysława, Słowacja (2023-06-26 - 2023-07-01)
Name: ICQC Satellite Meeting on Strong Correlation in Molecules - referat Title: The Kohn-Sham calculations with Adiabatic Connection Models with Improved Treatment of the Strong-Interaction Limit Co-authors: Fabio Della Sala, Paola Gori-Giorgi, Eduardo Fabiano Place: Znojmo, Czechy (2023-06-20 - 2023-06-23)
Name: Accelerating Improvements in Density Functional Theory - plakat Title: What could we learn from the analysis of hybrid exchange-correlation functionals? Co-authors: Vignesh Kumar, Lucian A. Constantin, Ireneusz Grabowski Place: CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (2023-08-21 - 2023-08-25)
Name: NAWA-STER workshop — Science, Safety, Communication and Open Entrepreneurship. International Aspects - referat zaproszony Place: Toruń, Polska (2023-11-30 - 2023-11-30)
Name: 62-nd Sanibel Symposium - referat zaproszony Title: Quantum Embedding with pair-Coupled Cluster Doubles-Based Methods Place: St. Augustine Beach,FL, USA (2023-02-12 - 2023-02-17)
Name: The 6th Quantum Bio-Inorganic Chemistry Conference (QBIC-VI) - plakat Title: Static WFT-in-DFT embedding with the pair coupled cluster doubles-based methods Place: Warsaw (2023-08-29 - 2023-09-01)
Name: 65 Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego - plakat Title: Embedding strategies for pCCD-based methods Place: Toruń (2023-09-18 - 2024-09-22)
Author: Paweł Potasz
Name: APS March Meeting 2023 - referat Title: Itinerant electron ferromagnetism in moiré materials Co-authors: N. Morales Duran, N. Hu, A. H. MacDonald Place: Las Vegas (2023-03-05 - 2023-03-10)
Name: The 25th International Conference on the Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems - referat Title: Magnetic properties of partially filled energy bands of moiré superlattice Co-authors: N. Morales-Duran, A. H. MacDonald Place: Grenoble (2023-07-09 - 2023-07-14)
Author: Saeid Izadshenas
Name: Nanop - plakat Title: Multi-Photon-Absorption Single-Molecule Fluorescence Enhancement by Graphene-Gold Nanostructure Place: Barcelona (2023-11-27 - 2023-11-29)
Name: Quantum NanoPhotonics - plakat Place: Benasque (2023-03-12 - 2023-03-19)
Name: Quantum and Advanced Materials technologies for a Sustainable Society lectures - referat zaproszony Place: Cambridge, Wielka Brytania (2023-03-04 - 2023-03-04)
Name: seminarium Wydziału Podstawowych Problemów Techniki - referat zaproszony Place: Wrocław, Polska (2023-03-07 - 2023-03-07)
Author: Tomasz Wasak
Name: BEC Seminar - referat zaproszony Title: Quantum kinetic theory of Fermi polarons Place: Povo, Trento, Italy (2023-03-28 - 2023-03-28)
Name: Optical Seminar - referat zaproszony Title: Quantum kinetic theory of Fermi polarons Place: Warszawa (2023-03-23 - 2023-03-23)
Main Organizer:
Katedra Mechaniki Kwantowej
Name: Workshop on Ultracold Molecules - Główny organizator Place: Warszawa (2023-09-05 - 2023-09-08)
Name: 25-th International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics & Biology - referat zaproszony Title: The Generalized Cusp Conditions Co-authors: Andreas Savin Place: Instytut Fizyki UMK, Toruń (2022-06-19 - 2022-06-24)
Name: Conference of the Computational Atomic Structure (CompAS) Group - referat zaproszony Title: The Generalized Cusp Conditions Co-authors: Andreas Savin Place: Instytut Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej Politechniki Gdańskiej, (2022-10-01 - 2022-10-03)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Konferencja KU KDM 2022 - udział bierny Place: Kraków/wirtualna (2022-04-07 - 2022-04-08)
Name: Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics and Biology (QSCP) - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Toruń (2022-06-19 - 2022-06-24)
Author: Paweł Tecmer
Name: XV Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat zaproszony Title: Pythonic Black-box Electronic Structure Tool (PyBEST): A useful computational tool for chemists and physicists, Place: Toruń (2022-06-20 - 2022-06-22)
Name: 25th International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics and Biology (QSCP) - plakat Title: Geminal-based quantum chemistry with PyBEST Place: Toruń (2022-06-19 - 2022-06-24)
Name: World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC2020) - referat zaproszony Title: PyBEST. An open-source Python platform for electronic structure calculations at the interface between chemistry and physics Place: Vancouver (2022-07-03 - 2022-07-08)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: 50th International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors "Jaszowiec 2022" - plakat Title: Trilayer Rhombohedral Stacked Graphene being more Stable than its Bernal Counterpart Co-authors: R. Guerrero-Aviles, F. R. Geisenhof, T. R. Wietz, A. Ayuela Place: Szczyrk (2022-06-06 - 2022-06-10)
Name: Graphene Conference 2022 - referat Title: Interaction of a graphene nanoflake with an adatom under optical illumination Co-authors: M. Kosik, M. Müller, G. Bryant, A. Ayuela, C. Rockstuhl, K. Słowik Place: Akwizgran (Niemcy) (2022-07-05 - 2022-07-08)
Name: Quantum Designer Phisics - referat Title: Trilayer Rhombohedral Stacked Graphene being more Stable than its Bernal Counterpart Place: San Sebastian (2022-07-18 - 2022-07-21)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: 19th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its Applications - plakat Title: Why hybrid functional are so accurate? The insight from an optimized effective potential method perspective. Co-authors: Lucian A. Constantin Place: Bruksela (2022-08-28 - 2022-09-02)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: Advanced Photonics Congress, - referat zaproszony Title: Quantum nanophotonics with 2D material flakes Place: Maastricht (2022-07-24 - 2022-07-28)
Name: Huawei’s New Frontiers for Graphene in Telecommunications, - referat zaproszony Title: Graphene-based meta- materials for slow light Co-authors: Saeid Izadshenas Place: Mediolan (2022-10-28 - 2022-10-28)
Name: 4th Interdisciplinary FNP Conference - plakat Title: Quantum nanophotonics of low-dimensional materials: Interfacing quantum optics and material science Co-authors: A. Ayuela, G. Bryant, D. Dams, A. Ghosh, P. Gładysz, S. Izadshenas, M. Kosik, Marvin Müller, M. Pelc, C. Rockstuhl, J. Szczuczko Place: Warszawa (2022-10-06 - 2022-10-07)
Name: Quantum Designer Physics - plakat Title: Atoms near graphene nanoantennas: interplay of optical coupling and electron tunneling Co-authors: M. Kosik, M. Müller, M. Pelc, G. Bryant, A. Ayuela, C. Rockstuhl, K. Place: San Sebastian, Hiszpania (2022-07-18 - 2022-07-21)
Name: uropean Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics ECAMP 14, - plakat Title: Atoms near graphene nanoantennas: interplay of optical coupling and electron tunneling Co-authors: M. Kosik, M. Müller, M. Pelc, G. Bryant, A. Ayuela, C. Rockstuhl Place: Wilno, Litwa (2022-06-27 - 2022-07-01)
Name: 2nd Workshop on Molecular Quantum Technology MQT - referat Title: Low-dimensional material structures with adatoms, how electron tunneling influences optical properties Co-authors: M.Kosik, M.Müller, G.Bryant, A.Ayuela, C.Rockstuhl, M.Pelc Place: Puerto Natales, Chile (2022-12-12 - 2022-12-16)
Name: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics CLEO, - plakat Title: Interactions of polar quantum systems with light Co-authors: P. Gładysz, G. Scala, P. Wcisło, F. Pepe, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio Place: San Jose, California, USA (2022-05-15 - 2022-05-20)
Name: Nanometa - udział bierny Title: Atoms near graphene nanoantennas: interplay of optical coupling and electron tunneling Co-authors: M. Kosik, M. Müller, M. Pelc, G. Bryant, A. Ayuela, C. Rockstuhl Place: Seefeld, Austria (2022-03-28 - 2022-03-31)
Name: IEEE 9th International Conference on Photonics 2022 - referat zaproszony Title: Quantum nanophotonics with low dimensional structures: Interfacing quantum optics and material science Place: online (2022-08-08 - 2022-08-09)
Author: Katharina Boguslawski
Name: 12th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists - referat zaproszony Place: Vancouver, Kanada (2022-07-03 - 2022-07-08)
Author: Saeid Izadshenas
Name: Nanolight - plakat Place: Benasque (2022-03-06 - 2022-03-12)
Name: SPIE Photonics Europe - plakat Place: Strasbourg (2022-04-03 - 2022-04-07)
Name: Nanolight - plakat Place: Benasque (2022-03-06 - 2022-03-12)
Author: Paweł Potasz
Name: APS March Meeting 2022 - referat zaproszony Title: Exact Diagonalization for Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene Co-authors: Allan H. MacDonald Place: Chicago, USA (2022-03-12 - 2022-03-18)
Name: International Workshop on Quantum Circuits in 2D Materials (QC2DM 2022) - referat Title: Magnetic properties of moire quantum dot arrays Co-authors: W. Pasek, M. Kupczyński Place: Ottawa (2023-05-25 - 2023-05-28)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Andrzej Kędziorski
Name: Seminarium Instytutu Fizyki Teoretycznej i Astrofizyki - referat Title: Rydberg states of ZnAr complex Place: Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej i Astrofizyki, Uniwersytet Gdański (2022-12-02 - 2022-12-02)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: seminarium Zakładu Optyki UW - referat zaproszony Title: Quantum nanophotonics with low dimensional structures: Interfacing quantum optics and material science Place: Warszawa (2022-11-10 - 2022-11-10)
Main Organizer:
Katedra Mechaniki Kwantowej
Name: Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics and Biology (QSCP) - Główny organizator Place: Toruń (2022-06-19 - 2022-06-24)
Name: Nanophotonics in Toruń - Główny organizator Place: Toruń (2022-09-18 - 2022-09-21)
Name: Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics and Biology - Główny organizator Place: IF, Toruń, Polska (2022-06-19 - 2022-06-24)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: Seminarium Instytutu Fizyki UMK - referat Title: Molecular shapes and some other mass-dependent effects Place: Instytut Fizyki UMK (2021-04-22 - 2021-04-22)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: META 2021, the 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics - referat Title: Spontaneous emission beyond electric dipole approximation Co-authors: Miriam Kosik, Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton, Carsten Rockstuhl, Oleksandr Burlayenko Place: wirtualnie (2021-07-20 - 2021-07-23)
Name: Quantum Optics X - referat zaproszony Title: Light interactions with polar quantum systems Place: Toruń (2021-09-05 - 2021-09-11)
Name: METANANO 2021 - referat Title: Engineering interactions of chiral quantum systems at the nanoscale Co-authors: M. Kosik, O. Burlayenko, I. Fernandez-Corbaton, C. Rockstuhl Place: wirtualna (2021-09-13 - 2021-09-17)
Name: ERC TAME Plasmons Closing Workshop - referat zaproszony Title: Quantum plasmonics of graphene nanoflakes Place: wirtualna (2021-09-22 - 2021-09-24)
Name: Advanced school on Quantum Transport using SIESTA - udział bierny Place: on-line (2021-05-17 - 2021-05-21)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: Nanophotonics of 2D materials - plakat Title: Energy – based plasmonicity index Co-authors: M. Müller, C. Rockstuhl, A. Ayuela, G. Bryant, M. Kosik, M. Pelc Place: online (2021-11-07 - 2021-11-13)
Author: Saeid Izadshenas
Name: Quantum Optics X - plakat Place: Torun (2021-09-05 - 2021-09-11)
Name: Metamaterials - plakat Place: New York (2021-08-02 - 2021-08-07)
Name: ICWorkshop - udział bierny Place: Online (2021-03-31 - 2021-03-31)
Author: Piotr Gładysz
Name: Quantum Optics X - plakat Place: Toruń (2021-09-05 - 2021-09-11)
Name: Quantum NanoPhotonics - plakat Place: zdalna (2021-02-28 - 2021-03-05)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: 60th Sanibel Symposium: The Theory Meeting for Theoreticians - referat zaproszony Title: Orbital-Dependent Functionals in Kohn-Sham DFT - Practical Realization of ab initio KS-DFT Place: St. Simons Island, Ga, US (2020-02-16 - 2020-02-21)
Name: ICSD 2020, MARCH 1 - 4, 2020 STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF MOLECULAR AND CONDENSED MATTER SYSTEMS (ICSD) 2020 - referat zaproszony Title: Accurate Ionization Potentials and Interaction Energy Curves Obtained from the Spin-Resolved Second-Order Approaches Co-authors: Szymon Śmiga Place: Puri, Odissa, India (2020-03-01 - 2020-03-04)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: Nanolight - referat Title: Quantum plasmonics with adatoms at graphene flakes Co-authors: M. Mueller, C. Rockstuhl, M. Pelc, A. Ayuela, M. Kosik Place: Benasque, Hiszpania (2020-03-08 - 2020-03-14)
Name: IEEE 8th International Conference on Photonics - referat zaproszony Title: Plasmonics with graphene flakes: a quantum-mechanical approach Co-authors: M. Kosik, M. Mueller, M. Pelc, C. Rockstuhl, A. Ayuela Place: wirtualna (2020-05-11 - 2020-06-30)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Warsaw Molecular Electronic Structure Conference Warsaw - referat zaproszony Title: Accurate ionization potentials obtained from the spin-resolved secondorder approaches. From simple molecules to nanotubes Co-authors: Szymon Śmiga Place: Warsaw (2020-09-01 - 2021-09-04)
Author: Paweł Tecmer
Name: Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (PTC) - referat zaproszony Title: Electron correlation effects in complex electronic structures from the pCCD model and beyond Place: Chemical Institute of Canada (2020-10-20 - 2020-10-20)
Author: Mateusz Borkowski
Name: 51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - referat zaproszony Title: Molecular Lattice Clocks in the Optical Domain Place: Portland, USA (2020-06-01 - 2020-06-05)
Author: Piotr Różański
Name: 6th International Workshop on the Optical Properties of Nanostructures - plakat Title: Machine Learning approach to the inverse problem in STM Co-authors: Martyna Patera, Garnett Bryant, Michał Zieliński Place: Warszawa (2020-02-12 - 2020-02-14)
Author: Katarzyna Madajczyk
Name: Seminar on Star Formation and Astrochemistry - referat Title: Systematic studies of the interaction energies of open-shell non-covalent systems with interaction-type diverse data set Co-authors: P.Żuchowski, F.Brzęk, Ł.Rajchel, D.Kędziera, M.Hapka, M.Modrzejewski Place: Toruń (2020-01-24 - 2020-01-24)
Name: Joint UvA-VU Meeting - referat zaproszony Title: Molecular lattice clocks in the optical domain Place: Universiteit var Amsterdam (2020-02-17 - 2020-02-17)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: Centre for Quantum Dynamics seminar - referat zaproszony Title: Quantum plasmonics of graphene nanoflakes with adatoms Place: Griffiths University, Brisbane (wirtualnie) (2020-05-26 - 2020-05-26)
Author: Katharina Boguslawski
Name: Theoretical Quantum Physics Group Seminar - referat zaproszony Title: Dissecting Molecular Interactions Using Concepts of Quantum Information Theory Place: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (2020-11-18 - 2020-11-18)
Name: Czwartkowe Kolokwium Fizyczne - referat zaproszony Title: Towards a descriptive way to elucidate molecular interactions from approximate wave functions Place: Instytut Fizyki UMK (2020-12-10 - 2020-12-10)
Name: The Utah Workshop on Quantum Methods in Molecular and Solid-State Theory - referat zaproszony Title: Heun Equations in Quantum Mechanics - A New Class of Exactly Solvable Problems Place: Park City, Utah, USA (2019-09-22 - 2019-09-27)
Name: 24-th International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics and Biology - referat zaproszony Title: Several Remarks on Exactly-Solvable Problems Place: Odessa, Ukraina (2019-08-18 - 2019-08-24)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: School on Two-Dimensional Crystals and Photonics – 2DCP” - referat zaproszony Title: Forcing single layer graphene to behave like a gated bilayer Place: Tbilisi, Gruzja (2019-09-09 - 2019-09-14)
Name: 59th Sanibel Symposium - plakat Title: Quantum chemical description of excitation energies in heavy elements Place: St. Simons Island, GA, USA (2019-02-17 - 2019-02-22)
Author: Katharina Boguslawski
Name: 59th Sanibel Symposium - plakat Title: Inexpensive electron-pair methods to model ground and excited states across the periodic table Place: St. Simons Island, GA, USA (2019-02-17 - 2019-02-22)
Author: Mateusz Borkowski
Name: European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons - plakat Title: Hunting for Temporal Variations of the Proton-to-Electron Mass Ratio with Molecular Optical Lattice Clocks Co-authors: Mirosław Bylicki, Paweł Tecmer Place: Florencja, Włochy (2019-04-08 - 2019-04-14)
Name: 1st Symposium on Cold Interactions and Collisions - referat zaproszony Title: Searching for new physics with optical molecular clocks Co-authors: Mirosław Bylicki, Paweł Tecmer Place: Warszawa (2019-04-16 - 2019-04-16)
Name: Star Formation and Astrochemistry in Toruń - referat zaproszony Title: Searching for new physics with molecular lattice clocks Co-authors: Mirosław Bylicki, Paweł Tecmer Place: Toruń (2019-05-17 - 2019-05-17)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: 18th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its Applications - referat Title: Self-consistent implementation of fifth-rung density-functional approximations Place: Alicante, Spain (2019-07-22 - 2019-07-26)
Name: CLEO Europe - plakat Place: Monachium, Niemcy (2019-06-23 - 2019-06-27)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: XXIV International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics and Biology - referat zaproszony Title: Spin resolved second order approach different parametrization for different applications and properties. Co-authors: Szymon Śmiga Place: Odessa, Ukraina (2019-08-18 - 2019-08-24)
Name: Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry VIII - referat zaproszony Title: Spin-resolved second-order approach – different parametrization for different properties Place: Kraków, Poland (2019-09-01 - 2019-09-05)
Author: Mateusz Borkowski
Name: 62. Zjazd Naukowy PTChem - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Lattice Clocks with Weakly Bound Molecules Co-authors: Mirosław Bylicki, Paweł Tecmer Place: Warszawa (2019-09-03 - 2019-09-03)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry VIII - referat Title: Utilization of meta-generalized gradient approximation exchange-correlation functionals in subsystem formulation of density functional theory Co-authors: E. Fabiano, S. Laricchia, L. A. Constantin, F. Della Sala Place: Kraków (2019-09-01 - 2019-09-05)
Author: Paweł Tecmer
Name: 10-th Triennial Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP 2019) - plakat Title: New insights into the ground and excited states properties of ThO and ThS from 4-component theories Place: Tromso (2019-07-11 - 2019-07-17)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: The 5th EMN Meeting on Computation and Theory - referat zaproszony Title: Stable generation of kinetic potentials for atom and molecules Co-authors: Sylwia Siecińska, Eduardo Fabiano Place: Port Louis, Mauritius (2019-11-26 - 2019-11-30)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Kujawsko-Pomorskie Forum Cyberbezpieczeństwa - referat zaproszony Title: Kopia bezpieczeństwa jak podstwowy element zabezpieczenia danych elektronicznych Place: Toruń, Poland (2019-11-27 - 2019-11-27)
Author: Katharina Boguslawski
Name: 10th Triennial Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics - referat zaproszony Title: Simplified Coupled Cluster Methods for f0 Actinide Compounds Place: Tromso, Norway (2019-07-11 - 2019-07-17)
Name: 1st summer school on astrophysics, spectroscopy and quantum chemistry (TASQ) - referat zaproszony Place: Torun, Poland (2019-07-01 - 2019-07-12)
Author: Ewa Palikot
Name: International Conference on Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants - plakat Title: An algorithm for calculating Bethe logarithm and adiabatic correction for atoms and two-centered molecules Co-authors: Monika Stanke Place: Tihany, Węgry (2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: European Graphene Forum - udział bierny Place: Lizbona (2019-10-23 - 2019-10-25)
Author: Katarzyna Madajczyk
Name: 1st Symposium on Cold Interactions and Collisions - plakat Title: Benchmarking database for open shell systems Co-authors: P.Żuchowski, F.Brzęk, Ł.Rajchel, D.Kędziera, M.Hapka, M.Modrzejewski Place: Warszawa (2019-04-16 - 2019-04-16)
Author: Piotr Różański
Name: 48th “Jaszowiec” 2019 International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - referat Title: Machine Learning approach to the inverse problem in STM imaging of dopant-based quantum devices Co-authors: Martyna Patera, Garnett Bryant, Michał Zieliński Place: Szczyrk (2019-06-08 - 2019-06-14)
Author: Katarzyna Madajczyk
Name: Torun Astrophysics, Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemistry School - plakat Title: Benchmarking database for open shell systems Co-authors: P.Żuchowski, F.Brzęk, Ł.Rajchel, D.Kędziera, M.Hapka, M.Modrzejewski Place: Toruń (2019-07-01 - 2019-07-12)
Name: Current Trends in Teoretical Chemistry - plakat Title: Benchmarking database for open shell systems Co-authors: P.Żuchowski, F.Brzęk, Ł.Rajchel, D.Kędziera, M.Hapka, M.Modrzejewski Place: Kraków (2019-09-01 - 2019-09-05)
Author: Piotr Różański
Name: Silicon Quantum Electronics Workshop 2019 - referat Title: Machine Learning approach to the inverse problem in STM imaging of dopant-based quantum devices Co-authors: Martyna Patera, Garnett Bryant, Michał Zieliński Place: San Sebastián, Hiszpania (2019-10-14 - 2019-10-16)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Mateusz Borkowski
Name: Seminarium Zakładu Optyki IFD UW - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Lattice Clocks with Weakly Bound Molecules Place: Warszawa (2019-01-17 - 2019-01-17)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: seminarium dla Donostia International Physics Center - referat zaproszony Title: Manipulating emission rates and interactions of quantum emitters beyond electric dipole approximation Place: Donostia (San Sebastian), Hiszpania (2019-01-19 - 2019-01-27)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Joint seminar of the Chair of Theoretical Chemistry and the Computer-Chemistry-Center in Erlangen - referat zaproszony Title: Spin Component Scaled MP2 - different parametrization for different properties. Place: Erlangen, Niemcy (2019-02-04 - 2019-02-04)
Author: Paweł Tecmer
Name: Seminar at the Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin - referat zaproszony Title: Towards reliable modeling of electronic structures and spectroscopic parameters of actinide species Place: Szczecin, Poland (2019-05-29 - 2019-05-29)
Name: Study visit at the Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry - udział bierny Place: Prague, Czech Republic (2019-05-14 - 2019-05-16)
Name: seminairum Fizyki Teoretycznej IF PAN - referat zaproszony Title: From nanostructures to dopant based devices: theory and challenges Place: Warszawa (2019-11-05 - 2019-11-05)
Author: Katharina Boguslawski
Name: 3rd “Seminar on Star Formation and Astrochemistry in Toruń” (SFAT) - referat zaproszony Title: Qualitative insights from computational chemistry Place: Torun, Poland (2019-05-17 - 2019-05-17)
Author: Ewa Palikot
Name: Seminarium Instytutu Fizyki Astronomicznej i Astrofizyki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego - referat zaproszony Title: Logarytm Bethego - jedna z wiodących poprawek QED. Algorytm do obliczeń dla atomów i molekuł Place: Gdańsk, Polska (2019-05-10 - 2019-05-10)
Author: Mateusz Borkowski
Name: Atomic quantum simulators 2.0 –taming the long-range interactions - referat zaproszony Title: Molecular lattice clocks in the optical domain Place: Universiteit var Amsterdam (2019-12-03 - 2019-12-03)
Name: 3rd International Conference on Physics of 2D Crystals - referat Title: Layertronics – the layer localization control of topological states in bilayer graphene with a gate voltage Place: Valletta, Malta (2018-05-29 - 2018-06-02)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: Math/Chem/Comp 2018 - 30th MC2 Conference - referat Title: Semi-exact, quasi-exact and conditionally exact solutions of the Schroedinger equation Co-authors: Henryk Witek Place: Dubrovnik, Chorwacja (2018-06-18 - 2018-06-23)
Name: The 15th International Conference - Analytic and Algebraic Methods in Physics - referat Title: Semi-exact solutions of radial Schroedinger equations Co-authors: Henryk A. Witek Place: Praga, Czechy (2018-09-10 - 2018-09-13)
Author: Paweł Tecmer
Name: V edycja ogólnopolskiej konferencji ,,Polityka publiczna a kapitał ludzki'', temat przewodni ,,Kształcenie doktorantów jako instrument tworzenia społeczeństwa wiedzy'' - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Warszawa, Polska (2018-04-20 - 2018-04-20)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: Chaotic paths to cold atom physics - udział bierny Place: Kraków (2018-02-10 - 2018-02-11)
Name: Nanolight 2018 - referat Title: Nanoantennas for light-matter coupling in multiple parallel channels Co-authors: J. Straubel, E. Rusak, P Gładysz, M. Kubek, C. Rockstuhl Place: Benasque, Hiszpania (2018-03-11 - 2018-03-16)
Name: 7th IEEE International Conference on Photonics - referat zaproszony Title: Antennas for photons: light-matter coupling at nanoscale Co-authors: J. Straubel, C. Rockstuhl Place: Langkawi, Malezja (2018-04-09 - 2018-04-11)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: 7th JCSSymposium, Quantum Chemistry, from Methodolgy to Applications. - referat zaproszony Title: Accurate ionization energies via an efficient spin-component-scaled ΔMP2 procedure. Co-authors: Sz. Śmiga, M. Witkowski Place: Prague, Czech Republic (2018-05-21 - 2018-05-24)
Author: Mateusz Borkowski
Name: International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry - referat Title: Optical clock transitions in ultracold ytterbium molecules Place: Berlin (2018-06-05 - 2018-06-08)
Name: International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Clock Transitions in Weakly Bound Molecules Co-authors: Mateusz Borkowski Place: Dublin (2018-06-17 - 2018-06-22)
Author: Katharina Boguslawski
Name: EMN Meeting on Computation and Theory 2018 - referat zaproszony Title: Modelling ground and excited states with geminal-based methods Place: San Sebastian, Spain (2018-09-03 - 2018-09-07)
Name: 16-th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - referat Title: Tailored Coupled Cluster approaches to model strong correlation across the periodic table Place: Srní, Czech Republic (2018-09-09 - 2018-09-12)
Name: 61th PTChem - referat zaproszony Title: Modeling electronic structures with electron pair states Place: Krakow, Poland (2018-09-17 - 2018-09-21)
Author: Paweł Tecmer
Name: EMN Meeting on Computational Theory 2018 - referat zaproszony Title: Relativistic coupled cluster study of small actinide species. Ground and excited state properties. Place: San Sebastian, Hiszpania (2018-09-03 - 2018-09-07)
Name: 16-th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (CEST2018) - referat Title: Unconventional Electronic Structure Methods for Actinides Place: Srni, Czech Republic (2018-09-09 - 2018-09-12)
Name: Current trends in open and nonequilibrium quantum optical systems - referat zaproszony Title: Quantum optical realization of arbitrary linear transformations allowing for loss and gain Co-authors: Nora Tischler, Carsten Rockstuhl Place: Erlangen, Niemcy (2018-07-16 - 2018-07-18)
Name: 50th Symposium on Mathematical Physics - plakat Title: Quantum optical realization of arbitrary linear transformations Co-authors: Nora Tischler, Carsten Rockstuhl Place: Toruń (2018-06-21 - 2018-06-24)
Name: Humboldt Kolleg: Controlling quantum matter: From ultracold atoms to solids - plakat Title: Spontaneous emission beyond electric dipole approximation Co-authors: Miriam Kosik Place: Wilno, Litwa (2018-07-29 - 2018-08-02)
Name: The 4th EMN Meeting on Computation and Theory - referat zaproszony Title: A simplified solution of Coupled Cluster equations by utilization of scaled MP2 amplitudes Co-authors: Eduardo Fabiano Place: San Sebastian, Spain (2018-09-03 - 2018-09-07)
Name: 16-th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry t - referat Title: Approximate solution of Coupled Cluster equations: Application to the Coupled Cluster Doubles method and non-covalent interacting systems Co-authors: Eduardo Fabiano Place: Srní, Czechy (2018-09-09 - 2018-09-12)
Author: Mateusz Borkowski
Name: European Group on Atomic Systems - plakat Title: Optical Lattice Clocks with Weakly Bound Molecules Place: Kraków (2018-07-09 - 2018-07-13)
Name: ICAP Summer School - plakat Title: Optical clock spectroscopy in weakly bound molecules Place: Barcelona (2018-07-16 - 2018-07-20)
Name: International Conference on Atomic Physics - plakat Title: Optical clock spectroscopy in weakly bound molecules Place: Barcelona (2018-07-22 - 2018-07-27)
Name: Quantum Technologies IX - referat Title: Optical clock transitions in weakly bound molecules Co-authors: Mirosław Bylicki, Paweł Tecmer Place: Jastarnia (2018-09-11 - 2018-09-16)
Author: Katharina Boguslawski
Name: 26th International Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry (CCTCC) - referat zaproszony Title: Inexpensive wave-function-based methods to model ground and excited states in challenging systems Place: Jackson, MS, USA (2018-11-09 - 2018-11-10)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: 16-th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - plakat Title: Accurate ionization potentials from SCS-Delta MP2 procedue Place: Srni, Czechy (2018-09-09 - 2018-09-12)
Author: Piotr Żuchowski
Name: International Meeting on Atomic, Molecular Physics and Chemistry - referat zaproszony Title: Predicting collisional properties for the systems containing cold metastable helium from the first principles Place: Berlin (2018-06-05 - 2018-06-08)
Author: Michał Zieliński
Name: 5th International Workshop on the Optical Properties of Nanostructures - referat Title: Atomistic theory of excitons in nanostructures: Beyond 10-million atomsin simulation Place: Münster, Niemcy (2018-02-14 - 2018-02-16)
Name: APS March Meeting 2018 5–9 marca 2018 - referat Title: Atomistic theory nanostructures: Beyond 10-million atoms in simulation Place: Los Angeles, USA (2018-03-05 - 2019-03-08)
Author: Katarzyna Madajczyk
Name: II Sympozjum obliczeniowych metod ab initio - plakat Co-authors: Piotr Żuchowski Place: Kraków (2018-03-12 - 2018-03-13)
Author: Piotr Różański
Name: 5th International Workshop on the Optical Properties of Nanostructures - referat Title: Excitonic spectra of ten-million atom crystal-phase quantum dots Co-authors: Michał Zieliński Place: Münster, Niemcy (2018-02-14 - 2018-02-16)
Name: APS March Meeting 2018 - referat Title: Imaging dopant-based quantum devices in Si Co-authors: Martyna Patera, Wiktor Łachmański, Garnett Bryant, Michał Zieliński Place: Los Angeles, USA (2018-03-05 - 2018-03-09)
Author: Katarzyna Madajczyk
Name: The International meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry - plakat Title: Benchmarking weakly-bound open- shell system:design of dataset Co-authors: Piotr Żuchowski Place: Lise-Meitner-Campus, Berlin-Wannsee / Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH. (2018-06-05 - 2018-06-08)
Name: Bridging experiment and theory in precision spectroscopy - plakat Title: Benchmarking weakly-bound open- shell system:design of dataset Co-authors: Piotr Żuchowski Place: Hotel Uniwersytecki w Toruniu (2018-06-25 - 2018-07-01)
Name: 16th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - plakat Title: Benchmarking database for open- shell system Co-authors: Piotr Żuchowski Place: Srni (2018-09-09 - 2018-09-12)
Author: Piotr Różański
Name: 47th “Jaszowiec” 2018 International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - referat Title: From nanoelectronics to solotronics: atomistic simulations of dopant wave-functions in STM measurement Co-authors: Martyna Patera, Wiktor Łachmański, Garnett Bryant, Michał Zieliński Place: Szczyrk (2018-06-16 - 2018-06-22)
Name: 13th International School on Theoretical Physics “SSPCM 2018” - plakat Title: Atomistic simulations of P dopants in Si STM measurements Co-authors: Martyna Patera, Garnett Bryant, Michał Zieliński Place: Rzeszów (2018-09-10 - 2018-09-15)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Katharina Boguslawski
Name: Lecture - referat zaproszony Title: The DMRG algorithm in quantum chemistry: optimization and interpretation of electronic structures of light and heavy elements Place: Institute of Chemistry, University of Silesia in Katowice (regional Polish Chemical Society) (2018-03-12 - 2018-03-13)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: seminarium fizyki teoretycznej IF PAN - referat zaproszony Title: Nanoantennas & atoms: quantum aspects of nanooptics Place: Instytut Fizyki PAN, Warszawa (2018-03-27 - 2018-03-27)
Author: Mateusz Borkowski
Name: Seminarium Zakładu Optyki Kwantowej UJ - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Lattice Clocks with Weakly Bound Molecules Place: Instytut Fizyki UJ, Kraków (2018-03-05 - 2018-03-05)
Name: Study visit in Budapest - referat zaproszony Title: Uncoventional electronic structure methods for actinides Place: Budapest (2018-06-03 - 2018-06-06)
Author: Andrzej Kędziorski
Name: Seminarium Zakładu Fotoniki - referat zaproszony Title: Obliczenia ab initio stanów wzbudzonych i intensywności przejść w układach zawierających jony lantanowców Place: Instyt Fizyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński (2018-06-04 - 2018-06-04)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: 36th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory - referat Title: Semi-exact, quasi-exact and conditionally-exact solutions of one-particle equations Place: Borovets, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria (2017-06-25 - 2017-07-01)
Name: 15th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - plakat Title: Semi-exact, quasi-exact and conditionally-exact solutions of the Schroedinger equation Co-authors: Henryk Witek Place: Wisła, Poland (2017-09-03 - 2017-09-06)
Author: Jarosław Zaremba
Name: V Polska Konferencja Optyczna - udział bierny Place: Gniezno (2017-07-02 - 2018-07-06)
Author: Maciej Kosicki
Name: Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry: Multi-dimensional quantum dynamics: From nuclei to electrons - referat Title: The isotopic substitution in reactions of ultracold alkali dimers: a statistical approach Co-authors: dr hab. Piotr S. Żuchowski, dr Maykel L. González-Martínez, prof. Olivier Dulieu Place: Mariapfarr, Salzburg, Austria (2017-02-14 - 2017-02-17)
Name: Extreme Atomic Systems - referat Title: The isotopic substitution in reactions of ultracold alkali dimers: a statistical approach Co-authors: dr hab. Piotr S. Żuchowski, dr Maykel L. González-Martínez, prof. Olivier Dulieu Place: Riezlern, Kleinwalsertal, Austria (2017-01-29 - 2017-02-03)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: Recent Advances in Many-Electron Theory 2017 - referat zaproszony Title: Approximate inclusion of the three-body effects in the Intermediate Hamiltonian Fock-space coupled-cluster calculations Place: Goa, India (2017-02-09 - 2017-02-12)
Author: Andrzej Kędziorski
Name: International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry - IMAMPC 2017 - plakat Title: Ab initio calculations of the f-f transitions intensities in Eu-DOTP complexes Co-authors: Rafał Janicki, Anna Mondry Place: Toruń (2017-06-19 - 2017-06-22)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: 17th International Conference on Density-Functional Theory and its Applications - referat Title: Optimized Effective Potential Method based on the Scaled–Opposite–Spin Second–Order Correlation Co-authors: Sz. Śmiga, E. Fabiano, F. Della-Sala Place: Tällberg (Dalarna) Sweden (2017-08-21 - 2017-08-25)
Name: CESTC 2017 - plakat Title: Accurate Kohn-Sham Ionization Potentials from Scaled-Opposite-Spin Second-Order Optimized Effective Potential Methods Co-authors: Sz. Śmiga, E. Fabiano, F. Della-Sala, A. Buksztel Place: Wisła, Polska (2017-09-03 - 2017-09-07)
Name: 44 Zjazd Fizyków Polskich - plakat Title: Correlation Potentials and Electron Densities from Correlated DFT, WFT and OEP Methods - what we can learn from them? Co-authors: Sz. Śmiga Place: Wrocław (2017-09-11 - 2017-09-15)
Author: Paweł Tecmer
Name: IMAMPC 2017 - The 8th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry - plakat Title: Inexpensive composite approaches for electronic structure calculations Co-authors: Katharina Bogusławski Place: Toruń (2017-06-19 - 2017-06-22)
Author: Katharina Boguslawski
Name: International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry - referat Title: New insights into molecular interactions using concepts of quantum information theory Place: Torun, Poland (2017-06-19 - 2017-06-22)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry - plakat Title: Accurate prediction of ionization potentials from spin-component scaled ∆MP2 method Co-authors: Ireneusz Grabowski Place: Toruń (2017-06-19 - 2017-08-24)
Name: 15th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - plakat Title: Accurate prediction of ionization potentials from ∆MP2-SOS method Co-authors: Ireneusz Grabowski Place: Wisła (2017-09-03 - 2017-09-06)
Name: 17th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its Applications - plakat Title: Accurate Kohn-Sham ionization potentials from scaled-opposite-spin second-order optimized effective potential methods. Co-authors: Fabio Della Sala, Adam Buksztel , Ireneusz Grabowski, Eduardo Fabiano Place: Tällberg, Szwecja (2017-08-21 - 2017-08-25)
Author: Michał Zieliński
Name: International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems - referat Place: Bath, Wielka Brytania (2017-09-10 - 2017-10-15)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry - referat Title: Optical nanoantennas for tailored light - matter coupling Co-authors: J. Straubel , R. Sarniak , R. Filter , J. Hou , E. Rusak , F. Lederer , C. Rockstuhl Place: Toruń (2017-06-19 - 2017-06-22)
Name: Quantum Nanophotonics - plakat Title: Nanoantennas to drive interference of molecular transition pathways Co-authors: Jakob Straubel, Evgenia Rusak, Andrzej Gajewski, Miriam Kosik, Monika Kubek, Florian Weigend, Carsten Rockstuhl Place: Ascona, Szwajcaria (2017-08-20 - 2017-08-25)
Name: Warsztaty Naukowe FoKA - referat Title: "nanofotony", atomy i kwanty Place: Kazimierz Dolny (2017-09-13 - 2017-09-15)
Name: Quantum Optics IX - referat Title: Quantum optical realization of arbitrary linear transformations allowing for loss and gain Co-authors: Nora Tischler Place: Gdańsk (2017-09-17 - 2017-09-23)
Author: Mateusz Borkowski
Name: 49th Conference of the European Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS) - referat Title: Experimental constraints on non-Newtonian gravity via state-of-the-art photoassociation spectroscopy Co-authors: Mateusz Borkowski, Alexei A. Buchachenko, Roman Ciuryło, Paul S. Julienne, Hirotaka Yamada, Kikuchi Yuu, Kekaru Takahashi, Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi Place: Durham, Wielka Brytania (2017-07-17 - 2017-07-21)
Name: International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry - plakat Title: Limits on non-Newtonian gravity from high precision photoassociation spectroscopy Co-authors: Mateusz Borkowski, Alexei A. Buchachenko, Roman Ciuryło, Paul S. Julienne, Hirotaka Yamada, Kikuchi Yuu, Kekaru Takahashi, Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi Place: Toruń (2017-06-19 - 2017-06-22)
Name: V Polska Konferencja Optyczna - plakat Title: Spektroskopia fotoasocjacyjna jako metoda badania grawitacji nienewtonowska Co-authors: Mateusz Borkowski, Alexei A. Buchachenko, Roman Ciuryło, Paul S. Julienne, Hirotaka Yamada, Kikuchi Yuu, Kekaru Takahashi, Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi Place: Gniezna (2017-07-02 - 2017-07-06)
Name: Quantum Optics IX - referat Title: Experimental constraints on non-Newtonian gravity via high precision photoassociation spectroscopy Co-authors: Mateusz Borkowski, Alexei A. Buchachenko, Roman Ciuryło, Paul S. Julienne, Hirotaka Yamada, Kikuchi Yuu, Kekaru Takahashi, Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi Place: Gdańsk (2017-09-17 - 2017-10-23)
Author: Paweł Tecmer
Name: EMN Meeting on Computational Theory 2017 - referat zaproszony Title: New Insights into Molecular Interactions Using Concepts of Quantum Information Theory Co-authors: K. Boguslawski and O. Legeza Place: Dubai. United Arab Emirates (2017-11-06 - 2017-11-10)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: 15th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - referat Title: A poseriori corrections to the configuration interaction method: a single-reference and multi-reference study Co-authors: Murat Erturk Place: Wisła Poland (2017-09-03 - 2017-09-06)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: 2nd Interdisciplinary FNP Conference - plakat Title: Nanoantennas to control light-matter interactions Co-authors: A. Gajewski, P. Gładysz M. Kosik, M. Kubek, E. Rusak, J. Straubel, F. Weigend, C. Rockstuhl Place: Warszawa (2017-11-20 - 2017-11-21)
Author: Ewa Palikot
Name: 8th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry - plakat Title: Algorithm for calculating Bethe logarithm for atoms and two-centered molecules Co-authors: Monika Stanke Place: Toruń, Polska (2017-06-19 - 2017-06-22)
Name: 11th Trennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists - plakat Title: Algorithm for calculating Bethe logarithm for two- and three-centered molecules Co-authors: Monika Stanke Place: Monachium, Niemcy (2017-08-27 - 2017-09-01)
Author: Artur Nowak
Name: European Summerschool in Quantum Chemistry - plakat Title: Analysis of electron correlation effects in the pCCD-LCCSD model using concepts of quantum information theory Co-authors: Katharina Boguslawski Place: hotel Torre Normanna, Sycylia, Włochy (2017-09-10 - 2017-09-23)
Name: International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry - plakat Title: Geminate electron-hole recombination in discrete molecular systems. A semi-empirical theory based on simulation results. Co-authors: Mariusz Wójcik Place: Toruń (2017-06-19 - 2017-06-22)
Author: Piotr Różański
Name: 46th “Jaszowiec” 2017 International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - plakat Title: Efficient atomistic calculation of excitonic properties of crystal-phase quantum dots Co-authors: Michał Zieliński Place: Szczyrk (2017-06-17 - 2017-06-23)
Name: International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems - plakat Title: Excitonic spectra of ten-million atom crystal-phase quantum dots Co-authors: Michał Zieliński Place: Bath, Wielka Brytania (2017-09-10 - 2017-09-15)
Name: seminarium w Zakładzie Optyki Atomowej UJ - referat zaproszony Title: Nanoantennas and atoms: quantum aspects of nanooptics Place: Kraków (2017-10-23 - 2017-10-23)
Name: seminarium w Zakładzie Optyki UW - referat zaproszony Title: Quantum optical realization of arbitrary linear transformations in 5 easy steps Place: Warszawa (2017-12-14 - 2017-12-14)
Author: Katharina Boguslawski
Name: Czwartkowe Kolokwium Fizyczne - referat zaproszony Title: Computationally inexpensive electronic structure models applicable to light and heavy elements Place: Instytut Fizyki UMK (2017-01-26 - 2017-01-26)
Author: Piotr Różański
Name: Seminarium Coherence-Correlations-Complexity - referat Title: Efficient atomistic calculation of excitonic properties of crystal-phase quantum dots Place: Wrocław (2017-05-31 - 2017-05-31)
Author: Jacek Kobus
Name: MESBA 2016 Molecular Electronic Structure - referat Title: Calculations of the spectra of diatomic molecules in planetary atmospheres Co-authors: J.C.Morrison Place: Buenos Aires (2016-09-19 - 2016-09-23)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: 70-lecie Fizyki na UMK w Toruniu - referat zaproszony Title: Chemia Kwantowa na Toruńskiej Fizyce Place: Instytytut Fizyki UMK (2016-03-03 - 2016-03-03)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Sympozjum obliczeniowe metod ab initio - referat Title: Correlation Potentials and Electron Densities from Correlated DFT, WFT and OEP Methods - what we can learn from them? Place: Kraków, Poland (2016-02-29 - 2016-02-29)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: META’16, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics - referat Title: Nanoantennas for a control of higher-multipolar molecular transitions Co-authors: E. Rusak , M. Göddel , J. Straubel , M. Kühn , F. Weigend , and C. Rockstuhl Place: Malaga, Hiszpania (2016-07-25 - 2016-07-28)
Name: META’16, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics - plakat Title: Multimodal nanoantennas for engineering quantum light Co-authors: J. Straubel , R. Sarniak , R. Filter, C. Rockstuhl Place: Malaga, Hiszpania (2016-07-25 - 2016-07-28)
Name: 48 Symposium on Mathematical Physics - udział bierny Place: Toruń (2016-06-10 - 2016-06-12)
Author: Paweł Tecmer
Name: Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry VII - referat Title: Electron correlation effects in actinide compounds from unconventional wavefunction-based methods Place: Kraków (2016-09-04 - 2016-09-08)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry VII - referat zaproszony Title: Accurate non-covalent interaction energies and dissociation energy curves via an efficient MP2 scaling procedure Co-authors: E. Fabiano, F. Della Sala Place: Kraków (2016-09-04 - 2016-09-08)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: EMN Workshop on Graphene and Graphene-derived materials - referat zaproszony Title: Nontrivial topologically protected states at grain boundaries in bilayer graphene: signatures and electrical switching Co-authors: Włodzimierz Jaskólski, Leonor Chico, Andres Ayuela Place: San Sebastián, Hiszpania (2016-05-19 - 2016-05-23)
Name: Graphene 2016 - plakat Title: Electronic Properties of Corrugated Bilayer Graphene Co-authors: W. Jaskólski A. Ayuela, L. Chico Place: Genova, Włochy (2016-04-19 - 2016-04-22)
Name: 40th International Conference of Theoretical Physics - Correlations & Coherence at Different Scales - referat Title: Nontrivial topologically protected states at grain boundaries in bilayer graphene: signatures and electrical switching Co-authors: Włodzimierz Jaskólski, Leonor Chico, Andres Ayuela Place: Ustroń (2016-09-04 - 2016-09-09)
Name: The Eleventh International School on Theoretical Physics Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter - referat Title: Nontrivial topologically protected states at grain boundaries in bilayer graphene: signatures and electrical switching Co-authors: Włodzimierz Jaskólski, Leonor Chico, Andres Ayuela Place: Rzeszów (2016-09-05 - 2016-09-10)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: Molecular Electronic Structure Buenos Aires - referat zaproszony Title: Accurate Kohn-Sham ionization potentials from scaled-opposite-spin second-order optimized effective potential methods Co-authors: Fabio Della Sala, Adam Buksztel, Ireneusz Grabowski, Eduardo Fabiano Place: Buenos Aires (2016-09-19 - 2016-09-24)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Current Topics in Theoretical Chemistry - referat zaproszony Title: Spin-component scaled MP2 – different parametrization for different problems Co-authors: E. Fabiano, F. Della Sala, S. Śmiga, M. Witkowski Place: Trujillo, Peru (2016-09-24 - 2016-09-30)
Author: Katharina Boguslawski
Name: Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry VII - referat Title: Modeling and dissecting electron correlation in light and heavy element chemistry Place: Kraków (2016-09-04 - 2016-09-08)
Name: EMN Meeting on Computation and Theory - referat zaproszony Title: Novel Coupled-Cluster approaches for heavy element chemistry Place: Las Vegas, USA (2016-10-10 - 2016-10-14)
Author: Paweł Tecmer
Name: EMN Meeting on Computational Theory 2016 - referat zaproszony Title: Towards reliable modeling of electronic structures and spectroscopic parameters of uranium oxides Place: Las Vegas, USA (2016-10-10 - 2016-10-14)
Author: Michał Zieliński
Name: 45th "Jaszowiec" International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - referat zaproszony Title: Atomistic Modeling of Excitonic States in Semiconducting Nanostructures: Beyond 10-Million Atoms in Simulation Place: Szczyrk, Polska (2016-06-18 - 2016-06-24)
Author: Michał Świderski
Name: 45th ”Jaszowiec” 2016 International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - plakat Title: Effect of substrate orientation and external electric field on the bright exciton splitting in nanowire quantum dot molecule Co-authors: Michal Zieliński Place: Szczyrk (2016-06-18 - 2016-06-24)
Author: Maciej Kosicki
Name: Graduate Conference on Theoretical Chemistry - referat Title: Ab initio study of the electronic structure of trimers containing SrF and selected alkali-metal atoms Co-authors: dr hab. Piotr S. Żuchowski, dr Dariusz Kędziera Place: Keszthely, Węgry (2016-09-01 - 2016-11-03)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: 70 lat fizyki w Toruniu - Fizyka w gospodarce społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy - Forum Dziekanów Wydziałów Fizyki i Dyrektorów Instytutów Fizyki - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Instytut Fizyki UMK, Toruń (2016-11-25 - 2016-11-26)
Author: Mateusz Borkowski
Name: International Workshop on Ultracold Group II Atoms - referat zaproszony Title: Mass scaling in photoassociation spectroscopy Co-authors: Mateusz Borkowski, Roman Ciuryło, Piotr S. Żuchowski, Paul S. Julienne, Axel Görlitz, T. C. Killian, Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi Place: Paris (2016-02-22 - 2016-02-24)
Author: Ewa Palikot
Name: Młodzi Naukowcy w Polsce - Badania i Rozwój - plakat Title: Algorytm obliczania poprawek relatywistycznych: masowej i Darwina w bazie jawnie skorelowanych funkcji Gaussa z przesuniętymi centrami Co-authors: Monika Stanke Place: Lublin, Polska (2016-11-26 - 2016-11-26)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: Seminari - grup de Quimica Quantica - referat zaproszony Title: Conceptual and Computational Aspects of the Dirac Equation Place: Universitat Jaume I, Castello, Hiszpania (2016-09-05 - 2016-09-05)
Name: Seminarium Instytutu Fizyki Teoretycznej i Astrofizyki - referat zaproszony Title: Detekcja Fal Grawitacyjnych Place: Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej i Astrofizyki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (2016-06-03 - 2016-06-03)
Author: Andrzej Kędziorski
Name: Seminarium Oddziału Spektroskopii Optycznej, INTiBS PAN, Wrocław - referat zaproszony Title: Obliczenia ab initio własności spektroskopowych kryształu Sr2CeO4 Place: Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych PAN (2016-03-18 - 2016-03-18)
Author: Katharina Boguslawski
Name: Seminar at the Quantum Chemistry Laboratory - referat zaproszony Title: Novel electronic structure methods for light and heavy element chemistry Place: Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw (2016-05-05 - 2016-05-05)
Author: Paweł Tecmer
Name: Seminar "Coherence-Correlations-Complexity" - referat zaproszony Title: Two-electron functions as alternative models for strongly correlated systems Place: Institute of Physics, Wrocław University of Technology (2016-06-08 - 2016-06-08)
Author: Andrzej Kędziorski
Name: Seminarium Zakładu Spektroskopii Stanów Wzbudzonych - referat Title: Obliczenia ab initio własności spektroskopowych kryształu Sr2CeO4:Yb Place: Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych PAN, Wrocław (2016-10-13 - 2016-10-13)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: Seminarium w Instytucie Fizyki LMU w Monachium - referat Title: Topologically protected states at stacking boundaries in bilayer graphene Place: LMU w Monachium (2016-11-22 - 2016-11-22)
Name: Graduate Collage Seminar - referat Title: Topologically protected states at stacking boundaries in bilayer graphene Place: Universität Regensburg (2016-11-25 - 2016-11-25)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: seminarium Zakładu Fizyki UTP - referat Title: Nanoanteny i atomy: kwantowe oblicze nanooptyki Place: Bydgoszcz (2016-11-17 - 2016-11-17)
Author: Mateusz Borkowski
Name: Seminarium Zakładu Fotoniki IF UJ - referat zaproszony Title: Skalowanie masą w spektroskopii fotoasocjacyjnej Place: Kraków (2016-11-14 - 2016-11-14)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: Seminarium na WPPT - referat zaproszony Title: Magnetyczne wlasciwosci grafenu Place: Wroclaw (2015-02-25 - 2015-02-25)
Name: Seminarium Instytutu Fizyki USz - referat zaproszony Title: Właściwości magnetyczne wybranych struktur grafenowych Place: Instytut Fizyki, WMP, Uniwersytet Sczczeciński (2015-03-25 - 2015-03-25)
Author: Jarosław Zaremba
Name: Referat na seminarium Zakładu Fotoniki IF UJ - referat Title: Impuls laserowy w ośrodkach atomowych o optycznie modyfikowanej dyspersji Place: Kraków (2015-12-14 - 2015-12-14)
Name: Referat w Instytucie Fizyki Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego - referat Title: How is it possible to modify the light speed Place: Zielona Góra (2015-05-26 - 2015-05-26)
Author: Andrzej Kędziorski
Name: Seminarium Instytutu Fizyki Teoretycznej i Astrofizyki, Uniwersytet Gdański - referat Title: Ab initio calculations of the charge-transfer states of Sr2CeO4 crystal Place: Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej i Astrofizyki, Uniwersytet Gdański (2015-10-09 - 2015-10-09)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: 20th International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics and Biology - referat zaproszony Title: Dirac operator in quantum chemistry: A bumpy way to understanding Place: Varna, Bulgaria (2015-09-14 - 2015-09-20)
Name: New Frontiers in Relativistic Quantum Chemistry - referat zaproszony Title: Dirac Operator and its Properties Place: Pekin (2015-06-13 - 2015-06-16)
Name: VIII Ogólnopolskie Seminarium 'Komputer w szkolnym laboratorium przyrodniczym' - referat zaproszony Title: Jak fizyka kwantowa zmieniła nasze rozumienie świata albo o naturze promieniowania, czyli o ani-falach-ani-cząstkach i o niezwykłych z tego wnioskach Place: Instytut Fizyki UMK (2015-12-03 - 2015-12-04)
Author: Lidia Smentek
Name: 3rd Internationnal Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOOPTICS 2015) - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Berlin (Germany) (2015-03-12 - 2015-03-14)
Author: Jarosław Zaremba
Name: IV Polska Konferencja Optyczna - referat zaproszony Title: „Propagacja światła w ośrodkach atomowych o modyfikowanych optycznie właściwościach dyspersyjnych” Co-authors: nie ma Place: Legnica (2015-06-28 - 2015-07-02)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Sanibel Symposium - referat zaproszony Title: Optimized Effective Potential Method based on the Scaled–Opposite–Spin Second–Order Correlation Co-authors: F. Dela Salla, E. Fabiano, S. Śmiga, A. Buksztel Place: St. Simons Island (2015-02-15 - 2015-02-20)
Name: Workshop on "Advances in electronic structure theory" - referat zaproszony Title: Orbital-dependent second-order scaled-opposite-spin correlation functional in the optimized effective potential method Co-authors: F. Dela Salla, E. Fabiano, S. Śmiga, A. Buksztel Place: UMPC Paris (2015-04-27 - 2015-04-29)
Name: RAEST2015 - Recent Advances in Electronic Structure Theory - referat zaproszony Title: Spin resolved second order correlation functional in KS DFT. Co-authors: F. Dela Salla, E. Fabiano, S. Śmiga, A. Buksztel Place: Nanjing, China (2015-06-01 - 2015-06-06)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: Interaction effects in graphene and related materials - plakat Title: Electronic Properties of Corrugated Bilayer Co-authors: Włodzimierz Jaskolski, Andres Ayuela, Leonor Chico Place: San Sebastian, Hiszpania (2015-07-13 - 2015-07-17)
Name: 44th "Jaszowiec" International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - referat Title: Electronic Properties of Corrugated Bilayer Graphene Co-authors: W. Jaskólski, A. Ayuela, L. Chico Place: Wisla (2015-06-20 - 2015-06-25)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: 16th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its Applications - plakat Title: Subsystem density functional theory calculations using meta generalized gradient approximation exchange-correlation functionals Co-authors: Eduardo Fabiano, Savio Laricchia, Lucian A. Constantin, Fabio Della Sala Place: Debrecen, Węgry (2015-08-31 - 2015-09-04)
Author: Andrzej Kędziorski
Name: The 5th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials - referat Title: Ab initio calculation of the electronic structure of the Gd2O3:Eu3+ Co-authors: dr hab. Marek Krośnicki, prof. UG Place: Gdańsk (2015-07-20 - 2015-07-24)
Name: 4th International Conference on RARE EARTH MATERIALS (REMAT) - plakat Title: Theoretical investigation of the mechanisms responsible for laser-induced anti-Stokes emission of the pure Sr2CeO4 crystal Co-authors: dr hab. Marek Krośnicki, prof. UG, prof. dr Luis Seijo Place: Zamek Topacz, Ślęza ul. Główna 12, 55-040 Kobierzyce (2015-10-25 - 2015-10-28)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: Frontiers in Electronic Structure Theory - referat zaproszony Title: The use of intermediate Hamiltonian Technique for Solving the coupled-cluster equations Place: Goa, Idia (2015-05-26 - 2015-05-28)
Author: Katharina Boguslawski
Name: PACIFICHEM 2015 - referat zaproszony Title: Electronic structure of trans-polyenes from two electron functions Place: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (2015-12-15 - 2015-12-20)
Author: Michał Zieliński
Name: Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems - plakat Title: Atomistic theory of multi-million atom crystal phase quantum dots Place: Jerozolima (2015-10-11 - 2015-10-16)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: 22nd Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics - referat Title: Engineering quantum states of light with multimodal plasmonic nanoantennas Co-authors: J. Straubel, R. Filter, R. Sarniak, C. Rockstuhl Place: Warszawa (2015-07-06 - 2015-07-10)
Author: Michał Świderski
Name: 44th ”Jaszowiec” 2015 International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - plakat Title: Perturbative treatment of electric field in semiconductor quantum dots Co-authors: Michal Zieliński Place: Wisła (2015-06-20 - 2015-06-25)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology International Conference - referat Title: The role of octagonal defects in the electronic properties of graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotubes Co-authors: M. Pelc, L.Chico, A.Ayuela Place: Porto, Portugalia (2014-02-12 - 2014-02-14)
Name: Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference - referat Title: Theory of the electronic structure of grain boundaries in graphene Co-authors: A. Ayuela, L. Chico, H. Santos Place: Barcelona, Hiszpania (2014-10-27 - 2014-10-31)
Name: The European Conference Physics of Magnetizm 2014 - referat Title: Coulomb edge effects in graphene nanoribbons Place: Poznań (2014-06-23 - 2014-06-27)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: XIX International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics - referat Title: Heun equations in quantum chemistry: Analytical solutions of the Schroedinger equation with power potentials Co-authors: Henryk A. Witek Place: Tamkang University, Tamsui, Taiwan (2014-11-11 - 2014-11-17)
Name: Modelling and Design of Molecular Materials - plakat Title: Assessment of quality of OEP2-SOS functionals applied to quantum chemical calculations. Co-authors: Adam Buksztel, Ireneusz Grabowski Place: Kudowa-Zdrój (2014-06-29 - 2014-07-03)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Modelling and Design of Molecular Materials - referat Title: Simple non–empirical procedure for spin–component–scaled MP2 methods applied to the calculation of dissociation energy curve of noncovalently–interacting systems Co-authors: E.Fabiano, F. Della Sala Place: Kudowa-Zdrój, Poland (2014-06-29 - 2014-07-03)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: The International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - Jaszowiec - referat Title: Transport properties of twisted bilayer nanoribbons Co-authors: L. Chico, E. Suárez-Morell, M. Pacheco, L. Brey Place: Wisła (2014-06-07 - 2014-06-12)
Name: NanoSpain 2014 - plakat Title: Electronic and transport properties of graphene based systems with divacancies Co-authors: Leonor Chico, Włodzimierz Jaskólski, Andres Ayuela Place: Madryt (2014-03-11 - 2014-03-14)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: 3 Konferencja naukowa: .Wirtualna rzeczywistość a uwarunkowania formalno-prawne rachunkowo-podatkowe i ochrona danych osobowych - referat zaproszony Title: Kopia bezpieczeństwa danych elektronicznych jako podstawowy element Systemu Zarządzania Bezpieczeństwem Informacji w Firmie Co-authors: Barbara Kamińska Place: Brodnica (2014-06-13 - 2014-06-13)
Name: Molecular Electronic Structure Workshop Amasya - referat zaproszony Title: Optimized Effective Potential Method based on the Scaled–Opposite–Spin Second–Order Correlation Co-authors: F Della Sala, E. Fabiano, S. Śmiga, A. Buksztel Place: Amasya, Turkey (2014-09-01 - 2014-09-05)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: The Eleventh International School on Theoretical Physics Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter - plakat Title: Transport properties of twisted bilayer nanoribbon systems Co-authors: L. Chico, E. Suárez Morell, M. Pacheco and L. Brey Place: Rzeszów (2014-09-01 - 2014-09-06)
Name: XXXVIII International Conference of Theoretical Physics - Correlations & Coherence at Different Scales - referat Title: Transport properties of twisted bilayer nanoribbon quantum dots Co-authors: L. Chico, E. Suarez Morell, M. Pacheco and L. Brey Place: Ustroń (2014-09-05 - 2014-09-10)
Author: Michał Świderski
Name: 43th ”Jaszowiec” 2014 International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - plakat Title: Excitonic fine structure in nanowire quantum dot molecules Co-authors: Michal Zieliński Place: Wisła (2014-06-07 - 2014-06-12)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: Scientific Seminar, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences of Academia Sinica - referat zaproszony Title: Mass density distribution and molecular shapes Place: Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (2014-12-05 - 2014-12-05)
Name: Scientific Seminar, Department of Applied Chemistry NCTU - referat zaproszony Title: What we can learn from non-Born-Oppenheimer models? Place: Department of Applied Chemistry, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2014-12-11 - 2014-12-11)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique group seminar - referat zaproszony Title: Correlation potentials and electron densities in KS-DFT Place: UPMC Sorbonne Universités Paris (2014-05-19 - 2014-05-19)
Name: Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique group seminar - referat zaproszony Title: Optimized effective potential method based on spin-resolved components of the second-order correlation energy in DFT Place: UPMC Sorbonne Universités Paris (2014-05-20 - 2014-05-20)
Author: Michał Zieliński
Name: seminarium grupy prof. Gershoniego - referat Place: Technion, Hajfa (2014-11-17 - 2014-11-17)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: Seminarium Instytutu Fizyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej - referat zaproszony Title: Octagonal defect lines in graphene structures Place: Wrocław (2013-03-18 - 2013-03-18)
Name: Seminarium Centrum Astronomii UMK - referat zaproszony Title: Fascynujący, dwuwymiarowy świat grafenu Place: CA UMK, Piwnice k/Torunia (2013-11-18 - 2013-11-18)
Author: Andrzej Kędziorski
Name: Seminarium Zespołu Spektroskopii, Struktury i Elektrochemii Związków Koordynacyjnych f- i d-elektronowych, Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet Wrocławski - referat zaproszony Title: Obliczenia typu ab initio struktury elektronowej kompleksów Eu-DOTA i Eu-DOTP Place: Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet Wrocławski (2013-12-11 - 2013-12-11)
Name: Seminarium Zakładu Spektroskopii Fazy Skondensowanej, Instytut Fizyki Doświadczalnej, Uniwersytet Gdański - referat zaproszony Title: Semi-empirical parametrization scheme of the energy level structure of 4fN electron conguration of the lanthanide ions in crystals Place: Instytut Fizyki Doświadczalnej, Uniwersytet Gdański (2013-06-19 - 2013-06-19)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: Seminar: Nanostructures, Surfaces and Coatings - referat Title: Edge localized states in graphene nanoribbons Place: Madryt, Hiszpania (2013-10-31 - 2013-12-31)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: Seminar: Nanooptics - referat Title: Atomic systems in a vicinity of nanoantennas Place: Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet, Jena (2013-01-04 - 2013-01-04)
Name: Seminar: Nanooptics - referat Title: Atomic dynamics in a vicinity of nanoantennas: simple effective description Place: Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet, Jena (2013-10-30 - 2013-10-30)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: 20 International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems - referat Title: Octagonal defect lines in graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotubes Co-authors: M. Pelc, L. Chico, A. Ayuela Place: Wrocław (2013-07-01 - 2013-07-05)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: 56. Zjazd Naukowy Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego i Stowarzyszenia Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Chemicznego - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Siedlce (2013-09-18 - 2013-09-19)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: XXVII International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials - plakat Title: Octagonal defects in graphene structures Co-authors: Włodzimierz Jaskólski, Leonor Chico, Andres Ayuela Place: Kirchebrg, Austria (2013-03-02 - 2013-03-09)
Name: III Kopernikańskie Sympozjum Studentów Nauk Przyrodniczych - referat zaproszony Title: Ile może być wart rysik z ołówka? Wykład o grafenie Place: Toruń (2013-03-22 - 2013-03-24)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: 7th Molecular Quantum Mechanics 2013 - plakat Title: Spin-Component-Scaled OEP method applied to atomic and molecular systems. Co-authors: Adam Buksztel, Ireneusz Grabowski Place: Lugano, Szwajcaria (2013-06-02 - 2013-06-07)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: 7th Molecular Quantum Mechanics Conference - plakat Title: Optimized effective potential method based on spin-resolved components of the second-order correlation energy in density functional theory Co-authors: E. Fabiano, F. Della Sala, S. Smiga, A. Buksztel Place: Lugano, Szwajcaria (2013-06-02 - 2013-06-07)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry VI - referat Title: Spin Component Scaled OEP Method Co-authors: Ireneusz Grabowski, Adam Buksztel Place: Kraków (2013-09-01 - 2013-09-06)
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry 2013 - plakat Title: Spin Component Scaled Orbital Dependent Correlation Functionals. Co-authors: Ireneusz Grabowski, Adam Buksztel Place: Znojmo, Czechy (2013-09-22 - 2013-09-25)
Name: 15th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its Applications - plakat Title: Optimized Effective Potential Method Based On The Spin Component Energy Partitioning Co-authors: Ireneusz Grabowski, Adam Buksztel Place: Durham, UK (2013-09-09 - 2013-09-13)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: 15th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its Applications - plakat Title: Optimized Effective Potential Method based on the Scaled–Opposite–Spin Second–Order Correlation Co-authors: E. Fabiano, F. Della Sala Place: Durham, Englad (2013-09-09 - 2013-09-13)
Name: Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry VI - referat Title: Optimized Effective Potential Method based on the Scaled–Opposite–Spin Second–Order Correlation Co-authors: E. Fabiano, F. Della Sala Place: Kraków, Poland (2013-09-01 - 2013-10-11)
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry 2013 - referat zaproszony Title: Simple non–empirical procedure for spin–component–scaled MP2 methods applied to the calculation of dissociation energy curve of noncovalently–interacting systems Co-authors: E. Fabiano, F. Della Sala Place: Znojmo, Czechy (2013-09-22 - 2013-09-25)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: The International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - Jaszowiec - plakat Title: Divacancies in graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotubes Co-authors: W. Jaskólski, L. Chico, A. Ayuela Place: Wisła (2013-06-23 - 2013-06-28)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: CESTC 2013 Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - udział bierny Place: Znojmo, Czech Republic (2013-08-22 - 2014-01-25)
Name: 7th Molecular Quantum Mechanics Electron Correlation:Many-Body Problem at the Heart of Chemistry - plakat Title: Intermediate Hamiltonian techniques for solving the coupled-cluster equations Place: Lugano, Switzerland (2013-06-02 - 2013-06-07)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: 20th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics - referat Title: A fully quantum description of hybrid nanosystems Co-authors: R. Filter, J. Straubel, C. Rockstuhl, F. Lederer Place: Sztokholm, Szwecja (2013-06-16 - 2013-06-20)
Name: The 7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - referat Title: Designing optical properties of hybrid nanosystems Co-authors: R. Filter, J. Straubel, C. Rockstuhl, F. Lederer Place: Bordeaux, Francja (2013-09-16 - 2013-09-19)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: 12th International Conference on Nanotechnology - referat Title: Octagonal defects in graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotubes Co-authors: M. Pelc, L. Chico, A. Ayuela Place: Birmingham (2012-08-20 - 2012-08-23)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: Kathmandu 2012 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Kathmandu, Nepal (2012-04-30 - 2012-05-04)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: 52th Sanibel Symposium - plakat Title: Density and system dependet exchange correlation potentials for neon in density functional theory. Co-authors: Ireneusz Grabowki Adam Buksztel Place: St. Simons Island, GA, USA (2012-02-19 - 2012-02-24)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: IONS11 - referat Title: Operations on stored photons as qubit processing Place: Paryż (2012-02-21 - 2012-02-25)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Kathmandu 2012 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry. Atoms, Molecules and Solids: Models and Concepts. - referat zaproszony Title: Correlation potentials and electron densities in KS-DFT - what we can learn from them? Place: Kathmandu, Nepal (2012-04-30 - 2012-05-04)
Name: Molecular Electronic Structure at Troy - referat zaproszony Title: Correlation potentials and electron densities from correlated DFT, WFT and OEP Place: Canakkale, Turkey (2012-09-09 - 2012-09-13)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry 2012 - plakat Title: How we can obtain density dependent exchange and correlation potentials from electron densities? Co-authors: Ireneusz Grabowski, Adam Buksztel Place: Mariapfarr, Austria (2012-09-02 - 2012-09-05)
Name: Molecular Electronic Structure at Troy - plakat Title: Density Dependent Exchange Correlation Potentials Derived Form Highly Accurate ,,ab initio” Calculations. Co-authors: Ireneusz Grabowski, Adam Buksztel Place: Çanakkale, Turcja (2012-09-09 - 2012-09-13)
Author: Andrzej Kędziorski
Name: 8th International Conference on F-Elements - plakat Title: Caged Lanthanides; Structural and Spectroscopic Properties Co-authors: B. Andes Hess Jr., Lidia Smentek Place: Udine, Włochy (2012-08-26 - 2012-08-31)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: The International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - Jaszowiec - plakat Title: Octagonal defects in graphene structures Co-authors: Włodzimierz Jaskólski, Leonor Chico, Andres Ayuela Place: Krynica Zdrój (2012-06-08 - 2012-06-15)
Name: XXXVI International Conference of Theoretical Physics: Correlation & Coherence at Different Scale 2012 - plakat Title: Octagonal defects in graphene structures Co-authors: Włodzimierz Jaskólski, Leonor Chico, Andres Ayuela Place: Ustroń (2012-09-13 - 2012-09-18)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: Molecular Electronic Structure at Troy - referat Title: An extension of the coupled-cluster corrected configuration interaction method Place: Canakkale, Turkey (2012-09-08 - 2012-09-13)
Name: Electron Correlation Methods: Past, Presence and Future - referat Title: Various formulations of the Fock-space coupled-cluster method: Adavantages and disadvantages in their practical implementations Place: Bratislava, Slovakia (2012-10-12 - 2012-10-13)
Name: 11-th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - referat Title: Second-order corrections to excitation energies obtained with the configuration interaction method with singles Place: Mariafarr, Austria (2012-09-02 - 2013-01-05)
Name: 41st “Jaszowiec” 2012 International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - plakat Title: Linear scaling tight-binding/real space approach for calculation of excitonic properties of million-atom nanowire quantum dots Co-authors: Michał Świderski, Michał Zieliński Place: Krynica-Zdrój (2012-06-08 - 2012-06-15)
Name: International Conference on Quantum Dots - plakat Title: Linear scaling tight-binding/real space approach for calculation of multi-excitonic properties of million-atom quantum dots Co-authors: Michał Świderski, Michał Zieliński Place: Santa Fe, USA (2012-05-13 - 2012-05-19)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: Seminarium Kinetyka – korelacje – złożoność - referat Title: Edge states in graphene nanoribbons Place: Instytut Fizyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej (2012-01-04 - 2012-01-04)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: QTP Group Seminar - referat Title: Density dependent exchange-correlation potential for Neon. Place: Gainesville, Florida, USA (2012-02-14 - 2012-02-14)
Author: Michał Zieliński
Name: Quantum Transport Group Seminar - referat zaproszony Title: Exciton fine structure in nanowire quantum dots Place: Delft, Holandia (2012-02-06 - 2012-02-06)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: seminarium dla Modern Optics Group - referat Title: Processing qubits encoded in stored photons Place: Humboldt Universitat, Berlin (2012-03-08 - 2012-03-08)
Name: seminarium dla Photonics Group - referat Title: Light propagation and storage in tripod-configuration media Place: Friedrich Schiller Universitat, Jena (2012-04-16 - 2012-04-16)
Name: seminarium dla Arbeitsgruppe Theoretische Physik III: Quantendynamik und -kontrolle - referat Title: Qubit state processing via light storage in a tripod medium Place: Universitat Kassel (2012-04-17 - 2012-04-17)
Name: seminarium dla Theory Division - referat Place: Max-Planck-Institut fur Quantenoptik, Garching (2012-04-23 - 2012-04-26)
Name: seminarium dla Theory Group of Fundamental Processes in Quantum Physics - referat Place: Zentrum fur Optische Quantentechnologien, Hamburg (2012-04-18 - 2012-04-18)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR Seminar - referat zaproszony Title: Optimized Effective Potential Method Place: Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR, NNL-Lecce & Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies, Italian Institute of Technology (2012-07-18 - 2012-07-18)
Name: Italian Institute of Technology seminar - referat zaproszony Title: Efficient Derivation of Correlated Optimized Effective Potential Method Place: Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR, NNL-Lecce & Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies, Italian Institute of Technology (2012-08-29 - 2012-08-29)
Author: Andrzej Kędziorski
Name: Seminarium Zespołu Spektroskopii, Struktury i Elektrochemii Związków Koordynacyjnych f- i d-elektronowych - referat Title: Opis teoretyczny uczulonej luminescencji obserwowanej w zwiazkach kompleksowych lantanowców Place: Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet Wrocławski (2012-05-30 - 2012-05-30)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: Polish-German Workshop on the Optical Properties of Nanostructures - referat Title: Edge states and flat bands in grephene nanoribbons of arbitrary shape Co-authors: L. Chico, A. Ayuela, M. Pelc, H. Santos Place: Wrocław (2011-02-14 - 2011-02-16)
Name: 13 ICFSI - plakat Title: Edge localized bands in graphene nanoribbons with arbitrary geometries Co-authors: L. Chco, A. Ayuela, M. pelc, J. Santos Place: Praga (2011-07-03 - 2011-07-08)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: 14-th International Conference on the Applications of Density Functional Theory in Chemistry and Physics - referat zaproszony Title: Density functional theory and multi-component wavefunctions Place: Ateny (2011-08-29 - 2011-09-02)
Name: 10-th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - udział bierny Place: Toruń (2011-09-25 - 2011-09-28)
Author: Jacek Kobus
Name: 10-th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - plakat Title: Newest version of x2dhf program: a source of HF-limit values for atoms and diatomic molecules Place: Toruń (2011-09-25 - 2011-09-28)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: Zjazd Fizyków Polskich - referat Title: Jak bez obliczeń znaleźć stany brzegowe wstęg grafenowych Co-authors: L.Chico, M. Pelc, A. Ayuela, H. Santos Place: Lublin (2011-09-04 - 2011-09-09)
Author: Jan Iwaniszewski
Name: Workshop on Fluctuations and Coherence: from Superfuids to Living Systems - referat Title: Resonant activation in the presence of correlated potential and temperature fluctuations Co-authors: J. Iwaniszewski and A. Wozinski Place: Lancaster, UK (2011-07-13 - 2011-07-16)
Name: Ecsite Annual Conference 2011 - referat Title: More than just another touristic attraction... Co-authors: J. Iwaniszewski Place: WARSZAWA (2011-05-26 - 2011-05-28)
Author: Mirosław Bylicki
Name: 10-th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (CESTC 2011) - udział bierny Place: Toruń (2011-09-25 - 2011-09-28)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: HITY 2011 - Zastosowanie teorii w badaniach molekularnych - referat Title: Potencjały korelacyjne i gęstości elektronowe w metodach DFT i WFT Place: Kraków (2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: HITY 2011 - Zastosowanie teorii w badaniach molekularnych - referat Title: Nowe zależne od gęstości potencjały wymienno-korelacyjne w teorii funkcjonałów gęstości. Co-authors: Szymon Śmiga, Ireneusz Grabowski Place: Kraków (2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20)
Name: V Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat Title: Otrzymywanie nowych zależnych od gęstości potencjałów wymienno-korelacyjnch w teorii funkcjonałów gęstości. Co-authors: Szymon Śmiga, Ireneusz Grabowski Place: Toruń (2011-06-16 - 2011-06-18)
Name: 14th International Density Functional Theory Conference - plakat Title: New density dependent exchange-correlation potentials in density functional theory. Co-authors: Szymon Śmiga, Ireneusz Grabowski Place: Ateny (2011-08-29 - 2011-09-02)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: 14th International Density Functional Theory Conference, Applications in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy - referat zaproszony Title: Correlation potentials and electron densities obtained from correlated Optimized Effective Potential methods. Place: Athens, Greece (2011-08-29 - 2011-09-02)
Name: Finanse i Rachunkowość w Zarzadzaniu współczesnym przedsiębiorstwem - teoria i praktyka - referat Title: Bezpieczeństwo danych elektronicznych w przedsiębiorstwie. Place: Brodnica, Polska (2011-09-15 - 2011-09-16)
Name: OPTO Meeting for Young Researchers & VIth International SPIE Students’ Chapters Meeting - referat Title: Transforming qubits carried by light stored in a tripod medium Place: Toruń, Polska (2011-05-11 - 2011-05-14)
Name: 18th Central European Workshops on Quantum Optics - plakat Title: On qubit gates operating on stored light Place: Madryt, Hiszpania (2011-05-30 - 2011-06-03)
Name: Quantum Metrology with Photons and Atoms - udział bierny Place: Toruń, Polska (2011-09-17 - 2011-09-17)
Name: SPIE Optics + Photonics - udział bierny Place: San Diego, USA (2011-08-21 - 2011-08-25)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: 10-th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - plakat Title: Density and system dependent exchange-correlation potentials in density functional theory. Co-authors: Szymon Śmiga, Ireneusz Grabowski Place: Toruń (2011-09-25 - 2011-09-28)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - CESTC 2011 - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Toruń, Poland (2011-09-25 - 2011-09-28)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials - plakat Title: Edge states and flat bands in graphene nanoribbons with arbitrary geometries Co-authors: W. Jaskólski, L. Chico, H. Santos, A. Ayuela Place: Kirchberg, Austria (2011-02-26 - 2011-03-05)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: 10th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - udział bierny Place: Toruń, Hotel Filmar (2011-09-25 - 2011-09-28)
Author: Mateusz Borkowski
Name: International Workshop on Coherence and Decoherence at Ultracold Temperatures - plakat Title: Optical control of interactions in homo- and heteronuclear alkali-earth-metal atomic pairs in a harmonic trap Co-authors: Roman Ciuryło, Paul S. Julienne Place: Garching bei Munchen, Niemcy (2011-09-05 - 2011-09-09)
Name: Polska Konferencja Optyczna - plakat Title: Heteronuklearne optyczne rezonanse Feshbacha w ultrazimnym iterbie Co-authors: Roman Ciuryło, Paul S. Julienne, Rekishu Yamazaki, Hideaki Hara, Katsunari Enomoto, Yoshiro Takahashi Place: Międzyzdroje (2011-06-27 - 2011-07-01)
Name: International Symposium Quantum Metrology with Photons and Atoms - plakat Title: Optical Feshbach resonances in ultracold spin-singlet atoms Co-authors: Roman Ciuryło, Paul S. Julienne, Rekishu Yamazaki, Hideaki Hara, Katsunari Enomoto, Shintaro Taie, Seiji Sugawa, Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi Place: Toruń (2011-09-17 - 2011-09-17)
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - CESTC 2011 - udział bierny Title: Optical Feshbach resonances in ultracold spin-singlet atoms Co-authors: Roman Ciuryło, Paul S. Julienne, Rekishu Yamazaki, Hideaki Hara, Shintaro Taie, Seiji Sugawa, Katsunari Enomoto, Yosuke Takasu, Yoshiro Takahashi Place: Toruń (2011-09-25 - 2011-09-28)
Author: Piotr Różański
Name: 40th “Jaszowiec” 2011 International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - plakat Title: Atomistic calculation of screened Coulomb interactions in semiconductor nanostructures Co-authors: Mateusz Chwastyk, Michał Zieliński Place: Krynica-Zdrój (2011-06-25 - 2011-07-01)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: Referat w IFT WF UW - referat Title: Finding edge states of grephene nanoribbons without any calculations Place: Warszawa (2011-05-19 - 2011-05-19)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: Seminarium Grupowe - AG prof. Janina Maultzsch - referat Title: Edge states and flat bands in graphene nanoribbons with arbitrary geometries Place: Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Festkörperphysik (2011-12-13 - 2011-12-13)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Jarosław Zaremba
Name: Referat na posiedzeniu Oddziału Katowickiego PTF - referat Title: Propagacja i zatrzymanie światła Place: Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice, Polska (2010-04-21 - 2010-04-21)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: Referat na Wydziale Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki UG - referat Title: Interface states of carbon nanotube junctions Place: Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej i Astrofizyki, WMFiI UG, Gdańsk, Polska (2010-05-29 - 2010-05-29)
Author: Jarosław Zaremba
Name: Referat w Instytucie Fizyki UMCS w Lublinie - referat Title: Propagacja i zatrzymanie światła w modyfikowanych optycznie ośrodkach atomowych Place: Lublin (2010-05-13 - 2010-05-13)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: QTP group Seminar - referat Title: Coupled-cluster corrected MR-CISD method Place: QTP, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA (2010-03-05 - 2010-03-05)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: QTP Group Seminar - referat zaproszony Title: Ab intio WFT, OEP and DFT correlation potentials and densities. Place: Quantum Theory Project, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA (2010-03-05 - 2010-03-05)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: Department of Physics seminar - referat Title: Coupled-cluster corrections to the Multi-reference Configuration Interaction Method Place: Department of Physics, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey (2010-07-23 - 2010-07-23)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: IX Girona Seminar: Electron density, density matrices, and density functional theory - referat zaproszony Title: Unexpected features of relativistic models Place: Gerona, Hiszpania (2010-07-05 - 2010-07-08)
Name: 50th Sanibel Symposium - plakat Title: Covering of the correlation effects by the DFT functionals. Place: St. Simons Island, GA, USA (2010-02-24 - 2010-03-02)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: 50th Sanibel Symposium - plakat Title: Intermediate Hamiltonian Techniques for Solving Coupled-Cluster Equations Place: St. Simons Island (2010-02-24 - 2010-03-02)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: High-level quantum chemistry meets in Łódź - plakat Title: Coverage of the correlation effects by DFT functionals Co-authors: Szymon Śmiga, Karol Jankowski, Ireneusz Grabowski, Rodney J. Bartlett, Victor Lotrich Place: Politechnika Łódzka (2010-03-30 - 2010-03-31)
Name: IV Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat Title: Porównanie kilku wariantów metody OEP zastosowanej do układów atomowych i molekularnych. Co-authors: Szymon Śmiga, Ireneusz Grabowski Place: Wydział Chemii Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu (2010-06-17 - 2010-06-19)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - CESTC 2010 - plakat Title: Correlation potentials and electron densities obtained from correlated Optimized Effective Potential method and ab initio Wave Function Theory methods Co-authors: I. Grabowski, A. Teale, Sz. Smiga, K. Jankowski Place: Novy Smokovec, Slovakia (2010-09-12 - 2010-09-15)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - CESTC 2010 - plakat Title: Comparison of the several correlated OEP methodsinKS-DFT with correct asymptotic behavior. Co-authors: Sz. Smiga,I. Grabowski Place: Novy Smokovec, Slovakia (2010-09-12 - 2010-09-15)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - CESTC 2010 - referat Title: An exension of the coupled-cluster Corrected Configuration Inteaction Method Co-authors: L. Meissner Place: Novy Smokovec, Slovakia (2010-09-12 - 2010-09-15)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy Elements REHE-2010 - plakat Title: Correlation potentials obtained from correlated Optimized Effective Potential method and ab initio Wave Function Theory methods Co-authors: I. Grabowski, A. Teale, Sz. Smiga, Place: Beijing, China (2010-09-25 - 2010-09-29)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy Elements REHE-2010 - plakat Title: An exension of the coupled-cluster Corrected Configuration Inteaction Method Co-authors: L. Meissner Place: Beijing, China (2010-09-25 - 2010-09-29)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials - plakat Title: The Physics of Carbon Nanotube Interfaces Co-authors: H. Santos, A. Ayuela, W. Jaskólski, M. Pelc, L. Chico Place: Kirchberg, Austria (2010-03-06 - 2010-03-13)
Name: The International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - Jaszowiec - plakat Title: Carbon Nanotube Interfaces in a Magnetic Field Co-authors: M. Pelc, W. Jaskólski Place: Krynica Zdrój, Polska (2010-06-19 - 2010-06-24)
Name: XXXIV International Conference of Theoretical Physics: Correlation & Coherence at Different Scale 2010 - referat Title: The Edge States of Graphene Nanoribbons and Carbon Nanotubes Co-authors: A. Ayuela, L. Chico, W. Jaskólski, M. Pelc, H. Santos Place: Ustroń, Polska (2010-09-03 - 2010-09-08)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: 10th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons - plakat Title: Nonlinear effects in a simultaneous propagation of two pulses in a periodically dressed atomic medium in the tripod configuration Co-authors: K. Słowik, M. Artoni, G. La Rocca, A. Raczyński, J. Zaremba, S. Zielińska-Kaniasty Place: Salamanca, Hiszpania (2010-07-04 - 2010-07-09)
Name: Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics - plakat Title: Nonlinear effects in a simultaneous propagation of two pulses in a periodically dressed atomic medium in the tripod configuration Co-authors: K. Słowik, M. Artoni, G. La Rocca, A. Raczyński, J. Zaremba, S. Zielińska-Kaniasty Place: St. Andrews, Szkocja, Wielka Brytania (2010-06-06 - 2010-06-11)
Name: Quantum Technologies Conference - referat zaproszony Title: Nonlinear phase shifts in a periodically dressed tripod atomic medium Place: Toruń, Polska (2010-08-29 - 2010-09-03)
Name: OPTO Meeting for Young Researchers & V International SPIE Students’ Chapters Meeting - referat Title: Nonlinear effects in a simultaneous propagation of two pulses in a periodically dressed atomic medium in the tripod configuration Place: Toruń, Poland (2010-05-12 - 2010-05-15)
Author: Michał Zieliński
Name: Quantum Dots Conference - plakat Title: Theory of exciton fine structure in semiconductor quantum dots: atomistic structure and anisotrophy Place: Nottingham, Wielka Brytania (2010-04-26 - 2010-04-30)
Name: 39th International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Jaszowiec Conference - referat Title: Exciton fine structure in semiconductor quantum dots: kp and atomistic theory Place: Krynica Zdrój, Polska (2010-06-19 - 2010-06-24)
Name: Girona Seminar - referat Title: Atomistic modeling of multimillion atom nanostructure Place: Girona, Hiszpania (2010-07-05 - 2010-07-08)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: The 46th Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics - Quantum Dynamics and Information: Theory and Experiment - udział bierny Place: Lądek Zdrój, Polska (2010-02-08 - 2010-02-13)
Author: Mateusz Borkowski
Name: 21st International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy - referat Title: Isotopic effects in photoassociative formation of ultracold ytterbium molecules in excited triplet state Co-authors: M. Borkowski, R. Ciuryło, P. S. Julienne, S. Tojo, K. Enomoto, Y. Takahashi Place: Poznań (2010-09-07 - 2010-09-11)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Jacek Kobus
Name: Wykład popularno-naukowy - referat Title: Czym jest i jak działa Internet? Place: Zespół Szkół Elektronicznych, Bydgoszcz, Polska (2009-05-18 - 2009-05-18)
Author: Michał Zieliński
Name: Seminarium Fizyki Ciała Stałego - referat Title: Obliczenia atomistyczne dla struktur zawierających miliony atomów Place: Wydział Fizyki UW, Warszawa, Polska (2009-11-27 - 2009-11-27)
Name: Referat w National Chiao Tung University - referat Title: Atomistic model ling of multimillion atom nanostructures Place: National Chiao Tung University, Tajwan (2009-09-24 - 2009-09-24)
Author: Karol Jankowski
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry 2009 - plakat Title: Coverage of dynamic and non-dynamic correlation effects by DFT functionals Co-authors: K. Jankowski, R. Słupski, I. Grabowski Place: Dobogoko, Hungary (2009-09-25 - 2009-09-28)
Name: Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry - referat zaproszony Title: Exactly and quasi-exactly solvable models of N interacting particles Place: Gerona, Hiszpania (2009-07-08 - 2009-07-12)
Name: The Tenth International School on Theoretical Physics - referat zaproszony Title: Separable N-particle Hookean models Place: Myczkowce, Polska (2009-09-01 - 2009-09-09)
Name: 14-th International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics XIV - referat Title: A separable model of N interacting particles Place: Madryt, Hiszpania (2009-09-13 - 2009-09-19)
Author: Jacek Kobus
Name: 13th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry - plakat Title: Hartree-Fock limit values of multipole moments, polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities for atoms and diatomic molecules Place: Helsinki, Finlandia (2009-06-22 - 2009-06-27)
Name: Seventh International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering - referat Title: Overview of finite difference Hartree-Fock method. Algorithm, implementation and application Place: Rodos, Grecja (2009-09-29 - 2009-10-05)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: Canada-Poland-Japan International Symposium on Nanoscience - referat Title: Interface states of carbon nanotube junctions Place: Wrocław, Polska (2009-10-05 - 2009-10-08)
Author: Jarosław Zaremba
Name: The Tenth International School on Theoretical Physics: Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter SSPCM 2009 "Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter" - referat zaproszony Title: Propagation and storing of light in optically modified atomic media Place: Myczkowce, Polska (2009-09-02 - 2009-09-09)
Name: Third International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. Mediterranean Winter 2009 (3rd ICTON-MW) - referat zaproszony Title: From refractive index to stopped light Place: Angers, Francja (2009-12-10 - 2009-12-12)
Author: Andrzej Raczyński
Name: Quantum Optics VII - plakat Title: Propagation of two strong pulses in atomic systems in the Lambda configuration Co-authors: A. Raczyński, K. Słowik, J. Zaremba, S. Zielińska-Kaniasty Place: Zakopane, Polska (2009-06-08 - 2009-06-12)
Name: Quantum Optics VII - plakat Title: Reflectivity comb in coherently dressed three-level media Co-authors: S. Zielińska-Kaniasty, A. Raczyński, J. Zaremba, M. Artoni, G. La Rocca Place: Zakopane, Polska (2009-06-08 - 2009-06-12)
Author: Jarosław Zaremba
Name: Quantum Optics VII - plakat Title: Reflectivity comb in coherently dressed three-level media Co-authors: S. Zielińska-Kaniasty, A. Raczyński, J. Zaremba, M. Artoni, G. La Rocca Place: Zakopane, Polska (2009-06-08 - 2009-06-12)
Name: Quantum Optics VII - plakat Title: Propagation of two strong pulses in atomic systems in the Lambda configuration Co-authors: A. Raczyński, K. Słowik, J. Zaremba, S. Zielińska-Kaniasty Place: Zakopane, Polska (2009-06-08 - 2009-06-12)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: 13th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Helsinki, Finland - plakat Title: Coverage of dynamic correlation effects by DFT functionals: Density-based analysis for atoms. Co-authors: K. Jankowski, I. Grabowski, K. Nowakowski Place: Helsinki, Finland (2009-06-22 - 2009-06-27)
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry CESTC 2009 - referat Title: Coverage of dynamic correlation effects by DFT functionals: Density-based analysis for atoms Place: Dobogoko, Hungary (2009-09-25 - 2009-09-28)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry CESTC 2009 - plakat Title: Iterative schemes for solving the coupled-cluster equations Place: Dobogoko, Hungary (2009-09-25 - 2009-09-28)
Author: Szymon Śmiga
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry 2009 - plakat Title: Comparison of the several correlated OEP methods in KS-DFT. Co-authors: Szymon Śmiga, Victor Lotrich, Karol Jankowski, Andrew Teale, Ireneusz Grabowski Place: Dobogoko, Hungary (2009-09-25 - 2009-09-28)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: The Tenth International School on Theoretical Physics "Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter" - referat Title: Interface States of Carbon Nanotube Junctions Place: Myczkowce, Polska (2009-09-02 - 2009-09-09)
Author: Monika Stanke
Name: 41st EGAS - plakat Title: Very accurate quantum calculations of vibrational transition energies in diatomic systems Place: Gdańsk, Polska (2009-07-08 - 2009-07-11)
Author: Andrzej Kędziorski
Name: 7th International Conference on f Elements - plakat Title: Theoretical description of the energy transfer in the lanthanide materials Co-authors: A. Kędziorski, L. Smentek Place: Kolonia, Niemcy (2009-08-23 - 2009-08-27)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces - referat Title: Interface States of Carbon Nanotube Junctions Place: Weimar, Niemcy (2009-07-05 - 2009-07-10)
Name: The International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - plakat Title: The Physics of Carbon Nanotube Interfaces Place: Jaszowiec - Krynica Zdrój, Polska (2009-06-19 - 2009-06-26)
Author: Michał Zieliński
Name: XXXVII International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - plakat Title: Atomistic Calculation of Fine Structure Splitting of Multiexciton Complexes in Self-Assembled Quantum Dots Place: Krynica-Zdrój, Polska (2009-06-19 - 2009-06-26)
Name: OECS 11 (International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems) - plakat Title: Atomistic Theory of Charged Excitons in InAs/InP Single Quantum Dot Place: Madryt, Hiszpania (2009-09-07 - 2009-09-11)
Name: Canada-Poland-Japan Symposium on Semiconductor, Magnetic and Photonic Nanostructures - referat Title: Atomistic modeling of multimillion atom nanostructures Place: Wrocław, Polska (2009-10-04 - 2009-10-07)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: Quantum Optics VII - plakat Title: Propagation of two strong pulses in atomic systems in the Lambda configuration Co-authors: A. Raczyński, K. Słowik, J. Zaremba, S. Zielińska-Kaniasty Place: Zakopane, Polska (2009-06-08 - 2009-06-12)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Wirtualna Konferencja dla studentów i doktorantów uczelni polskich - Zaawansowane technologie przyszłością Polski w Unii Europejskiej - referat zaproszony Title: Centrum Optyki Kwantowej w Toruniu Place: WWW (2009-04-02 - 2009-05-29)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: OPTO Meeting for Young Researches and V International SPIE Students' Chapters Meeting - referat Title: The Physics of Carbon Nanotube Interfaces Place: Toruń, Polska (2010-05-14 - 2010-05-16)
Author: Mateusz Borkowski
Name: 41st Conference of the European Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS) - plakat Title: Line shapes of optical Feshbach resonances near the intercombination transition of bosonic Ytterbium Co-authors: M. Borkowski , R. Ciuryło, P.S. Julienne, S. Tojo, K. Enomoto, Y. Takahashi Place: Gdańsk (2009-07-08 - 2009-07-11)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: Referat zaproszony - referat Title: Systems of carbon nanotubes in a magnetic field Place: Instytut Fizyki Doświadczalnej UW, Warszawa, Polska (2008-01-11 - 2008-01-11)
Author: Mirosław Bylicki
Name: Referat w Visva-Bharati University - referat Title: Dirac-Coulomb model: treating bound states as resonances Place: Department of Mathematics, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, Indie (2008-02-29 - 2008-02-29)
Name: Referat w Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science - referat Title: Dirac-Coulomb model: treating bound states as resonances Place: Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kalkuta, Indie (2008-03-14 - 2008-03-14)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Wydziałowe Seminarium Fizyczne Politechniki Gdańskiej - referat zaproszony Title: Zależne od orbitali funkcjonały i potencjały korelacyjno-wymienne w teorii funkcjonałów gęstości (DFT) Place: Politechnika Gdańska, Gdańsk (2008-11-28 - 2008-11-28)
Author: Karol Jankowski
Name: Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry - CTTC V - referat Title: Electron-density distribiution based studies of dynamic correlation effects in DFT Place: Kraków, Poland (2008-07-06 - 2008-07-10)
Name: Conference "50 Years of Coupled Cluster Theory" - referat Title: The impact of orbital choice on the performance of coupled-cluster methods Place: Seattle, USA (2008-06-30 - 2008-07-02)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: XXXVII International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds - plakat Title: Friedel oscillations in carbon nanotube quantum dots and superlattices Place: Jaszowiec, Polska (2008-06-07 - 2008-06-13)
Name: CECAM Workshop on Computational approaches to semiconductor, carbon and magnetic nanostructures - referat Title: Friedel oscillations in carbon nanotube systems Place: Lyon, Francja (2008-06-16 - 2008-06-19)
Name: XXXII International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Coherence and Correlations in Nanosystems - udział bierny Place: Ustroń, Polska (2008-09-05 - 2008-09-10)
Name: Workshop on Optics of Nanostructures - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Toruń, Polska (2008-10-10 - 2008-10-11)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Science and Engineering (ECCOMAS-2008) - referat Title: Inverse problems in atomic and molecular physics Place: Wenecja, Włochy (2008-06-20 - 2008-07-04)
Name: Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry V - referat Title: A separable model of N interacting particles Place: Kraków, Polska (2008-07-06 - 2008-07-10)
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (CESTC2008) - referat Title: A new approach to the Dirac-Coulomb eigenvalue problem Place: Hejnice, Czechy (2008-09-28 - 2008-10-01)
Author: Jan Iwaniszewski
Name: Konferencja dla organizatorów centrów nauki i interaktywnych wystaw w Polsce "Interakcja-Integracja" - referat Title: Centrum Nowoczesności Toruń Place: Centrum Nauki Kopernik, Warszawa, Polska (2008-12-04 - 2008-12-05)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry - CTTC V - referat zaproszony Title: Orbital-dependent correlation functionals in DFT Place: Kraków, Poland (2008-07-06 - 2008-07-10)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: Conference "50 Years of Coupled Cluster Theory" - referat Title: Coupled cluster corrected MR-CISD method Place: Seattle, USA (2008-06-30 - 2008-07-02)
Name: Institute for Nuclear Theory University of Washington program "Atomic, Chemical and Nuclear Developments in Coupled Cluster Methods" - referat Title: Intermediate Hamiltonian formulation of the Fock-space coupled-cluster method Place: Seattle, USA (2008-06-23 - 2008-07-25)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: XXXII International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Coherence and Correlations in Nanosystems - referat Title: Friedel-like Oscillations in Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots and Superlattices Place: Ustroń, Polska (2008-09-05 - 2008-09-10)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: 7-th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, CESTC 2007 - referat Title: Coupled-Clustercorrected MR-CISD method with noniterative evalusation of connected triples. Place: Hejnice, Czech Republic (2008-09-28 - 2008-10-01)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: 7-th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, CESTC 2007 - plakat Title: Orbital-dependent second-order correalation functionals in KS-DFT Place: Hejnice, Czech Republic (2008-09-28 - 2008-10-01)
Name: XIV European Seminar on Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry - plakat Title: Orbital-dependent second-order correalation functionals in KS-DFT Place: Isola d'Elba, Italy (2008-10-02 - 2008-10-06)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: Workshop on Optics of Nanostructures - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Toruń, Polska (2008-10-10 - 2008-10-11)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: Optyka i Informatyka Kwantowa 2 - plakat Title: Storing and releasing photons in optically controlled atomic media in a tripod configuration Place: Toruń, Polska (2008-09-22 - 2008-09-25)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: Second Polish-French Workshop on "High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics" - referat Title: Nanotubes in a magnetic field Place: Wrocław, Polska (2007-10-26 - 2007-10-27)
Author: Karol Jankowski
Name: Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics SAMQCP 2007 - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Toruń, Poland (2007-09-02 - 2007-09-06)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: 2nd International Symposium on Methods and Applications of Computational Chemistry - referat zaproszony Title: Quasi-exactly solvable models of atoms and molecules Place: Kijow, Ukraina (2007-07-02 - 2007-07-04)
Name: 12-th European Workshop Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics - referat Title: Dirac-Coulomb equation: Playing with artifacts Co-authors: G. Pestka, M. Bylicki, J. Karwowski Place: Royal Holloway College, Londyn, UK (2007-08-30 - 2007-09-05)
Name: 9-th International School on Theoretical Physics: Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter - referat zaproszony Title: Few-particle systems: Quasi-exactly solvable problems Place: Myczkowce, Polska (2007-09-05 - 2007-09-12)
Name: 3-rd International Meeting: Mathematical Methods for ab initio Quantum Chemistry - referat zaproszony Title: Geminals in Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian eigenvalue problem Co-authors: G. Pestka, M. Bylicki Place: Nicea, Francja (2007-10-19 - 2007-10-20)
Name: Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics - plakat Title: Artifacts of Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian eigenvalue problem Co-authors: M. Bylicki, G. Pestka Place: Toruń, Polska (2007-08-02 - 2007-08-06)
Author: Mirosław Bylicki
Name: Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics - plakat Title: Artifacts of Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian eigenvalue problem Co-authors: M. Bylicki, J. Karwowski, G. Pestka Place: Toruń, Polska (2007-09-02 - 2007-09-06)
Name: 9-th International School on Theoretical Physics: Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter - referat Title: From bound states to resonances Place: Myczkowce, Polska (2007-09-05 - 2007-09-12)
Author: Andrzej Raczyński
Name: 9th European Conference on Atoms Molecules & Photons (ECAMP IX) - plakat Title: Controlling statistical properties of stored light Co-authors: S. Zielińska-Kaniasty, A. Raczyński, K. Słowik, J. Zaremba Place: Heraklion, Grecja (2007-05-06 - 2007-05-11)
Author: Jacek Kobus
Name: Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics - plakat Title: Hartree-Fock limit values of multipole moments, polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities for atoms and diatomic molecules Place: Toruń, Polska (2007-09-02 - 2007-09-06)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics - plakat Title: Carbon nanotube superlattices in a magnetic field Co-authors: W. Jaskólski, M. Pelc Place: Toruń, Polska (2007-09-02 - 2007-09-06)
Name: International Workshop on Quantum Dots and Laser Applications - plakat Title: Carbon nanotube superlattices in a magnetic field Co-authors: W. Jaskólski, M. Pelc Place: Politechnika Wrocławska, Wrocław, Polska (2007-07-12 - 2007-07-14)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: 6-th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, CESTC 2007 - referat Title: Ab initio DFT applied to quasi-degenerate systems. Place: Litschau, Austria (2007-09-23 - 2007-10-26)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: 6-th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, CESTC 2007 - referat Title: Perturbative Corrections to Excitation Energies from Configuration Interaction Singles Place: Litschau, Austria (2007-09-23 - 2007-09-26)
Name: Recent Trends in Many-Body Methods for electronic structure and Properties of Atoms and Molecules - referat Title: Coupled-cluster corrected configuration interaction method. Place: Toshali Sands, India (2007-01-11 - 2007-01-13)
Name: Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics SAMQCP 2007 - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Toruń, Poland (2007-09-02 - 2007-09-06)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics SAMQCP 2007 - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Toruń, Poland (2007-09-02 - 2007-09-06)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: Transnational Mobility in Bachelor and Master Programmes - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Berlin, Germany (2007-10-25 - 2007-10-26)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: NANOQUANT Meeting Warsaw 2007 - udział bierny Place: Warszawa (2007-02-16 - 2007-02-17)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: Seminarium Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN - referat zaproszony Title: Rownanie Diraca-Coulomba: Zabawa artefaktami Place: Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN, Warszawa, Polska (2007-10-10 - 2007-10-10)
Author: Mirosław Bylicki
Name: Referat w IACS - referat Title: From bound to quasistationary states Place: IACS, Kalkuta, Indie (2007-01-30 - 2007-01-30)
Name: Referat w BHU - referat Title: From bound to quasistationary states Place: Dep. of Phys., BHU, Varanasi, Indie (2007-02-06 - 2007-02-06)
Name: Referat w VU - referat Title: From bound to quasistationary states Place: Dep. of Phys., VU, Santiniketan, Indie (2007-02-02 - 2007-02-02)
Name: Referat w IUAC - referat Title: From bound to quasistationary states Place: IUAC, Delhi, Indie (2007-02-07 - 2007-02-07)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: Referat w IACS - referat Title: Self-assembled quantum dots in nanomechanical oscillators Place: IACS, Kalkuta, Indie (2007-01-29 - 2007-01-29)
Name: Referat w BHU - referat Title: Self-assembled quantum dots in nanomechanical oscillators Place: Dep. of Phys., BHU, Varanasi, Indie (2007-02-05 - 2007-02-05)
Name: Referat w VU - referat Title: Self-assembled quantum dots in nanomechanical oscillators Place: Dep. of Phys., VU, Santiniketan, Indie (2007-02-01 - 2007-02-01)
Name: Referat w IUAC - referat Title: Self-assembled quantum dots in nanomechanical oscillators Place: IUAC, Delhi, Indie (2007-02-06 - 2007-02-06)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: Nadanie prof. Serafinowi Fradze doktoratu honorowego Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - udział bierny Place: Madryt, Hiszpania (2006-03-14 - 2006-03-14)
Name: 46th Sanibel Symposium - referat zaproszony Title: The representation of Dirac equation and the variational principle Co-authors: M. Stanke, G. Pestka Place: St Simons Island, Georgia, USA (2006-02-26 - 2006-03-03)
Name: 7th Girona Seminar on the Nature of the Chemical Bond - referat zaproszony Title: A new approach to the variational treatment of the Dirac equation: Scaling of the coordinates Co-authors: G. Pestka, M. Bylicki Place: Girona, Hiszpania (2006-07-10 - 2006-07-13)
Name: 11th European Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics - referat Title: Kinetically-balanced Dirac equation Co-authors: G. Pestka, M. Stanke Place: StPetersburg, Rosja (2006-08-20 - 2006-08-25)
Name: 6th Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Physics - referat zaproszony Title: The contribution of Eugeniusz Czuchaj to molecular physics Place: Jurata, Polska (2006-09-25 - 2006-09-27)
Author: Andrzej Raczyński
Name: XX International Conference on Atomic Physics - plakat Title: Hong-Ou-Mandel-like interference with stored light Co-authors: A. Raczyński, J. Zaremba, S. Zielińska-Kaniasty Place: Innsbruck, Austria (2006-07-16 - 2006-07-21)
Author: Jarosław Zaremba
Name: XX International Conference on Atomic Physics - plakat Title: Hong-Ou-Mandel-like interference with stored light Co-authors: A. Raczyński, J. Zaremba, S. Zielińska-Kaniasty Place: Innsbruck, Austria (2006-07-16 - 2006-07-21)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: NANO2006 Workshop - Perspectives in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - referat Title: Electronic and optical properties of self-assembled quantum dots in nanomechanical oscillators Co-authors: W. Jaskólski Place: San Sebastian, Hiszpania (2006-09-03 - 2006-09-06)
Author: Karol Jankowski
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry 2006 - referat Title: Ab initio asymptotic-expansion coefficients for pair energies in MP2 perturbation theory for atoms. Co-authors: Romuald Słupski, Jesus R. Flores Place: Zakopane (2006-09-24 - 2006-09-27)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: XXX International Conference Of Theoretical Physics "Electron Correlations in Nano- and Macrosystems" - plakat Title: From independent particles to Wigner localization in quantum dots: the effect of dielectric environment Co-authors: M. Pelc, W. Jaskólski, J. Plannels, J. L. Movilla Place: Ustroń, Polska (2006-09-09 - 2006-09-14)
Author: Karol Jankowski
Name: Symposium: Modern Trends in Atomic Physics II - referat Title: Ab initio asymptotic-expansion coefficients for pair energies Place: Göteborg (2006-06-02 - 2006-06-03)
Author: Jan Iwaniszewski
Name: 19-th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics - udział bierny Place: Kraków, Polska (2006-05-13 - 2006-05-17)
Name: V International workshop on Nanotechnology „Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Computing” in mesoscopic systems - plakat Title: Charge transport through coupled quantum dots in the presence of a two-state fluctuator Co-authors: Jan Iwaniszewski Place: Neapol, Włochy (2006-06-12 - 2006-06-16)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: Ogólnopolska Sesja Naukowa z okazji 100 rocznicy urodzin prof. Włodzimierza Trzebiatowskiego oraz 40 rocznicy powstania INTiBS PAN - udział bierny Place: INTiBS PAN, Wrocław, Polska (2006-09-15 - 2006-09-15)
Author: Andrzej Raczyński
Name: XX International Conference on Atomic Physics - plakat Title: The effect of an autoionizing resonance on a group velocity of light Co-authors: A. Raczyński, M. Rzepecka, J. Zaremba i S. Zielińska-Kaniasty Place: Innsbruck, Austria (2006-07-16 - 2006-07-21)
Author: Jarosław Zaremba
Name: XX International Conference on Atomic Physics - plakat Title: The effect of an autoionizing resonance on a group velocity of light Co-authors: A. Raczyński, M. Rzepecka, J. Zaremba i S. Zielińska-Kaniasty Place: Innsbruck, Austria (2006-07-16 - 2006-07-21)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry 2006 - plakat Title: Different orbital-dependent second-order correlation potentials in ab initio Density Functional Theory Place: Zakopane (2006-09-24 - 2006-09-27)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry 2006 - plakat Title: A matrix coupled-cluster correction to the multi-reference configuration interaction method. Place: Zakopane (2006-09-24 - 2006-09-27)
Author: Andrzej Kędziorski
Name: 6th International Conference on f-elements - referat Title: New parametrization of spectra of Nd3+ and Sm3+ in glasses Co-authors: Andrzej Kędziorski, Lidia Smentek Place: Wrocław, Polska (2006-09-04 - 2006-09-09)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: International Conference of Theoretical Physics: Electron correlations in nano- and macrosystems - plakat Title: From independent particles to Wigner localization in quantum dots: the effect of dielectric environment Place: Ustroń, Polska (2006-09-09 - 2006-09-14)
Author: Karolina Słowik
Name: The VIth Workshops on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - udział bierny Place: Jurata, Polska (2006-09-25 - 2006-09-27)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Andrzej Kędziorski
Name: Seminarium Oddziału Spektroskopii Optycznej - referat Title: Efektywnie relatywistyczna parametryzacja widm f-f Place: Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych PAN we Wrocławiu, Polska (2006-12-07 - 2006-12-07)
Name: Bornhop Research Group Seminar - referat Title: Charge density maps of the Eu-DOTA complexes Place: Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA (2006-11-07 - 2006-11-07)
Name: Semniarium Zespołu Spektroskopii, Struktury i Elektrochemii Związków Koordynacyjnych f- i d-elektronowych - referat Title: Charge density maps of the Eu-DOTA complexes Place: Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wrocław, Polska (2006-12-06 - 2006-12-06)
Author: Karol Jankowski
Name: Fifth Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics - referat Title: The borderland between ab initio and DFT methods: Compatibility problems with electron correlation Place: New Orleans. USA (2005-07-20 - 2005-07-26)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: 65th Anniversary of Prof. Ramon Carbo-Dorca Symposium - referat zaproszony Title: The research of Prof. Ramon Carbo-Dorca in the field of mathematical chemistry Place: Girona, Hiszpania (2005-11-11 - 2005-11-11)
Name: 1st International Symposium on Methods and Applications of Computational Chemistry - referat zaproszony Title: Variational Method in Dirac Theory: Unexpected Results and New Developments Co-authors: G. Pestka, M.Stanke Place: Charków, Ukraina (2005-06-30 - 2005-07-01)
Author: Jan Iwaniszewski
Name: 18th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics - plakat Title: Charge transport through quantum dots system with periodically modulated coupling Co-authors: J. Iwaniszewski, T. Zakrzewski Place: Zakopane (2005-09-03 - 2005-09-06)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: Pomeranian Quantum Chemistry and Physics Workshop. Electronic Structure of Atoms and Molecules - referat zaproszony Title: Variational Methods in Dirac Theory Co-authors: G. Pestka, M.Stanke Place: Pobierowo (2005-05-11 - 2005-05-14)
Name: 10th European Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics - referat Title: Relativistic Hylleraas-CI Co-authors: G. Pestka Place: Kartagina, Tunezja (2005-09-01 - 2005-09-07)
Author: Andrzej Raczyński
Name: Qunatum Optics VI - plakat Title: Coherent manipulation of stored light Co-authors: A. Raczyński, M. Rzepecka, J. Zaremba i S. Zielińska-Kaniasty Place: Krynica, Polska (2005-06-13 - 2005-06-18)
Author: Jarosław Zaremba
Name: Qunatum Optics VI - plakat Title: Coherent manipulation of stored light Co-authors: A. Raczyński, M. Rzepecka, J. Zaremba i S. Zielińska-Kaniasty Place: Krynica, Polska (2005-06-13 - 2005-06-18)
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: Professor Brian G. Wybourne Commemorative Meeting: Symmetry, Spectroscopy and Schur - plakat Title: The role of symmetry in metallic carbon nanotubes and superlattices Co-authors: W. Jaskólski, L. Chico, A. Stachów Place: Toruń (2005-06-11 - 2005-06-14)
Name: The EightInternational School of Theoretical Physics SSPCM'2005 - referat Title: Symmetry and structural properties of carbon nanotube quantum dots and superlattices Co-authors: W.Jaskólski, L.Chico Place: Myczkowce (2005-09-01 - 2005-09-07)
Author: Jacek Karwowski
Name: Professor Brian G. Wybourne Commemorative Meeting: Symmetry, Spectroscopy and SCHUR - referat zaproszony Title: The Polish Odyssey of Brian G. Wybourne Place: Toruń (2005-06-11 - 2005-06-14)
Author: Ireneusz Grabowski
Name: Orbital Functionals for Exchange and Correlation The Optimized Effective Potential and Related Methods - Workshop - referat Title: New orbital dependent correlation potentials in OEP DFT Place: Berlin, Germany (2005-03-11 - 2005-03-13)
Name: Pomeranian Quantum Chemistry and Physics Workshop Electronic Structure of Atoms and Molecules, - referat zaproszony Title: Orbital dependent correlation potentials in ab initio dft - theory and new results. Place: Pobierowo, Poland (2005-05-12 - 2005-05-15)
Name: Strasbourg Seminar -13th European Seminar on Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry - referat zaproszony Title: Accurate orbital-dependent correlation and exchange-correlation potentials from non-iterative ab initio dft calculations Place: Smolenice, Slovakia (2005-09-21 - 2005-09-25)
Name: DFT-2005 -11th International Conference on the Applications on Density Functional Theory in Chemistry and Physics - plakat Title: Accurate orbital-dependent correlation and exchange-correlation potentials from non-iterative ab initio dft caclulations Place: Geneva, Switzerland (2005-09-11 - 2005-09-15)
Author: Leszek Meissner
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry,(CEST) - plakat Title: Perturbative corrections to excitation energies from Place: Sachticky, Stare Hory, Slovakia (2005-09-25 - 2005-09-28)
Author: Andrzej Kędziorski
Name: Professor Brian G Wybourne Commemorative Meeting: Symmetry, Spectroscopy and SCHUR - plakat Title: Wybourne's mechanism of intensity borrowing Place: Toru? (2005-06-12 - 2005-06-14)
Name: Summer School 2005. Advanced Luminescent Materials Based on Lanthanide Organic/Inorganic Complexes - plakat Title: Effectively relativistic parametrization of Eu3+ spectra Co-authors: Andrzej Kędziorski Place: Krutyń (2005-09-15 - 2005-09-22)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Włodzimierz Jaskólski
Name: Seminarium DIPC - referat Title: Carbon nanotube quantum dots and superlattices Place: San Sebastian, Hiszpania (2005-03-12 - 2005-03-12)
Name: Seminarium IF PAN - referat Title: On some peculiar properties of carbon nanotube superlattices Place: Warszawa (2005-05-06 - 2005-05-06)
Author: Jan Iwaniszewski
Name: Referat zaproszony - referat Title: Partial noise-averaging method in an analysis of an escape over a fluctuating barrier Place: Dipartimento di Fisica e Tecnologie Relative, Università di Palermo, Włochy (2005-09-16 - 2005-09-16)
Name: Referat zaproszony - referat Title: The effect of background charge fluctuations on the dynamical properties of coupled quantum dots Place: Dipartimento di Fisica e Tecnologie Relative, Università di Palermo, Włochy (2005-09-19 - 2005-09-19)
Author: Jacek Kobus
Name: Budowa społeczeństwa informacyjnego w Polsce i Unii Europejskiej - referat Title: Otwarte źródła i otwarte społeczeństwo informacyjne Place: Toruń, Polska (2003-05-06 - 2003-05-06)
Author: Jacek Kobus
Name: Od naiwności do granic poznania. Relatywistyczna mechanika kwantowa w chemii i fizyce - udział bierny Place: Warszawa, Polska (2002-03-16 - 2002-03-17)
Name: The 4th FAMO Workshop on Atomic & Molecular Physics and Optics - udział bierny Place: Gdańsk i Jurata, Polska (2002-09-19 - 2002-09-21)
Author: Jacek Kobus
Name: Finish Symposium on Quantum Chemistry - plakat Title: Finite difference Hartree-Fock method: developments and applications Place: Kuusamo, Finlandia (2001-06-11 - 2001-06-17)