Name: 68th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting - plakat Title: Enhancing The Catalytic Activity Of Enzymes Through Tunnel Amino Acid Modifications. The Case Of Nitrile Hydratase, A Biocatalyst With Posttranslational Modifications Used In Amide Production. Place: Philadelphia, USA (2024-02-10 - 2024-02-14)
Name: IUPAB - International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics meeting - plakat Title: Enhancing The Catalytic Activity Of Enzymes Through Tunnel Amino Acid Modifications. The Case Of Nitrile Hydratase, A Biocatalyst With Posttranslational Modifications Used In Amide Production Co-authors: Julia Berdychowska Place: Kyoto, Japan (2024-06-24 - 2024-06-28)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: RECOMB Research on Computational Molecular Biology - plakat Title: Application of theoretical computational biophysics methods for improving biotechnological enzyme Nitrile Hydratase Place: Istanbul (2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19)
Name: EBSA congress - plakat Title: CATALYTIC ACTIVITY IMPROVEMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGICAL ENZYME NITRILE HYDRATASE USING MOLECULAR MODELLING TECHNIQUES Co-authors: Julia Berdychowska Place: Stokholm, Sweden (2023-07-31 - 2023-08-04)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: RECOMB2023 - plakat Place: Istambuł, Turcja (2023-04-16 - 2023-04-19)
Name: 48 Zjazd Fizyków Polskich - referat zaproszony Place: Gdańsk, Polska (2023-09-04 - 2023-09-04)
Name: EBSA-2023 Congress - plakat Place: Sztokholm, Szwecja (2023-07-30 - 2023-08-04)
Name: XVI Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat zaproszony Place: Toruń, Polska (2023-06-30 - 2023-06-30)
Name: Bioinformatics in Torun 2023 - plakat Place: Toruń, Polska (2023-06-29 - 2023-07-01)
Name: 8th World Congress: OXIDATIVE STRESS, CALCIUM SIGNALING AND TRP CHANNELS - referat zaproszony Place: Isparta, Turcja (2023-09-05 - 2023-09-08)
Name: Zostań badaczką. Kobiety w nauce. - referat zaproszony Place: Toruń, Polska (2023-11-17 - 2023-11-17)
Author: Katarzyna Walczewska-Szewc
Name: Chemical biology symposium - plakat Title: Structural Changes of Prolyl Oligopeptidase (PREP) upon Binding Different Ligands: Insight into Protein-Protein Interaction with Alpha-Synuclein Place: London (2023-05-15 - 2023-05-15)
Name: EBSA 2023 congress - plakat Place: Sztokholm (2023-07-31 - 2023-08-04)
Author: Daniel Rumiński
Name: Polska Konferencja Optyczna - plakat Place: Toruń (2023-07-04 - 2023-07-07)
Name: Photonics West BIOS - referat Place: San Francisco (2023-01-28 - 2023-02-02)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: Seminar of Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Science, Ningbo University - referat zaproszony Title: Molecular modeling in enzyme engineering Place: Ningbo, China (2023-10-11 - 2023-10-11)
Name: 66th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting - plakat Title: Theoretically supported designing of the nitrile hydratase catalytic properties – biotechnologically important metalloenzyme with posttranslational modifications Place: San Francisco, USA (2022-02-19 - 2022-02-23)
Name: Biophysics at the Dawn of Exascale Computers - plakat Title: Signals Transduction Inside Proteins after Ligand Photoexcitation. Insights from Apomyoglobin Molecular Dynamics Simulations Co-authors: Przemysław Miszta, Wiesław Nowak Place: Hamburg, Germany (2022-05-16 - 2022-05-20)
Name: BIT22 Bioinformatics in Torun 2022 - plakat Title: Signals Transduction Inside Proteins after Ligand Photoexcitation. Insights from Apomyoglobin Molecular Dynamics Simulations Co-authors: Przemysław Miszta, Wiesław Nowak Place: Toruń (2022-06-23 - 2022-06-25)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: Biophysics at the Dawn of Exascale Computers - referat Title: The role of PE-binding protein 1 in the ferroptosis process Place: Hamburg (2022-05-16 - 2022-05-20)
Name: 66th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting - plakat Title: The suppressing role of nitric oxide in the ferroptotic cell death signal transduction Place: San Francisco (2022-02-19 - 2022-02-23)
Name: Bioinformatics in Torun 2022 - referat zaproszony Title: The role of PE-binding protein 1 in the ferroptosis process Place: Torun (2022-06-23 - 2022-06-25)
Name: Sympozjum Młodych Naukowców - referat zaproszony Title: The role of 15-lipoxygenase/PE-binding protein 1 complex in the ferroptotic cell death program Place: Warszawa (2022-09-20 - 2022-09-22)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: XI Seminarium Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań STM/AFM 2022 - plakat Title: Test podłoży gipsowych jako wzorców kalibracyjnych w mikroskopii sił lateralnych Co-authors: Dariusz Laskowski Place: Zakopane (2022-11-30 - 2022-12-04)
Author: Jakub Rydzewski
Name: Recent advances on the glass problem - udział bierny Place: Virtual (2022-01-05 - 2022-01-07)
Author: Katarzyna Walczewska-Szewc
Name: ISFMS—Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Druggability of Proteins - referat Title: How can interaction with prolyl oligopeptidase possibly trigger α-synuclein aggregation? Place: Florence, Italy (2022-09-06 - 2022-09-09)
Author: Daniel Rumiński
Name: Photonics West BIOS - referat Place: San Francisco (2023-01-22 - 2023-01-27)
Main Organizer:
Katedra Biofizyki
Name: BIT22 Bioinformatics in Torun 2022 - Główny organizator Place: Toruń (2022-06-23 - 2022-06-25)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: BIT21 - BioInformatics in Torun with a session Bioinformatics Fights Viruses - referat zaproszony Title: Nanomechanical aspects of nanobodies-protein S SARS-CoV-2 virus complexes – a computational study Co-authors: K. Walczewska-Szewc, B. Niklas, J. Berdychowska, W. Nowak Place: Toruń (2021-06-24 - 2021-06-24)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: 2021 Nanoscientific Forum Europe - plakat Title: AFM characterization of sensory filiform mechanosensory hair on cockroach cercus Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak, Aleksander Balter Place: online, Freiburg, Niemcy (2021-09-15 - 2021-09-17)
Author: Katarzyna Walczewska-Szewc
Name: European Chemical Biology Symposium - referat Title: The changes in prolyl oligopeptidase structure upon inhibition modify its ability to decrease alpha-synuclein aggregation Co-authors: Jakub Rydzewski, Aneta Lewkowicz Place: Online (2021-05-26 - 2021-05-28)
Author: Ebrahim Safarian Baloujeh
Name: OPSP 2021 (Optics and Photonics for Scientific Progress) - plakat Title: Densitometry of age-related crystalline lens opacification via Swept-source OCT Co-authors: Ebrahim Safarian Baloujeh, Daniel Rumiński, Pablo Artal, Ireneusz Grulkowski Place: Online (2021-04-13 - 2021-04-14)
Author: Katarzyna Walczewska-Szewc
Name: 13th European Biophysics Conference - plakat Title: Optomechanical couplung in a protein system with azobenzene functionalized sulfonylureas Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak, Łukasz pepłowski Place: Wiedeń/on-line (2021-07-24 - 2021-07-28)
Name: EMBO Workshop: Advances and Challenges in Biomolecular Simulations - udział bierny Place: on-line (2021-10-18 - 2021-10-21)
Author: Ashish Gupta
Name: Photonics West 2021 - referat Title: In vivo three-dimensional imaging of crystalline lens sutures Co-authors: Daniel Ruminski, Alfonso Jimenez Villar, Raúl Duarte Toledo, Silvestre Manzanera, Spozmai Panezai, Juan Mompean, Pablo Artal, and Ireneusz Grulkowski Place: Online (2021-03-06 - 2021-03-11)
Name: Optics and Photonics for Scientific Progress 2021 - plakat Title: In-vivo imaging of crystalline lens sutures pattern with bench-top SS-OCT system Co-authors: Alfonso Jimenez-Villar, Raul Duarte-Toledo, Daniel Ruminski, Silvestre Manzanera, Spozmai Panezai, Juan Mompean, Pablo Artal, and Ireneusz Grulkowski Place: Online (2021-04-13 - 2021-04-14)
Author: Jakub Rydzewski
Name: (American Physical Society) APS March Meeting 2021 (Virtual) - referat Title: Multiscale Reweighted Stochastic Embedding: Deep Learning of Collective Variables for Enhanced Sampling Co-authors: Valsson Omar Place: Virtual (2021-03-15 - 2021-03-19)
Name: Multi-Scale Modelling & Physical Chemistry of Colloids - referat Title: Multiscale Reweighted Stochastic Embedding: Deep Learning of Collective Variables for Enhanced Sampling Co-authors: Valsson Omar Place: Virtual (2021-09-10 - 2021-09-14)
Name: ML in PL - referat Title: Multiscale Reweighted Stochastic Embedding (MRSE): Deep Learning of Generalized Variables for Statistical Physics Place: Virtual (2021-11-05 - 2021-11-07)
Name: Winter Workshop on Multiscale Modeling - referat Title: Multiscale Reweighted Stochastic Embedding: Deep Learning of Collective Variables for Enhanced Sampling Co-authors: Valsson Omar Place: Virtual (2021-11-22 - 2021-11-23)
Name: Recent Advances in Modelling Rare Events - referat Title: Multiscale Reweighted Stochastic Embedding: Deep Learning of Collective Variables for Enhanced Sampling Co-authors: Valsson Omar Place: Virtual (2021-12-15 - 2021-12-18)
Name: MolSim-2021 - udział bierny Place: Virtual (2021-01-04 - 2021-01-15)
Name: Numerical Techniques for Nonequilibrium Steady States - udział bierny Place: Virtual (2021-05-26 - 2021-05-28)
Name: AI for Materials Science: Mining and Learning Interpretable, Explainable, and Generalizable Models from Data - udział bierny Place: Virtual (2021-09-06 - 2021-09-23)
Name: Local structure meets machine learning in soft matter systems - udział bierny Place: Virtual (2021-06-28 - 2021-07-01)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: NANOPOSTER 2020 - 9th Virtual Nanotechnology Conference - plakat Title: Surface Adhesion of Human Serum Albumin (HSA) and Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β) Evaluated with AFM Force Spectroscopy Co-authors: Anna Zawadzka, Marek Cieplak Place: Konferencja wirtualna (2020-04-20 - 2020-04-26)
Name: 2020 NanoScientific Forum Europe Scanning Probe Microscopy - plakat Title: Atomic Force Microscopy of aquatic spun silk Co-authors: Mariusz Tszydel, Aleksander Balter Place: Konferencja wirtualna (2020-09-23 - 2020-09-25)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: The Fifth workshop of Vietnamese students in Poland - udział bierny Place: internet-Wwa (2020-11-28 - 2020-11-29)
Name: Autumn Workshop PTBI 2020 - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: IPPT PAN Warszawa internet (2020-11-27 - 2020-11-28)
Name: XIII Seminarium Komputer w Szkolnym Laboratorium Przyrodniczym - referat zaproszony Title: Od nanomechaniki białek do poszukiwania "trutki" na wirusa Place: Toruń- internet (2020-12-03 - 2020-12-05)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: BIT20, BFV - "Bioinformatics fights SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses" - udział bierny Place: Toruń (2020-06-25 - 2020-06-25)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: 4th edition of the conference WOMEN of IT - referat zaproszony Title: Molekularne mechanizmy przyrody na ekranie komputera Place: Online (2020-11-19 - 2020-11-19)
Author: Ebrahim Safarian Baloujeh
Name: Opening Conference of the National Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Technologies NLPQT 2020 - udział bierny Place: Warsaw (2020-02-18 - 2020-02-18)
Name: CLEO (Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics) - udział bierny Place: San Jose, California, USA (Virtual) (2020-05-11 - 2020-05-15)
Author: Katarzyna Walczewska-Szewc
Name: Bioinformatics Fights Viruses - BFV - referat Title: Towards computational elucidation of SARS-CoV-2 virus entry point mechanostability Co-authors: Łukasz Pepłowski, Beata Niklas, Maciej Lewandowski, Julia Berdychowska, Wiesław Nowak Place: online (2020-06-25 - 2020-06-25)
Author: Ebrahim Safarian Baloujeh
Name: i-POB (Industrialization Potential of Optics in Biomedicine) - plakat Title: OCT-Based Densitography for Objective Determination of Crystalline Lens Opacities Co-authors: EBRAHIM SAFARIAN BALOUJEH, ASHISH GUPTA, RAÚL DUARTE TOLEDO, ALFONSO JIMENEZ VILLAR, SILVESTRE MANZANERA, PABLO ARTAL, IRENEUSZ GRULKOWSKI Place: Warsaw (Virtual) (2020-10-07 - 2020-10-08)
Author: Jakub Rydzewski
Name: (Machine) learning how to coarse-grain - udział bierny Place: Virtual (2020-09-28 - 2020-09-29)
Name: Multiscale simulations of soft matter: New method developments and mathematical foundations - udział bierny Place: Virtual (2020-09-29 - 2020-10-02)
Main Organizer:
Katedra Biofizyki
Name: Bioinformatics Fights Viruses - Główny organizator Place: Toruń- internet (2020-06-25 - 2020-06-25)
Name: BIT20, BFV - "Bioinformatics fights SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses" - Główny organizator Place: Toruń (2020-06-25 - 2020-06-25)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: School on molecular computational biochemistry - udział bierny Place: Kraków (2019-03-11 - 2019-03-14)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: DNA topology and topoisomerases in genome dynamics - referat Title: Extreme DNA mechanics and topology Co-authors: dr Łukasz Pepłowski, dr Robert Lenartowski, prof Wiesław Nowak, prof Aleksander Balter Place: Les Diablerets, Szwajcaria (2019-09-16 - 2019-09-20)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: Nano(&)BioMateriały Od teorii do aplikacji - referat Title: Transport leków przez błonę komórkową za pomocą nanorurek węglowych. Badania metodą sterowanej dynamiki molekularnej Place: Toruń (2019-06-06 - 2019-06-07)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - plakat Title: Preliminary Study of Adhesive Properties of Surface Adsorbed Human Serum Albumin and Transforming Growth Factor-β Evaluated with AFM Force Spectroscopy Co-authors: A. Zawadzka, M. Cieplak Place: Angers (Francja) (2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: rgrsgr - udział bierny Place: fgdhdfjhfj (2019-04-01 - 2019-04-08)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: Bioinformatics in Torun 2019 - plakat Title: Allosteric signal transduction in neuronal protein reelin Place: Torun (2019-06-27 - 2019-06-29)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: SPIE Photonics West - referat Title: In vivo imaging of vitreous opacities with full-eye-length SS-OCT Co-authors: A. Rodríguez-Aramendía, S. Manzanera, Y. Chen, J. Mompean, F. Díaz-Doutón, J. Pujol, J. Sebag, P. Artal Place: San Francisco (2019-02-02 - 2019-02-07)
Name: XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Coherence Tomography - Technologies and Applications in Biomedical Research Place: Saragossa (2019-07-15 - 2019-07-19)
Name: III Konferencja Naukowa PRESBIOPIA 2019 - referat zaproszony Title: Age-related changes of optical quality of the eye determined with three-dimensional imaging Place: Łódź (2019-11-22 - 2019-11-23)
Name: 25th Annivarsary of Laboratorio de Optica de la Universidad de Murcia - referat Title: LOUM and BOEL at the Nicolaus Copernicus University: How did we start collaboration and where are we heading? Place: Murcia (2019-03-25 - 2019-03-25)
Name: 3rd interdisciplinary FNP Conference - plakat Title: High-resolution imaging platform for in vivo visualization of opacifications of the human eye vitreous Co-authors: D. Ruminski, S. Manzanera, E. Safarian Baloujeh, A. Gupta, R. Pakulski, J. Sebag, P. Artal Place: Warszawa (2019-04-11 - 2019-04-12)
Name: ARVO Annual Meeting - plakat Title: Vitreous body imaging with long-range swept-source optical coherence tomography for detection of opacities Co-authors: A. Rodriguez-Aramendia, D. Ruminski, S. Manzanera, Y. Chen, J. Mompeán, F. Diaz Douton, J. Pujol, J. Sebag, P. Artal Place: Vancouver (2019-04-28 - 2019-05-02)
Author: Alfonso Jimenez Villar
Name: Photonics West 2019 - plakat Title: Optimization of a SS-OCT with a focus tuneable lens for enhanced visualization of ocular opacities Co-authors: A. Rodríguez-Aramendía, I. Grulkowski, S.Manzanera, Y. Chen, J. Mompeán, F. Díaz-Doutón, J. Pujol, J.L. Güell and P. Artal Place: San Francisco (2019-02-02 - 2019-02-07)
Name: Photonics West 2019 - referat Title: SS-OCT based ocular biometry and rheological mechanical model for comprehensive analysis of the eye reaction to air-puff stimulus Co-authors: M. Jannesari, M. Kadkhodaei, P. Mosaddegh, S. Grulkowski, B.Kałużny, M. Wojtkowski, H. Kaszprzak and I. Grulkowski Place: San Francisco, USA (2019-02-02 - 2019-02-07)
Name: ARVO 2019 - plakat Title: Air puff eye retraction and crystalline lens wobbling measured with long depth range swept source optical coherence tomography Co-authors: E. Mączyńska, J. Rzeszewska, B. Kałużny and I. Grulkowski Place: Vancouver, Canada (2019-04-28 - 2019-05-02)
Name: 14th School on Acousto-Optics and Applications - referat Title: Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope integrated with a tuneable lens: Imaging and Ophthalmique Applications Co-authors: D. Rumiński, G. Gondek, and I. Grulkowski Place: Torun, Poland (2019-06-24 - 2019-06-27)
Name: 14th School on Acousto-Optics and Applications - referat Title: Non-contact Optical Probing of Ocular Biomechanics Co-authors: E. Mączyńska, K.Karnowski, M. Jannesari, B. Kałużny, M.Wojtkowski and I. Grulkowski Place: Torun, Poland (2019-06-24 - 2019-06-27)
Name: Be-Optical: New trends in biomedical imaging and data analysis - referat Title: Analysis of the Ocular Defocus and Retinal Imaging by cSLO integrated in AOL Co-authors: I. Grulkowski Place: Göttingen, Germany (2019-07-03 - 2019-07-04)
Author: Ebrahim Safarian Baloujeh
Name: 3rd Interdisciplinary FNP Conference - plakat Title: High-resolution imaging platform for in vivo visualization of opacifications of the human eye vitreous Place: Warsaw (2019-04-11 - 2019-04-11)
Name: 12 European Biophysical Societies' Association Congress - plakat Title: In search of lost tail- study on the KATP channel dynamics Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak Place: Madryt (2019-07-20 - 2019-07-24)
Name: XVII Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Biofizycznego - referat Title: THE DYNAMICS OF ATP-SENSITIVE POTASSIUM CHANNELS. Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak Place: Olsztyn (2019-06-24 - 2019-06-27)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: Toruński Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki - referat Title: Człowiek niejedno ma imię; Człowiek z punktu widzenia fizyka. Place: Toruń (2019-04-24 - 2019-04-28)
Name: Seminarium Katedry Chemii Materiałów, Adsorpcji i Katalizy, Wydział Chemii, UMK - referat zaproszony Title: Związki fotoaktywne w klasycznej dynamice molekularnej na przykładzie potencjalnych leków przeciwcukrzycowych Place: Toruń (2019-05-31 - 2019-12-31)
Name: Seminary of School of Biotechnology - referat zaproszony Title: How to Run Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Difficult Proteins Place: School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Chiny (2019-10-28 - 2019-10-28)
Main Organizer:
Katedra Biofizyki
Name: 14th School on Acousto-Optics and Applications - Główny organizator Place: Toruń (2019-06-24 - 2019-06-27)
Name: 14th School on Acousto-Optics and Applications - Główny organizator Place: Torun (2020-04-24 - 2020-04-27)
Name: 14th School on Acousto-Optics and Applications - Współorganizator Place: Torun, Poland (2019-06-24 - 2019-06-27)
Name: 14th School on Acousto-Optics and Applications - Współorganizator Place: Torun, Poland (2019-06-24 - 2019-06-27)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: Seminar Department of Analytical Chemistry - referat zaproszony Title: Ligands Adventures in Proteinland Place: Lawrence (KS, USA) (2018-02-12 - 2018-03-12)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: Seminary of School of Biotechnology - referat zaproszony Title: Photopharmacology and Thermostability Studies Using Molecular Modeling Aproach Place: School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China (2018-10-26 - 2018-10-26)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: 62nd Biophysical Society Meeting - referat Title: PHOTOSWITCHABLE DRUGS AND INSULIN RELEASE:MOLECULAR EVENTS IN EPAC2A PROTEIN Co-authors: L. Peplowski, J. Rydzewski, T. Miahara, H. Nakatsuji, H. Nakamura Place: San Francisco (2018-02-16 - 2018-02-21)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: BioInformatics in Torun 2018 - BIT18 - plakat Title: Docking Studies in Personalized Medicine: Photoactivation of Anti-diabetes Sulfonylurea Drug JB253 and Its Interactions with Epac2 and SUR1 Proteins Co-authors: J. Rydzewski, K. Szewc, W. Nowak Place: Toruń (2018-06-28 - 2018-06-30)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: Jędrzej Śniadecki Biomedical Workshop - referat zaproszony Title: Computer modeling in biomedical problems: autism spectrum disorders, carbon monoxide poisoning and type II diabetes Co-authors: Katarzyna Walczewska-Szewc, Lukasz Pepłowski, Jakub Rydzewski Place: Bydgoszcz (2018-06-04 - 2018-06-05)
Name: XI Symposium of Polish Bioinformatics Society - referat Title: Photoinduced Structural Rearrangements in Proteins Involved in Insulin Release. Computer and Bioinformatics Modeling. Co-authors: Lukasz Peplowski, Katarzyna Walczewska-Szewc, Jakub Rydzewski Place: Wrocław (2018-09-05 - 2018-09-07)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: X Seminarium Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań STM/AFM 2018 - referat zaproszony Title: Badania oprzędu bezkręgowców z wykorzystaniem mikroskopii sił atomowych Co-authors: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska, Mariusz Tszydel,Łukasz Jakubowski, Aleksander Balter, Wiesław Nowak Place: Zakopane (2018-11-28 - 2018-12-02)
Name: Generation and Control of Forces in Cells - referat Title: Extreme stretching of DNA Co-authors: dr Łukasz Pepłowski, dr Robert Lenartowski, prof Wiesław Nowak, prof Aleksander Balter Place: Sztokholm (2018-06-25 - 2018-06-29)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: ARVO Annual Meeting - plakat Title: Relation between IOP and air-puff-induced dynamics of ocular components in human eyes measured with full-eye-length SS-OCT Co-authors: E. Mączyńska, J. Rzeszewska, A. Jimenez Villar, M. Wojtkowski, B. Kałużny Place: Honolulu (2018-04-29 - 2018-05-03)
Name: X Międzynarodowe Sympozjum - referat zaproszony Title: Badanie dynamiki elementów morfologicznych oka ludzkiego po podmuchu powietrza za pomocą OCT wzdłuż całej gałki ocznej – ku nowej metodzie oceny biomechaniki i ciśnienia wewnątrzgałkowego Co-authors: E. Mączyńska, J. Rzeszewska, A. Jimenez Villar, M. Wojtkowski, B. Kałużny Place: Wisa (2018-03-01 - 2018-03-03)
Name: 9th Visual and Physiological Optics meeting (VPO 2018) - referat zaproszony Title: History and future of optical coherence tomography Place: Ateny (2018-08-29 - 2018-08-31)
Author: Katarzyna Walczewska-Szewc
Name: Jędrzej Śniadecki BioMedical Workshop - referat Title: How Kir6.2 potassium channel malfunctions relate to diabetes? – insights from genetics and structural bioinformatics. Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak Place: Bydgoszcz (2018-06-04 - 2018-06-05)
Name: XI Symposium of Polish Bioinformatics Society - referat Title: nvestigating the dynamics of ATP-sensitive potassium channel gating: towards molecular dynamics study Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak Place: Wrocław (2018-09-05 - 2018-09-07)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: IV Konferencja Naukowo-Szkoleniowa - referat Title: Volumetric macro- and micro-scale assessment of crystalline lens opacities in cataract patients using long-depth-range Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography Co-authors: S. Manzanera, Ł. Ćwiklinski, J. Mompean, A. de Castro, P. Artal Place: Bydgoszcz (2018-09-07 - 2018-09-08)
Name: SPIE Photonics West - referat Title: SS-OCT with focus tunable optics for enhanced visualization of vitreous opacities Co-authors: S. Manzanera, Ł. Cwiklinski, F. Sobczuk, P. Artal Place: San Francisco (2018-01-27 - 2018-02-01)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: Biophysical Society Meeting - referat Title: MechStiff: A New Tool for Evaluating Stress-Induced Dynamics and Application to Cell Adhesion Proteins Co-authors: A. J. Kulik, C. Kaya, G. Dietler, W. Nowak, I. Bahar Place: New Orleans (2017-02-11 - 2017-02-15)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: BioInformatics in Torun – BIT17 - plakat Title: Haptic Device Facilitates Big Data Analysis in Structural Biology Co-authors: Jakub Rydzewski, Wiesław Nowak Place: Instytut Fizyki UMK (2017-06-22 - 2017-06-24)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: 8th AFM BioMed Conference - referat zaproszony Title: Single Molecule AFM Force Spectroscopy - a Theoretical Perspective Place: UJ, Kraków (2017-09-04 - 2017-09-08)
Name: 44. Zjazd Fizyków Polskich - plakat Title: Termodynamika transportu ligandów biologicznych w tunelach białkowych Co-authors: mgr inż. Jakub Rydzewski Place: Wrocław (2017-09-10 - 2017-09-15)
Name: 11th World Congress of Theoretically Oriented Chemists - referat Title: Camphor and Huperzine A Adventures in Proteinland Co-authors: mgr inż. Jakub Rydzewski Place: Monachium, Niemcy (2017-08-27 - 2017-09-01)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: 8th AFM BioMed Conference - referat Title: Extraction of corneal micromechanics with AFM nanoindentation using ex vivo porcine eye models and intraocular pressure control Co-authors: Ewa Mączyńska, Konrad Pawlak, Aleksander Balter, Ireneusz Grulkowski Place: Kraków (2017-09-04 - 2017-09-08)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: Revolutions in Structural Biology: Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Sir John Kendrew - plakat Title: Photoactivation of Potential Anti-diabetes Sulfonylurea Drug JB253 and Its Interactions with Epac2 Protein Co-authors: Jakub Rydzewski, Tomoo Miyahara, Hiroshi Nakatsuji, Haruki Nakamura, Wiesław Nowak Place: Heidelberg, Germany (2017-11-16 - 2017-11-17)
Name: EJTEMM2017 5th European Joint Theoretical/Experimental Meeting on Membranes - plakat Title: Interactions of carbon nanotubes with a model cell membrane – steered molecular dynamics studies Co-authors: prof. Wiesław Nowak Place: Krakow (2017-12-06 - 2017-12-08)
Author: Wiktor Łachmański
Name: 6th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - plakat Title: A New Rare-Earth Activated Semiconductor Scintillator: β-Ga2O3:Ce Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, Z. Galazka Place: Gdańsk (2017-07-09 - 2017-07-14)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: III Optyczne Forum Naukowe 'Bezpieczeństwo na drodze mile widziane' - referat Title: Tomografia optyczna OCT – ku całościowej ocenie jakości widzenia Place: Łódź (2017-03-24 - 2017-03-25)
Name: V Polska Konferencja Optyczna - referat Title: Przestrajalne elementy optyczne w interferometrycznym obrazowaniu biomedycznym Co-authors: V. Savaryn, K. Szulzycki Place: Gniezno (2017-07-02 - 2017-07-06)
Name: SPIE Photonics West - referat Title: Three-dimensional assessment of crystalline lens opacities in cataract patients using long-depth-range SS-OCT studies Co-authors: L. Cwiklinski, S. Manzanera, J. Mompean, P. Artal Place: San Francisco (2017-01-28 - 2017-02-02)
Author: Jakub Rydzewski
Name: 11th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry - plakat Title: Nonadiabatic simulations of carbon monoxide photodissociation in H64Q neuroglobin Co-authors: Nowak Wiesław Place: Munich (2017-08-27 - 2017-09-01)
Name: Revolutions in Structural Biology: Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Sir John Kendrew - plakat Title: Photoinduced Diffusion in an H64Q Neuroglobin Antidote for CO Poisoning Co-authors: Nowak Wiesław Place: Heidelberg (2017-11-16 - 2017-11-17)
Name: Mathematica Day at the University of Warsaw - udział bierny Place: Warszawa (2017-12-09 - 2017-12-09)
Name: 2nd MyFUN Annual Meeting - referat zaproszony Title: History and advances of OCT for the eye Place: Murcia (2017-10-24 - 2017-10-25)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: Regionalny Festiwal Naukowy E(x)plory w Toruniu - referat zaproszony Title: Nauka - piękna przygoda, czy wyścig szczurów sterowanych światłem? Place: Międzynarodowe Centrum Spotkań Młodzieży, Toruń (2017-05-09 - 2017-05-09)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: Seminary of School of Biotechnology - referat zaproszony Title: Biomolecules and Light - Theoretical Biophysics Point of View Place: School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China (2017-09-13 - 2017-09-13)
Name: Tutorial for Students of School of Biotechnology - referat zaproszony Title: Molecular Modeling - Tutorial Place: School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China (2017-09-12 - 2017-09-12)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University - referat zaproszony Title: How to navigate inside protein tunnels - from nature to optogenetics Place: Osaka (2016-03-16 - 2016-03-16)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: Seminary of School of Biotechnology - referat zaproszony Title: Applications of the Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Biotechnology, Nanotechnology and Health Related Issues Place: School Of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China (2016-12-14 - 2016-12-14)
Name: Tutorial for Students of School of Biotechnology - referat zaproszony Title: Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulations Place: School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China (2016-12-15 - 2016-12-15)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: Seminarium - referat Title: Obrazowanie struktur naczyniowych przedniego odcinka oka za pomocą OCT Place: Warszawa (2016-10-24 - 2016-10-24)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: 1st European Forum on Nanoscale Spectroscopy - udział bierny Place: Kraków (2016-09-26 - 2016-09-27)
Name: 9th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Białystok (2016-09-28 - 2016-09-30)
Name: The CHARME of standardisation in life sciences - udział bierny Place: Warszawa (2016-06-21 - 2016-06-22)
Name: Biobanki: wyzwanie w czasach Big Data. - udział bierny Place: Warszawa (2016-06-08 - 2016-06-08)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: BioInformatics in Torun 2016 - BIT16 - referat zaproszony Title: Application of the Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Health Related Issues Place: Toruń (2016-06-16 - 2016-06-18)
Author: Jakub Rydzewski
Name: Workshop on Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules - plakat Title: Ligand diffusion pathways in cytochrome P450cam Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak Place: Huenfeld (2016-05-27 - 2016-05-29)
Author: Wiktor Łachmański
Name: Sympozjum Młodych Naukowców Wydziału Fizyki - plakat Title: Effect of Thermal Annealing on Scintillation of Lu0.75Y0.25AG:Pr Crystals Co-authors: Igor Kantorski, Winicjusz Drozdowski, Jarosław Kisielewski, Marek Świrkowicz Place: Warszawa (2016-06-01 - 2016-06-01)
Name: XV Ogólnopolska Konferencja Kół Naukowych Fizyków - referat Title: Fizyczne podstawy procesu scyntylacji Place: Zabrze (2016-06-04 - 2016-06-06)
Author: Jakub Rydzewski
Name: Bioinformatics in Toruń 2016 - plakat Title: Conformational sampling of a biomolecular rugged energy landscape Co-authors: R. Jakubowski, G. Nicosia, W. Nowak Place: Toruń (2016-06-16 - 2016-06-18)
Name: Bioinformatics in Toruń 2016 - plakat Title: Ligand diffusion pathways in cytochrome P450cam Co-authors: W. Nowak Place: Toruń (2016-06-16 - 2016-06-18)
Author: Paweł Ossowski
Name: Integrated Optics - Sensors, Sensing Structures and Methods (IOS’2016) - referat Title: A new approach to measure the phase modulation introduced by flowing micro-objects using optical low-coherence interferometry Co-authors: Anna Raiter-Smiljanic, Anna Szkulmowska, Maciej Wojtkowski Place: Szczyrk (2016-02-29 - 2016-03-04)
Author: Wiktor Łachmański
Name: FAST WG2 meeting - referat Title: Poor Scintillation of LuYAG:Pr4+ and its Enhancement by Thermal Annealing Co-authors: A.J. Wojtowicz, W. Drozdowski Place: Wilno (Litwa) (2016-10-07 - 2016-10-07)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: Frontiers in Optics - referat zaproszony Title: Air-puff Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography Co-authors: M. Wojtkowski, E. Mączyńska, B. Kałużny Place: Rochester (2016-10-17 - 2016-10-21)
Name: 1st Be-Optical School - referat Title: Biomedical Imaging – Instrumentation & System Design Place: Goettingen (2016-11-14 - 2016-11-18)
Name: SPIE Photonics West - referat Title: Anterior segment and retinal OCT imaging with simplified sample arm using focus tunable lens technology Co-authors: K. Karnowski, D. Ruminski, M. Wojtkowski S. Manzanera, J. Mompean, P. Artal Place: San Francisco (2016-02-13 - 2016-02-18)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: BIT15 Bioinformatics in Torun 2015 - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: NAMD@GPU Co-authors: dr. Karina Kubiak-Ossowska Place: Toruń, Polska (2015-04-16 - 2015-04-18)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: BioNano&Med2015 - referat Title: Nanomechanics of reelin autism related protein - AFM and SMD studies Co-authors: Janusz Strzelecki, Wiesław Nowak Place: Barcelona (2015-11-18 - 2015-11-20)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: 43 Zjazd Fizyków Kielce - referat zaproszony Title: Nowe, inspirowane biologią, algorytmy do symulacji transportu małych ligandów wewnątrz białek Co-authors: Jakub Rydzewski Place: Kielce (2015-09-09 - 2015-09-11)
Name: 7th Symposium on Theoretical Biophysics - referat Title: MATCHING TIMESCALES IN MECHANICAL UNFOLDING OF PROTEINS BY SINGLE MOLECULE REAL AND VIRTUAL ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY Co-authors: Karolina Mikulska-Ruminska, Rafal Jakubowski, Jakub Rydzewski, Łukasz Pepłowski, Janusz Strzelecki Place: Cagliari, Włochy (2015-06-06 - 2015-06-12)
Name: Multi-Pole Approach to Structural Science - referat zaproszony Title: How to navigate inside protein tunnels - lessons from nature Co-authors: Jakub Rydzewski, Łukasz Pepłowski, Sławomir Orłowski Place: Warszawa (2015-05-10 - 2015-05-13)
Author: Paweł Ossowski
Name: SPIE Photonics West 2015 - referat Title: Detection of small biological objects by phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography Co-authors: Anna Raiter-Smiljanic, Anna Szkulmowska, Maciej Wojtkowski Place: San Francisco, California, United States (2015-02-07 - 2015-02-12)
Author: Jakub Rydzewski
Name: RECOMB 2015 - 19th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology - plakat Title: Inferring normal and pathological states in cortical neuron circuit model by Sensitivity Analysis algorithms Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak, Giuseppe Nicosia Place: Warszawa (2015-04-11 - 2015-04-15)
Name: Bioinformatics in Torun '15 - plakat Title: Nanomechanics of PCNA: a protein-made DNA halo Co-authors: Wojciech Strzałka, Wiesław Nowak Place: Toruń (2015-04-16 - 2015-04-18)
Name: Kurs Metod Chemii Obliczeniowej - WZROST - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Toruń (2015-02-09 - 2015-05-10)
Name: IV International Conference of Biophysics Students - plakat Title: Nanomechanics of PCNA: a protein-made DNA halo Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak, Wojciech Strzałka Place: Kraków, Polska (2015-05-22 - 2015-05-24)
Author: Konrad Pawlak
Name: 7th International Conference on Scanning Probe Spectroscopy and Related Methods (SPS'15) - referat Title: Turn your PC into AFM puller driver Co-authors: Janusz Strzelecki Place: Poznań (2015-06-21 - 2015-06-24)
Name: NANO CONGRESS 2015 - plakat Title: Free tool for quick bacteria adhesion data processing & analysis Co-authors: Dariusz Laskowski Place: Poznań (2015-06-25 - 2015-06-27)
Author: Jakub Rydzewski
Name: EMBO Young Scientists Forum - plakat Title: All they need is space: how to snake effectively through a protein matrix? Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak Place: Warszawa (2015-07-02 - 2015-07-03)
Name: International Synthetic and Systems Biology Summer School - plakat Title: Computational Sensitivity Analysis of Extrinsic Apoptosis Reaction Model Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak, Giuseppe Nicosia Place: Taormina, Włochy (2015-07-05 - 2015-07-09)
Author: Wiktor Łachmański
Name: 5th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - plakat Title: Effect of Thermal Annealing in Air on Scintillation Yield of LuYAG:Pr Crystals Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, J. Kisielewski, M. Świrkowicz Place: Gdańsk (2015-07-19 - 2015-07-24)
Author: Paweł Ossowski
Name: OPTO-Meeting for Young Researchers & 10th Anniversary International SPIE Student Chapter Meeting 2015 - referat Title: Detection and differentiation of blood cells using optical coherence tomography and dedicated microfluidic chip Co-authors: Anna Raiter-Smiljanic, Anna Szkulmowska, Maciej Wojtkowski Place: Wrocław (2015-05-27 - 2015-05-30)
Author: Jakub Rydzewski
Name: 8th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society - referat zaproszony Title: Memetic algorithms for ligand expulsion from a buried receptor docking site Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak Place: Lublin (2015-09-17 - 2015-09-19)
Author: Wiktor Łachmański
Name: 1st Industrial FAST Workshop - udział bierny Place: Aachen (2015-09-24 - 2015-09-25)
Author: Paweł Ossowski
Name: Frontiers in Optics 2015 - referat Title: Differentiation of Morphotic Elements in the Human Blood Using Optical Coherence Tomography and Microfluidic Chip Co-authors: Anna Raiter-Smiljanic, Anna Szkulmowska, Maciej Wojtkowski Place: San Jose, Kalifornia, USA (2015-10-18 - 2015-10-22)
Author: Ewa Mączyńska-Walkowiak
Name: OPTO-Meeting for Young Researchers & 10th Anniversary International SPIE Student Chapter Meeting 2015 - referat Title: Towards investigation of long-term contact lens wear effects with use of SS-OCT Co-authors: Hong Chou Lyu, Karol Karnowski, Ireneusz Grulkowski, Maciej Wojtkowski Place: Wrocław (2015-05-27 - 2015-05-30)
Name: IX Kopernikańskie Sympozjum Doktoranckie - referat Title: Tomografia optyczna z laserami strojonymi w metrologii soczewek kontaktowych Co-authors: Hong Chou Lyu, Karol Karnowski, Ireneusz Grulkowski, Maciej Wojtkowski Place: Toruń (2015-06-24 - 2015-06-26)
Name: Frontiers in Optics & Laser Science Conference - plakat Title: SS-OCT Based Evaluation of Possible Impact on Vision Quality Caused by Long-Term Wear of Soft Contact Lenses Co-authors: Hong Chou Lyu, Karol Karnowski, Ireneusz Grulkowski, Bartłomiej Kałużny, Maciej Wojtkowski Place: San Jose, California, USA (2015-10-18 - 2015-10-22)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: SPIE Photonics West - referat Title: OCT imaging with dynamic focus using active ultrahigh speed acousto-optic tunable lens Co-authors: Krzysztof Szulzycki, Maciej Wojtkowski Place: San Francisco (2015-02-07 - 2015-02-12)
Name: European Conferences on Biomedical Optics - referat Title: Performance of coherence-based imaging systems with rapidly tunable lens Co-authors: Krzysztof Szulzycki, maciej Wojtkowski Place: Monachium (2015-06-21 - 2016-06-25)
Name: III Ogólnopolska Konferencja Studentów Fizyki Medycznej „Fizyka dla medyka” - referat zaproszony Title: Czy równanie "Fizycy + Lekarze + Inżynierowie + Biznes = Lepsza Diagnostyka" jest prawdziwe? Place: Krakow (2015-04-10 - 2015-04-12)
Author: Jakub Rydzewski
Name: Cukrzyca w wymiarze 5D - udział bierny Place: Warszawa (2015-12-05 - 2015-12-05)
Name: XVI. Annual Linz Winter Workshop - plakat Title: AFM force spectroscopy manipulation of neuronal human protein contactin Co-authors: A. Kulik, W. Nowak, C. Ben Adiba, G. Dietler Place: Linz, Austria (2014-01-31 - 2014-02-03)
Name: Doctoral School In Biophysics 2014 - plakat Place: Crans-Montana, Szwajcaria (2014-02-02 - 2014-02-08)
Name: Doctoral School In Biophysics 2014 - referat Place: Crans-Montana, Szwajcaria (2014-02-02 - 2014-02-08)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: CHROMATIN ORGANIZATION from structure to biological function - plakat Title: "AFM studies of contactin nanomechanics" Co-authors: K.Mikulska-Rumińska, A.Kulik, G. Dietler Place: Crans_Montana, Szwajcaria (2014-02-02 - 2014-02-08)
Name: Significance of Knotted Structures for Function of Proteins and Nucleic Acids - plakat Title: Balls and Sticks in Medically Important Proteins under Mechanical Stress Co-authors: Lukasz Peplowski, Rafal Jakubowski, Karolina Mikulska-Ruminska, Jakub Rydzewski Place: Warszawa (2014-09-17 - 2014-09-21)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: Biophysical Society thematic meeting: Significance of Knotted Structures for Function of Proteins and Nucleic Acids - plakat Title: New mechanical transition observed in highly stretched DNA with constrained linking number Co-authors: Ł. Pepłowski, R. Lenartowski, W. Nowak, A. Balter Place: Warszawa (2014-09-17 - 2014-09-21)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: BIT14 Bioinformatics in Torun 2014 - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: TTR related amyloidosis: new insights from simulations and drug design Co-authors: Rafal Jakubowski, Piotr Skrzyniarz, Wieslaw Nowak Place: Toruń, Polska (2014-06-12 - 2014-06-14)
Name: From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology 2014 (CBSB14) - plakat Title: Steered Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Constrained and Unconstrained Double Stranded DNA as Explanation of Atomic Force Microscopy Results at High Force Regime Co-authors: Janusz Strzelecki, Aleksander Balter, Wieslaw Nowak Place: Gdańsk (2014-05-25 - 2014-05-27)
Author: Jakub Rydzewski
Name: BIT14 - Bioinformatics in Torun - plakat Title: Is There Any Exit? Ligand Escape Pathways and Unbinding Free Energy for M2 Muscarinic Receptor-QNB complex Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak Place: Torun, Poland (2014-06-12 - 2014-06-14)
Author: Konrad Pawlak
Name: NIDays - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Warszawa (2014-10-29 - 2014-10-29)
Name: Annual Meeting of the German Biophysical Society - plakat Title: Nanopuller: open source data acquisition software for force spectroscopy Co-authors: Janusz Strzelecki Place: Lubeka (2014-09-14 - 2014-09-17)
Name: Modern Biophysical Techniques for the Life Sciences - plakat Title: One platform – better compatibility. Standardization of AFM force spectroscopy experiment. Co-authors: Janusz Strzelecki Place: Bruksela (2014-10-20 - 2014-10-21)
Name: I POZNAŃSKIE SYMPOZJUM MŁODYCH NAUKOWCÓW - plakat Title: Automatyczne metody analizy krzywych siłowych Co-authors: Aleksander Balter Place: Poznań (2014-11-15 - 2014-11-15)
Name: VIII Seminarium "Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań STM/AFM" - plakat Title: Zastosowanie WFFT i transformaty falkowej do automatycznej analizy krzywych siłowych Co-authors: Aleksander Balter Place: Zakopane (2014-12-03 - 2014-12-07)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: SPIE Photonics West - referat Title: OCT imaging with dynamic focus using active ultrahigh speed acousto-optic tunable lens Co-authors: Krzysztof Szulżycki, Maciej Wojtkowski Place: San Francisco (2014-02-01 - 2014-02-06)
Name: OSA BIOMED Biomedical Optics 2014 - referat Title: Swept Source OCT of Oral Mucosa and Labial Salivary Glands in Cystic Fibrosis Co-authors: Jan K. Nowak, Karol Karnowski, Jarosław Walkowiak, Maciej Wojtkowski Place: Miami (2014-04-26 - 2014-04-30)
Name: VPO (7th European Meeting coinciding with the 1st World Meeting in Visual and Physiological Optics) - referat Title: Comparison of anterior segment OCT technologies for corneal imaging at different wavelengths Co-authors: Karol Karnowski, Maciej Wojtkowski Place: Wrocław (2014-08-24 - 2014-08-27)
Name: Nencki Microscopy Workshop - referat zaproszony Title: Multidimensional interferometric imaging and metrology in biomedicine – from microscopy to mesoscopy Place: Warszawa (2014-05-28 - 2014-05-31)
Name: PROPHET Conference 2014 - referat zaproszony Title: Recent advances in swept source technology for anterior segment imaging and ocular biometry Place: Cork (2014-06-26 - 2014-06-27)
Author: Paweł Ossowski
Name: OPTO-Meeting for Young Researchers & SPIE Student Chapter Meeting Gdańsk 2014 - plakat Title: Monte Carlo simulation of light propagation in biological media Place: Gdańsk (2014-07-01 - 2014-07-05)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: XIV Toruński Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki - referat zaproszony Title: Wykład Place: Toruń (2014-04-26 - 2014-04-26)
Name: Wyklad otwarty - referat zaproszony Title: ,,Zagadka życia na trzeciej planecie od Słońca, czyli jak prosta matematyka prowadzi do lepszego rozumienia organizmów żywych?' Place: Olsztyn (2014-03-07 - 2014-03-07)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: seminarium grupowe - referat zaproszony Title: Recent advances in swept source technology for anterior segment OCT imaging and ocular biometry Place: Murcia, Hiszpania (2014-05-13 - 2014-05-13)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: NanoMeasure2013 - plakat Title: Micro and Nanostructure of Caddisfly Silk Co-authors: Agata Jaruszewska, Mariusz Tszydel, Aleksander Balter Place: Warszawa (2013-06-25 - 2013-06-26)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: II International Conference of Biophysics Students 2013 - referat Title: The mechanical stretching of neuronal proteins related to autism Co-authors: J. Strzelecki, W. Nowak Place: Kraków (2013-05-24 - 2013-05-26)
Name: 13th annual conference in bioinformatics - plakat Title: Coarse-grained SMD simulations of Laminin G domains Co-authors: W. Nowak Place: Toruń (2013-06-26 - 2013-06-29)
Name: 13th annual conference in bioinformatics - referat Title: Steered MD studies of modular neuronal proteins Co-authors: J. Strzelecki, W. Nowak Place: Toruń (2013-06-26 - 2013-06-29)
Name: 9th European Biophysics Congress - plakat Title: Nanomechanics of proteins related to autism spectrum disorder Co-authors: W. Nowak Place: Lizbona (2013-07-13 - 2013-07-17)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: Bioinformatics 2013 / BIT13 - plakat Title: Molecular dynamics study of the βNeurexin-Neuroligin adhesion interactions Co-authors: Rafał Jakubowski, Wiesław Nowak Place: Hotel Bulwar, Toruń (2013-06-26 - 2013-06-29)
Name: 9th European Biophysics Congress EBSA2013 - plakat Title: Electric field effects on EGF and bFGF ligand- receptor unbinding investigated by Steered MD method Co-authors: Joanna Estkowska, Wiesław Nowak Place: Lizbona, Portugalia (2013-07-13 - 2013-07-17)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: XLII Zjazd Fizyków Polskich - referat zaproszony Title: Na styku teorii i doświadczenia - nanomechanika białek modularnych Co-authors: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska, Anna Gogolińska, Rafał Jakubowski, Marcin Dąbrowski, Janusz Strzelecki, Łukasz Pepłowski, Andrzej Kulik, Małgorzata Lekka, Karina Kubiak Place: Poznań (2013-09-08 - 2013-09-13)
Name: 9th EBSA European Biophysics Congress - plakat Title: On applications of virtual atomic force microscope in studies of brain proteins Co-authors: K. Mikulska, R. Jakubowski , L. Peplowski , M. Dabrowski, A. Gogolinska, W. Duch, Place: Lizbona (2013-07-06 - 2013-07-11)
Name: Computational Biology: Then and Now (Research Workshop) - plakat Title: Nanomechanics of proteins at synaptic junction – a computational approach Co-authors: .Mikulska, R.Jakubowski, L.Pepłowski, J.Strzelecki Place: Rehovot, Israel (2013-05-06 - 2013-05-09)
Name: 11th Workshop on Bioinformatics and 6th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society - plakat Title: Mathematical networks as a tool in MD computer simulations data analysis Co-authors: Anna Gogolińska Place: Wrocław (2013-09-27 - 2013-09-29)
Name: "INTERDYSCYPLINARNOŚĆ W EDUKACJI PRZYRODNICZEJ I MATEMATYCZNEJ" - referat zaproszony Title: Jak prosta matematyka prowadzi do lepszego rozumienia organizmów żywych? Place: Toruń (2013-09-20 - 2013-09-21)
Name: 5th JCS International Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry - referat zaproszony Title: Theoretical Approach to Nanomechanics of Modular Proteins Co-authors: Karolina Mikulska, Anna Gogolińska, Rafał Jakubowski, Jakub Rydzewski, Łukasz Pepłowski Place: Todai-ji Culture Center, Nara, Japan (2013-12-02 - 2013-12-06)
Name: SPIE Photonics West - referat Title: 3-D ocular morphometry and biometry of accommodating eyes Co-authors: Jonathan J. Liu, Benjamin Potsaid, Vijaysekhar Jayaraman, Alex E. Cable, David Huang, Jay S. Duker, James G. Fujimoto Place: San Francisco (2013-02-02 - 2013-02-07)
Name: XVIII Krajowa Konferencja Biocybernetyki i Inżynierii Biomedycznej - referat Title: Obrazowanie OCT z wykorzystaniem ultraszybkiego ogniskowania dynamicznego Co-authors: Maciej Wojtkowski Place: Gdańsk (2013-10-10 - 2013-10-12)
Author: Daniel Rumiński
Name: II International Conference of Biophysics Students - referat Title: OCT as a tool for noninvasive imaging of retinal microcapillary network in eye diseases Co-authors: D. Bukowska, B.L. Sikorski, I. Gorczynska, M. Szkulmowski, M. Wojtkowski Place: Kraków (2013-05-24 - 2013-05-26)
Name: ARVO - plakat Title: OCT angiography as a noinvasive tool for volumetric imaging of retinal microangiopathy Co-authors: D. Bukowska, B.L. Sikorski, I. Gorczynska, D. Borycki, M. Szkulmowski, M. Wojtkowski Place: Seattle (2013-05-05 - 2013-05-09)
Name: Photonics West, BiOS - referat Title: Retinal micro-capillaries blood flow estimation based on intensity information analysis of OCT data Co-authors: D. Bukowska, I. Gorczynska, M. Szkulmowski, M. Wojtkowski Place: San Francisco (2013-02-02 - 2013-02-07)
Author: Konrad Pawlak
Name: III Kopernikańskie Sympozjum Studentów Nauk Przydordniczych - plakat Title: Force Clamp - rozwijanie białek ze stałą siłą Co-authors: Janusz Strzelecki, Aleksander Balter Place: Toruń (2013-03-22 - 2013-03-24)
Name: IV Sieradzka Konferencja Kosmiczna - referat Title: Program rozwoju polskich łazików marsjańskich Place: Sieradz (2013-10-08 - 2013-10-09)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: Biomolecular electrodynamic interactions for future nanoelectronics and photonics - referat zaproszony Title: Optical coherence tomography for noninvasive imaging of structures and functions in biomedicine Place: Bruksela (2013-04-29 - 2013-04-29)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: II Kopernikańskie Sympozjum Studentów Nauk Przyrodniczych - referat zaproszony Title: Komputerowe modelowanie biomolekuł - czyli podpatrywanie i usprawnianie Matki Natury Place: Toruń (2012-03-09 - 2012-03-11)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: I Studencka Konferencja Biologii Molekularnej - referat zaproszony Title: Ślepiec widzi więcej czyli o modelowaniu białek ważnych dla zdrowia Place: Łódź (2012-03-23 - 2012-03-24)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules 2012 - plakat Title: Ligand-receptor unbinding in electric fields. MD and Steered MD studies of EGF and FGF growth factors. Co-authors: Joanna Estkowska, Wiesław Nowak Place: Hunfeld, Niemcy (2012-04-20 - 2012-04-22)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: 26th Molecular Modelling Workshop - referat Title: Steered MD (and AFM) study of neuronal protein neurexin Co-authors: J. Strzelecki, W. Nowak Place: Erlangen (Niemcy) (2012-03-12 - 2012-03-14)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: 10th Anniversary of Students Chapter of SPIE in Torun - referat zaproszony Title: Stressful life of proteins Co-authors: Karolina Mikulska, Adrian Jasiński, Marcin Lorkowski, Anna Gogolińska, Łukasz Pepłowski, Rafał Jakubowski Place: Torun (2012-04-21 - 2012-04-21)
Name: V Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Bioinformatycznego i 10-te warsztaty dla doktorantów - referat Title: When your nerves break apart - steered molecular dynamics simulations of βneurexin1-neuroligin adhesion complex Co-authors: Rafał Jakubowski, Łukasz Pepłowski Place: Gdańsk (2012-05-25 - 2012-05-27)
Name: Forum Przedsiębiorczości Akademickiej 2012 - referat zaproszony Title: Teoria w praktyce - jak fizycy pomagają w projektowaniu leków i nowych metod diagnostycznych Co-authors: Ł.Pepłowski, A.Gogolińska, K.Mikulska, A.Jasiński, R.Jakubowski, J.Strzelecki Place: Torun (2012-05-31 - 2012-05-31)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: VI Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat Title: Badanie nanomechaniki białka neuronalnego neureksyny Co-authors: J. Strzelecki, W. Nowak Place: WCh UMK (2012-06-13 - 2012-06-15)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: 12th annual conference in bioinformatics - plakat Title: Nanomechanics of proteins at synaptic junction Co-authors: K.Mikulska, R.Jakubowski, L.Pepłowski, J.Strzelecki Place: Sztokholm (2012-06-11 - 2012-06-14)
Name: AFM4NANOMED&BIO.The 2nd COST Action TD1002 Summer School. - referat zaproszony Title: Part I „Protein Folding, AFM and Virtual AFM – Basics" Place: Kraków (2012-09-14 - 2012-09-19)
Name: AFM4NANOMED&BIO.The 2nd COST Action TD1002 Summer School. - referat zaproszony Title: Part II "Nanomechanics of Modular Proteins - AFM and Steered MD Computational Studies“ Co-authors: Karolina Mikulska, Adrian Jasiński, Marcin Lorkowski, Anna Gogolińska, Łukasz Pepłowski, Rafał Jakubowski, Janusz Strzelecki Place: Kraków (2012-09-14 - 2012-09-19)
Name: ICARIS2012. The 11th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems - referat Title: “Petri Nets Approach to Modeling of Immune System and Autism” Co-authors: Anna Gogolińska Place: Taormina, Włochy (2012-08-28 - 2012-08-31)
Name: VII Seminarium - Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań STM/AFM 2012 - referat Title: Wirtualny AFM daje nowe informacje o nanomechanice białek Co-authors: R.Jakubowski, K.Mikulska, A.Gogolińska, J.Rydzewski, M.Dąbrowski, J. Strzelecki, Ł. Pepłowski, A. Kulik, K. Kubiak Place: Zakopane (2012-11-28 - 2012-12-02)
Name: Kujawsko-Pomorskie Forum Edukacyjne - referat zaproszony Title: W poszukiwaniu nowych motywacji - jak fizycy pomagają w projektowaniu leków i nowych metod diagnostycznych. Place: Toruń (2012-11-26 - 2012-11-26)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: BIT12 - BioInformatics in Torun - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Toruń (2012-09-27 - 2012-09-29)
Name: Bioinformatics in Torun 2012 - plakat Title: Coarse-grained SMD simulations of β-rich protein domains Co-authors: J. Strzelecki, W. Nowak Place: Toruń (2012-09-27 - 2012-09-29)
Name: Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials 2012 - plakat Title: Nanomechanics of β-rich domains proteins related to neuronal disorders Co-authors: W. Nowak Place: Wrocław (2012-09-10 - 2012-09-14)
Author: Daniel Rumiński
Name: Photonics West, BIOS - referat Title: Measurement of blood flow in 3-D based on intensity information analysis of OCT data Co-authors: Danuta Bukowska, Iwona Gorczyńska, Maciej Szkulmowski, Maciej Wojtkowski Place: San Francisco, USA (2012-01-21 - 2012-02-26)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: ARVO Annual Meeting - referat Title: Ophthalmic applications of ultrahigh speed OCT using VCSEL light source technology Co-authors: J. J. Liu, B. Potsaid, V. Jayaraman, A. E. Cable, M. F. Kraus, J. Hornegger, D. Huang, J. S. Duker and J. G. Fujimoto Place: Fort Lauderdale (2012-05-06 - 2012-05-10)
Name: SPIE Photonics West - referat Title: Volumetric ocular anterior segment biometry using OCT registration and refraction correction techniques Co-authors: M. F. Kraus, B. Potsaid, B. Baumann, D. Huang, J. Hornegger, J.G. Fujimoto Place: San Francisco (2012-01-21 - 2012-01-26)
Author: Daniel Rumiński
Name: VI Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat Title: Tomografia optyczna OCT jako narzędzie do wizualizacji sieci naczyń układu krwionośnego oka ludzkiego Co-authors: I. Gorczynska, M. Szkulmowski, M. Wojtkowski Place: Toruń (2012-06-13 - 2012-06-15)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: ARVO/ISIE Imaging Conference - referat Title: Comprehensive Swept Source OCT Imaging for Ocular Biometry Co-authors: Jonathan J. Liu, Benjamin Potasiad, V. Jayaraman, Alex E. Cable, Martin F. Kraus, Joachim Hornegger, David Huang, Jay S. Duker, James G. Fujimoto Place: Fort Lauderdale (2012-05-05 - 2012-05-05)
Author: Jakub Rydzewski
Name: BIT12 - Bioinformatics in Torun - plakat Title: Mechanical Stability of PCNA cyclin fragments - steered MD study Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak, Wojciech Strzałka Place: Torun, Poland (2012-09-27 - 2012-09-29)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: Światowy Dzień Wody - referat zaproszony Title: H2O! Woda w życiu, życie w wodzie Place: Grudziądz (2012-03-22 - 2012-03-22)
Name: seminarium Europejskiego Centrum Bioinformatyki i Genomiki - referat zaproszony Title: Jak zarobić na robakach? - czyli komputerowe badania struktury, dynamiki i nanomechaniki białek o znaczeniu medycznym Place: Poznań (2012-06-15 - 2012-06-15)
Name: Seminarium Laboratory of Physics of Living Matter (LPMV, EPFL) - referat zaproszony Title: Nanomechanics of Modular Proteins - AFM and Steered MD Computational Studies Place: EPFL, Lozanna, Szwajcaria (2012-07-05 - 2012-07-05)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: WELCOME Scientific Meeting on Hybrid Nanostructures - plakat Title: AFM Investigation of Biological Nanostructures Co-authors: M. Dąbrowski, J. Strzelecka , K. Mikulska , W. Nowak , and A. Balter Place: Toruń (2011-08-28 - 2011-08-31)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: BIT11 (Bioinformatics in Torun) - plakat Title: EGF and bFGF Cell Signaling Pathways Co-authors: Joanna Estkowska, Wiesław Nowak Place: Instytut Fizyki, UMK (2011-06-02 - 2011-06-04)
Name: BIT11 (Bioinformatics in Torun) - plakat Title: Steered Molecular Dynamics studies of human ß-neurexin1 Co-authors: Rafał Jakubowski, Wiesław Nowak Place: Instytut Fizyki, UMK (2011-06-02 - 2011-06-04)
Name: BIT11 (Bioinformatics in Torun) - plakat Title: Electric field effects on the FGF2-FGFR2 complex in Molecular Dynamics and Steered MD simulations Co-authors: Joanna Estkowska, Wiesław Nowak Place: Instytut Fizyki, UMK (2011-06-02 - 2011-06-04)
Name: BIT11 (Bioinformatics in Torun) - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Instytut Fizyki, UMK (2011-06-02 - 2011-06-04)
Name: BIT11 (Bioinformatics in Torun) - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: MD, VMD & Steered MD Co-authors: Karolina Mikulska Place: Instytut Fizyki, UMK (2011-06-02 - 2011-06-04)
Name: EBSA11, 8th European Biophysics Congress - plakat Title: Molecular dynamics study of bNeurexin-Neuroligin interactions Co-authors: Rafal Jakubowski, Adrian Jasinski, Wieslaw Nowak Place: Budapeszt (2011-08-23 - 2011-08-27)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: OPTO Meeting for Young Researchers & VIth International SPIE Students’ Chapters Meeting - referat Title: How does good hair conditioner work? Comparing the same area of hair before and after treatment with Atomic Force Microscopy. Co-authors: Janusz Strzelecki, Beata Tyszczuk, Aleksander Balter, Wiesław Nowak, Irena Eris Place: Instytut Fizyki UMK Toruń (2011-05-11 - 2011-05-14)
Name: Bioinformatics in Torun 2011 - plakat Title: In search of SHANK3 3D structure Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak Place: Instytut Fizyki UMK Toruń (2011-06-02 - 2011-06-04)
Name: EMBO Young Scientists Forum - plakat Title: How does the mechanical stress affect interactions of ECM neuronal protein CNTN4 with protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPRG? Co-authors: Adrian Jasiński, Wiesław Nowak Place: IIMCB Warszawa (2011-06-30 - 2011-07-01)
Name: V Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii - plakat Title: How does a good hair conditioner work? Comparing the same area of a hair before and after treatment, by means of atomic force microscopy Co-authors: Janusz Strzelecki, Beata Tyszczuk, Aleksander Balter, Wiesław Nowak, Irena Eris Place: Politechnika Gdańśka, Gdańsk (2011-07-03 - 2011-07-07)
Name: V Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii - plakat Title: Badania wytrzymałości nanomechanicznej neureksyny: składnika złącza synaptycznego Co-authors: Janusz Strzelecki, Aleksander Balter, Wiesław Nowak Place: Politechnika Gdańśka, Gdańsk (2011-07-03 - 2011-07-07)
Name: 8th EBSA European Biophysics Congress - plakat Title: Nanomechanics of neuron al junction – stretching FNIII domains of human contactins Co-authors: Janusz Strzelecki, Aleksander Balter, Wiesław Nowak Place: Budapeszt, Węgry (2011-08-23 - 2011-08-27)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: IV Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Bioinformatycznego i 9-te warsztaty dla doktorantów - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Kraków - Przegorzały (2011-09-30 - 2011-10-02)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: Multi-Pole Approach to Structural Biology - plakat Title: Steered MD simulations of a full length human contactin molecule Co-authors: Łukasz Pepłowski, Wiesław Nowak Place: Warszawa (2011-11-16 - 2011-11-19)
Name: 9th Workshop on Bioinformatics and 4th Convention of the Polish Bioinformatics Society - referat Title: On a role and nanomechanics of neurexins in synaptic junction Co-authors: Łukasz Pepłowski, Janusz Strzelecki, Rafał Jakubowski, Wiesław Nowak Place: Kraków (2011-09-30 - 2011-10-02)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: Multi-Pole Approach to Structural Biology - referat zaproszony Title: Stressful life of biomolecules - AFM and Steered MD studies of modular proteins nanomechanics Co-authors: Ł. Pepłowski, K. Mikulska, A.Jasiński, B. Dobrzelecki, R. Jankowski, J.Strzelecki, A.Goglińska Place: Warszawa (2011-11-16 - 2011-11-19)
Name: 10th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (CESTC 2011) - plakat Title: Towards innovative applications of non-standard amino acids as fluorescent probes in proteins. A computational study of charge-transfer probes dynamics in different electronic states Co-authors: A.Jasiński, P.Miszta Place: Toruń (2011-09-25 - 2011-09-29)
Name: Kopernikańskie Sympozjum Studentów Nauk Przyrodniczych - zastosowania wiedzy w praktyce - referat zaproszony Title: Jak zarobić na robakach czyli nanomechanika potencjalnych biomateriałów Co-authors: J. Strzelecki, K. Mikulska, J. Strzelecka, M. Tszydel, A. Balter Place: Torun, WBiNoZ (2011-05-25 - 2011-05-26)
Name: THEOBio11 - 5th Theoretical Biophysics International Symposium - referat Title: MECHANICAL UNFOLDING OF MODULAR PROTEINS BY SINGLE MOLECULE VIRTUAL AFM MICROSCOPY Co-authors: Karolina Mikulska, Adrian Jasiński, Marcin Lorkowski, Anna Gogolińska, Łukasz Pepłowski Place: Funchal (Portugalia) (2011-06-08 - 2011-06-12)
Name: Liczby-Komputery-Życie - referat zaproszony Title: O błądzeniu przypadkowym tlenu w białkach hemowych, czyli czy warto siedzieć w LESie? Place: Kraków (2011-03-18 - 2011-03-20)
Name: WELCOME Scientific Meeting on Hybrid Nanostructures - plakat Title: 1. Dynamics of Protein Elements of Hybrid Structures - Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Light Harvesting Protein Model 2. AFM Investigation of Biological Nanostructures Co-authors: 1. A. Jasiński, K. Mikulska, B. Krajnik 2. J.Strzelecki , M. Dąbrowski , J. Strzelecka , K. Mikulska , A. Balter Place: Centrum Optyki Kwantowej, Instytut Fizyki UMK, Torun (2011-08-28 - 2011-08-31)
Name: BioInformatics in Torun - BIT11 - plakat Title: 1. EGF and bFGF Cell Signaling Pathways 2. Electric field effects on the FGF2-FGFR2 complex in Molecular Dynamics and Steered MD simulations 3. MONTE CARLO APPROACH TO ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE PROPAGATION THROUGH BIOLOGICAL TISSUE Co-authors: 1,2. J. Estkowska, Ł.Pepłowski 3. P.Ossowski, S.Orłowski Place: Centrum Optyki Kwantowej, Instytut Fizyki UMK, Torun (2011-06-02 - 2011-06-04)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: WELCOME Scientific Meeting on Hybrid Nanostructures - plakat Place: Toruń (2011-08-28 - 2011-08-31)
Name: Multi-Pole Approach to Structural Biology - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Study of electric field effect on the FGF2-FGFR2 complex by MD and Steered MD computational methods Co-authors: Joanna Estkowska, Łukasz Pepłowski, Wiesław Nowak Place: Waszawa (2011-11-16 - 2011-11-19)
Name: Multi-Pole Approach to Structural Biology - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: The functional role of FGF-2 and EGF in the nervous system Co-authors: Joanna Estkowska, Łukasz Pepłowski, Wiesław Nowak Place: Warszawa (2011-11-16 - 2011-11-19)
Author: Daniel Rumiński
Name: Polska Konferencja Optyczna - plakat Title: Metody analizy danych w tomografii OCT w celu uzyskania informacji o przepływach w naczyniach krwionośnych Co-authors: Szkulmowski Maciej, Gorczyńska Iwona, Szlag Daniel, Wojtkowski Maciej Place: Międzyzdroje (2011-06-27 - 2011-07-01)
Name: OPTO Meeting for Young Researchers - referat Title: Blood vessels segmentation using joint Spectral and Time domain Optical Coherence Tomography and speckle contrast Co-authors: Szkulmowski Maciej, Gorczyńska Iwona, Wojtkowski Maciej Place: Toruń (2011-05-11 - 2011-05-14)
Name: ARVO - plakat Title: Comparison of intensity decorrelation technique and joint Spectral and Time domain Optical Coherence Tomography for retinal and choroidal vessel detection Co-authors: Szkulmowski Maciej, Gorczyńska Iwona, Karnowski Karol, Kowalczyk Andrzej, Wojtkowski Maciej Place: Fort Lauderdale, USA (2011-05-01 - 2011-05-05)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: SPIE Photonics West - referat Title: Cortical blood flow imaging of mouse stroke model by high-speed spectral OCT Co-authors: G. Wilczynski, D. Bukowska, M. Szkulmowski, J. Wlodarczyk, K. Karnowski, D. Ruminski, A. Kowalczyk, M. Wojtkowski Place: San Francisco (2011-01-21 - 2011-01-26)
Author: Paweł Ossowski
Name: Electromagnetic Fields and Quantum Phenomena in the Biological Systems - plakat Title: MONTE CARLO APPROACH TO ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE PROPAGATION THROUGH BIOLOGICAL TISSUE Co-authors: Slawomir Orlowski, Wieslaw Nowak Place: Poznań (2011-05-20 - 2011-05-20)
Name: Bioinformatics in Torun (BIT11) - plakat Title: MONTE CARLO APPROACH TO ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE PROPAGATION THROUGH BIOLOGICAL TISSUE Co-authors: Sławomir Orłowski, Wiesław Nowak Place: Toruń (2011-06-02 - 2011-06-04)
Author: Daniel Rumiński
Name: II Konferencja Badań Podstawowych w Okulistyce - referat Title: Porównanie dekorelacji intensywności z metodą dopplerowską STdOCT w celu detekcji naczyń siatkówki oka ludzkiego Co-authors: M. Szkulmowski, I. Gorczynska, A. Kowalczyk, M. Wojtkowski Place: Kraków (2011-10-18 - 2011-10-19)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: 2010 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting - plakat Title: Single Molecule AFM Force Spectroscopy and Steered Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Contactin4 Protein Co-authors: Janusz W. Strzelecki, Karolina Mikulska, Małgorzata Lekka, Andrzej Kulik, Aleksander Balter, Wiesław Nowak Place: San Francisco, CA, USA (2010-04-05 - 2010-04-09)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: BIT10 (BioInformatics in Torun) - plakat Title: The Strongest Proteins. All Atom Steered Molecular Dynamics Study Co-authors: Łukasz Pepłowsk,i Mateusz Sikora, Wiesław Nowak, Marek Cieplak Place: Toruń, Wydział Matemeatyki i Informatyki (2010-06-10 - 2010-06-12)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: BIT10 (BioInformatics in Torun) - plakat Title: Bioinformatical analysis of Autism Spectrum Disorder related proteins - towards integrated theory Co-authors: Karolina Mikulska, Wiesław Nowak Place: Toruń, Wydział Matemeatyki i Informatyki (2010-06-10 - 2010-06-12)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: BIT10 (BioInformatics in Torun) - plakat Title: Molecular Recognition in Major Respiratory Allergen Phl p2 – Computational Study. Co-authors: Anna Gogolińska, Lena Nowakowska, Wiesław Nowak Place: Toruń, Wydział Matemeatyki i Informatyki (2010-06-10 - 2010-06-12)
Name: III Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Bioinformatycznego, połączony z 8. Warsztatami z Bioinformatyki dla Doktorantów - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Ustroń (2010-10-01 - 2010-10-03)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials 2010 - referat Title: Steered MD simulations of adhesive protein contactin Co-authors: K. Mikulska, Ł. Pepłowski, W. Nowak Place: Wrocław (2010-07-04 - 2010-07-08)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: BIT10 (BioInformatics in Torun) - referat Title: MD, VMD & Steered MD Co-authors: Ł. Pepłowski, K. Mikulska Place: Toruń, Wydział Matemeatyki i Informatyki (2010-06-10 - 2010-06-12)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: OPTO meeting for younger researchers - referat Title: Optically active proteins Place: Toruń (2010-05-12 - 2010-05-15)
Name: Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials 2010 - plakat Title: Nanomechanics of Ig-like domains of human contactin (BIG-2) Co-authors: K. Mikulska, Ł. Pepłowski, W. Nowak Place: Wrocław (2010-07-04 - 2010-07-08)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: Swiss-Polish Science and Technology Days - plakat Title: Swiss_Polish Paths Towards Synergy of Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Nanomedical Problems Co-authors: W. Nowak, M. Lekka, K. Mikulska, J. Strzelecki, A. Kulik, G. Dietler Place: Warszawa (2010-01-14 - 2010-01-15)
Name: International Society of Quantum Biology and Pharmacology - plakat Title: Mechanical Unfolding of Modular Proteins – Contacts Dynamics in Contactin Co-authors: W. Nowak, K. Mikulska, J. Strzelecki, Ł. Pepłowski Place: Cetraro, Włochy (2010-06-14 - 2010-06-18)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: IV Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat Title: O „obrotach” modułów białkowych – teoretyczne i spektroskopowe badanie pojedynczych molekuł Co-authors: K. Mikulska, J. Strzelecki, J. Strzelecka, W. Nowak Place: Toruń (2010-06-17 - 2010-06-19)
Name: V Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii – NANO2010 - referat Title: W poszukiwaniu nowych materiałów – badania nanomechaniki nici chruścików (Trichoptera) Co-authors: J. Strzelecki, J. Strzelecka, K. Mikulska, M. Tszydel, A. Balter, W. Nowak Place: Poznań (2010-06-28 - 2010-07-02)
Name: III Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Bioinformatycznego, połączony z 8. Warsztatami z Bioinformatyki dla Doktorantów - referat Title: Genetic Foundations of Autism Spectrum Disorder Co-authors: K. Mikulska, W. Nowak Place: Ustroń (2010-10-01 - 2010-10-03)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: 37 Szkoła Zimowa Wydziału Biochemii, Biofizyki i Biotechnologii Uniwersytetu Jagielońskiego - referat zaproszony Title: 1) Bioinformatyka - buzword czy poważna nauka? 2)Bioinformatyka Strukturalna - metody klasyczne i nowe zastosowania Place: Zakopane (2010-02-13 - 2010-02-17)
Name: I Ogólnopolska Konferencja Studentów Biofizyki - referat zaproszony Title: Uwaga, Uwaga! Nadchodzi Bioinformatyka! Place: UJ, Kraków (2010-05-15 - 2010-05-16)
Name: VI Seminarium Badania Prowadzone Metodami Skaningowej Mikroskopii Bliskich Oddziaływań STM/AFM 2010 - referat Title: Nanomechanika Potencjalnych Biomateriałów - Badania AFM i SMD włukien Trichptera Co-authors: W. Nowak, J. Strzelecka, J. Strzelecki, K. Mikulska Place: Zakopane (2010-12-01 - 2010-12-05)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: VI Seminarium Badania Prowadzone Metodami Skaningowej Mikroskopii Bliskich Oddziaływań STM/AFM 2010 - plakat Title: Mechanikal Stability and Dynamics of Human Dystrophin Fragments Co-authors: K. Mikulska, W. Nowak, A. Kulik, M. Lekka Place: Zakopane (2010-12-01 - 2010-12-05)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: BIT10 (BioInformatics in Torun) - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: UMK, Toruń (2010-06-10 - 2010-06-12)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: VI Seminarium,Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań STM/AFM 2010 - plakat Title: Konstrukcja AFM wyspecjalizowanego do spektroskopii mechanicznej i jego zastosowanie w badaniach erytrocytów Co-authors: J.Strzelecka , A. Żyromska , J. Strzelecki , B. Drzewiecka , H. Kardymowicz , A. Balter Place: Zakopane (2010-12-01 - 2010-12-05)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: SPIE Photonics West - referat Title: True velocity mapping using joint Spectral and Time domain Optical Coherence Tomography Co-authors: I. Grulkowski, M. Szkulmowski, D. Bukowska, Sz. Tamborski, I. Gorczynska,A. Kowalczyk, M. Wojtkowski Place: San Francisco, California, USA (2010-01-23 - 2010-01-28)
Name: OSA BIOMED - plakat Title: Velocity resolution and minimum detectable velocity in joint Spectral and Time domain OCT Co-authors: I. Grulkowski, M. Szkulmowski, I. Gorczynska, D. Szlag, A. Kowalczyk, M. Wojtkowski Place: Miami USA (2010-04-10 - 2010-04-15)
Author: Daniel Rumiński
Name: Young scientists towards the challenges of contemporary technology - referat Title: Optical Fourier Domain Interferometry as a novel tool for biological imaging Co-authors: A. Kowalczyk, M. Wojtkowski Place: Warszawa (2010-09-13 - 2010-09-16)
Name: IV Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat Title: Tomografia OCT z wykorzystaniem strojonego źródła światła o centralnej długości fali 1060 nm Co-authors: K. Karnowski, M. Wojtkowski Place: Toruń (2010-06-17 - 2010-06-19)
Name: International Student Workshop for Laser Applications - referat Title: 1060 nm central wavelength swept source laser for OCT imaging Co-authors: K. Karnowski, M. Góra, M. Wojtkowski, A. Kowalczyk Place: Bran, Rumunia (2010-05-25 - 2010-05-28)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: OPTO Meeting for Young Researchers - referat zaproszony Title: Imaging of anterior segment of the eye using Optical Coherence Tomography Place: Torun (2010-05-12 - 2010-05-15)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: BIT10 (BioInformatics in Torun) - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: UMK, Toruń (2010-06-10 - 2010-06-12)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: Seminarium Mikroskopowe - referat zaproszony Title: Tomografia optyczna OCT i jej zastosowanie w obrazowaniu mikroskopowym Place: Warszawa (2010-06-18 - 2010-06-18)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: III Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii NANO 2009 - referat Title: Badanie właściwości mechanicznych kontaktyny metodami spektroskopii mechanicznej AFM i dynamiki molekularnej Co-authors: J. Strzelecki, K. Mikulska, M. Lekka, A. Kulik, W. Nowak, A. Balter Place: Warszawa (2009-06-22 - 2009-06-26)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: SPIE Students Chapter Conference in Torun - referat zaproszony Title: Photoactive enzymes and computers Place: Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej, UMK, Toruń (2009-05-14 - 2009-05-16)
Name: Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry 2009 - referat zaproszony Title: Sweet, strong and dangerous – a few adventures with molecular modeling of biomolecules Place: Girona, Hiszpania (2009-07-08 - 2009-07-12)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: Bioinformatics in Torun 2009 - BIT09 - udział bierny Place: Wydział matematyki i Informatyki, UMK, Toruń (2009-05-21 - 2009-05-23)
Name: II Zjazd PTBI i Warsztaty z Bioinformatyki - udział bierny Place: Będlewo, Polska (2009-10-02 - 2009-10-04)
Author: Karolina Mikulska-Rumińska
Name: Bioinformatics in Torun 2009 - BIT09 - plakat Title: AFM and MD study of contactin 4 Co-authors: Karolina Mikulska, Janusz Strzelecki, Wiesław Nowak Place: Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki, UMK, Toruń (2009-05-22 - 2009-05-24)
Name: V Studenckie Seminarium Fizyki Biomolekularnej i Medycznej - referat Title: Badanie własności mechanicznych białka adhezyjnego kontaktyny metodami spektroskopii sił atomowych oraz sterowanej dynamiki molekularnej Co-authors: Karolina Mikulska , Janusz Strzelecki, Wiesław Nowak Place: Krakow, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski (2009-04-21 - 2009-04-24)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: BioInformatics in Torun - BIT09 - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki, UMK, Toruń (2009-05-21 - 2009-05-23)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: BioInformatics in Torun - BIT09 - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki, UMK, Toruń (2009-05-19 - 2009-05-23)
Author: Ireneusz Grulkowski
Name: ARVO Annual Meeting - plakat Title: High Speed In Vivo Anterior Segment Imaging by Spectral Optical Coherence Tomography Co-authors: I. Grulkowski, M. Gora, M. Szkulmowski, I. Gorczynska, D. Szlag, S. Marcos, A. Kowalczyk, M. Wojtkowski Place: Fort Lauderdale, FL USA (2009-05-02 - 2009-05-08)
Name: SPIE Photonics West - referat Title: Segmentation of flowing particles using joint Spectral and Time domain Optical Coherence Tomography Co-authors: I. Grulkowski, A. Szkulmowska, M. Szkulmowski, M. Gora, D. Szlag, A. Kowalczyk, M. Wojtkowski Place: San Jose, Calfifornia, USA (2009-01-24 - 2009-01-29)
Author: Daniel Rumiński
Name: Seminarium Studenckie Fizyki Biomolekularnej i Medycznej SEFiBIO - referat Title: Obrazowanie DNA metodą AFM Co-authors: Górska Agnieszka, Strzelecki Janusz, Balter Aleksander Place: Kraków (2009-04-20 - 2009-04-25)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: Seminarium Biologii Obliczeniowej - referat zaproszony Title: Badania własności białek macierzy zewnątrzkomórkowej Place: Centrum Zastosowań Matematyki, Instytut Matematyczny PAN, Warszawa (2009-03-02 - 2009-03-02)
Name: Referat - Seminarium Wydziałowe i posiedzenie poznańskiego oddziału PTF - referat zaproszony Title: Badania nanomechaniki biopolimerów przy pomocy wirtualnego mikroskopu sił atomowych Place: Wydział Fizyki Technicznej Politechniki Poznańskiej (2009-03-12 - 2009-03-12)
Name: Referat w EPFL - referat zaproszony Title: Virtual Atomic Force Microscope and Nanomechanics of Single Biomolecules Place: Le Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere Vivante, EPFL, Lozanna, Szwajcaria, (2009-07-13 - 2009-07-13)
Name: Referat w Instytucie Fizyki PAN - referat zaproszony Title: Komputerowe badania nanomechaniki biopolimerów - białka macierzy zewnątrzkomórkowej Place: Instytut Fizyki PAN (2009-12-02 - 2009-12-02)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB08) workshop - plakat Title: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Metaloenzyme Thiocyanate Hydrolase with Non-Corrinoid Co(III) in Active Site. Co-authors: Łukasz Pepłowski and Wiesław Nowak Place: Julich, Germany (2008-05-19 - 2008-05-21)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: Pushing the Boundaries of Biomolecular Simulations - plakat Title: Challenges in Computer Modeling of Photoactive Biotechnological Enzyme Nitrile Hydratase Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak, Karina Kubiak, Łukasz Pepłowski Place: Ascona, Szwajcaria (2008-06-08 - 2008-06-13)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: Bioinformatics 2008 Conference - plakat Title: Sequence, Phylogenetic and Structure Analysis of the Industrial Enzyme Co-authors: Lukasz Peplowski, Wieslaw Nowak Place: Warszawa, Polska (2008-04-24 - 2008-04-27)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: WATOC World Congresses 2008 - plakat Title: Computer Modeling of Structure and Dynamics of Photoactive Biotechnological Enzyme Nitrile Hydratase Co-authors: Wieslaw Nowak, Karina Kubiak, Lukasz Peplowski Place: Sydney, Australia (2008-09-14 - 2008-09-19)
Name: First Convention of the Polish Bioinformatics Society - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Jadwisin (2008-10-03 - 2008-10-05)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: First Convention of the Polish Bioinformatics Society - referat Title: Towards better understanding of human contactins - bioinformatical analysis Co-authors: Peplowski Lukasz, Karolina Mikulska, Janusz Strzelecki, Andrzej Kulik, Wieslaw Nowak Place: Jadwisin (2008-10-03 - 2008-10-05)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: International Symposium on Bionanomaterials - referat zaproszony Title: Oxygen transport in bionano-objects: neuroglobin and cytoglobin Place: Gliwice, Poland (2008-03-10 - 2008-03-11)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: From Computational Biophysics to System Biology - plakat Title: Steered Molecular Dynamics as a Virtual Atomic Force Microscope Co-authors: Wiesław Nowak, Sebastian Wasilewski, Łukasz Pepłowski Place: Julich, Niemcy (2007-05-02 - 2007-05-04)
Author: Łukasz Pepłowski
Name: From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB07) workshop - plakat Title: The Locally Enhanced Sampling Study of Large Ligands Diffusion inside Enzyme. Acrylonitrile and Acrylamide Journey in Nitrile Hydratase Co-authors: Łukasz Pepłowski, Karina Kubiak, Wiesław Nowak Place: Julich, Niemcy (2007-05-02 - 2007-05-04)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: Optical Trapping for Molecular Interactions - udział bierny Place: Lozanna, Szwjcaria (2007-06-25 - 2007-06-26)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: SPIE Annual Meeting - udział bierny Place: San Diego, USA (2007-08-26 - 2007-08-31)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB07) workshop - referat Title: Steered Molecular Dynamics as a Virtual Atomic Force Microscope Co-authors: W. Nowak, S. Wasilewski, Ł. Pepłowski Place: Julich, Niemcy (2007-05-02 - 2008-05-04)
Author: Janusz Strzelecki
Name: 6th EBSA & British Biophysical Society Congress - referat Title: AFM force spectroscopy of braided DNA Co-authors: J. W. Strzelecki, A. Balter, P.E. Marszałek Place: Londyn, W. Brytania (2007-07-14 - 2007-07-18)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics - plakat Title: How the density functional theory helps to understand biotechnological activity of cobaltous nitrile hydratase Place: Toruń (2007-09-02 - 2007-09-06)
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: IV Seminarium STM/AFM - referat Title: "Badania pojedynczych molekuł białek hydratazy nitrylowej oraz gankiryny przy pomocy wirtualnego mikroskopu sił atomowych (AFM) czyli sterowanej dynamiki molekularnej (SMD)" Co-authors: W. Nowak, S. Wasilewski, Ł. Pepłowski Place: Zakopane (2006-12-06 - 2006-12-10)
Name: Bioinformatics Centre Openinig Session, - plakat Title: „A LES Comparative Study of Oxygen Transport in Heme Globins: H-NOX Domain from Th. Tengcongensis vs. H. Sapiens Neuroglobin” Place: Uniwersytet Warszawski (2006-05-18 - 2006-05-19)
Name: Bioinformatics Center Opening Workshop - plakat Title: "G Protein Coupled Odorant Receptors in Anopheles Gambiae. Bioinformatical Analysis of Transmembrane Structures" Place: Uniwersytet Warszawski (2006-05-18 - 2006-05-19)
Name: Workshop on the structure and function of biomolecules II - plakat Title: Mechanical Aspects of Nitrile Hydratase Enzymatic Activity. Substrate/Product Docking and Steered Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Pseudonocardia Thermophila JCM 3095 WT and ßL48G Mutant Place: Będlewo (2006-05-11 - 2006-05-13)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Wiesław Nowak
Name: Development and Optimization of Genomics and Proteomics Algorithms, Center of Excellence for Multi-scale Biomolecular Modeling, Bioinformatics and Applications - udział bierny Title: Bioinformatics and Applications Place: Warszawa (2006-05-19 - 2006-05-19)
Author: Aleksander Balter
Name: International Workshop on Atomic Interactions in Laser Fields FAMO '99 - referat Title: Sonoluminescence: facts and hypotheses Place: Toruń (1999-09-01 - 1999-09-03)