Name: 5th International Conference on Science and Engineering of Materials - referat zaproszony Title: GROWTH, PROPERTIES, AND APPLICATION OF II-VI MIXED CRYSTALS IN DYE-SENSITIZED SOLAR CELLS Place: Delhi, Indie (2025-01-04 - 2025-01-07)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 8th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - referat zaproszony Title: Tailoring the Properties of Rare Earth Activated Oxide Scintillators by Bandgap Engineering Co-authors: - Place: Gdańsk (2024-07-07 - 2024-07-12)
Author: Marcin E. Witkowski
Name: 8th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - plakat Title: A new approach to analyzing the results of basic thermoluminescence methods Co-authors: M. Biernacka, A. Chruścińska, W. Drozdowski Place: Gdańsk (2024-07-07 - 2024-07-12)
Author: Konrad Drozdowski
Name: 8th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - plakat Title: Scintillation Properties of GOS and GYAGG Ceramics Activated with Cerium and Praseodymium Ions Co-authors: M.E. Witkowski, W. Drozdowski, L. Swiderski, W. Chewpraditkul, D. Huang, D. Zhu, J. Li Place: Gdańsk (2024-07-07 - 2024-07-12)
Author: Mohanad Eid
Name: 8th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - plakat Title: Exploring lead-free liquid-ionic perovskite crystals as novel scintillators Co-authors: K.J. Drozdowski, M.E. Witkowski, R. Subagyo, Arramel, Y. Kusumawati, D. Kowal, M. Makowski, M.D. Birowosuto, W. Drozdowski Place: Gdańsk (2024-07-07 - 2024-07-12)
Author: Abdellah Bachiri
Name: 17th International Conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications (SCINT) - plakat Title: Bridgman Growth and Scintillation Properties of ZnxBe1-xSe Crystals Co-authors: K. Strzałkowski, M. Boumhamdi, K.J. Drozdowski, A. Guerchi, M.E. Witkowski, W. Drozdowski Place: Mediolan (2024-07-07 - 2024-07-12)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: Silk-Road Conference on Luminescent Materials and Devices: Sino-Poland - referat zaproszony Title: Gallium Based Oxides For Scintillator Applications Co-authors: A. Bachiri, K.J. Drozdowski, M. Makowski, M.E. Witkowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, Z. Galazka Place: Chongqing (Chiny) (2023-04-13 - 2023-04-16)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 5th conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy Conversion Energy Applications (5th AMPSECA'2023) - referat zaproszony Title: Hybrid perovskites thin films – fabrication, properties and applications Co-authors: A. Marjanowska-Glanowska, A.Laouid, K. Wiśniewki, P. Płócennik Place: Marakesz (Maroko) (2023-05-25 - 2023-05-26)
Name: 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2023 - referat zaproszony Title: Hybrid Perovskites Thin Films: Temperature Changes of Properties Co-authors: Agnieszka Marjanowska, Amina Laouid, Krzysztof Wiśniewski and Przemysław Płóciennik Place: Bukareszt (Rumunia) (2023-07-02 - 2023-07-06)
Name: 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2023 - plakat Title: Impact of Temperature on the Structural and Optical Properties of Red Dye Thin Films Co-authors: Amina Laouid, Amine Alaoui Belghiti, Krzysztof Wisniewski, Przemysław Płóciennik, Abdelowahed Hajjaji Place: Bukareszt (Rumunia) (2023-07-02 - 2023-07-06)
Name: 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2023 - referat Title: Perovskite Thin Films for Optoelectronic Devices: Study of their Stability Co-authors: A. Marjanowska, A. Zawadzka, B. Sahraoui, D. Guichaoua and P. Płóciennik Place: Bukareszt (Rumunia) (2023-07-02 - 2023-07-06)
Name: The 4th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences - referat Title: study of photophysical properties of simple carbazole thin films Co-authors: Najla EL AALLAOUI, Benyounes OUKARFI, Mimoun ZAZOUI Place: on-line (2023-10-27 - 2023-11-10)
Name: 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2023 - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Properties of Some Selected Organometallic Compounds Co-authors: A Aamoum, S Taboukhat, Y El Kouari, A Andrushchak, B Sahraoui Place: Bukareszt (Rumunia) (2023-07-02 - 2023-07-06)
Author: Michał Makowski
Name: 79th Crystal Clear Collaboration General Meeting - referat Title: Development of β-Ga2O3 Scintillator Crystals and Ceramics Co-authors: M.E. Witkowski, A. Bachiri, W. Drozdowski, Z. Galazka, G. Zhang, J. Li, Y. Wu Place: Innovative Medical Forum Building at Oncology Center in Bydgoszcz (2023-05-25 - 2023-05-25)
Author: Marcin E. Witkowski
Name: 79th Crystal Clear Collaboration General Meeting - udział bierny Place: Innovative Medical Forum Building at Oncology Center in Bydgoszcz (2023-05-25 - 2023-05-25)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: Advanced Materials for 5th Photonics, Sensing and Energy Conversion Energy Applications - referat zaproszony Title: CdTe-based mixed crystals grown by the Bridgman technique for sensing and solar cells applications Co-authors: D. Singh, A. Abouais, A. Alaoui-Belghiti Place: Marakesz, Maroko (2023-05-25 - 2023-05-26)
Author: Natalia Pawlak
Name: SSD20 - 20th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry - plakat Title: Reliability of trap-filling parameters read from OSL growth curves measured by procedures with sensitivity correction Co-authors: prof. dr hab. Alicja Chruścińska Place: Viareggio (2023-09-17 - 2023-10-20)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 17th International Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating conference, Dania, Kopenhaga - plakat Title: OSL signal components of quartz for the dose range close to saturation Co-authors: Piotr Palczewski, Natalia K. Pawlak, Magdalena Biernacka Place: Dania, Kopenhaga (2023-06-26 - 2023-06-30)
Name: 20th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry, SSD20 - referat Title: Pulse annealing experiments with various heating rates – a simple protocol improvement Co-authors: Marcin Witkowski Place: Viareggio, Włochy (2023-09-17 - 2023-09-22)
Name: 14th International Conference “Methods of Absolute Chronology” - referat Title: OSL dating of sediments related to the medieval bridge crossing on Lednica Lake Co-authors: P. Palczewski, A., Pydyn, M.Popek, W. Juśkiewicz Place: Gliwice (2023-05-17 - 2023-05-19)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 2nd International Conference on Environment and Energy Materials (INCEEM-2023) - referat zaproszony Title: ZnO nanophosphors fabricated by sol-gel process for applications in WLEDs Co-authors: A. Apostoluk, M. Sypniewska, B. Derkowska-Zielinska, D. Priano, S. Daniele, B. Masenelli Place: on-line (2023-12-06 - 2023-12-09)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 2nd International Conference on Environment and Energy Materials - referat zaproszony Title: CdTe-based mixed crystals grown by the Bridgman technique for sensing and solar cells applications Co-authors: D. Singh, A. Abouais, A. Alaoui-Belghiti, P.K. Singh Place: Indie (2023-12-06 - 2023-12-09)
Author: Magdalena Biernacka
Name: 17th International Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating conference (LED2023) - plakat Title: OSL medium component in quartz observed using the TM-OSL method Co-authors: Prof. Alicja Chruścińska, Dr Piotr Palczewski Place: Copenhagen, Denmark (2023-06-25 - 2023-06-30)
Author: Amina Laouid
Name: The 5th international conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy Conversion Energy Applications - referat Place: Marrakech, MOROCCO (2023-05-25 - 2023-05-26)
Name: The 5th international conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy Conversion Energy Applications - plakat Place: Marrakech, MOROCCO (2023-05-25 - 2023-05-26)
Name: The 5th international conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy Conversion Energy Applications - udział bierny Place: Marrakech, MOROCCO (2023-05-25 - 2023-05-26)
Name: 11th International Conference NANO-2023 - referat Title: Diagnostic of the Role of SnO2 and PbI2 in Enhancing the Stability of Perovskite Thin Films Co-authors: A. Zawadzka, H. El Karout, B. Sahraoui Place: Bukovel, Ukraine (2023-08-16 - 2023-08-19)
Name: 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2023 - referat Title: Perovskite Thin Films for Optoelectronic Devices: Study of Their Stability Co-authors: A. Zawadzka, B. Sahraoui, P. Płóciennik Place: Bucharest, Romania (2023-07-02 - 2023-07-06)
Name: XVI Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - plakat Title: Stability examination of perovskite thin films Co-authors: A. Zawadzka, B. Sahraoui, P. Płóciennik Place: Toruń (2023-06-29 - 2023-06-30)
Name: Day of the Doctoral School Matter, Molecules, Materials and Geosciences – May 25th 2023, Dimensions of the Universe - plakat Title: Stability of Perovskite Thin Films for Use in Optoelectronic Devices Co-authors: A. Zawadzka, B. Sahraoui, P. Płóciennik Place: Nantes, France (2023-05-25 - 2023-05-25)
Name: 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2023 - udział bierny Title: Optical effects in thin films of hybrid organic-inorganic halide perovskites Co-authors: A. Zawadzka, P. Płóciennik, K. Wiśniewski, A. Laouid, B. Sahraoui Place: Bucharest, Romania (2023-07-02 - 2023-07-06)
Name: 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2023 - udział bierny Title: Examples of Perovskite Solar Cells Construction and Techniques for Measuring their Basic Electrical Parameters Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, A. Zawadzka, K. Wiśniewski, A. Laouid, Z. Łukasiak Place: Bucharest, Romania (2023-07-02 - 2023-07-06)
Name: 5th AMPSECA'2023 - udział bierny Title: Hybrid perovskites thin films – fabrication, properties and applications Co-authors: A. Zawadzka, A. Laouid, K. Wiśniewski, P. Płóciennik Place: Marrakech, Morocco (2023-05-25 - 2023-05-26)
Author: Abdellah Bachiri
Name: International Conference on Excited States of Transition Elements (ESTE) - plakat Title: Scintillation Properties of ZnSe and (Zn,Be)Se Crystals Co-authors: K. Strzałkowski, M.E. Witkowski, M. Makowski, K.J. Drozdowski, W. Drozdowski. L. Swiderski Place: Świeradów Zdrój (2023-09-03 - 2023-09-08)
Name: 16. Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat Title: Scintillation Properties of ZnSe and ZnBeSe Crystals Co-authors: K. Strzałkowski, M.E. Witkowski, M. Makowski, W. Drozdowski Place: Toruń (2023-06-29 - 2023-06-30)
Author: Ali Abouais
Name: Advanced Materials for 5th Photonics, Sensing and Energy Conversion Energy Applications - referat Place: Marakesz, Maroko (2023-05-24 - 2023-05-27)
Name: INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 67th Course Progress in Photoacoustic & Photothermal Phenomena Focus on BIOMEDICAL, NANOSCALE, NDE, GAS SENSING and THERMOPYSICAL PHENOMENA and TECHNOLOGIES - plakat Place: Erice, Sycylia (2023-09-23 - 2023-10-01)
Author: Diksha Singh
Name: INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 67th Course Progress in Photoacoustic & Photothermal Phenomena Focus on BIOMEDICAL, NANOSCALE, NDE, GAS SENSING and THERMOPYSICAL PHENOMENA and TECHNOLOGIES - referat Place: Erice, Sycylia (2023-09-23 - 2023-10-01)
Name: 4th International Conference on Advanced Polymer Science and Engineering - referat Place: Walencja, Hiszpania (2023-10-22 - 2023-10-26)
Name: 2nd International Conference on Environment and Energy Materials - referat Place: Delhi, Indie (2023-12-06 - 2023-12-09)
Author: Mohammed Boumhamdi
Name: The 5th international conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing, Energy Conversion and Energy Applications - plakat Place: Marrakech, Morocco (2023-05-24 - 2023-05-27)
Name: The 5th international conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing, Energy Conversion and Energy Applications - udział bierny Place: Marrakech, Morocco (2023-05-24 - 2023-05-27)
Name: International School of Quantum Electronics 67th Course progress in Photoacoustic & Photothermal Phenomena focus on Biomedical, Nanoscale, Nde, Gas sensing and Thermopysical Phenomena and Technologies - referat Place: Erice - Sicily, Italy (2023-09-23 - 2023-10-01)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: SEMINAR (ERASMUS+ K107 - PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING STAFF MOBILITY) - referat zaproszony Title: PVD codeposition process to produce perovskite solar cells Place: Mohammedia (Maroko) (2023-05-22 - 2023-05-22)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: Prof. Shen Lab Seminars - referat zaproszony Title: Organic photovoltaic (OPV) solar cells based on azo-dyes Place: University of Electro-Communications, Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo (Japan) (2023-03-22 - 2023-04-04)
Name: Prof. Miyake Lab Seminars - referat zaproszony Title: Photo-interaction of quinoline azo dyes with electroactive bacteria Place: Waseda University, Japan (2023-07-24 - 2023-08-19)
Name: The 5th international conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy Conversion Energy Applications - Współorganizator Place: Marrakech, MOROCCO (2023-05-25 - 2023-05-26)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 7th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - referat Title: Semiconductor Scintillator Development: β-Ga2O3, MgGa2O4 and ZnGa2O4 Co-authors: A. Bachiri, M. Makowski, M.E. Witkowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, Z. Galazka Place: Gdańsk (2022-07-10 - 2022-07-15)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: 7th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - referat zaproszony Title: Infra-red Stimulated Radioluminescence in β-Ga2O3; a New Semiconducting Scintillator Co-authors: M.E. Witkowski, M. Makowski, W. Drozdowski, K. Irmscher, R. Schewski, Z. Galazka Place: Gdańsk (2022-07-10 - 2022-07-15)
Name: 21st International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids - referat zaproszony Title: Two-Beam Studies of Recombination Processes in β-Ga2O3; a New Semiconducting Scintillation Material Co-authors: M.E. Witkowski, M. Makowski, W. Drozdowski, K. Irmscher, R. Schewski, Z. Galazka Place: Wrocław (2022-09-04 - 2022-09-09)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Materials Science and Nanoscience (GSEMSN2022) - referat zaproszony Title: Strong optical nonlinearity of multifunctional hybrid perovskite layers Co-authors: P. Płócennik, K. Wiśniewki, B. Sahraoui Place: Dubai (UAE) (2022-10-17 - 2022-10-19)
Name: Advanced Functional Materials for Optics, Lasers and Photovoltaics Applications (AMOLPhA2022) - referat zaproszony Title: Optical effects in thin films of hybrid organic-inorganic halide perovskites Co-authors: P. Płócennik, A. Marjanowska, K. Wiśniewki, A. Laouid, B. Sahraoui Place: Kenitra (Morocco) (2022-06-14 - 2022-06-16)
Name: Advanced Functional Materials for Optics, Lasers and Photovoltaics Applications (AMOLPhA2022) - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Investigations of photophysical properties of organic material 2,3-Triphenyl-1H-Imidazole Co-authors: EL Ouedghiri-Idrissi, A. Zawadzka, Z. Sofiani Place: Kenitra (Morocco) (2022-06-14 - 2022-06-16)
Name: Advanced Functional Materials for Optics, Lasers and Photovoltaics Applications (AMOLPhA2022) - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Linear and Non Linear Optical properties of Niq2 Thin film Co-authors: M. Lougdali, Y. El kouari, R. Anoua, M. Zazoui, A. Zawadzka, Y. Abboud, P. Płóciennik, K. Waszkowska, B. Sahraoui Place: Kenitra (Morocco) (2022-06-14 - 2022-06-16)
Name: Advanced Functional Materials for Optics, Lasers and Photovoltaics Applications (AMOLPhA2022) - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Absorbance, photoluminescence and electronic properties of Curcuma for dye-sensitized solar cells Co-authors: R. Anoua, S. Touhtouh, M. El Jouad, A. Hajjaji, M. Bakasse, B. Sahraoui, P. Płóciennik, A. Zawadzka Place: Kenitra (Morocco) (2022-06-14 - 2022-06-16)
Author: Marcin E. Witkowski
Name: 7th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - plakat Title: Radioluminescence and Low Temperature Thermoluminescence of MgGa2O4 and ZnGa2O4 Semiconductor Scintillators Co-authors: A. Bachiri, M. Makowski, W. Drozdowski, Z. Galazka Place: Gdańsk (2022-07-10 - 2022-07-15)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: International Conference on Recent Advances in Functional Materials (RAFM-2022) - referat zaproszony Title: ZnO nanostructures for lightning, solar cells and gas sensors Co-authors: A. Apostoluk M. Sypniewska, B. Derkowska-Zielinska, B. Masenelli, S. Daniele Place: on-line (2022-03-14 - 2022-03-16)
Name: Bordeaux Polymer Conference (BPC 2022) - plakat Title: Polymeric Dyes with Hydrazono-Pyrazolones Units: Design, Synthesis, and Optical Properties Co-authors: A. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielinska, S.F. Kirsch Place: Bordeaux, France (2022-06-13 - 2022-06-16)
Name: Polish Conference on Crystal Growth 2022 (PCCG 2022) - plakat Title: Influence of mechanical treatment of (Cd,Zn)Te bulk crystals on the surface quality and optical properties Co-authors: P. Sędzicki, P. Fochuk, Y. Khalavka, O. Panchuk, T. Rerek, M. Makowski, R. Szczęsny, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Gdańsk, Poland (2022-06-19 - 2022-06-24)
Name: 21st International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena (ICPPP21) - plakat Title: Light-induced thermal and optical properties behavior of functionalized polymers with strong push-pull azo chromophores in side chain Co-authors: D. Trefon-Radziejewska, J. Juszczyk, M. Pawlak, A. Mikaeeli, Z. Opilski, G. Hamaoui, V. Smokal, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Bled, Slovenia (2022-06-19 - 2022-06-24)
Name: 21st International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena (ICPPP21) - referat Title: Advantages and disadvanages of photothermal measurement methods estimating thermal transport properties (thermal conductivity, diffusivity and boundary resistance) of multilayered samples Co-authors: A. Mikaeeli, A. Chatterjee, D. Korte, H. Cabrera, B. Derkowska-Zielińska, M. Pawlak Place: Bled, Slovenia (2022-06-19 - 2022-06-24)
Name: OPTO 2022 - referat Title: Influence of substitution on surface patterning of methacrylic polymers containing quinoline-based azo-dyes Co-authors: D. Chomicki, R. Czaplicki, O. Kharchenko, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Warszawa, Poland (2022-07-18 - 2022-07-21)
Name: OPTO 2022 - plakat Title: Optical properties of styrylquinoline copolymers with different substituents Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, V. Smokal, A. Apostoluk, R. Szczesny, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Warszawa, Poland (2022-07-18 - 2022-07-21)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: International Conference on Organic Electronics (ICOE2022) - referat zaproszony Title: Thermal characterization of solid and liquid samples, theoretical and practical aspects of using photopyroelectric calorimetry Place: India (2022-08-24 - 2022-08-26)
Name: Advanced Functional Materials for Optics, Lasers and Photovoltaics Applications - referat zaproszony Title: Photopyroelectric calorimetry in thermal characterization of solid samples, theoretical and practical aspects Place: Kenitra, Morocco (2022-06-14 - 2022-06-16)
Name: 21st International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena - referat Title: Simultaneous thermal and optical characterization of materials exhibiting high optical absorption by photopyroelectric spectroscopy Co-authors: D. Dadarlat Place: Bled, Słowenia (2022-06-19 - 2022-06-24)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 10th jubilee International Conference “Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials” NANO-2022 - referat Title: Influence of the conductive polymer matrix on the structural and optical properties of metalloquinolates and their derivatives Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, E. Gondek, M. Pokladko-Kowar, A. Kaczmarek-Kedziera, A. Apostoluk, V. Smokal, R. Szczesny, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2022-08-25 - 2022-08-27)
Name: 10th jubilee International Conference “Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials” NANO-2022 - referat Title: Surface relief gratings in methacrylic polymers containing quinoline-based azo-dyes Co-authors: D. Chomicki, R. Czaplicki, O. Kharchenko, V. Smokal, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2022-08-25 - 2022-08-27)
Name: XVIth International Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy (ICMS) - referat Title: Thin layers of tris(8-hydroquinoline)aluminum in a polymer matrix as materials for electroluminescent applications Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, E. Gondek, M. Pokladko-Kowar, A. Kaczmarek-Kedziera, I. Brumboiu, A. Apostoluk, V. Figà, B. Osmialowski, R. Szczesny, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Szczawnica, Poland (2022-09-11 - 2022-09-14)
Name: 6th International Workshops on Nano and Bio-Photonics (IWNBP 2022) - referat zaproszony Title: ZnO Nanostructure- and ZnO-Alq3 based Thin Layers for LED Applications Co-authors: A. Apostoluk, D. Priano, M. Sypniewska, B. Derkowska-Zielinska, B. Masenelli, S. Daniele Place: Évian-les-Bains, France (2022-09-25 - 2022-09-30)
Name: 6th International Workshops on Nano and Bio-Photonics (IWNBP 2022) - plakat Title: Photoinduced birefringence of thiazole-azo dye host-guest systems – the influence of dye substituent and excitation wavelength Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, O. Krupka, D. Chomicki, A. Kozanecka-Szmigiel Place: Évian-les-Bains, France (2022-09-25 - 2022-09-30)
Name: 11th International Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology (ICMSET 2022) - referat Title: Influence of julolidine fragment on optical properties of A-D-π-conjugation-D type pyrazolines Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, A. Kaczmarek-Kedziera, A. Danel, E. Gondek, Ch. Cassagne, G. Boudebs Place: Tokyo, Japan (2022-11-26 - 2022-11-28)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating Meeting 2022 - referat Title: Why we should endeavour to separate individual OSL components in quartz Co-authors: N. K. Pawlak, M. Biernacka, P. Palczewski Place: Londyn, UK (2022-09-07 - 2022-09-09)
Name: The Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating – APLED 2022 - referat Title: Dose response of the fast OSL component in quartz for doses above 200 Gy Co-authors: P. Palczewski Place: Internet (2022-09-26 - 2022-09-28)
Author: Natalia Pawlak
Name: 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (APLED) - referat Title: Luminescence centres competition impact on the dose dependence of the OSL signal in quartz Co-authors: prof. dr hab. Alicja Chruścińska Place: Ankara (2022-09-26 - 2022-09-28)
Author: Małgorzata Sypniewska
Name: International Conference on Recent Advances in Functional Materials (RAFM-2022) - referat Title: ZnO nanostructures for lightning, solar cells and gas sensors Co-authors: A. Apostoluk, M. Sypniewska, B. Derkowska-Zielinska, B. Masenelli, S. Daniele Place: New Delhi, India (2022-03-14 - 2022-03-16)
Author: Abdellah Bachiri
Name: 7th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - plakat Title: Gamma Spectroscopy of MgGa2O4 and ZnGa2O4 Semiconductor Scintillators Co-authors: M. Makowski, M.E. Witkowski, W. Drozdowski, Z. Galazka Place: Gdańsk (2022-07-10 - 2022-07-15)
Author: Małgorzata Sypniewska
Name: OPTO 2022 - plakat Title: Optical properties of styrylquinoline copolymers with different substituents Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, V. Smokal, A. Apostoluk, R. Szczesny, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Warszawa, Poland (2022-07-18 - 2022-07-21)
Name: 10th jubilee International Conference “Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials" NANO-2022 - referat Title: Influence of the conductive polymer matrix on the structural and optical properties of metalloquinolates and their derivatives Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, E. Gondek, M. Pokladko-Kowar, A. Kaczmarek-Kedziera, A. Apostoluk, V. Smokal, R. Szczesny, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2022-08-25 - 2022-08-27)
Name: XVIth International Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy (ICMS) - referat Title: Thin layers of tris(8-hydroquinoline)aluminum in a polymer matrix as materials for electroluminescent applications Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, E. Gondek, M. Pokladko-Kowar, A. Kaczmarek-Kedziera, I. Brumboiu, A. Apostoluk, V. Figà, B. Osmialowski, R. Szczesny, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Szczawnica, Poland (2022-09-11 - 2022-09-14)
Name: 6th International Workshops on Nano and Bio-Photonics (IWNBP 2022) - referat zaproszony Title: ZnO Nanostructure- and ZnO-Alq3 based Thin Layers for LED Applications Co-authors: A. Apostoluk, D. Priano, M. Sypniewska, B. Derkowska-Zielinska, B. Masenelli, S. Daniele Place: Évian-les-Bains, France (2022-09-25 - 2022-09-30)
Author: Abdellah Bachiri
Name: 15. Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - plakat Title: Scintillation and Luminescence Properties of MgGa2O4 and ZnGa2O4 Single Crystals Co-authors: M. Makowski, M.E. Witkowski, W. Drozdowski, Z. Galazka Place: Toruń (2022-06-20 - 2022-06-22)
Author: Magdalena Biernacka
Name: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating Meeting 2022 - plakat Title: STABILITY OF THE FAST OSL COMPONENT IN QUARTZ OF VARIOUS ORIGINS – TM-OSL VERSUS CW-OSL METHOD IN ISOTHERMAL OSL DECAY EXPERIMENTS Co-authors: A. Timar-Gabor, A. Chruścińska, Z. Kabacińska, P. Palczewski Place: Egham, Great Britain (2022-09-07 - 2022-09-09)
Name: 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating - referat Title: The medium OSL component in quartz measured using the thermally modulated OSL method Co-authors: Chruścińska A., Palczewski P. Place: on-line (2022-09-26 - 2022-09-28)
Author: Robert Czaplicki
Name: OPTO22 - referat Title: Influence of substitution on surface patterning of methacrylic polymers containing quinoline-based azo-dyes Co-authors: D. Chomicki, R. Czaplicki, O. Kharchenko, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Warszawa, Poland (2022-07-18 - 2022-07-21)
Name: 10th jubilee International Conference “Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials” NANO-2022 - referat Title: Surface relief gratings in methacrylic polymers containing quinoline-based azo-dyes Co-authors: D. Chomicki, R. Czaplicki, O. Kharchenko, V. Smokal, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2022-08-25 - 2022-08-27)
Author: Amina Laouid
Name: The 3th Edition of international conference on Industrial Systems and Processes SPIn - plakat Place: EL JADIDA, MOROCCO (2022-05-11 - 2022-05-12)
Name: The International Conference Advanced Functional Materials for Optics, Lasers and Photovoltaics Applications - plakat Place: Kenitra, Morocco (2022-06-15 - 2022-06-16)
Name: The 9th International Conference on Energy and City of the Future El Jadida - referat Place: EL JADIDA, MOROCCO (2022-11-14 - 2022-11-15)
Name: The 3th Edition of international conference on Industrial Systems and Processes SPIn - referat Place: EL JADIDA, MOROCCO (2022-05-11 - 2022-05-12)
Name: XV Séminaire Doctoral Copernicien - plakat Place: Torun, Poland (2022-06-20 - 2022-06-22)
Name: XV Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat Title: Przejścia fazowe w cienkich warstwach perowskitowych Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, K. Wiśniewski, A. Zawadzka Place: Toruń (2022-06-20 - 2022-06-22)
Name: 3th International Conference Industrial Systems and Processes SPIn 2022 - udział bierny Title: Atomic force microscopy study of substrate effects on structural properties of DCM thin films prepared by PVD Co-authors: Laouid, A. Alaoui Belghit, K. Wiśniewski, A. Hajjaji, A. Zawadzka Place: El-Jadida, Morocco (2022-05-11 - 2022-05-13)
Author: Diksha Singh
Name: 21st International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena - referat Place: Bled, Słowenia (2022-06-19 - 2022-06-24)
Name: International Conference on Organic Electronics (ICOE2022) - referat Place: Delhi, Indie (2022-08-24 - 2022-08-26)
Author: Mohammed Boumhamdi
Name: The International Conference Advanced Functional Materials for Optics, Lasers and Photovoltaics Applications - udział bierny Place: Kenitra, Morocco (2022-06-15 - 2022-06-16)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: SEMINAR Institut des Sciences et Technologies Moléculaires d'Angers (MOLTECH ANJOU - referat zaproszony Title: Co-deposition in the PVD process. Place: Angers (Francja) (2022-11-23 - 2022-11-23)
Name: SEMINAR (ERASMUS+ K107 - PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING STAFF MOBILITY) - referat zaproszony Title: Using the PVD codeposition process to produce solar cells Place: El Jadida (Maroko) (2022-12-19 - 2022-12-19)
Name: the 4th University Fab Lab Festival - Université Chouaïb Doukkali - Współorganizator Place: EL JADIDA, MOROCCO (2022-12-15 - 2022-12-16)
Name: the 4th University Fab Lab Festival - Université Chouaïb Doukkali - Współorganizator Place: EL JADIDA, MOROCCO (2022-12-15 - 2022-12-16)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 4th International Conference On Science & Engineering of Materials (ICSEM-2021) - referat zaproszony Title: Multifunctional hybrid structures based on perovskites for photovoltaic applications Place: Greater Noida (Indie) (2021-07-19 - 2021-07-22)
Name: 4th International Conference On Science & Engineering of Materials (ICSEM-2021) - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Metalloporphyrins as supramolecular models with potential application in nonlinear optics Co-authors: K. Waszkowska, B. Sahraoui Place: Greater Noida (Indie) (2021-07-19 - 2021-07-22)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 11th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LumDeTr) - referat Title: Heading for Brighter and Faster β-Ga2O3 Scintillator Crystals Co-authors: M. Makowski, A. Bachiri, M.E. Witkowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, R. Schewski, K. Irmscher, Z. Galazka Place: Bydgoszcz (2021-09-12 - 2021-09-17)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: 11th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LumDeTr) - referat zaproszony Title: Radiative and Nonradiative Recombination in β-Ga2O3 Scintillator Crystals Co-authors: M.E. Witkowski, M. Makowski, W. Drozdowski, K. Irmscher, R. Schewski, Z. Galazka Place: Bydgoszcz (2021-09-12 - 2021-09-17)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: XLVII Zjazd Fizyków Polskich - referat zaproszony Title: Metody poszukiwań, badań i optymalizacji materiałów scyntylacyjnych Place: Bydgoszcz (2021-09-19 - 2021-09-23)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: XIV Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat zaproszony Title: Nieliniowe efekty optyczne w nanostrukturach i nanoobiektach Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, K. Wiśniewski, A. Marjanowska, K. Waszkowska, B. Sahraoui Place: Toruń (2021-09-20 - 2021-09-22)
Name: Forum Inteligentnego Rozwoju - referat zaproszony Title: Wielofunkcyjne struktury hybrydowe na bazie perowskitów do zastosowań w fotowoltaice Place: Toruń (2021-09-26 - 2021-09-29)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: PhoBiA Annual Nanophotonics International Conference “PANIC” - referat Title: XPS/AES analysis of Cu:Zn ratio in CuO/ZnO and Cu3N/ZnO nanocomposites Co-authors: P. Sędzicki, R. Szczęsny, M. Trzcinski, B. Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Wroclaw, Poland (2021-05-26 - 2021-05-26)
Name: PhoBiA Annual Nanophotonics International Conference “PANIC” - plakat Title: Detection of defects and impurities in ZnO thin films by photoluminescence studies Co-authors: P. Sedzicki, E. Nowak, M. Szybowicz, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Wroclaw, Poland (2021-05-26 - 2021-05-26)
Name: PhoBiA Annual Nanophotonics International Conference “PANIC” - plakat Title: Optical and morphological properties of PVP, PMMA and PBMA thin films Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Wroclaw, Poland (2021-05-26 - 2021-05-26)
Name: OPTO 2021 - referat Title: Solvatochromic behavior of 8-hydroxy-quinoline based azo-dyes Co-authors: D. Chomicki, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Wroclaw, Poland (2021-07-12 - 2021-07-15)
Name: OPTO 2021 - referat Title: Importance of annealing conditions for the detection of ZnO impurities by photoluminescence spectroscopy Co-authors: P. Sędzicki, E. Nowak, M. Szybowicz, Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Wroclaw, Poland (2021-07-12 - 2021-07-15)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 4th Online International Conference on Science&Engineering of Materials, India, July 19-22, 2021 - referat zaproszony Title: Properties of Cd1-xZnxTe compounds grown by high-pressure Bridgman technique Co-authors: K. Fedus, A.Marasek Place: India (2021-07-19 - 2021-07-22)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics META 2021 - referat Title: Doping zinc oxide nanohybrids for application in white light emitting diodes Co-authors: A. Apostoluk, Y. Zhang, Ch. Theron, T. Cornier, B. Derkowska, M. Sypniewska, S. Danièle, B. Masenelli Place: Warsaw, Poland (2021-07-20 - 2021-07-23)
Name: 9th International Conference “Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials” NANO-2021 - plakat Title: Influence of the various conductive polymer matrices on the structural and optical properties of Alq3 layers Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, L. Skowronski, E. Gondek, M. Pokladko-Kowar, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2021-08-25 - 2021-08-27)
Author: Michał Makowski
Name: 11th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LumDeTr) - plakat Title: Scintillation Time Profiles of Czochralski-Grown β-Ga2O3 and β-Ga2O3:Si Crystals Co-authors: M.E. Witkowski, A. Bachiri, W. Drozdowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, K. Irmscher, R. Schewski, Z. Galazka Place: Bydgoszcz (2021-09-12 - 2021-09-17)
Author: Marcin E. Witkowski
Name: 11th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LumDeTr) - plakat Title: Low Temperature Thermoluminescence of β-Ga2O3 Scintillator – New Results and New Interpretations Co-authors: K.J. Drozdowski, M. Makowski, W. Drozdowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, K. Irmscher, R. Schewski, Z. Galazka Place: Bydgoszcz (2021-09-12 - 2021-09-17)
Author: Michał Makowski
Name: 14. Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat Title: Development of a New Semiconductive Scintillator: an In-Depth Analysis of Scintillation Properties of Pure and Doped β-Ga2O3 Crystals Co-authors: M.E. Witkowski, A. Bachiri, W. Drozdowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, K. Irmscher, R. Schewski, Z. Galazka Place: Toruń (2021-09-20 - 2021-09-22)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: XXV Galyna Puchkovska International School Seminar "Spectroscopy of Molecules and Crystals" (XXV ISSSMC) - referat Title: Solvatochromism of 8-Hydroxy-Quinoline Based Azo Dyes Co-authors: D. Chomicki, A. Kaczmarek-Kędziera, O. Kharchenko, V. Smokal, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Kyiv, Ukraine (2021-09-21 - 2021-09-24)
Name: 6th International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering – fabrication, properties and application (OMEE-2021) - referat Title: Influence of Thermal Treatment on the Elimination of Impurities in ZnO Thin Films on Glass Co-authors: P. Sedzicki, E. Nowak, M. Szybowicz and B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2021-09-28 - 2021-10-02)
Name: 6th International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering – fabrication, properties and application (OMEE-2021) - referat Title: Optical and Structural Properties of ZnO:Alq3 Thin Layers Dispersed in Various Polymer Matrices Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, L. Skowronski and B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2021-09-28 - 2021-10-02)
Author: Natalia Pawlak
Name: 11th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR) - plakat Title: Thermal depletion curve of the complex OSL signal Co-authors: dr hab. Alicja Chruścińska, prof. UMK Place: Bydgoszcz (2021-09-12 - 2021-09-17)
Name: 16th Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating conference (LED) - referat Title: Application of optically stimulated luminescence for dating ancient bricks from the gothic church of St. James in Toruń, Poland Co-authors: dr hab. Alicja Chruścińska, prof. UMK, dr Piotr Palczewski Place: Burgos, Hiszpania (konferencje on-line) (2021-09-13 - 2021-09-17)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: XIV Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat Title: Investigation of photophysical properties of ZnO/polymer layers Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, L. Skowronski, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Toruń (2021-09-20 - 2021-09-22)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 16th International Luminescence and ESR Dating Conference - plakat Title: A systematic multi-technique comparison of two reference quartz samples Co-authors: Schmidt, C., Sanderson, D.C.W., Alan Cresswell, A., Fasoli, M., Polymeris, G., Kreutzer, S., Biernacka, M., Adamiec, G., Martini, M. Place: Internet (2021-09-13 - 2021-09-15)
Name: 11th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation, LUMDETR 2021 - referat zaproszony Title: New challenges and problems in the field of luminescence dating Place: Bydgoszcz, Polska (2021-09-16 - 2021-09-17)
Author: Małgorzata Sypniewska
Name: PhoBiA Annual Nanophotonics International Conference “PANIC” - plakat Title: Optical and morphological properties of PVP, PMMA and PBMA thin films Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Wroclaw, Poland (2021-05-26 - 2021-05-26)
Name: 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics META 2021 - referat Title: Doping zinc oxide nanohybrids for application in white light emitting diodes Co-authors: A. Apostoluk, Y. Zhang, Ch. Theron, T. Cornier, B. Derkowska, M. Sypniewska, S. Danièle, B. Masenelli Place: Warsaw, Poland (2021-07-20 - 2021-07-23)
Name: 9th International Conference “Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials” NANO-2021 - plakat Title: Influence of the various conductive polymer matrices on the structural and optical properties of Alq3 layers Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, L. Skowronski, E. Gondek, M. Pokladko-Kowar, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2021-08-25 - 2021-08-27)
Author: Abdellah Bachiri
Name: 11th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LumDeTr) - plakat Title: Scintillation Yield of Czochralski-Grown β-Ga2O3 and β-Ga2O3:Si Crystals Co-authors: M. Makowski, W. Drozdowski, M.E. Witkowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, K. Irmscher, R. Schewski, Z. Galazka Place: Bydgoszcz (2021-09-12 - 2021-09-17)
Author: Konrad Drozdowski
Name: XLVII Zjazd Fizyków Polskich - plakat Title: Termoluminescencja niskotemperaturowa kryształów β-Ga2O3 Co-authors: M.E. Witkowski, M. Makowski, W. Drozdowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, K. Irmscher, R. Schewski, Z. Galazka Place: Bydgoszcz (2021-09-19 - 2021-09-23)
Author: Abdellah Bachiri
Name: 14. Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - plakat Title: Scintillation Yield of β-Ga2O3 and β-Ga2O3:Si Studied by Pulse Height Technique Co-authors: M. Makowski, W. Drozdowski, M.E. Witkowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, K. Irmscher, R. Schewski, Z. Galazka Place: Toruń (2021-09-20 - 2021-09-22)
Author: Małgorzata Sypniewska
Name: XIV Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat Title: Badanie właściwości fotofizycznych cienkich warstw ZnO/polimer Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, R. Szczęsny, Ł. Skowroński, B. Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Toruń (2021-09-20 - 2021-09-22)
Name: 6th International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering – fabrication, properties and application (OMEE-2021) - referat Title: Optical and Structural Properties of ZnO:Alq3 Thin Layers Dispersed in Various Polymer Matrices Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, L. Skowronski and B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2021-09-28 - 2021-10-02)
Author: Amina Laouid
Name: The 4th international conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy Conversion Energy Applications - plakat Place: Marrakech, MOROCCO (2021-10-27 - 2021-10-29)
Name: The 4th international conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy Conversion Energy Applications - referat Place: Marrakech, MOROCCO (2021-10-27 - 2021-10-29)
Name: 5th Asia’ International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials - referat Place: Ankara, Turkey. (2021-10-27 - 2021-10-27)
Author: Agnieszka Marjanowska
Name: XIV Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - referat Title: Cienkowarstwowe ogniwa fotowoltaiczne na bazie perowskitów Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, K. Wiśniewski, A. Zawadzka Place: Toruń (2021-09-20 - 2021-09-22)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: Seminarium Zakładu Fizyki Detektorów i Diagnostyki Plazmy - referat zaproszony Title: Scintillation Mechanism in β-Ga2O3, the New Semiconducting Scintillator; Can We Improve It? Place: Świerk (on-line) (2021-10-07 - 2021-10-07)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: SEMINAR Institut des Sciences et Technologies Moléculaires d'Angers (MOLTECH ANJOU) - referat zaproszony Title: Structural and optical properties of halide perowskite's thin films Place: Angers (Francja) (2021-11-23 - 2021-11-23)
Name: XIV Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - Współorganizator Place: Toruń (2021-09-20 - 2021-09-22)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: SPIE Photonics West 2020 - referat zaproszony Title: Properties and applications of hybrid organic-inorganic halide perovskites thin films Co-authors: Marjanowska A., Płóciennik P., Korcala A., Wiśniewski K., Sahraoui B. Place: San Francisco (2020-02-01 - 2020-02-06)
Author: Michał Makowski
Name: Photonics Online Meet-up (POM) - plakat Title: Optical and Scintillation Properties of Pure and Doped β-Ga2O3 Crystals Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, M.E. Witkowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, R. Schewski, Z. Galazka Place: Online (2020-01-09 - 2020-01-14)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: OPTO 2020 - referat Title: Azo-quinoline containing methacrylic polymers Co-authors: D. Chomicki, O. Kharchenko, A. Kozanecka-Szmigiel, D. Szmigiel, Ł. Skowroński, J. Kowalonek, V. Smokal, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Gdańsk (2020-07-01 - 2020-07-04)
Name: OPTO 2020 - plakat Title: Optical properties of Alq3 thin layers prepared by dip-coating method Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Gdańsk (2020-07-01 - 2020-07-04)
Name: 8th International Conference "Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials" NANO-2020 - referat Title: Influence of substituents on photoresponsive behavior of methacrylic polymers containing 8-hydroxy-quinoline azo-dyes in side-chain Co-authors: D. Chomicki, O. Kharchenko, A. Kozanecka-Szmigiel, D. Szmigiel, Ł. Skowroński, J. Kowalonek, V. Smokal, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2020-08-26 - 2020-08-27)
Name: 3rd International Conference on Physical Chemistry & Functional Materials - PCFM 2020 - referat Title: Influence of annealing treatment on structural, morphological and photoluminescent properties of ZnO thin layers obtained by sol-gel spin-coating method Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, P. Popielarski, B. Derkowska- Zielinska Place: Battalgazi/Malatya, Turkey (2020-09-22 - 2020-09-24)
Name: 3rd International Conference on Physical Chemistry & Functional Materials - PCFM 2020 - referat Title: Influence of phosphorus ion implantation on the optical properties of CdTe bulk crystal Co-authors: P. Sedzicki, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, H.-W. Becker, D. Rogalla, M. Pawlak, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Battalgazi/Malatya, Turkey (2020-09-22 - 2020-09-24)
Name: SPIE Security + Defence Optical Materials and Biomaterials in Security and Defence Systems Technology - referat zaproszony Title: Multilayer structures with an azo layer Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, E. Gondek, M. Pokladko-Kowar, O. Krupka Place: Online (2020-09-21 - 2020-09-25)
Author: Przemysław Sędzicki
Name: 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY & FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS PCFM-2020 - referat Title: Influence of Phosphorus Ion Implantation on the Optical Properties of CdTe Bulk Crystal Place: Battalgazi/Malatya, Turkey (2020-09-22 - 2020-09-24)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: V Ogólnopolska Studencka Fizyczno-Optyczna Konferencja FOKA 2020 - referat Title: Wpływ podstawników na odpowiedź optyczną polimerów metakrylowych zawierających w łańcuchu bocznym barwniki azowe oparte na 8-hydroksychinolinie Co-authors: D. Chomicki, O. Kharchenko, A. Kozanecka-Szmigiel, D. Szmigiel, Ł. Skowroński, J. Kowalonek, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Wrocław, Poland (2020-12-11 - 2020-12-13)
Author: Małgorzata Sypniewska
Name: OPTO 2020 - plakat Title: Optical properties of Alq3 thin layers prepared by dip-coating method Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Gdańsk (2020-07-01 - 2020-07-04)
Name: 3rd International Conference on Physical Chemistry & Functional Materials - PCFM 2020 - referat Title: Influence of annealing treatment on structural, morphological and photoluminescent properties of ZnO thin layers obtained by sol-gel spin-coating method Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, P. Popielarski, B. Derkowska- Zielinska Place: Battalgazi/Malatya, Turkey (2020-09-22 - 2020-09-24)
Author: Robert Czaplicki
Name: SPIE Photonics Europe - referat Title: Three-dimensional nonlinear plasmonic metamaterials Co-authors: T. Stolt, J. Kim, S. Héron, A. Vesala, M.J. Huttunen, X. Zang, M. Kauranen, J. Rho, P. Genevet Place: Strasburg, France (online) (2020-03-29 - 2020-04-02)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej IF PAN - referat zaproszony Title: β-Ga2O3; a New Semiconducting Scintillator Place: Warszawa (on-line) (2020-10-27 - 2020-10-27)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: International Conference on Excited States of Transitions Elements (ESTE) - referat zaproszony Title: Semiconductor Scintillator Development: Pure and Doped β-Ga2O3 Co-authors: M. Makowski, M.E. Witkowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, R. Schewski, K. Irmscher, Z. Galazka Place: Kudowa Zdrój (2019-09-08 - 2019-09-13)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: International Conference on Excited States of Transitions Elements (ESTE) - referat Title: IR-Laser Induced Emission from X-Ray Excited Pure and Doped β-Ga2O3 Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, M. Makowski, M.E. Witkowski, R. Schewski, Z. Galazka Place: Kudowa Zdrój (2019-09-08 - 2019-09-13)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 15th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on FRONTIERS of POLYMERS & ADVANCED MATERIALS (15th ICFPAM) - referat zaproszony Title: Thin films of perovskites - properties and applications Place: Penang (Malezja) (2019-06-17 - 2019-06-21)
Name: 15th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on FRONTIERS of POLYMERS & ADVANCED MATERIALS (15th ICFPAM) - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Penang (Malezja) (2019-06-17 - 2019-06-21)
Name: 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - referat zaproszony Title: Photophysical Properties of Metal Halide Perovskite Thin Films Co-authors: A. Marjanowska, P. Płóciennik, A. Korcala, K. Wiśniewski Place: Angers (Francja) (2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13)
Name: 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - plakat Title: Physical Properties of Yellow Natural Moroccan Dye Co-authors: R. Anoua, K. Wiśniewski, M. El Jouad, S. Touhtouh, P. Płóciennik, A. Hajjaji, M. Bakasse, B. Sahraoui Place: Angers (Francja) (2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13)
Name: 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - plakat Title: Influence of Polymer Matrix on Nonlinear Optical Response in Octaethylporphine Palladium Derivative Thin Films Co-authors: K. Waszkowska, K. El Korchi, D. Guichaoua, B. Sahraoui Place: Angers (Francja) (2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13)
Name: 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Temperature Dependent Conductivity of Thin Films Perovskite Obtained by PVD Method Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, A. Zawadzka, A. Korcala, K. Wiśniewski, Z. Łukasiak Place: Angers (Francja) (2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13)
Name: 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Fast and small electronics adapted to a various quantum experiments Co-authors: R. Frankowski, M. Kowalski, P. Płóciennik, A. Zawadzka, M. Loughdali, H. Lamkaouane Place: Angers (Francja) (2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13)
Name: 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Photophysical Properties of Metal Halide Perovskite Thin Films Co-authors: A. Zawadzka, A. Marjanowska, P. Płóciennik, A. Korcala, K. Wiśniewski Place: Angers (Francja) (2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 3rd German Polish Conference on Crystal Growth (GPCCG-3) - referat Title: Optical properties of Cd1–xZnxTe bulk crystals Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, K. Strzalkowski, P. Sedzicki Place: Poznan, Poland (2019-03-17 - 2019-03-21)
Author: Przemysław Sędzicki
Name: 3rd German Polish Conference on Crystal Growth (GPCCG-3) - referat Title: Optical properties of Cd1–xZnxTe bulk crystals Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, K. Strzalkowski, P. Sedzicki Place: Poznan, Poland (2019-03-17 - 2019-03-21)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 3rd German Polish Conference on Crystal Growth (GPCCG3) - referat Title: The growth and properties of mixed Cd1-xZnxTe alloys Co-authors: F. Firszt, A. Marasek Place: Poznań (2019-03-17 - 2019-03-21)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 8th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE8) - plakat Title: Optical characterization of methacrylic polymers based on 1-(4-Nitrophenyl)piperazine Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, L. Skowronski, D. Chomicki, M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, V. Smokal, O. Krupka Place: Barcelona, Spain (2019-05-26 - 2019-05-31)
Name: 8th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE8) - plakat Title: The influence of the deposition rate on microstructural and optical properties of the thin layers of the Au-Sn diffusive alloys Co-authors: T. Rerek, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, M.K. Naparty, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Barcelona, Spain (2019-05-26 - 2019-05-31)
Name: 9th International Workshop on Surface Physics - Nanostructured surfaces - referat Title: Formation and optical properties of thin Tin and Gold films produced by PVD method Co-authors: T. Rerek, L. Skowronski, M.K. Naparty, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Trzebnica, Poland (2019-06-24 - 2019-06-28)
Name: OPTO 2019 - plakat Title: Infrared characterization of methacrylic polymers based on 1-(4-Nitrophenyl)piperazine Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, V. Smokal, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Torun (2019-07-23 - 2019-07-27)
Name: OPTO 2019 - referat Title: Optical properties of methacrylic polymers containing quinoline azo-dyes in side chain Co-authors: D. Chomicki, O Kharchenko, L. Skowronski, V. Smokal, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Torun (2019-07-23 - 2019-07-27)
Name: OPTO 2019 - plakat Title: Influence of 2-methylbenzothiazole group on optical properties of heterocyclic azo dye Co-authors: D. Chomicki, L. Skowronski, R. Czaplicki, A. Kozanecka-Szmigiel, V. Smokal, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Torun (2019-07-23 - 2019-07-27)
Name: OPTO 2019 - plakat Title: The influence of deposition rate on formation and optical properties of the thin Sn layers deposited on the silicon substrate Co-authors: T. Rerek, L. Skowronski, M.K. Naparty, and B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Torun (2019-07-23 - 2019-07-27)
Name: 7th International Conference "Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials" NANO-2019 - referat Title: Influence of substituents on photo-physical properties of methacrylic polymers containing quinoline azo-dyes in side chain Co-authors: D. Chomicki, O Kharchenko, L. Skowronski, J. Kowalonek, V. Smokal, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2019-08-27 - 2019-08-30)
Name: 7th International Conference "Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials" NANO-2019 - referat Title: Influence of annealing temperature on optical properties of zinc oxide thin films deposited by spin coating method Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, A. Scigala, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2019-08-27 - 2019-08-30)
Name: 8th International Workshops on Photoluminescence of Rare-Earth: Photonic Materials and Devices (PRE’19) - plakat Title: Photoluminescence properties of coumarins containing copolymers Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, D. Chomicki, J. Slota, V. Smokal, O. Krupka Place: Nice, France (2019-09-03 - 2019-09-06)
Author: Marcin E. Witkowski
Name: International Conference on Excited States of Transitions Elements (ESTE) - plakat Title: Negative Thermal Quenching of X-Ray Excited Luminescence in Pure And Doped β-Ga2O3 Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, M. Makowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, R. Schewski, Z. Galazka Place: Kudowa Zdrój (2019-09-08 - 2019-09-13)
Author: Michał Makowski
Name: International Conference on Excited States of Transitions Elements (ESTE) - plakat Title: Scintillation Properties Of Czochralski-Grown Singly-, Doubly- And Triply-Doped β-Ga2O3 Single Crystals Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, M.E. Witkowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, R. Schewski, Z. Galazka Place: Kudowa Zdrój (2019-09-08 - 2019-09-13)
Author: Tomasz Rerek
Name: 9th Intermational Workshop on Surface Physics (IWSP-2019)- Nanostructured surface - referat Title: Formation and optical properties of thin tin and gold films produced by PVD method Co-authors: T. Rerek, L. Skowronski, M.K. Naparty, B. Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Trzebnica, Poland (2019-06-24 - 2019-06-28)
Name: 8th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE8) - plakat Title: The influence of the deposition rate on microstructural and optical properties of the thin layers of the Au-Sn diffusive alloys Co-authors: T. Rerek, L.. Skowronski, R. Szczęsny, M.K. Naparty, B. Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Barcelona, Spain (2019-05-26 - 2019-05-31)
Name: OPTO 2019 - plakat Title: The influence of deposition rate on formation and optical properties of the thin Sn layers deposited on the silicon substrate Co-authors: T. Rerek, L. Skowronski, M.K. Naparty, B. Derkowsla-ZIelińska Place: Torun, Poland (2019-07-23 - 2019-07-27)
Name: 9th Intermational Workshop on Surface Physics (IWSP-2019)- Nanostructured surface - plakat Title: Microstructure adn optical properties of thin copper films produced by the PVD method Co-authors: L. Skowronski, M. Trzcinski, T. Rerek, R. Szczesny, M. K. Naparty Place: Trzebnica, Poland (2019-06-24 - 2019-06-28)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: UK Luminescenceand ESR Dating Meeting - referat Title: Thermally modulated OSL (TM-OSL) in SAR protocol Co-authors: dr Palczewski Piotr, mgr inż. Tomasz Rerek Place: The Centre for Nuclear Technologies, Technical University of Denmark, the Risø Campus, Roskilde (2019-08-26 - 2019-08-28)
Name: 19th IInternational Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD19) - plakat Title: Slow OSL component in quartz separated by TM-OSL method Co-authors: dr Palczewski Piotr, mgr inż. Tomasz Rerek Place: Hiroshima City, Japan. (2019-09-15 - 2019-09-20)
Author: Krzysztof Wiśniewski
Name: 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - referat zaproszony Title: Studies of the spectroscopic properties of lead-gallium oxyfluoride (LGOF) glasses and glass-ceramics activated by Er3+ and Er3+/Yb3+ ions Co-authors: M. Środa, A. Marczewska, Cz. Koepke Place: Angers (Francja) (2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13)
Name: 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Photophysical Properties of Metal Halide Perovskite Thin Films Co-authors: A. Zawadzka, A. Marjanowska, P. Płóciennik, A. Korcala Place: Angers (Francja) (2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13)
Name: 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - plakat Title: Physical properties of yellow natural Moroccan dye Co-authors: R. Anoua, M. El Jouad, S. Touhtouh, P. Płóciennik, A. Hajjaji, M. Bakasse, B. Sahraoui, A. Zawadzka Place: Angers (Francja) (2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13)
Name: 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Photophysical Properties of Metal Halide Perovskite Thin Films Co-authors: A. Zawadzka, A. Marjanowska, P. Płóciennik, A. Korcala Place: Angers (Francja) (2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13)
Name: 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Temperature Dependent Conductivity of Thin Films Perovskite Obtained by PVD Method Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, A. Zawadzka, A. Korcala, Z. Łukasiak Place: Angers (Francja) (2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13)
Author: Robert Czaplicki
Name: SPIE Optics and Photonics - referat zaproszony Title: Local fields and resonances for nonlinear metasurfaces Co-authors: M. Kauranen, M. J. Huttunen, X. Zang, K. O. Koskinen Place: San Diego, CA, USA (2019-08-11 - 2019-08-15)
Name: 2019 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) - referat zaproszony Title: Towards Efficient Nonlinear Plasmonic Metasurfaces Co-authors: M. J. Huttunen, T. Stolt, O. Reshef, A. Kiviniemi, X. Zang, I. Vartiainen, J. Butet, M. Kuittinen, O.J.F. Martin, K. Dolgaleva, R.W. Boyd, M. Kauranen Place: Angers, France (2019-07-09 - 2019-07-13)
Name: OSA Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science APS/DLS - referat zaproszony Title: Resonances and Local Fields of Second-order Nonlinear Plasmonic Metasurfaces Co-authors: M. Kauranen, X. Zang, K. Koskinen, T. Stolt, M. Huttunen Place: Washington, DC, USA (2019-09-15 - 2019-09-19)
Author: Małgorzata Sypniewska
Name: 7th International Conference "Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials" NANO-2019 - referat Title: Influence of annealing temperature on optical properties of zinc oxide thin films deposited by spin coating method Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, A. Scigala, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2019-08-27 - 2019-08-30)
Name: OPTO 2019 - plakat Title: Infrared characterization of methacrylic polymers based on 1-(4-Nitrophenyl)piperazine Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, V. Smokal, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Torun (2019-07-23 - 2019-07-27)
Name: 8th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE8) - plakat Title: Optical characterization of methacrylic polymers based on 1-(4-Nitrophenyl)piperazine Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, L. Skowronski, D. Chomicki, M. Sypniewska, R. Szczesny, V. Smokal, O. Krupka Place: Barcelona, Spain (2019-05-26 - 2019-05-31)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: SEMINAR (ERASMUS+ K107 - PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING STAFF MOBILITY) - referat zaproszony Title: Practical aspects of the perovskites' application in solar farms Place: El Jadida (Maroko) (2019-05-28 - 2019-05-28)
Name: SEMINAR Institut des Sciences et Technologies Moléculaires d'Angers (MOLTECH ANJOU) - referat zaproszony Title: Nonlinear optical properties of halide perowskite's thin films Place: Angers (Francja) (2019-07-16 - 2019-07-16)
Name: Forum Liderów Kształcenia Inżynierskiego 2018 - udział bierny Place: Warszawa (2018-04-17 - 2018-04-17)
Author: Czesław Koepke
Name: 5th International Conference on Rare Earth Materials - referat Title: The role of phonons in the deexcitation processes in glasses and glass-ceramics doped with rare earth ions Co-authors: K. Wiśniewski, M. Środa, M. Żelechower Place: Wrocław, Poland (2018-05-16 - 2018-05-18)
Name: 10th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LumDeTr) - referat Title: β-Ga2O3:Ce as a Fast Scintillator: a Doubtful Role of Cerium Co-authors: M. Makowski, M.E. Witkowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, Z. Galazka, K. Irmscher, R. Schewski Place: Praga (Czechy) (2018-09-09 - 2018-09-15)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: International Workshops on Nonlinear Optics Applications - NOA 2018 - referat Title: Nonlinear Optical Properties of Oxide Thin Films Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, B. Sahraoui Place: Wrocław (2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26)
Name: XXI Ogólnopolska Konferencja Kryształy Molekularne 2018 - referat Title: Nieliniowe efekty optyczne samoorganizujących się nanostruktur wybranych kompleksów ftalocyjaniny Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, A. Karakaş, B. Sahraoui Place: Łódź - Kolumna (2018-09-03 - 2018-09-07)
Name: 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON 2018 - referat zaproszony Title: Nonlinear Optical Properties of Oxide Thin Films Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, K. Waszkowska, D. Guichaoua, B. Sahraoui Place: Bukareszt (2018-07-01 - 2018-07-05)
Name: 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - ICTON 2018 - plakat Title: The Impact of Lighting on Electrical Properties of Metals and 8-hydroxyquinoline Complexes Thin Films Co-authors: A. Aamoum, A. Korcala, M. Bakasse Place: Bukareszt (2018-07-01 - 2018-07-05)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: Where Jędrzej Śniadecki Met Jan Czochralski: From Innovative High-Tech to Patents and Business Incubators - referat zaproszony Title: Novel Czochralski-Grown Scintillator Materials Place: Bydgoszcz (2018-12-10 - 2018-12-11)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: WG2 Technical Meeting “New laser, amplifier devices and coherent light sources” COST MP1401 (Advanced fibre laser and coherent source as tools for society, manufacturing and lifescience) - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Vienna, Austria (2018-02-08 - 2018-02-09)
Author: Michał Makowski
Name: Leibniz ScienceCampus GraFOx (Growth and fundamentals of oxides for electronic applications) 2nd Semi-Annual Meeting - udział bierny Place: Berlin (2018-02-12 - 2018-02-13)
Name: 4th FAST Annual General Meeting - referat Title: Investigation of electrical and optical properties of β-Ga2O3 and β-Ga2O3:Ce crystals Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, M.E. Witkowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, A. Fiedler, K. Irmscher, Z. Gałązka, R. Schewski Place: Bukareszt (Rumunia) (2018-03-08 - 2018-03-09)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 10th Workshop Ellipsometry (WSE 10) - plakat Title: The influence of deposition rate on microstructure and optical properties of the Sn thin layers Co-authors: T. Rerek, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, M.K. Naparty, A. Wronkowski, B. Derkowska-Zielinska (plakat) Place: Chemnitz, Germany (2018-03-19 - 2018-03-21)
Name: 10th Workshop Ellipsometry (WSE 10) - plakat Title: Optical properties of cobalt/chromium doped bulk ZnSe Co-authors: P. Sedzicki, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, B. Derkowska-Zielinska (plakat) Place: Chemnitz, Germany (2018-03-19 - 2018-03-21)
Name: 10th Workshop Ellipsometry (WSE 10) - plakat Title: Effects of phosphorous ions implantation in bulk CdTe crystal Co-authors: P. Sedzicki, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, H.-W. Becker, D. Rogalla, M. Pawlak, B. Derkowska-Zielinska (plakat) Place: Chemnitz, Germany (2018-03-19 - 2018-03-21)
Name: SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 - referat zaproszony Title: SiO2-SnO2:Er3+ transparent glass-ceramics: fabrication and photonic assessment Co-authors: L.T.N. Tran, L. Zur, D. Massella, B. Derkowska-Zielinska, A. Chiasera, S. Varas, C. Armellini, A. Martucci, D. Zonta, T.T.V. Tran, A. Lukowiak, S. Taccheo, D. Dorosz, G.C. Righini, Y. G. Boucher, M. Ferrari Place: Strasbourg, France (2018-04-22 - 2018-04-26)
Name: 11th International Conference "Electronic processes in organic and inorganic materials" (ICEPOM-11) - referat Title: Effective control of two-photon absorption of DCM dye by solvent manipulation Place: Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine (2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25)
Name: 11th International Conference - plakat Title: Synthesis and optical properties of poly[4-methacryloxy-(4’-carboxy)-azobenzene] Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, L. Skowronski, I. Savchenko, O. Krupka, V. Smokal, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine (2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25)
Name: 11th International Conference "Electronic processes in organic and inorganic materials" (ICEPOM-11) - plakat Title: Linear and nonlinear optical properties of heterocyclic azo dyes with hetaryldiazenyl substitution Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, K. Matczyszyn, M. Dudek, M. Samoc, L. Skowronski, D. Chomicki, V. Smokal, A. Biitseva, O. Krupka Place: Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine (2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25)
Author: Tomasz Rerek
Name: 10th Workshop Ellipsometry (WSE 10) - plakat Title: The influence of deposition rate on microstructure and optical properties of the Sn thin layers Co-authors: T. Rerek, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, A. Wronkowski, M. Naparty, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Chemnitz, Germany (2018-03-19 - 2018-03-21)
Author: Przemysław Sędzicki
Name: 10th Workshop Ellipsometry (WSE 10) - plakat Title: Optical properties of cobalt/chromium doped bulk ZnSe Co-authors: P. Sedzicki, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Chemnitz, Germany (2018-03-19 - 2018-03-21)
Name: 10th Workshop Ellipsometry (WSE 10) - udział bierny Title: Effects of phosphorous ions implantation in bulk CdTe crystal Co-authors: P. Sedzicki, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, H.-W. Becker, D. Rogalla, M. Pawlak, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Chemnitz, Germany (2018-03-19 - 2018-03-21)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 6th International Conference "Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials" NANO-2018 - plakat Title: Synthesis, optical and morphological studies of ZnO powders, and thin films fabrication by wet chemical methods Co-authors: R. Szczęsny, B. Derkowska-Zielińska, Ł. Skowroński, H. Wang, G. Boudebs, R. Viter, A. Ścigała, E. Szłyk Place: Kyiv, Ukraine (2018-08-27 - 2018-08-30)
Author: Michał Makowski
Name: 10th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LumDeTr) - plakat Title: Electrical and Optical Properties of β-Ga2O3 and β-Ga2O3:Ce Crystals Co-authors: M.E. Witkowski, W. Drozdowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, A. Fiedler, K. Irmscher, S. Ganshow, R. Schewski, Z. Galazka Place: Praga (Czechy) (2018-09-09 - 2018-09-15)
Author: Marcin E. Witkowski
Name: 10th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LumDeTr) - plakat Title: Luminescence Properties of β-Ga2O3 Crystals Activated with Various Ions Co-authors: M. Makowski, W. Drozdowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, Z. Galazka, K. Irmscher Place: Praga (Czechy) (2018-09-09 - 2018-09-14)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: Seminar “Porous Glasses-Special Glasses” PGL’2018 - referat zaproszony Title: SiO2-SnO2 glass-ceramics activated by Er3+ ions for photonics applications Co-authors: L. Zur, L.T.N. Tran, D. Massella, B. Derkowska-Zielinska, A. Vaccari, Y.G. Boucher, A. Chiappini, A. Chiasera, C. Armellini, S. Varas, T.T.V. Tran, A. Lukowiak, W.A. Pisarski, D. Dorosz, B.N. Shivakiran Bhaktha, B. Rossi, D. Zonta, G.C. Righini, M. Ferrari Place: Szklarska Poręba, Polska (2018-09-12 - 2018-09-16)
Name: 6th International Conference “Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials” NANO-2018 - plakat Title: Two-photon absorption in perylene derivatives Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, A. Krupka Place: Kyiv, Ukraine (2018-08-27 - 2018-08-30)
Name: 'Fibre Lasers' Action Final Conference COST MP1401 (Advanced fibre laser and coherent source as tools for society, manufacturing and lifescience) - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Warsaw, Poland (2018-10-24 - 2018-10-26)
Name: 3rd ELIPs User Workshops - plakat Title: Optical properties of different polymer systems of azo dyes with various substituents Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, L. Skowronski, A. Biitseva, O. Krupka Place: Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic (2018-11-12 - 2018-11-14)
Name: 3rd ELIPs User Workshops - plakat Title: Optical characterization of CdTe:P Co-authors: P. Sedzicki, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, H.-W. Becker, D. Rogalla, M. Pawlak, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic (2018-11-12 - 2018-11-14)
Author: Przemysław Sędzicki
Name: 3rd ELIPs User Workshops - plakat Title: Optical characterization of CdTe:P Co-authors: P. Sedzicki, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, H.-W. Becker, D. Rogalla, M. Pawlak, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic (2018-11-12 - 2018-11-14)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 10th European Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation, LUMDETR’2018 - plakat Title: Advantages and limitations of stimulation with band shape modulation in OSL measurements Place: Praga, Czechy (2018-09-09 - 2018-09-14)
Author: Przemysław Sędzicki
Name: 3rd ELIPs User Workshops - plakat Title: Optical characterization of CdTe:P Co-authors: P. Sedzicki, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, H.-W. Becker, D. Rogalla, M. Pawlak, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic (2018-11-12 - 2018-11-14)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 10th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LumDeTr 2018) - plakat Title: Growth and properties of ZnO/Alq3/ZnO quantum structures Co-authors: P. Popielarski, W. Bala, M. Sypniewska, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Prague, Czech Republic (2018-09-09 - 2018-09-14)
Author: Robert Czaplicki
Name: SPIE Photonics Europe - referat Title: Boosting nonlinearity of metasurfaces through decrease in number of particles Co-authors: A. Kiviniemi, M. J. Huttunen, X. Zang, T. Stolt, I. Vartiainen, J. Laukkanen, M. Kuittinen, M. Kauranen Place: Strasbourg, France (2018-04-22 - 2018-04-26)
Author: Małgorzata Sypniewska
Name: 11th International Conference "Electronic processes in organic and inorganic materials" (ICEPOM-11) - plakat Title: Synthesis and optical properties of poly[4-methacryloxy-(4’-carboxy)-azobenzene] Co-authors: M. Sypniewska, L. Skowronski, I. Savchenko, O. Krupka, V. Smokal, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine (2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25)
Author: Robert Czaplicki
Name: Optics & Photonics Days 2018 - plakat Title: Enhancing Nonlinear Responses of Metasurfaces by Engineered Interparticle Interactions Co-authors: A. Kiviniemi, M. Huttunen, X. Zang, T. Stolt, I. Vartiainen, J. Butet, M. Kuittinen, O. Martin, M. Kauranen Place: Jyväskylä, Finland (2018-05-28 - 2018-05-30)
Name: 2018 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2018 - referat zaproszony Title: Resonances and local fields in the nonlinear response of metal nanostructures Co-authors: M. Kauranen, A. Kiviniemi, M. J. Huttunen, K. Koskinen, I. Vartiainen, J. Laukkanen, S. Chervinskii, M. Kuittinen, S. Scherbak, and A. Lipovskii Place: Toyama, Japan (2018-08-01 - 2018-08-04)
Name: Metamaterials'2018 - The 12th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena - referat Title: Less is More – Enhancing Second-harmonic Generation from Metasurfaces by Engineering Interparticle Interactions Co-authors: M.J. Huttunen, A. Kiviniemi, X. Zang, T. Stolt, I. Vartiainen, J. Butet, M. Kuittinen, O.J.F. Martin, M. Kauranen Place: Espoo, Finland (2018-08-27 - 2018-09-01)
Author: Dariusz Chomicki
Name: 11th International Conference “Electronic processes in organic and inorganic materials” (ICEPOM-11) - plakat Title: Linear and nonlinear optical properties of heterocyclic azo dyes with hetaryldiazenyl substitution Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, K. Matczyszyn, M. Dudek, M. Samoc, L. Skowronski, D. Chomicki, V. Smokal, A. Biitseva, O. Krupka Place: Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine (2018-05-21 - 2018-05-25)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: Seminar of Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth - referat zaproszony Title: Advanced Techniques in Research on Scintillator Materials Place: Berlin (Niemcy) (2018-05-18 - 2018-05-18)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: SEMINAR (ERASMUS PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING STAFF MOBILITY) - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Properties of Matals and Organic Complexes Place: Angers (2018-02-02 - 2018-02-02)
Name: SEMINAR (ERASMUS+ K107 - PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING STAFF MOBILITY) - referat zaproszony Title: Influence of Annealing Process on Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties for Thin Films Place: Casablanca, (2018-10-25 - 2018-10-25)
Author: Michał Makowski
Name: Seminar of Physical Characterization Working Group - referat Title: β-Ga2O3 as a scintillator - preliminary results Place: Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth (LICG) (2018-02-05 - 2018-02-05)
Name: Seminar of Physical Characterization Working Group - referat Title: Investigation of electrical and optical properties of β-Ga2O3 and β-Ga2O3:Ce crystals Place: Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth (LICG) (2018-02-19 - 2018-02-19)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: The International conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy AppliCAtions (AMPSECA' 2017) - referat zaproszony Title: Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Their Application in Nonlinear Optics Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, S. Sahraoui Place: Agadir Maroko (2017-03-28 - 2017-03-30)
Name: The International conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy AppliCAtions (AMPSECA' 2017) - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Agadir Maroko (2017-03-28 - 2017-03-30)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 6th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - referat Title: Scintillation Properties of Gd3Al2Ga3O12:Ce (GAGG:Ce): a Comparison Between Monocrystalline and Nanoceramic Samples Co-authors: M.E. Witkowski, P. Solarz, P. Głuchowski, M. Głowacki, K. Brylew Place: Gdańsk (2017-07-09 - 2017-07-14)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: 6th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - referat Title: Time and excitation resolved emission spectra of VUV excited BaF2:Er and (Ba,La)F2:Er Place: Gdańsk (2017-07-09 - 2017-07-14)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON2017 - referat zaproszony Title: Physical vapor deposition technique and its application to thin organometallic films Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, K. Waszkowska, Z. Masewicz, A. Aamoum, J. Strzelecki, A. Korcala, B. Sahraoui Place: Girona (Hiszpania) (2017-07-02 - 2017-07-06)
Name: 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON2017 - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Effect of UV irradiation on nonlinear optical response of azo-based iminopyridine rhenium complexes Co-authors: K. Waszkowska, B. Kulyk, D. Guichaoua, A. Ayadi, A. El-Ghayoury, B. Sahraoui Place: Girona (Hiszpania) (2017-07-02 - 2017-07-06)
Name: 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON2017 - plakat Title: Diagnostic on nonlinear optical response of neodymium (III) oxide thin films Co-authors: K. Waszkowska, B. Sahraoui Place: Girona (Hiszpania) (2017-07-02 - 2017-07-06)
Name: 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON2017 - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Nonlinear optical properties of some selected highly conjugated molecules based on TTF for optoelectronics applications Co-authors: S. Taboukhat, M. Lougdali, Y. El Kouari, A. Ayadi , A. El-Ghayoury, Y. Boughaleb, B. Sahraoui Place: Girona (Hiszpania) (2017-07-02 - 2017-07-06)
Name: Single Photons Single Spins II (SPSSII) - referat Title: Optical Properties of Single - Walled Carbon Nanotubes Co-authors: P. Szroeder, P. Płóciennik, A. Korcala Place: Troyes (Francja) (2017-08-29 - 2017-09-01)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: FAST WG2 Meeting - udział bierny Place: Toruń (2017-10-13 - 2017-10-13)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: FAST WG2 Meeting - referat Title: Scintillation Properties of Promising Rare Earth Activated Oxides - Pt. 2: GAGG:Ce and β-Ga2O3:Ce Co-authors: M.E. Witkowski, M. Makowski, K. Brylew, P. Solarz, P. Głuchowski, M. Głowacki, Z. Gałązka Place: Toruń (2017-10-13 - 2017-10-13)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: COST Action MP1401 2nd Annual Conference - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Tel Awiw, Izrael (2017-03-01 - 2017-03-02)
Author: Przemysław Sędzicki
Name: 8th International Workshop on Surface Physics - Surface is Alive: Atoms, Molecules, Functional Materials etc... - plakat Title: Structural and optical properties of In-doped ZnO films synthesized by spin-coating technique Co-authors: P. Sedzicki, R. Szczesny, L. Skowronski, A. Apostoluk, A. Bouaine, S. Abed, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Trzebnica, Poland (2017-06-26 - 2017-06-30)
Author: Tomasz Rerek
Name: 8th International Workshop on Surface Physics - Surface is Alive: Atoms, Molecules, Functional Materials etc... - plakat Title: Microstructural, electrical and optical properties of Sn thin layers – the effect of deposition rate Co-authors: T. Rerek, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, A. Wronkowski, M. Naparty, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Trzebnica, Poland (2017-06-26 - 2017-06-30)
Author: Michał Makowski
Name: 6th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - plakat Title: Luminescence of XPO4:Nd3+ (X = Y, Lu, Sc, La) crystals Co-authors: M.E. Witkowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, W. Drozdowski, L.A. Boatner Place: Gdańsk (2017-07-09 - 2017-07-14)
Author: Marcin E. Witkowski
Name: 6th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - plakat Title: Scintillation Properties and Effect of Thermal Annealing in Lu3Al5O12 Ceramics Activated with Cerium and Praseodymium Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, W. Łachmański, M. Makowski, D. Zhou, J. Xu Place: Gdańsk (2017-07-09 - 2017-07-14)
Author: Michał Pawlak
Name: 19th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena. - referat Title: Thermal and infrared characterization of AlGaAs thin film epitaxially grown on Zn doped GaAs using spectrally resolved modulated photothermal infrared radiometry Co-authors: S.Pal, A.Ludwig, M.Kwiatek, J.Pelzl, A.Wieck Place: Bilbao, Hiszpania (2017-07-16 - 2017-07-20)
Name: 19th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena. - referat zaproszony Title: Quantitative analysis of trap-state defects in CdZnTe bulk crystals using photocarrier radiometry and lock in carrierography Co-authors: A.Soral, A.Mielnikov, Q.Sun, A.Mandelis, K.Strzałkowski Place: Bilbao, Hiszpania (2017-07-16 - 2017-07-20)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: SPIE Security + Defence Optical Materials and Biomaterials in Security and Defence Systems Technology - referat Title: Optical and photochemical properties of diarylethylenes Co-authors: O. Krupka, V. Smokal, B. Derkowska-Zielinska, O. Kharchenko, A. Kolendo Place: Warsaw, Poland (2017-09-11 - 2017-09-14)
Name: 103rd National Congress, SIF 2017 - plakat Title: Tin dioxide nanocrystals as Er3+ luminescence sensitizers – characterization of the system Co-authors: L. Zur, L.T.N. Tran, B. Derkowska-Zielinska, A. Vaccari, Y. Boucher, A. Chiasera, S. Varas, T.T.V. Tran, A. Lukowiak, W.A. Pisarski, B.N. Shivakiran Bhaktha, D. Zonta, R. Ramponi, G.C. Righini, M. Ferrari Place: Trento, Italy (2017-09-11 - 2017-09-15)
Author: Michał Pawlak
Name: XII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Termografia I Termometria W Podczerwieni - referat Title: In-plane and in-depth thermal diffusivity measurement of GaAs wafer using lock-in thermography and photothermal infrared radiometry Co-authors: M. Streza, K. Ramza, K.Strzałkowski Place: Ustroń (2017-09-27 - 2017-09-29)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 15th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (LED 2017) - referat Title: Thermally modulated OSL related to the fast component of OSL signal in quartz Co-authors: A. Szramowski Place: Cape Town, RPA (2017-09-11 - 2017-09-15)
Name: Workshop on quartz luminescence - referat Title: Thermally modulated OSL of quartz Place: Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, East Kilbride (2017-03-23 - 2017-03-27)
Author: Marcin E. Witkowski
Name: FAST WG2 Meeting - udział bierny Place: Toruń (2017-10-13 - 2017-10-13)
Author: Michał Makowski
Name: FAST WG2 Meeting - referat Title: Scintillation Properties of Promising Rare Earth Activated Oxides - Pt. 1: XPO4:Nd Co-authors: M.E. Witkowski, W. Drozdowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, K. Wisniewski, L.A. Boatner Place: Toruń (2017-10-13 - 2017-10-13)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 8th International Workshop on Surface Physics Surface is Alive: Atoms, Molecules, Functional Materials etc. - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Structural and optical properties of In-doped ZnO films synthesized by spin-coating technique Co-authors: P. Sedzicki, R. Szczesny, L. Skowronski, A. Apostoluk, A. Bouaine, S. Abed, B. Derkowska-Zielinska (plakat) Place: Trzebnica, Poland (2017-06-26 - 2017-06-30)
Name: 8th International Workshop on Surface Physics Surface is Alive: Atoms, Molecules, Functional Materials etc. - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Microstructural, electrical and optical properties of Sn thin layers – the effect of deposition rate Co-authors: T. Rerek, L. Skowronski, R. Szczesny, A. Wronkowski, M. Naparty, B. Derkowska-Zielinska (plakat) Place: Trzebnica, Poland (2017-06-26 - 2017-06-30)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: 19th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena - plakat Title: Microphone and Piezoelectric Photothermal Spectroscopy of CdZnTe Mixed Crystals Co-authors: K. Strzałkowski, M. Maliński, Ł. Chrobak, M. Pawlak Place: BIlbao, Hiszpania (2017-07-16 - 2017-07-20)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: SEMINAR (ERASMUS PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING STAFF MOBILITY) - referat zaproszony Title: Optical properties of azo-dyes thin films Place: Angers (2017-04-19 - 2017-04-19)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: Seminarium Instytutu Matematyki i Fizyki UTP - referat zaproszony Title: Nieliniowe właściwości optyczne półprzewodników organicznych Place: IMiF UTP Bydgoszcz (2017-02-23 - 2017-02-23)
Author: Michał Pawlak
Name: Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training - referat zaproszony Title: Selected thermal and plasma waves methods: Single detector vs. Imaging approach Place: Bochum, Niemcy (2017-09-19 - 2017-09-19)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 4th Internationnal Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOOPTICS 2016) - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Rzym (Włochy) (2016-01-27 - 2016-01-29)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 2nd FAST Annual General Meeting - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Trento (Włochy) (2016-03-16 - 2016-03-18)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 4th Workshop on Organic Electronics and Nanophotonics (WOREN 2016) - referat zaproszony Title: Nonlinear Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Co-authors: P.Płóciennik, J. Strzelecki A. Korcala Place: Aussois (Francja) (2016-03-20 - 2016-03-25)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 19th International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM) - referat Title: A Deeper Insight into (Lu,Y)AG:Pr Scintillator Crystals Co-authors: A.J. Wojtowicz, K. Brylew, W. Łachmański, E. Talik, M. Szubka, J. Kusz, A. Guzik, K. Balin, J. Kisielewski, M. Świrkowicz, A. Pajączkowska Place: Lyon (Francja) (2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON2016 - referat zaproszony Title: Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes – Structural and Optical Properties Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, P. Szroeder, A. Korcala, B. Kulyk, B. Sahraoui Place: Trydent (Włochy) (2016-07-10 - 2016-07-14)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: 6th International Conference on Excited States of Transition Elements - referat zaproszony Title: SPECTROSCOPIC STUDIES of Pr3+ ION AS A RECOMBINATION CENTER IN Pr-ACTIVATED Lu3Al5O12 SCINTILLATOR MONOCRYSTALS Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, K. Brylew, M.E. Witkowski Place: Polanica Zdrój, Poland (2016-08-21 - 2016-08-26)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: Single Photons & Single Spins (SPSS) - plakat Title: Structural and Optical Properties of Thin Films Containing Carbon Nanotubes Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, A. Korcala Place: Oxford (2016-09-12 - 2016-09-13)
Name: X Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Bachotek (2016-06-21 - 2016-06-24)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: Workshop on quartz radiofluorescence and luminescence models - referat Title: OSL dependency on temperature Place: Bayreuth, Niemcy (2016-04-01 - 2016-04-03)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: COST MP1401 Annual Conference - referat Title: Optical properties of rare-earth doped oxyfluoride glasses Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielińska, D. Furniss, T.M. Benson, A.B. Seddon Place: Zadar, Croatia (2016-04-12 - 2016-04-14)
Name: 24th Optical Wave and Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling Workshop (OWTNM 2016) - plakat Title: Third Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of DCM Co-authors: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Warsaw, Poland (2016-05-20 - 2016-05-21)
Name: 10th International Conference "Electronic processes in organic and inorganic materials" (ICEPOM–10) - plakat Title: Optical properties of disperse dyes doped polymer matrix Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, O. Krupka, V. Smokal, A. Grabowski, M. Naparty, L. Skowronski Place: Ternopil, Ukraine (2016-05-23 - 2016-05-27)
Name: 7th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE-7) - plakat Title: Influence of Different Polymer Systems of Azo Dyes on Optical Properties Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, L. Skowronski, A. Biitseva, A. Grabowski, M.K. Naparty, O. Krupka Place: Berlin, Germany (2016-06-06 - 2016-06-10)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 45th "Jaszowiec" International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compound - plakat Title: The composition effect on the thermal and optical properties across CdZnTe crystals Co-authors: F. Firszt, A. Marasek Place: Szczyrk (2016-06-19 - 2016-06-24)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2016 - referat zaproszony Title: Nonlinear optical properties of tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline)-aluminum Co-authors: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Trento, Italy (2016-07-10 - 2016-07-14)
Name: 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2016 - plakat Title: Optical properties of styrylquinoline polymers Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, E. Mateuszuk, L. Skowronski, T. Kozlowski, O. Krupka, V. Smokal Place: Trento, Italy (2016-07-10 - 2016-07-14)
Author: Natalia Pawlak
Name: 12th International Conference - Methods of Absolute Chronology - plakat Title: Testing the lower temperature of the OSL measurement in the SAR protocol applied for dating the medieval brick Co-authors: dr hab. Alicja Chruścińska Place: Paniówki (2016-05-11 - 2016-05-13)
Name: 18th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry - plakat Title: On the equivalence of natural and laboratory growth curves in luminescence dating - the effect of luminescence centre Co-authors: dr hab. Alicja Chruścińska Place: Monachium, Niemcy (2016-07-03 - 2016-07-08)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 3rd Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Theory and Applications - plakat Title: Quantitative Thermal Wave Imaging of an IR semi-transparent GaAs wafer using IR lock-in thermography Co-authors: M. Pawlak, M. Streza, K.Strzałkowski, M.Chirtoc Place: Warszawa (2016-09-14 - 2016-09-14)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 18th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry, SSD 18 - referat zaproszony Title: Optical stimulation of luminescence - theory and applications Co-authors: N. Kijek, S. Topolewski Place: Monachium, Niemcy (2016-07-03 - 2016-10-08)
Name: 12th International Conference “Methods of Absolute Chronology” - referat Title: Dating the foundations of the gothic Saint James Church in Toruń by the OSL method Co-authors: A. Cicha, N. Kijek, K. R. Przegiętka, P. Palczewski, K. Sulkowska-Tuszyńska Place: Gliwice (2016-05-11 - 2016-10-13)
Name: Workshop on quartz luminescence models - referat Title: OSL stimulation spectra Place: Instytut Fizyki UMK (2016-09-29 - 2016-10-01)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: 3rd Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Theory and Applications - referat Title: Piezolectric Photothermal Spectroscopy of AlGaAs/GaAs Heterostructures Co-authors: M. Maliński, M. Pawlak, Ł. Chrobak Place: Warszawa (2016-09-13 - 2016-09-16)
Author: Michał Pawlak
Name: 3rd Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Theory and Applications - plakat Title: Quantitative Thermal Wave Imaging of an IR semi-transparent GaAs wafer using IR lock-in thermography Co-authors: M. Streza, K.Strzałkowski, M.Chirtoc Place: Warszawa (2016-09-14 - 2016-09-14)
Name: 3rd Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Theory and Applications - referat Title: Piezolectric Photothermal Spectroscopy of AlGaAs/GaAs Heterostructures Co-authors: J.Zakrzewski, M.Maliński, Ł.Chrobak Place: Warszawa (2016-09-13 - 2016-09-15)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: Seminarium Wydziału Nowych Technologii i Chemii WAT - referat zaproszony Title: Cienkie warstwy związków kompleksowych - nanostruktury, samoorganizacja i własności optyczne Place: Warszawa (2016-04-14 - 2016-04-14)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: Seminarium Departamentu Aparatury i Technik Jądrowych - referat zaproszony Title: Zaawansowane techniki badawcze w fizyce materiałów scyntylacyjnych Place: Świerk (2016-09-22 - 2016-09-22)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: SEMINAR (ERASMUS PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING STAFF MOBILITY) - referat zaproszony Title: Deposition of Carbon Nanotubes Thin Films Place: Angers (Francja) (2016-03-29 - 2016-03-29)
Name: SEMINAR (ERASMUS+ K107 - PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING STAFF MOBILITY) - referat zaproszony Title: Structural and Optical Properties of Thin Films Place: El Jadida (Maroko) (2016-10-04 - 2016-10-04)
Name: Seminarium Wydziału Fizyki Politechniki Warszawskiej - referat zaproszony - referat zaproszony Title: Cienkie warstwy związków kompleksowych - nanostruktury, samoorganizacja i właściwości optyczne Place: Warszawa (2016-06-09 - 2016-06-09)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training - referat zaproszony Title: Influence of Mg and Be content on optical properties of A2B6 crystals Place: INSA Lyon, France (2016-06-07 - 2016-06-10)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: Seminarium ITME - referat zaproszony Title: Scyntylatory tlenkowe aktywowane prazeodymem - przyszłość tomografii PET? Place: Warszawa (2015-02-20 - 2015-02-20)
Name: Seminarium Instytutu Fizyki - referat zaproszony Title: Rynek scyntylatorów A.D. 2015 – quo vadis? Place: Szczecin (2015-05-29 - 2015-05-29)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: SEMINAR (ERASMUS A+ PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING STAFF MOBILITY) - referat zaproszony Title: Optical and structural properties of nanostructural thin films Place: Angers (Francja) (2015-06-03 - 2015-06-03)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: Seminarium ITME - referat zaproszony Title: Monokryształy scyntylacyjne granatów lutetu: czyste i aktywowane prazeodymem - własności scyntylacyjne i termoluminescencyjne Place: Warszawa (2015-12-09 - 2015-12-09)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: SEMINAR Institute of Sciences and Molecular Technologies of Angers - MOLTECH Anjou - referat zaproszony Title: Nonlinear Optical Properties of Nanostructural Thin Films Place: Angers (Francja) (2015-09-24 - 2015-09-24)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 1st FAST Annual General Meeting - referat Title: Double Beam Probing of Scintillator Materials Co-authors: K. Brylew, A.J. Wojtowicz Place: Praga (Czechy) (2015-04-14 - 2015-04-15)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 13 th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on FRONTIERS of POLYMERS & ADVANCED MATERIALS - referat zaproszony Title: Self-assembly thin films of metal organic complexes Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, J. Strzelecki, Z. Łukasiak, A. Korcala, B. Sahraoui Place: Marakesz (Maroko) (2015-03-30 - 2015-04-02)
Name: 13 th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on FRONTIERS of POLYMERS & ADVANCED MATERIALS - plakat Title: Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Film Fabricated by Laser Ablation Technique Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, Y. El Kouari, J. Strzelecki, B. Sahraoui Place: Marakesz (Maroko) (2015-03-30 - 2015-04-02)
Name: 13 th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on FRONTIERS of POLYMERS & ADVANCED MATERIALS - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Marakesz (Maroko) (2015-03-30 - 2015-04-02)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 5th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - referat zaproszony Title: Effect of Lu-to-Y Ratio and Mo Coactivation on Scintillation Properties of LuYAG:Pr and LuAG:Pr,Mo Crystals Co-authors: K. Brylew, M.E. Witkowski, A. Drewniak, Z. Masewicz, A.J. Wojtowicz, J. Kisielewski, M. Świrkowicz Place: Gdańsk (2015-07-19 - 2015-07-24)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON2015 - referat zaproszony Title: Photophysical properties of thin films containing metal and 8-hydroxyquinoline complexes Co-authors: P.Płóciennik, J. Strzelecki, A. Korcala, B. Sahraoui Place: Budapeszt (Węgry) (2015-07-05 - 2015-07-09)
Name: 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON2015 - plakat Title: Optical properties of Al2O3 thin film deposited by sol-gel technique Co-authors: A. Korcala, P. Płóciennik, B. Sahraoui Place: Budapeszt (Węgry) (2015-07-05 - 2015-07-09)
Name: 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON2015 - plakat Title: Study of ZnO thin film deposited by PVD Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, A. Korcala Place: Budapeszt (Węgry) (2015-07-05 - 2015-07-09)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 1st Industrial FAST Workshop - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Aachen (Niemcy) (2015-09-24 - 2015-09-25)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: XIII INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP NONLINEAR OPTICS APPLICATIONS (NOA 2015) - referat zaproszony Title: NLO Properties of Thin Films Containing Metal and 8-Hydroxyquinoline Complexes Place: Olsztyn (2015-09-09 - 2015-09-12)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: International Conference on Rare Earth Materials Advances in Synthesis, Studies and Applications (REMAT) - referat Title: New Praseodymium-Activated Oxide Scintillators Co-authors: K. Brylew, W. Łachmański, A.J. Wojtowicz, J. Kisielewski, M. Świrkowicz, S. Turczyński, D.A. Pawlak, M. Malinowski Place: Wrocław (2015-10-25 - 2015-10-28)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: The 5th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials, IWASOM'15 - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Uniwersytet Gdański, Gdańsk, Poland (2015-07-19 - 2015-07-24)
Name: The 4th International Conference on Rare Earth Materials - referat Title: IR-LASER INDUCED INDIRECT RECOMBINATION IN X-RAY EXCITED Lu3Al5O12:Pr Co-authors: Kamil Brylew, Winicjusz Drozdowski Place: Zamek Topacz, Ślęza/Wrocław, Poland (2015-10-26 - 2015-10-28)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 64th Crystal Clear Collaboration (CCC) General Meeting - referat Title: Inspired by Bandgap Engineering: LuYAG:Pr and LuYAM:Pr Scintillator Crystals Place: Genewa (Szwajcaria) (2015-11-26 - 2015-11-27)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 9th Workshop Ellipsometry (WSE 2015) - plakat Title: Optical properties of heterocyclic azo -containing material systems Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, Ł. Skowroński, T. Kozłowski, A. Kysil, A. Biitseva, A. Grabowski, M. Naparty, O. Krupka Place: Enschede, Netherlands (2015-02-23 - 2015-02-25)
Name: 9th Workshop Ellipsometry (WSE 2015) - plakat Title: Optical responce of coumarin-containing copolymers Co-authors: L. Skowronski, O. Krupka, V. Smokal, A. Grabowski, M. Naparty, B. Derkowska-Zielinska Place: Enschede, Netherlands (2015-02-23 - 2015-02-25)
Name: VII Konferencja Interakcja-Integracja - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Centrum Nowoczesności Młyn Wiedzy, Toruń (2015-03-11 - 2015-03-13)
Name: OPTO-Meeting for Young Researchers - OPTO2015 - plakat Title: Influence of peripheral substituents on optical properties of heterocyclic azo dyes Co-authors: T. Kozłowski, Ł. Skowroński, V. Smokal, A. Kysil, A. Biitseva, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Wrocław (2015-05-27 - 2015-05-30)
Name: 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2015 - referat zaproszony Title: Optical and thermal studies of Zn1-xMgxSe crystals Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielińska, A. Marasek Place: Budapest, Hungary (2015-07-05 - 2015-07-09)
Name: 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2015 - plakat Title: DR1-doped polymer matrice Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielińska, O. Krupka, A. Wachowiak, V. Smokal, A. Grabowski, Ł. Skowroński Place: Budapest, Hungary (2015-07-05 - 2015-07-09)
Name: XII Konferencja "Informatyka w Edukacji" IwE2015 - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: WMiI UMK Torun (2015-06-30 - 2015-07-01)
Author: Michał Makowski
Name: 5th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - plakat Title: Radio- and Photoluminescence of Mixed (Lux,Y1-x)AG:Pr and Doubly Doped LuAG:Pr,Mo Scintillator Crystals Co-authors: A.J. Wojtowicz, K. Brylew, W. Drozdowski, J. Kisielewski, M. Świrkowicz Place: Gdańsk (2015-07-19 - 2015-07-24)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 3rd International research and practice conference NANOTECHNOLOGY and NANOMATERIALS NANO-2015 - plakat Title: Methacrylic polymers functionalized with coumarin side-groups as optically active units Co-authors: O. Krupka, B. Derkowska-Zielinska, M. Sallé, D. Gindre Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2015-08-26 - 2015-08-29)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 18th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena - referat Title: Lattice disorder effect on the thermal conductivity of selected II-VI mixed crystals Co-authors: F. Firszt, A. Marasek Place: Novi Sad, Serbia (2015-09-06 - 2015-09-11)
Author: Natalia Pawlak
Name: UK Luminescence and ESR Meeting 2015 - plakat Title: Basic research on the OSL process in aspect of the natural and laboratory OSL growth curve for young samples Co-authors: dr hab. Alicja Chruścińska Place: Glasgow, Szkocja, Wielka Brytania (2015-07-08 - 2015-07-10)
Name: The 3rd Luminescence in Archaeology International Symposium - plakat Title: SAR OSL METHOD APPLIED FOR DATING OF MEDIVAL BRICK – TESTING THE LOWER TEMPERATURE OF OSL MEASUREMENT Co-authors: dr hab. Alicja Chruścińska Place: Paryż, Francja (2015-09-01 - 2015-09-04)
Name: 9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR) - plakat Title: Natural and laboratory OSL growth curve - verification of the basic assumption of luminescence dating. Co-authors: dr hab. Alicja Chruścińska Place: Tartu, Estonia (2015-09-20 - 2015-09-25)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: SPIE Security + Defence 2015 - referat zaproszony Title: Influence of various solvents on the nonlinear optical properties of metallophthalocyanines (MPcs) Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Toulouse, France (2015-09-21 - 2015-09-24)
Name: SPIE Security + Defence 2015 - plakat Title: Optical properties of polymethacrylate with styrylquinoline side chains Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielinska, V. Figà, O. Krupka, V. Smokal Place: Toulouse, France (2015-09-21 - 2015-09-24)
Author: Piotr Palczewski
Name: 9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation - plakat Title: Temperature dependence of 4f – 5d transitions in LuAP Co-authors: S. Janus, A.J. Wojtowicz Place: Tartu (2015-09-20 - 2015-09-25)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: 18th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena - referat zaproszony Title: Microphone and Piezoelectric Photothermal Spectroscopy of ZnSSe Mixed Crystals Co-authors: K. Strzałkowski, M. Pawlak, M. Maliński, Ł. Chrobak Place: Serbia (2015-09-06 - 2015-09-10)
Name: 18th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena - referat Title: Nonlinear Regimes of Acousic Pulses Generation and Propagation in Vicinity of a Mechanical Contact Studied by Sub-Nanosecond Laser Ultrasonic Technique Co-authors: N. Chigarev, J. Zakrzewski, V. Tournat and V. Gusev Place: Serbia (2015-09-06 - 2015-09-10)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 3rd Luminescence in Archaeology International Symposium - referat Title: WHAT CAN WE ACHIEVE BY APPLYING OPTICAL STIMULATION OF LUMINESCENCE DURING HEATING? Co-authors: mgr inż. Kijek Natalia Place: Paryż, Francja (2015-09-01 - 2015-09-04)
Name: 9th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation, LUMDETR 2015 - referat Title: Optical depth of traps in AL2O3:C determined by the variable energy of stimulation OSL method Place: Tartu, Estonia (2015-09-20 - 2015-09-25)
Author: Michał Pawlak
Name: 18th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena - plakat Title: Spectrally Resolved Photothermal And Photocarier Ir Radiometry Of Cdse: Determination Of Thermal, Optical And Semiconductor Parameters Co-authors: M.Chirtoc, N.Horny, J. Pelzl Place: Novi Sad, Serbia (2015-09-06 - 2015-09-11)
Name: 18th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena - plakat Title: Radiation Intensity Dependence Of Photothermal And Photocarier Ir Radiometry Response Of Cdse Place: Novi Sad, Serbia (2015-09-06 - 2015-09-11)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: Seminarium Zespołu Materiałów Luminescencyjnych, Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet Wrocławski - referat zaproszony Title: Luminescence centers in rtg phosphors: charge trapping and radiative transitions Place: Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet Wrocławski (2014-01-10 - 2014-01-10)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: Erasmus programme for teaching staff mobility - referat zaproszony Title: Nonlinear optical properties of Zn1-xMgxSe, Zn1-xBexSe and Cd1-xMgxSe crystals Place: University of Angers, Francja (2014-06-08 - 2014-06-14)
Author: Marcin E. Witkowski
Name: Seminarium Instytutu Fizyki Teoretycznej i Astrofizyki UG - referat Title: Relaksacja promienista i bezpromienista wysoko wzbudzonych jonów ziem rzadkich w matrycach fluorkowych Place: Gdańsk (2014-05-30 - 2014-05-30)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 2nd Internationnal Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOOPTICS 2014) - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Lisbona (Portugalia) (2014-01-07 - 2014-01-09)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 17th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL) - referat Title: Scintillation Properties of Mixed (LuxY1-x)3Al5O12:Pr Crystals Co-authors: K. Brylew, M.E. Witkowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, J. Kisielewski, M. Świrkowicz, T. Łukasiewicz Place: Wrocław (2014-07-13 - 2014-07-18)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON2014 - referat zaproszony Title: NLO Investigations of Self-Assembled Organometallic Thin Films Co-authors: A. Karakas, P. Płóciennik, Z. Łukasiak, B. Sahraoui Place: Graz (Austria) (2014-07-06 - 2014-07-10)
Name: 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON2014 - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Study of small-molecule thin organic films deposited on porous silicon substrates Co-authors: Z. Łukasiak, A. Korcala, P. Płóciennik, A. Zawadzka Place: Graz (Austria) (2014-07-06 - 2014-07-10)
Name: 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON2014 - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) of hafnium oxide thin films Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, A. Zawadzka, J. Strzelecki, Z. Łukasiak, A. Korcala Place: Graz (Austria) (2014-07-06 - 2014-07-10)
Name: 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON2014 - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Review of selected algorithms in the method energy evening algorithm in wireless sensor network Co-authors: M. Boniewicz, A. Kozłowska, A. Zawadzka, Z. Łukasiak, M. Zieliński Place: Graz (Austria) (2014-07-06 - 2014-07-10)
Name: 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON2014 - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Admittance spectroscopy for planar and across measure configuration of metal/porous silicon/Si structures Co-authors: A. Korcala, Z. Łukasiak, A. Zawadzka, P. Płóciennik, W. Bała, M. Boniewicz Place: Graz (Austria) (2014-07-06 - 2014-07-10)
Author: Czesław Koepke
Name: 17-th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL2014) - plakat Title: Examples of S^2 Analysis of the Excited State Transmission of Small Signals in the Active Fibers Co-authors: Patrycjusz Stremplewski Place: Wrocław (2014-07-13 - 2014-07-18)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 62nd Crystal Clear Collaboration (CCC) General Meeting - referat Title: Promising Oxide Scintillators: LuYAG:Pr and LuAG:Pr,Mo; Pt. 1, Scintillation Yield and Time Profiles Co-authors: K. Brylew Place: Genewa (Szwajcaria) (2014-11-27 - 2014-11-28)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: The 17th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter - referat zaproszony Title: Bi3+ in Lu2WO6 and Ti4+ in HfO2; deep-donor and deep-acceptor recombination centers Co-authors: A. Madej, K. Fiaczyk, M.E. Witkowski, E. Zych Place: Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wrocław, Polska (2014-07-13 - 2014-07-18)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 19th Winter Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Thermal diffusivity, effusivity and conductivity of CdMnTe mixed crystals Co-authors: F. Firszt, M. Pawlak, A. Marasek Place: Szczyrk (2014-02-25 - 2014-02-28)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: 19th Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Comparison of photothermal models for the investigations of subsurface damaged layers Co-authors: M. Maliński, K. Strzałkowski , F. Firszt Place: Szczyrk (2014-03-04 - 2014-03-07)
Author: Natalia Pawlak
Name: Toruńska Studencka Konferencja Matematyki Stosowanej - referat Title: Zastosowanie symulacji komputerowych w badaniach stymulowanej luminescencji Co-authors: dr hab. Alicja Chruścińska Place: WMiI, UMK (2014-04-04 - 2014-04-06)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2014 - referat zaproszony Title: Influence of Mg and/or Be content on nonlinear optical properties of A2B6 crystals Co-authors: B. Derkowska-Zielińska Place: Graz, Austria (2014-07-06 - 2014-07-10)
Author: Marcin E. Witkowski
Name: 17th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter - plakat Title: Spectroscopic investigation of Lu1:5Y1:5Al5O12 :Pr3+ scintillator crystal Co-authors: K.Brylew, W. Drozdowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, J. Kisielewski, M. Świrkowicz, T. Łukasiewicz Place: Wrocław (2014-07-13 - 2014-07-18)
Author: Natalia Pawlak
Name: 14th Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating conference (LED) - plakat Title: Equivalent dose of quartz originating from ceramics obtained by OSL SAR method – the tests of protocol parameters Co-authors: dr hab. Alicja Chruścińska Place: Montreal, Kanada (2014-07-06 - 2014-07-11)
Author: Michał Pawlak
Name: 2nd Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Theory and Application - referat Title: Characterization of the O+6 Ion Implanted Silicon Layers Using Plasma Waves and C-V Techniques Co-authors: M.Maliński, Ł.Chrobak, S.Pal, A.Ludwig Place: Warszawa (2014-09-23 - 2014-09-26)
Author: Natalia Pawlak
Name: XVI International Symposium on Luminescence Spectrometry ISLS 2014: Fundamentals and Applications - plakat Title: Wavelength and temperature dependence of the optical cross-section of OSL traps in quartz Co-authors: dr hab. A. Chruścińska Place: Rodos, Grecja (2014-09-24 - 2014-09-27)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 14th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating - referat Title: Estimating parameters of traps in quartz by the variable energy of stimulation OSL method Place: Montreal, Kanada (2014-07-07 - 2014-07-11)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 2nd Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Theory and Applications - referat Title: On the optimization of experimental parameters in photopyroelectric investigation of thermal diffusivity of solids Co-authors: D. Dadarlat, M. Streza, A. Marasek Place: Warszawa, Poland (2014-09-23 - 2014-09-26)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: XI Konferencja "Informatyka w Edukacji", IwE 2014 - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: WMiI UMK Toruń (2014-07-01 - 2014-07-02)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: Seminarium Oddziału Spektroskopii Optycznej INTiBS PAN - referat Title: Aktualne tendencje w poszukiwaniach i badaniach materiałów scyntylacyjnych Place: Wrocław (2013-05-24 - 2013-05-24)
Name: Seminarium Instytutu Fizyki Doświadczalnej - referat zaproszony Title: Stymulowana luminescencja - możliwości i ograniczenia. Place: Gdańsk (2013-01-24 - 2013-01-24)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2013 - referat zaproszony Title: Structural and optical properties of as-grown and annealed Alq3 thin films Co-authors: Anna Zawadzka, Przemysław Płóciennik, Janusz Strzelecki, Zbigniew Łukasiak, Krzysztof Bartkiewicz, Andrzej Korcala, Bouchta Sahraoui Place: Cartagena, Hiszpania (2013-06-23 - 2013-06-27)
Name: 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2013 - plakat Title: Optical properties of MgO thin films on quartz substrate prepared by sol-gel method Co-authors: Krzysztof Bartkiewicz, Zbigniew Łukasiak, Anna Zawadzka, Przemysław Płóciennik, Andrzej Korcala Place: Cartagena, Hiszpania (2013-06-23 - 2013-06-27)
Name: 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2013 - plakat Title: Light-induced carriers in metal/porous silicon/p-Si structures Co-authors: Andrzej Korcala, Zbigniew Łukasiak, Anna Zawadzka, Przemysław Płóciennik, Wacław Bała, Krzysztof Bartkiewicz Place: Cartagena, Hiszpania (2013-06-23 - 2013-06-27)
Name: 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2013 - plakat Title: Photoluminescence spectra of porous silicon modified by copper phthalocyanine coating Co-authors: Zbigniew Łukasiak, Przemysław Płóciennik, Anna Zawadzka, Andrzej Korcala, Krzysztof Bartkiewicz Place: Cartagena, Hiszpania (2013-06-23 - 2013-06-27)
Name: 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2013 - plakat Title: Pulsed laser deposition of hafnium oxide on quartz substrate Co-authors: Przemysław Płóciennik, Anna Zawadzka, Zbigniew Łukasiak, Karolina Brodzińska, Andrzej Korcala, Krzysztof Bartkiewicz Place: Cartagena, Hiszpania (2013-06-23 - 2013-06-27)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 4th International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - referat Title: Studies of Light Yield as a Function of Temperature and Low Temperature Thermoluminescence of Gd3Al2Ga3O12:Ce Scintillator Crystals Co-authors: K. Brylew, M.E. Witkowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, A. Yoshikawa Place: Gdańsk (2013-07-14 - 2013-07-19)
Author: Czesław Koepke
Name: Fourth International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials IWASOM-4 - plakat Title: Excited state characteristics of the LBO and KLBO glasses activated by chromium ions Co-authors: J. Mikulski, B. Padlyak, V.T. Adamiv, Ya.V. Burak Place: Gdańsk (2013-07-14 - 2013-07-19)
Name: Fourth International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials IWASOM-4 - plakat Title: Active fiber characteristics by means of modes and gain Co-authors: P. Stremplewski Place: Gdańsk (2013-07-14 - 2013-07-19)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: The Third Poznań Symposium on Quantum Engineering, Information and Nonlinear Optics - referat zaproszony Title: Nonlinear optical properties of organometallics thin films Place: Poznań (2013-10-15 - 2013-10-17)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: The Fourth International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials, IWASOM'13 - referat zaproszony Title: VUV studies of RE ions as recombination and emission centers in BaF2 Place: Uniwersytet Gdański, Gdańsk, Polska (2013-07-15 - 2013-07-19)
Author: Natalia Pawlak
Name: Konferencja Młodych Naukowców, Wpływ Młodych Naukowców na Osiągnięcia Polskiej Nauki - referat Title: Datowanie materiałów geologicznych i archeologicznych za pomocą dozymetrii retrospektywnej Place: Poznań (2013-01-12 - 2013-01-12)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: Workshop on Organic Electronics and Nanophotonics (WOREN’2013) - referat zaproszony Title: Nonlinear optical properties of Er3+-doped oxyfluoride glasses and nano-glass-ceramics Co-authors: Yu Lam Wong, David Furniss, Trevor M. Benson, Angela B. Seddon Place: Złockie, Polska (2013-02-17 - 2013-02-21)
Author: Natalia Pawlak
Name: IT Academic Day 2013 - udział bierny Place: Toruń, Instytut Fizyki (2013-04-17 - 2013-04-18)
Author: Michał Pawlak
Name: Winter School on Wave and Quantum Acoustics, Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Wave Methods - referat Title: Simultaneous measurement of thermal diffusivity and effective optical absorption coefficient in IR semi-transparent CdMgSe mixed crystals by means of the photothermal radiometry Co-authors: M.Maliński, F.Firszt, J.Pelzl, A.Wieck, A.Marasek Place: Szczyrk (2013-02-26 - 2013-03-01)
Author: Natalia Pawlak
Name: 11th International Conference - Methods of Absolute Chronology - plakat Title: Luminescence dating of bricks from yhe gothic Saint James Church in Toruń Co-authors: A. Chruścińska, K. R. Przegiętka, P. Palczewski, K. Sulkowska-Tuszyńska, A. Cicha Place: Podlesice (2013-05-15 - 2013-05-18)
Name: 11th International Conference - Methods of Absolute Chronology - plakat Title: Estimation of OSL trap parameters by the optical “cleaning” – a critical study of the approach Co-authors: A. Chruścińska Place: Podlesice (2013-05-15 - 2013-05-18)
Name: UK Luminescence and ESR Metting 2013 - plakat Title: Dating medival bricks by OSL method - the Saint James Church in Toruń Co-authors: A. Chruścińska, A. Cicha, P. Palczewski, K. R. Przegiętka, K. Sulkowska-Tuszyńska Place: St Andrews, Scotland, UK (2013-08-27 - 2013-08-30)
Author: Marcin E. Witkowski
Name: The FOURTH International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials - plakat Title: "High energy states of lanthanide ions in fluoride host" Co-authors: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz Place: Gdańsk (2013-07-14 - 2013-07-19)
Author: Michał Pawlak
Name: Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Theory and Applications - plakat Title: Linear relationship between the Hall carrier concentration and the effective absorption coefficient measured by means of the photothermal radiometry in IR semi-transparent n-type CdMgSe mixed crystals Co-authors: M.Pawlak, M.Maliński, F. Firszt, J. Pelzl, A.Wieck, A. Ludwig,A. Marasek Place: Warszawa (2013-09-24 - 2013-09-27)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Theory and Applications - referat Title: Complementary photothermal techniques for complete thermal inspection of solids Co-authors: D.Dadarlat, M.Streza, O.Onija, K.Strzalkowski, C.Prejmerean, D.Prodan, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu and N.Cobirzan Place: Warszawa (2013-09-25 - 2013-09-27)
Name: Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Theory and Applications - plakat Title: Complete Thermal Characterization of II-VI Binary Crystals by Photopyroelectric Calorimetry and Infrared lock-in Thermography Co-authors: K. Strzałkowski, M. Streza, D. Dadarlat, A. Marasek Place: Warszawa (2013-09-25 - 2013-09-27)
Author: Natalia Pawlak
Name: 17th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry - plakat Title: The dependence of quartz OSL on stimulation energy Co-authors: A. Chruścińska, K. R. Przegietka Place: Recife, Brazylia (2013-09-22 - 2013-09-27)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 17th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry - plakat Title: A new method of the OSL measurement Place: Recife, Brazil (2013-09-22 - 2013-09-27)
Name: 11th International Conference “METHODS OF ABSOLUTE CHRONOLOGY” - plakat Title: Estimation of OSL trap parameters by the optical “cleaning” – a critical study of the approach Co-authors: N. Kijek Place: Podlesice (2013-05-15 - 2013-05-18)
Author: Piotr Palczewski
Name: 11th International Conference - udział bierny Place: Podlesice, Polska (2013-05-15 - 2013-05-18)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: 18th Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Investigations of subsurface damaged layer by piezoelectric photothermal spectroscopy Co-authors: M. Maliński, K. Strzałkowski , F. Firszt Place: Szczyrk (2013-02-26 - 2013-03-01)
Name: Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Theory and Applications - plakat Title: Analysis of the piezoelectric photothermal spectra of ZnSe, Zn1-x-yBexMgySe and Zn1-x-yBexMnySe crystals after different surface treatment Co-authors: M. Maliński, K. Strzałkowski, F. Firszt Place: Warszawa (2013-09-25 - 2013-09-27)
Name: 17th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena - referat Title: Monitoring of Subsurface Damaged Layer Thickness by Piezoelectric Photothermal Spectroscopy Co-authors: M. Maliński, K. Strzałkowski, F. Firszt Place: Suzhou, Chiny (2013-10-20 - 2013-10-24)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: SPIE Security+Defence, Optical Materials and Biomaterials in Security and Defence Systems Technology X, , Conference 8901B - referat Title: Electro-optic properties of novel azobenzene polymers Co-authors: O. Krupka, B. Derkowska, F. Kajzar, V. Smokal, S. Studzinsky, N.A. Davidenko Place: Dresden, Germany (2013-09-23 - 2013-09-26)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: Seminarium ITME - referat Title: Nowoczesne metody badań i optymalizacji kryształów scyntylacyjnych Place: Warszawa (2012-02-17 - 2012-02-17)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: Seminarium Zespołu Materiałów Luminescencyjnych, Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet Wrocławski - referat zaproszony Title: Spektroskopia VUV BaF2:Pr (dlaczego BaF2:Pr jest złym scyntylatorem) Place: Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet Wrocławski (2012-10-17 - 2012-10-17)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: SEMINAR (ERASMUS PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING STAFF MOBILITY) - referat zaproszony Title: Structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films Place: Angers (Francja) (2012-09-15 - 2012-09-29)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: Zebranie Naukowe Instytutu Fizyki - referat zaproszony Title: Szerokość spektralna pasma światła stymulacji a kształt krzywej optycznie stymulowanej luminescencji Place: ki, Politechnika Śląska, Gliwice (2012-11-07 - 2012-11-07)
Name: Seminarium "Fizyka jader atomowych" - referat zaproszony Title: Datowanie luminescencyjne Place: Instytut Fizyki Doświadczalnej, UW, Warszawa (2012-12-13 - 2012-12-13)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2012 - referat zaproszony Title: Optical properties of metallophthalocyanine compounds thin films Co-authors: Anna Zawadzka, Przemysław Płóciennik, Janusz Strzelecki, Zbigniew Łukasiak, Andrzej Korcala, Krzysztof Bartkiewicz Place: Coventry, Wielka Brytania (2012-07-02 - 2012-07-05)
Name: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2012 - plakat Title: Optical properties of Al2O3 thin films on quartz glass substrate, prepared by sol-gel method Co-authors: K. Bartkiewicz, Z. Łukasiak, A. Zawadzka, P. Płóciennik, A. Korcala Place: Coventry, Wielka Brytania (2012-07-02 - 2012-07-05)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 8th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LumDeTr) - referat Title: Effect of Thermal Annealing on Light Yield, Time Profiles, and Low Temperature Thermoluminescence of LuAG:Pr Scintillator Crystals Co-authors: K. Brylew, A. Chruścińska, K. Kamada, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa Place: Halle (Niemcy) (2012-09-09 - 2012-09-14)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: International Conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy Conversion Applications (AMPSECA 2012) - referat zaproszony Title: Photophysical Properties of Alq3 thin films Co-authors: Przemysław Płóciennik, Janusz Strzelecki, Zbigniew Łukasiak, Bouchta Sahraoui Place: El Jadida, Maroko (2012-12-05 - 2012-12-07)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: 8th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation - LUMDETR 2012 - referat Title: VUV spectroscopy of potential scintillator materials; RE activated BaF2 and Ba0:8La0:2F2:2 Co-authors: M.E. Witkowski Place: Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany (2012-09-10 - 2012-09-14)
Name: 17th Winter Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Determination of the exciton binding energy in II-VI binary crystals using PA and PL spectroscopy Co-authors: J. ZAKRZEWSKI, F. FIRSZT, M. MALIŃSKI Place: Szczyrk, Poland (2012-02-28 - 2012-03-02)
Author: Natalia Pawlak
Name: 8th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETER) - plakat Title: On the dependence of Equivalent Dose on temperature of OSL measurements for sediment quartz grains and its implication in dating practice Co-authors: dr hab. A. Chruścińska, dr K.R. Przegiętka Place: Halle (Salle), Niemcy (2012-09-10 - 2012-09-14)
Name: 11th Geochronological Conference - Dating of Minerals and Rocks XI - plakat Title: Luminescence age of Vistula River overbank deposits in western part of Warsaw Basin Co-authors: dr hab. A.Chruścińska, dr K. R. Przegiętka Place: Uniwerstytet Jana Kochanowskiego, Kielce (2012-09-26 - 2012-09-27)
Name: Pomiędzy naukami – zjazd fizyków i chemików - referat Title: Optycznie stymulowania luminescencja (OSL), a datowanie osadów. Co-authors: dr hab. A. Chruścińska, dr K. R. Przegietka Place: Chorzów (2012-10-05 - 2012-10-05)
Author: Marcin E. Witkowski
Name: 8th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR) - plakat Title: The 1S0 emission from the minor site of Pr3+ in (Ba,La)F2:Pr Co-authors: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz Place: Haale, Niemcy (2012-09-10 - 2012-09-14)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 3rd International Symposium on Luminescence - referat Title: Energy scan in OSL measurements Place: Port Elizabeth, RPA (2012-07-01 - 2012-07-06)
Name: 8th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation - LUMDETR 2012 - plakat Title: Influence of Spectral Width of Stimulation Band on the shape of OSL curve Place: Halle, Niemcy (2012-09-10 - 2012-09-14)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: 17th Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Determination of the Exciton Binding Energy Using Photothermal and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy Co-authors: K. Strzałkowski, J. Zakrzewski, Mirosław Maliński Place: Szczyrk (2012-02-28 - 2012-03-02)
Name: 17th Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Temperature Distributions in Piezoelectric Photothermal Spectroscopy Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński, K. Strzałkowski Place: Szczyrk (2012-02-28 - 2012-03-02)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: International conference on Micro- and nano-photonic materials and devices - referat Title: Photoluminescence studies of selected styrylquinolinium thin films made using thermal evaporation deposition technique Co-authors: H. El Ouazzani, B. Derkowska, Z. Łukasiak, K. Iliopoulos, B. Sahraoui, M. Todorova, R. Bakalska, Ts. Kolev, M. Bakasse, A. Arbaoui Place: Trento, Italy (2012-01-16 - 2012-01-18)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) - referat Title: Scintillation Yield Enhancement in LuAG:Pr Crystals Following Thermal Annealing Co-authors: K. Brylew, A. Chruścińska, K. Kamada, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa Place: Gdańsk (2011-07-17 - 2011-07-22)
Author: Czesław Koepke
Name: Third International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials, IWASOM-3 - plakat Title: Verification of the upconversion in the ZBLAN:Ho3+ glass under the photon avalanche-type excitation at 980 nm Co-authors: P. Stremplewski, D. Piątkowski Place: Gdańsk, Poland (2011-07-17 - 2011-07-22)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2011 - referat zaproszony Title: Laser ablation and thin film deposition Co-authors: A. Zawadzka, P. Płóciennik, Z. Łukasiak, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Korcala, H. El Ouazzani, B. Sahraoui Place: Sztokholm, Szwecja (2011-06-26 - 2011-06-30)
Name: 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2011 - plakat Title: Photoluminescence of MgO thin films on Si (111) substrate, prepared by sol-gel method Co-authors: K. Bartkiewicz, Z. Łukasiak, A. Zawadzka, P. Płóciennik, A. Korcala Place: Sztokholm, Szwecja (2011-06-26 - 2011-06-30)
Name: 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2011 - plakat Title: Photoluminescence of electrochemically etched porous silicon coated with small-molecule based thin organic films Co-authors: Z. Łukasiak, A. Zawadzka, P. Płóciennik, A. Korcala, K. Bartkiewicz Place: Sztokholm, Szwecja (2011-06-26 - 2011-06-30)
Name: 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2011 - plakat Title: Study of photoadmittance and admittance of porous silicon layers Co-authors: A. Korcala, Z. Łukasiak, A. Zawadzka, P. Płóciennik, K. Bartkiewicz, W. Bała Place: Sztokholm, Szwecja (2011-06-26 - 2011-06-30)
Name: Second French-Polish Workshop on Organic Electronics and Nanophotonics - referat zaproszony Title: Optical properties of selected oranometallic compounds thin films deposited by PVD technique Co-authors: A. Zawadzka, I. Czarnecka, J. Sztupecka and P. Płóciennik Place: Angers, Francja (2011-09-04 - 2011-09-08)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: 11 International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and their Applications SCINT 2011 - referat Title: VUV studies on scintillation mechanisms in BaF2:Ce and BaF2:Pr Co-authors: AJ Wojtowicz Place: Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany (2011-09-12 - 2011-09-16)
Name: The THIRD International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials, IWASOM 2011 - referat zaproszony Title: VUV spectroscopy of BaF2:Pr; scintillation mechanism Co-authors: AJ Wojtowicz Place: Gdansk University, Gdansk, Poland (2011-07-17 - 2011-07-22)
Name: 55th Crystal Clear Collaboration Meeting - referat Title: VUV spectroscopy in studies of scintillator materials; short review Place: CERN, Genewa, Szwajcaria (2011-11-24 - 2011-11-25)
Author: Marcin E. Witkowski
Name: The THIRD International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials - IWASOM 2011 - plakat Title: EXCITED 4f5d STATES OF LANTHANIDE IONS IN BaF2 Co-authors: Marcin E. Witkowski, Andrzej J. Wojtowicz Place: Gdańsk (2011-07-17 - 2011-07-22)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 13th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (LED 2011) - plakat Title: Applying Al2O3:C chips for annual dose determination in luminescence dating of archaeological samples Co-authors: Krzysztof Przegiętka Place: Toruń, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in the Chopin 12/18 street (2011-07-10 - 2011-07-14)
Name: 13th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (LED 2011) - plakat Title: Simulating optical bleaching of OSL signal in sediment quartz Co-authors: Krzysztof Przegiętka Place: Toruń, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in the Chopin 12/18 street (2011-07-10 - 2011-07-14)
Name: 13th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (LED 2011) - plakat Title: The OSL age inversion of sand-bed braided river deposits in the Torun Basin (Poland) Co-authors: Piotr Weckwerth, Krzysztof Przegiętka Place: Toruń, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in the Chopin 12/18 street (2011-07-10 - 2011-07-14)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 16th Winter Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Combined photoacoustic and photoluminescence method of determination of the exciton binding energy in selected II-VI crystals Co-authors: K. Strzałkowski, J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński, Ł. Chrobak, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska Place: Szczyrk, Poland (2011-02-27 - 2011-03-02)
Author: Natalia Pawlak
Name: IV Ogólnopolska Konferencja "Komputer w szkolnym laboratorium przyrodniczym" - udział bierny Place: Instytut Fizyki, Toruń UMK (2011-12-01 - 2011-12-03)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: Nonlinear Optics Applications 2011 - XI International Workshop, Torun, Poland - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Torun, Poland (2011-09-14 - 2011-09-17)
Author: Krzysztof Wiśniewski
Name: 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials - plakat Title: High pressure spectroscopy of the garnet Ca3Sc2Si3O12 doped Tb3+ Co-authors: S. Mahlik, M. Grinberg, M. Bettinelli Place: Gdańsk (2011-08-17 - 2011-08-22)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: 16th Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Photoacoutic measurements of ZnSe for different method of preparation Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński, K. Strzałkowski, D. Madaj, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska Place: Szczyrk (2011-03-01 - 2011-03-04)
Name: 16th Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Combined photoacoustic and photoluminescence method of determination of the exciton binding energy in selected II-VI crystals Co-authors: K. Strzałkowski, J. Zakrzewski, F. Firszt, M. Maliński Place: Szczyrk (2011-03-01 - 2011-03-04)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: SEMINAR (ERASMUS PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING STAFF MOBILITY) - referat zaproszony Title: Metal oxide thin films and their optical properties Place: Angers (Francja) (2011-09-04 - 2011-09-17)
Author: Franciszek Firszt
Name: referat zaproszony - referat Title: Fotoakustyka w badaniach szerokopasmowych półprzewodników II-VI Place: Instytut Fizyki PAN, Warszawa (2011-05-31 - 2011-05-31)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: Excited States of Transition Elements and Workshop on Luminescence ESTE 2010 - referat Title: Fast and Slow VUV/UV Emissions from BaF2:Er and (Ba,La)F2:Er Co-authors: A.J. Wojtowicz Place: Piechowice (2010-09-04 - 2010-09-09)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - plakat Title: Investigations of Temperature Dependent Photoluminescence Process in MgO Thin Films Co-authors: A. Zawadzka, P. Płóciennik, K. Brodzińska, Z. Łukasiak, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Korcala Place: Monachium, Niemcy (2010-06-27 - 2010-07-01)
Name: 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - plakat Title: Photoluminescence of ZnO thin films on Si substrate Co-authors: K. Bartkiewicz, Z. Łukasiak, A. Zawadzka, P. Płóciennik, A. Korcala Place: Monachium, Niemcy (2010-06-27 - 2010-07-01)
Author: Czesław Koepke
Name: 3rd International Conference on Functional Materials and Devices (ICFMD) - referat zaproszony Title: Excited State Characteristics of Optoelectronic Materials Based on RE3+ Ions Co-authors: Cz. Koepke, D. Piątkowski, P. Stremplewski, M. Różański, K. Wiśniewski Place: Kuala Terengganu (Malezja) (2010-06-14 - 2010-06-17)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 15th Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Influence of manganese on photoacoustics spectra of ZnBeMnSe mixed crystal Co-authors: K. Strzałkowski, J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński, Ł. Chrobak, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska Place: Szczyrk, Poland (2010-03-01 - 2010-03-04)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: First Polish - French Workshop on Organic Electronics and Nanophotonics - referat zaproszony Title: Metallophthalocyanines and their third order nonlinear optical properties Co-authors: B. Derkowska Place: Swieradow Zdroj, Poland (2010-01-31 - 2010-02-04)
Name: First Polish - French Workshop on Organic Electronics and Nanophotonics - plakat Title: Optical properties of oxazalone derivatives with and without DNA-CTMA Co-authors: O. Krupka, V. Smokal, B. Derkowska, Z. Łukasiak, A. Kolendo, B. Sahraoui Place: Swieradow Zdroj, Poland (2010-01-31 - 2010-02-04)
Name: 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - referat zaproszony Title: The Optical Properties of Chalcogenide Glasses: From Measurement to Electromagnetic Simulation Tools Co-authors: T. M. Benson, H. G. Dantanarayana, A. Vukovic, P. Sewell, Z.G. Lian, D. Furniss, A.B. Seddon, E. Romanova, B. Derkowska, J. Orava, T. Wagner Place: Munich, Germany (2010-06-27 - 2010-07-01)
Name: 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - referat zaproszony Title: Study of nonlinear optical properties of Er3+ and Yb3+ -doped oxyfluoride glasses Co-authors: B. Derkowska, Yu Lam Wong, D. Furniss, T. M. Benson, A. B. Seddon Place: Munich, Germany (2010-06-27 - 2010-07-01)
Author: Marcin E. Witkowski
Name: Excited States of Transition Elements and Workshop on Luminescence ESTE 2010 - plakat Title: High and Low Spin Energy States of the Tb3+ 4f75d Configuration in BaF2 Co-authors: Marcin E. Witkowski, Andrzej J. Wojtowicz Place: Piechowice (2010-09-04 - 2010-09-09)
Author: Piotr Palczewski
Name: Excited States of Transition Elements and Workshop on Luminescence ESTE 2010 - plakat Title: Temperature Dependence of 4f–5d Transitions in LuAP Co-authors: A.J. Wojtowicz, S. Janus, P. Palczewski Place: Piechowice (2010-09-04 - 2010-09-09)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 10th International Conference Methods of Absolute Chronology - plakat Title: Age and sedimentological features of vistulian fluvial series in the Toruń Basin (Poland) Co-authors: Piotr Weckwerth, Krzysztof Przegiętka, Alicja Chruścińska, Barbara Woronko and Hubert L. Oczkowski Place: Gliwice, Polska (2010-04-22 - 2010-04-25)
Name: 10th International Conference Methods of Absolute Chronology - plakat Title: Analysis of OSL ages obtained for sand sediments of various origins deposited in the Wielkopolska Lowland, western Poland Co-authors: Krzysztof Przegiętka, Alicja Chruścińska, Hubert L. Oczkowski, Wojciech Wysota, Robert Jan Sokołowski Place: Gliwice, Polska (2010-04-22 - 2010-04-25)
Name: 10th International Conference Methods of Absolute Chronology - plakat Title: Litho- and Chronostratigraphy of the Pleistocene deposits in the eastern Wielkopolska region Co-authors: Paweł Wilkosz, KrzysztofPrzegiętka, Alicja Chruścinska, Hubert L. Oczkowski Place: Gliwice, Polska (2010-04-22 - 2010-04-25)
Name: 16th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry - plakat Title: Analysis of Equivalent Doses Measured in Quartz Aliquots for OSL Dating of Fluvial Sediments Co-authors: Krzysztof Przegiętka, Alicja Chruścinska Place: Sydney, Australia (2010-09-19 - 2010-09-24)
Name: 16th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry - plakat Title: The Temperature Dependence of OSL Process and the Shallow Trap Effect Co-authors: Alicja Chruścinska Place: Sydney, Australia (2010-09-19 - 2010-09-25)
Name: 16th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry - plakat Title: Analysis Of OSL Intensity Increase With Temperature And It’s Consequences For Dating Applications Co-authors: Alicja Chruścinska, Krzysztof Przegiętka Place: Sydney, Australia (2010-09-19 - 2010-09-24)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: Applications of Photonics in Teleinformaic Technologies - referat zaproszony Title: Nonlinear optical properties of organic compounds for optoelectronic and photonic applications Place: Szczecin, Polska (2010-11-16 - 2010-11-17)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: Zebranie Naukowe Instytutu Fizyki - referat zaproszony Title: Znaczenie drgań sieci krystalicznej w pomiarach optycznie stymulowanej luminescencji Place: Instytut Fizyki – Centrum Naukowo-Dydaktyczne Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice (2010-01-13 - 2010-01-13)
Author: Krzysztof Wiśniewski
Name: 17th International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited State of Solids - plakat Title: High pressure and time resolved luminescence of the garnet Ca3Sc2Si3O12 doped Tb3+ Co-authors: S.Mahlik, M.Grinberg, M.Bettinelli Place: Chicago, USA (2010-06-21 - 2010-06-25)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: 15th Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Influence of manganese on photoacoustics spectra of ZnBeMnSe mixed crystal Co-authors: K. Strzałkowski, J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński, Ł. Chrobak, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska Place: Szczyrk (2010-03-01 - 2010-03-04)
Name: 15th Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Influence of surface preparation for semiconducting materials of different crystal structure Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński, K. Strzałkowski, D. Madaj, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska Place: Szczyrk (2010-03-01 - 2010-03-04)
Name: 16th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems (THERMINIC) - referat Title: The photoacoustic method of determination of the quantum efficiency of luminescence in Mn2+ ions in Zn1−x−yBexMnySe crystals Co-authors: M. Malinski, L. Chrobak, J. Zakrzewski, K. Strzalkowski Place: Barcelona, Hiszpania (2010-10-06 - 2010-10-10)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: Seminarium Zespołu Materiałów Luminescencyjnych, Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet Wrocławski - referat zaproszony Title: Spektroskopia VUV materiałów scyntylacyjnych; wybrane zagadnienia Place: Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet Wrocławski (2010-12-17 - 2010-12-17)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: SEMINAR (ERASMUS PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING STAFF MOBILITY) - referat zaproszony Title: Third harmonic generation for Al2O3 thin films Place: Angers (Francja) (2010-11-07 - 2010-11-14)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 7th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LumDeTr) - referat zaproszony Title: Scintillation Yield of BGO Pixel Crystals Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, S.M. Kaczmarek, M. Berkowski Place: Kraków (2009-07-12 - 2009-07-17)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR) - referat Title: VUV Luminescence from BaF2:Er and (Ba,La)F2:Er Co-authors: A.J. Wojtowicz, S. Janus Place: Kraków (2009-07-12 - 2009-07-17)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 3rd ICTON Mediterranean Winter 2009 Conference & 3rd COST MP0702 joint WG meeting and workshop 10-12 december 2009 - referat Title: Temperature dependent photoluminescence process in ZnO thin films grown on quartz by sol-gel method Co-authors: A. Zawadzka, P. Płóciennik, Z. Łukasiak, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Korcala Place: Angers, Francja (2009-12-10 - 2009-12-12)
Name: 3rd ICTON Mediterranean Winter 2009 Conference & 3rd COST MP0702 joint WG meeting and workshop 10-12 december 2009 - plakat Title: Admittance Spectroscopy and SPICE Simulations for Small-Molecule Based Thin Organic Films Co-authors: Zbigniew Łukasiak, Anna Zawadzka, Przemysław Płóciennik, Andrzej Korcala, Krzysztof Bartkiewicz Place: Angers, Francja (2009-12-10 - 2009-12-12)
Name: 3rd ICTON Mediterranean Winter 2009 Conference & 3rd COST MP0702 joint WG meeting and workshop 10-12 december 2009 - plakat Title: The Optical Properties of Hafnium Oxide Prepared by the Pulsed Laser Deposition Co-authors: P. Płóciennik, A. Zawadzka, Z. Łukasiak, K. Bartkiewicz and A. Korcala Place: Angers, Francja (2009-12-10 - 2009-12-12)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 14th Winter Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of ZnSe oriented Crystals Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński, K. Strzałkowski, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska Place: Korbielów (2009-02-25 - 2009-02-27)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 7th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation - referat Title: On the dependence of optical cross section of traps on temperature Co-authors: A. Chruścińska Place: Kraków (2009-07-12 - 2009-07-17)
Name: 7th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation - plakat Title: The influence of electron-phonon interaction on the OSL decay curve shape Co-authors: A. Chruścińska, K. R. Przegiętka Place: Kraków (2009-07-12 - 2009-07-17)
Author: Franciszek Firszt
Name: 14-th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, August 22-28 2009, - plakat Title: Growth and characterization of Zn1-x-yBexMgySe solid solutions with luminescence and photoacoustic methods Co-authors: F. Firszt, J. Zakrzewski, K. Strzałkowski, M. Maliński, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska, A. Marasek, Y. S. Huang, and D. O. Dumcenco Place: St. Petersburg, Russia (2009-08-22 - 2009-08-28)
Name: 14-th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, August 22-28 2009, - plakat Title: Optical and photothermal investigations of Zn1-x-yBexMnySe solid solutions Co-authors: F. Firszt, K. Strzałkowski, J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska, D. O. Dumcenco, C. T. Huang, and Y. S. Huang Place: St. Petersburg, Russia (2009-08-22 - 2009-08-28)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 3rd ICTON - 'Mediterranean Winter' 2009 - plakat Title: Experimental results of third order nonlinear optical susceptibility of oriented and annealed ZnSe crystals Co-authors: B. Derkowska, F. Firszt, B. Sahraoui, A. Marasek Place: Angers, France (2009-12-10 - 2009-12-12)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: 14th Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Numerical analysis of the photoacoustic spectra of implanted silicon Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński Place: Korbielów (2009-02-25 - 2009-02-27)
Name: 14th Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Application of nonlinear acoustic technique combining piezoelectric and laser-based thermoelastic transducers to the imaging of cracked samples Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski Place: Korbielów (2009-02-25 - 2009-02-27)
Name: 14th Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Photothermal measurement of the beryllium influence on AIIBVI mixed crystals Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski Place: Korbielów (2009-02-25 - 2009-02-27)
Name: 15th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena w Leuven - referat Title: Evaluation of the Quality of the Etching Process with the Piezoelectric Spectroscopy Method Co-authors: M. Maliński, J. Zakrzewski, K. Strzałkowski Place: Leuven, Belgia (2009-07-19 - 2009-07-23)
Name: 15th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena w Leuven - referat Title: Crack Imaging by Nonlinear Mixing of Photothermally Excited Elastic Fields Co-authors: N. Chigarev, J. Zakrzewski, V. Tournat, V. Gusev Place: Leuven, Belgia (2009-07-19 - 2009-07-23)
Name: 15th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena w Leuven - plakat Title: Measurements of the Urbach Tail for A2B6 Mixed Crystals by Photothermal Method Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński, K. Strzałkowski, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska Place: Leuven, Belgia (2009-07-19 - 2009-07-23)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: EnginSoft International Conference 2009 CAE Technologies for Industry - udział bierny Place: Bergamo, Northern Italy (2009-10-01 - 2009-10-02)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: 14th Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Korbielów (2009-02-25 - 2009-02-27)
Author: Krzysztof Wiśniewski
Name: 7th International Conference on f Elements - plakat Title: High Pressure Luminescence Studies of GaN Epilayer Implanted with Praseodymium Ions Co-authors: W.M.Jadwisienczak, A.Andres Place: Kolonia, Niemcy (2009-09-23 - 2009-09-27)
Name: 7th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation - plakat Title: Optical properties and luminescence quenching mechanism of Eu-doped GaN red powder phosphor Co-authors: W.M.Jadwisienczak, M.Spencer, T.Thomas, D.Ingram Place: Kraków, Polska (2009-07-12 - 2009-07-17)
Author: Piotr Palczewski
Name: 7th International Conference on Luminescence Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation - udział bierny Place: Kraków (2009-07-12 - 2009-07-17)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2009 - plakat Title: Experimental studies of non-linear properties of chalcogenide glasses Co-authors: E. Romanova, A. Afanasiev, V. Shiryaev, G. Snopatin, D. Furniss, A. Seddon, T. Benson, B. Derkowska, S. Guizard, N. Fedorov Place: Island of São Miguel, Azores, Portugal (2009-06-28 - 2009-07-02)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 15th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL) - plakat Title: Effect of Temperature and Praseodymium Concentration on Scintillation Properties of Lu3Al5O12:Pr Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, R. Drozdowska, P. Dorenbos, M. Tonelli, M. Alshourbagy Place: Lyon (Francja) (2008-07-07 - 2008-07-11)
Name: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium - referat Title: Gamma Radiation Hardness of Ø1"x1" LaBr3:5%Ce, LaCl3:10%Ce, and CeBr3 Scintillators Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, P. Dorenbos, A.J.J. Bos, A. Owens, D. Richaud Place: Dresden (Niemcy) (2008-10-19 - 2008-10-25)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: 15th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter - referat Title: Fast and efficient VUV/UV emissions from (Ba,La)F2:Er crystals Co-authors: A.J. Wojtowicz, S. Janus, D. Piątkowski Place: Lyon (Francja) (2008-07-07 - 2008-07-11)
Author: Czesław Koepke
Name: 15th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter - plakat Title: Competition Between Two Types of Anti-Stokes Emission in Ho3+ and Nd3+ Ions in Glasses Co-authors: Cz. Koepke, D. Piątkowski, K. Wiśniewski, M. Naftaly Place: Lyon (Francja) (2008-07-07 - 2008-07-11)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials - referat zaproszony Title: VUV Spectroscopy of Wide Bandgap Materials Co-authors: A.J. Wojtowicz Place: Gdańsk (2008-07-13 - 2008-07-17)
Name: 9th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science (ISSRNS 2008) - referat Title: VUV luminescence of (Ba,La)F2:Er Co-authors: A.J. Wojtowicz, S. Janus Place: Ameliówka (2008-06-15 - 2008-06-20)
Name: 2nd National Conference: Polish Synchrotron - Beamlines - referat Title: UV and VUV Spectroscopy of Rare Earth Activated Wide Bandgap Materials Co-authors: A.J. Wojtowicz Place: Ameliówka (2008-06-20 - 2008-06-21)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: First Mediterranean Photonics Conference 2008 - referat Title: Investigations of linear and nonlinear optical properties of transparent ZnO thin films grown by sol-gel method Co-authors: Anna Zawadzka, Wacław Bała, Przemysław Płóciennik, Krzysztof Banach, Janusz Szatkowski, Bouchta Sahraoui Place: Ischia, Neapol, Włochy (2008-06-25 - 2008-06-28)
Author: Czesław Koepke
Name: 15th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter - plakat Title: Excited state spectroscopy of ZBLAN:Er3+ glass – experiment and simulation Co-authors: D. Piątkowski, K. Wiśniewski, M. Różański Place: Lyon, France (2008-07-07 - 2008-07-11)
Name: 15th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter - plakat Title: Dynamics of excited states of Pr3+ ions in oxyfluoride glass ceramics Co-authors: M. Różański, D. Piątkowski, M. Środa, K. Wiśniewski Place: Lyon, France (2008-07-07 - 2008-07-11)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: Workshop on Optics of Nanostructures - referat zaproszony Title: Experimental study of third order optical nonlinearities in MPcs and their host-guest systems Co-authors: Beata Derkowska Place: Torun, Poland (2008-10-10 - 2008-10-11)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 13th Winter Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods - referat Title: Piezoelectric Spectroscopic Studies of Zn1-x-yBexMgySe Mixed Crystals Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński, K. Strzałkowski, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska Place: Wisła (2008-02-27 - 2008-02-29)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: Acoustics 2008 - plakat Title: Application of nonlinear laser photoacoustic technique to crack detection Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, N. Chigarev, V. Tournat, D. Mounier and V. Gusev Place: France, Paris (2008-06-29 - 2008-07-04)
Name: 1st International Symposium on Laser Ultrasonics - referat Title: Detection by Non-Linear Photoacoustic Technique Co-authors: N. Chigarev, J. Zakrzewski, V. Tournat, J. Blondeau, D. Mounier, V. Gusev Place: Montreal, Canada (2008-07-16 - 2008-07-18)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 12th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (LED 2008) - plakat Title: Medieval brick dating a discrepancy observed between TL and OSL results Co-authors: A. Chruścińska, K. R. Przegiętka Place: Pekin, Chiny (2008-09-18 - 2008-09-22)
Author: Franciszek Firszt
Name: 2nd ICTON (International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks) – Mediterranean Winter 2008 - referat Title: Growth, Luminescence and Photoacoustic Characterization of Zn1 x-yBexMnySe Crystals for Optoelectronic Applications Co-authors: F. Firszt, K. Strzałkowski, H. Męczyńska, S. Łęgowski, A. Marasek, J. Zakrzewski Place: Marrakech Maroko (2008-12-11 - 2008-12-13)
Author: Krzysztof Wiśniewski
Name: 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials - plakat Title: Spectroscopic properties of the Mn2+ in single-crystalline thin films Co-authors: B. Kukliński, Yu. Zorenko, V. Gorbenko, M. Batentschuk, M. Grinberg Place: Gdańsk, Polska (2008-08-13 - 2008-08-17)
Name: The 15th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter - plakat Title: The 15th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter Co-authors: B.Kukliński, Yu.Zorenko, V.Gorbenko, M.Grinberg Place: Lion, Francja (2008-07-07 - 2008-07-11)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: PHOTONICS-2008: International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics - plakat Title: Dispersion management in chip-scale periodic structures fabricated in chalcogenide glass for high-intensity pulse shaping Co-authors: E.A.Romanova, A.I.Konyukhov, L.A.Melnikov, V.Janyani, T.M.Benson, A.B.Seddon, D.Furniss, Z.G.Lian, B.Derkowska Place: New Delhi, India (2008-12-13 - 2008-12-17)
Name: 7-th International Conference Electronic Processes in Organic Materials (ICEPOM-7) - plakat Title: Polymerization ability, nonlinear optical properties of methacrylic monomers and polymers with benzylidene moiety Co-authors: V. Smokal, O. Krupka, A. Kolendo, B. Derkowska, R. Czaplicki, B. Sahraoui Place: Lviv, Ukraine (2008-05-26 - 2008-05-30)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: RDM Lecture - referat Title: Scintillation Properties of Praseodymium Activated Lu3Al5O12 Single Crystals Place: Delft (Holandia) (2008-03-04 - 2008-03-04)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: SEMINAR (ERASMUS PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING STAFF MOBILITY) - referat zaproszony Title: ZnO thin films fabricated by sol-gel technique Place: Angers (Francja) (2008-01-27 - 2008-02-03)
Author: Franciszek Firszt
Name: Referat zaproszony - referat Title: Localization of excited carriers in wide-gap II-VI compounds Place: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan (2008-09-03 - 2008-09-03)
Name: George Green Institute Seminar 2008 (GGIEMR) - referat zaproszony Title: Nonlinear optical properties of metallophthalocyanines Place: Nottingham University, Nottingham, UK (2008-01-30 - 2008-01-30)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: RDM Lecture - referat Title: Radiation Damage in Ø1”×1” LaBr3:5%Ce Packed and Bare Crystals Place: Delft (Holandia) (2007-02-20 - 2007-02-20)
Name: Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen - referat Title: Radiation Damage and Scintillation Properties of LaBr3:5%Ce, LaCl3:10%Ce, and CeBr3 Crystals Place: Delft (Holandia) (2007-04-19 - 2007-04-19)
Name: Critical Design Meeting - referat Title: Development of New Scintillator Materials Place: Nemours (Francja) (2007-09-14 - 2007-09-14)
Name: Referat zaproszony - referat Title: Luminescence of Bridgman-grown wide-gap II-VI solid solutions with Mg and Be as constituents Place: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan (2007-09-17 - 2007-09-17)
Author: Czesław Koepke
Name: 3rd French-Polish Symposium on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics, Chemistry and Biology - plakat Title: Broadband (~300 nm) optical gain in the ZAS (ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2) glass activated by chromium Co-authors: Cz.Koepke, K.Wisniewski, D.Piątkowski Place: Clermont-Ferrand (Francja) (2007-07-15 - 2007-07-18)
Name: 3rd French-Polish Symposium on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics, Chemistry and Biology - plakat Title: Excited state absorption spectroscopy of Nd3+ activated fluoaluminate glass - experiment and simulation Co-authors: D.Piątkowski, K.Wisniewski, Cz.Koepke, M.Naftaly Place: Clermont-Ferrand (Francja) (2007-07-15 - 2007-07-18)
Name: 3rd French-Polish Symposium on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics, Chemistry and Biology - plakat Title: Effect of thermal treatment on excited state spectroscopy of oxyfluoride borosilicate glass activated by Pr3+ ions Co-authors: M.Rozanski, K.Wisniewski, Cz.Koepke, M.Środa Place: Clermont-Ferrand (Francja) (2007-07-15 - 2007-07-18)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: 3rd French-Polish Symposium on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics, Chemistry and Biology - referat Title: VUV Spectroscopy of BaF2:Er Co-authors: A.J. Wojtowicz Place: Clermont-Ferrand (Francja) (2007-07-15 - 2007-07-18)
Name: 3rd French-Polish Symposium on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics, Chemistry and Biology - plakat Title: Scintillation light yield of BaF2:Ce Co-authors: S.Janus, A.J.Wojtowicz Place: Clermont-Ferrand (Francja) (2007-07-15 - 2007-07-18)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: 15th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD) - plakat Title: Gamma Ray Induced Radiation Damage in Ø1"x1" LaBr3:Ce Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, P. Dorenbos, A.J.J. Bos, A. Owens, F.G.A. Quarati Place: Delft (Holandia) (2007-07-08 - 2007-07-13)
Name: XX Tage der Seltenen Erden — Terrae Rarae 2007 - plakat Title: New Rare Earth Based Scintillators Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, P. Dorenbos Place: Bonn (Niemcy) (2007-11-29 - 2007-12-01)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: IEEE 9th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and their Applications - referat Title: Thermally induced 4f – 5d transitions in LuAlO3:Ce (LuAP) Co-authors: A.J. Wojtowicz Place: Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem NC (USA) (2007-06-04 - 2007-06-08)
Name: IEEE 9th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and their Applications - plakat Title: Growth and scintillation properties of large size LuYAP boules Co-authors: Mario Musolino, Agnello De Simone, Alessandro Morbiato, Sebastian Janus, Andrzej J. Wojtowicz, Jean-Luc Lefaucheur Place: Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem NC (USA) (2007-06-04 - 2007-06-08)
Name: Polish-French-Israeli Symposium on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics and Biology - plakat Title: Scintillation Light Yield of Ce-Activated LSO, LYSO, LuAP, and LuYAP Co-authors: A.J. Wojtowicz, W. Drozdowski, J.L. Lefaucheur, Z. Gałązka Place: Będlewo (2004-09-27 - 2004-09-30)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: 14th International Conference On Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, - referat Title: 1)”Piezoelectric Spectroscopy of the Surface Defect States in Semiconductors”, 2) ”Photoacoustic Spectra Of Zn1-xBexTe Near The Energy Gap”, 3) “Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of Surface Defects States of Semiconductor Samples Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska, K. Strzałkowski Place: Kair (2007-01-06 - 2007-01-09)
Name: 14th International Conference On Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, - plakat Title: 1) ”The Study of Zn1-x-yBexMnySe Mixed Crystals by Photothermal Methods” , 2) “Thermal diffusivity of Zn1-xBexSe crystals and it correlation with electrical Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska, K. Strzałkowski Place: Kair (2007-01-06 - 2007-01-09)
Name: 12th Winter Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Wave Methods, - referat Title: Theory of Piezoelectric Detection of the Defects Located on the Surfaces of Semiconducting Samples Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński, Place: Wisła (2007-02-28 - 2007-03-02)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 12th Winter Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Wave Methods, - referat Title: Piezoelectric Spectroscopic Studies of Zn1-x-yBexMnySe Mixed Crystals Co-authors: J. ZAKRZEWSKI, M. MALIŃSKI, K. STRZAŁKOWSKI, F. FIRSZT, S. ŁĘGOWSKI, H. MĘCZYŃSKA Place: Wisła (2007-02-28 - 2007-03-02)
Author: Krzysztof Wiśniewski
Name: 3rd French-Polish Symposium on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics, Chemistry and Biology - plakat Title: Broad optical gain in the ZAS (ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2) glass activated by chromium Co-authors: Cz.Koepke, K.Wisniewski, D.Piątkowski Place: Clermont-Ferrand (Francja) (2007-07-15 - 2007-07-18)
Name: 3rd French-Polish Symposium on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics, Chemistry and Biology - plakat Title: Excited state absorption spectroscopy of Nd3+ activated fluoroaluminate glass - experiment and simulation Co-authors: D.Piątkowski, K.Wisniewski, Cz.Koepke, M.Naftaly Place: Clermont-Ferrand (Francja) (2007-07-15 - 2007-07-18)
Name: 3rd French-Polish Symposium on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics, Chemistry and Biology - plakat Title: Effect of thermal treatment on excited state spectroscopy of oxyfluoride borosilicate glass activated by Pr3+ ions Co-authors: M.Rozanski, K.Wisniewski, Cz.Koepke, M.Środa Place: Clermont-Ferrand (Francja) (2007-07-15 - 2007-07-18)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 9th International Conference “METHODS OF ABSOLUTE CHRONOLOGY” - plakat Title: “Luminescence dating of medieval bricks and fireplaces: some remarks on the age calculation” Co-authors: A. Chruścińska, B. Jesionowski, H. L. Oczkowski, K. R. Przegiętka, K. Sulkowska-Tuszyńska, A. M. Wyrwa; Place: Gliwice, Poland (2007-04-25 - 2007-04-27)
Name: 9th International Conference “METHODS OF ABSOLUTE CHRONOLOGY” - plakat Title: Using the TL single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol for the verification of the chronology of the Teutonic Order Castle in Malbork” Co-authors: A. Chruścińska, B. Jesionowski, H.L. Oczkowski, K.R. Przegiętka Place: Gliwice, Poland (2007-04-25 - 2007-04-27)
Name: 9th International Conference “METHODS OF ABSOLUTE CHRONOLOGY” - plakat Title: “Chronology of the vistulian glaciation (weichselian) on the Kujawy Moraine plateau (Central Poland) based on the lithostratigraphic research and the OSL dating.” Co-authors: P. Molewski, A. Chruścińska, H. L. Oczkowski, K. R. Przegiętka; Place: Gliwice, Poland (2007-04-25 - 2007-04-27)
Name: 15th Solid State Dosimetry Conference, July 8 -13, 2007 - plakat Title: “The influence of trap coupling effect on the shape of optically stimulated luminescence decay” Place: Delft, Netherlands (2007-07-08 - 2007-07-13)
Author: Franciszek Firszt
Name: 13th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, Sept. 10-14, 2007 - plakat Title: Localization of Excited Carriers in Zn1-xMgxSe and Zn1-x-yCdxMgySe Solid Solutions Co-authors: F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski and H. Męczyńska, J. T. Huang, H. P. Hsu and Y. S. Huang Place: Jeju, Korea (2007-09-10 - 2007-09-14)
Name: 13th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, Sept. 10-14, 2007 - plakat Title: Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy and Photoluminescence Characterization of Zn0.95-xBe0.05MnxSe Mixed Crystals Co-authors: T. W. Chang, P. J. Huang, H. P. Hsu ,Y. S. Huang, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska and A. Marasek, Place: Jeju, Korea (2007-09-10 - 2007-09-14)
Name: 13th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, Sept. 10-14, 2007 - plakat Title: Optical Characterization of Zn1-x-yBexMgySe Mixed Crystals Co-authors: D. Dumcenco, H. P. Hsu,Y. S. Huang, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska and K Strzałkowski, Place: Jeju, Korea (2007-09-10 - 2007-09-14)
Name: 5-th International Conference on Solid State Crystals - Material Science and Applications and 8th Polish Conference on Crystal Growth, General Meeting of Polish Society for Crystal Growth, Zakopane 20-24 maj 2007 - plakat Title: Photoelectric and Photothermal Investigations of Zn1-x-yBexMnySe Solid Solutions” Co-authors: F. Firszt, K. Strzałkowski, J. Zakrzewski, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska and A. Marasek Place: Zakopane (2007-05-20 - 2007-05-24)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 5-th International Conference on Solid State Crystals - Material Science and Applications and 8th Polish Conference on Crystal Growth, General Meeting of Polish Society for Crystal Growth, Zakopane 20-24 maj 2007 - plakat Title: Study of the third order nonlinear optical properties of Zn1-xMgxSe and Cd1-xMgxSe crystals Co-authors: B. Derkowska, F. Firszt, B. Sahraoui, A. Marasek, and M. Kujawa Place: Zakopane (2007-05-20 - 2007-05-24)
Name: French - Polish Symposium on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Clermont-Ferrand, France - referat Title: Nonlinear optical properties of Zn1-xMgxSe and Cd1-xMgxSe crystals Co-authors: B. Derkowska, B. Sahraoui, A. Marasek, F. Firszt, M. Kujawa Place: Clermont-Ferrand, Francja (2007-07-15 - 2007-07-18)
Name: Fifth International Conference on Solid State Crystals and Eighth Polish Conference on Crystal Growth (ICSSC-5 & PCCG-8) - plakat Title: Optical and electrical properties of ZnO:X (X=Al, Mg, Er, Ce, In) crystalline layers Co-authors: Z. Sofiani, W. Bala, B. Derkowska, P. Dalasiński, M. Wojdyła, K. Bartkiewicz, M. Rębarz, S. Dobos-Seignon, B. Sahraoui, M. Addou Place: Zakopane, Poland (2007-05-20 - 2007-05-24)
Name: French - Polish Symposium on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Clermont-Ferrand, France - referat Title: Nonlinear optical properties of lactone and lactame derivatives Co-authors: V. Smokal, A. Kolendo, R. Czaplicki, O. Krupka, B. Derkowska, B. Sahraoui, F. Kajzar Place: Clermont-Ferrand, France (2007-07-15 - 2007-07-18)
Name: International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - Mediterranean Winter 2007 (ICTON-MW’07), Sousse, Tunisia - plakat Title: Third Order Nonlinear Optical Susceptibility of Ternary and Quaternary ZnSe-based Mixed Crystals Co-authors: B. Derkowska, Y. Hamaizi, F. Firszt and A. Marasek Place: Sousse, Tunisia (2007-12-06 - 2007-12-08)
Name: International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - Mediterranean Winter 2007 (ICTON-MW’07), Sousse, Tunisia - referat Title: Polymers with benzylidene fragment for nonlinear optical application Co-authors: V. Smokal, B. Derkowska, R. Czaplicki, O. Krupka, A. Kolendo, B. Sahraoui Place: Sousse, Tunisia (2007-12-06 - 2007-12-08)
Name: International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks - Mediterranean Winter 2007 (ICTON-MW’07), Sousse, Tunisia - plakat Title: The temperature dependence of photoluminescence and absorption spectra of MPc (M = Zn, Co, Mg, Cu) thin films Co-authors: M. Wojdyła, M. Rębarz, B. Derkowska, W. Bała, Z. Essaidi, M. Bakasse Place: Sousse, Tunisia (2007-12-06 - 2007-12-08)
Name: IXth International Conferences on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (ICFPAM), Cracow, Poland - plakat Title: Dependence of the third order nonlinear optical susceptibility on concentration and peripheral substituent of metallophthalocyanines (MPcs) Co-authors: B. Derkowska, M. Wojdyla, K. Jaworowicz, R. Czaplicki, W. Bala, M. Karpierz, B. Sahraoui Place: Cracow, Poland (2007-07-08 - 2007-07-12)
Name: IXth International Conferences on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (ICFPAM), Cracow, Poland - plakat Title: Optical holography in picosecond regime on thin films of functionalised DNA Co-authors: O. Krupka, R. Czaplicki, B. Sahraoui, F. Kajzar, A. El-Ghayoury, B. Derkowska, J. G. Grote Place: Cracow, Poland (2007-07-08 - 2007-07-12)
Name: IXth International Conferences on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (ICFPAM), Cracow, Poland - plakat Title: New methacrylic oxazolone and thiozolidone containing monomers for nonlinear optical application Co-authors: V. Smokal, A. Kolendo, B. Derkowska, R. Czaplicki, O. Krupka, B. Sahraoui Place: Cracow, Poland (2007-07-08 - 2007-07-12)
Name: IXth International Conferences on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (ICFPAM), Cracow, Poland - plakat Title: Optical properties of vacuum sublimed cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc) thin layers Co-authors: M. Wojdyła, M. Rębarz, W. Bała, B. Derkowska, Z. Łukasiak Place: Cracow, Poland (2007-07-08 - 2007-07-12)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: Critical Design Meeting - referat Title: Gamma Ray Scintillator Development Place: Nemours (Francja) (2006-06-23 - 2006-06-23)
Name: Lato z helem - warsztaty dla młodzieży - referat Title: Prace prof. K. Antonowicza dotyczące zjawisk przełączania Place: Pracownia Niskich Temperatur, Odolanów (2006-06-26 - 2006-07-05)
Name: Lato z helem - warsztaty dla młodzieży - referat Title: Siły wiązania warstw grafenowych w graficie Place: Pracownia Niskich Temperatur, Odolanów (2006-06-26 - 2006-07-05)
Author: Czesław Koepke
Name: International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials - referat zaproszony Title: Excited State Absorption Measurements as a Powerful Tool for Advanced Spectroscopy Co-authors: Cz. Koepke Place: Gdansk, Polska (2006-06-11 - 2006-06-14)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: 11th Winter Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Wave Methods - referat Title: The influence of the surface preparation for the piezoelectric spectra of Zn1-x-yBexMnySe mixed crystals Co-authors: M. Maliński, K. Strzałkowski, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska, M. Pawlak Place: USTROŃ (2006-03-01 - 2006-03-03)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 11th Winter Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Wave Methods - udział bierny Place: USTROŃ (2006-03-01 - 2006-03-03)
Name: XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds "Jaszowiec 2006" - plakat Title: Photoacoustic and photoluminescence studies of Zn1-x-yBexMnySe mixed crystals Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, M. Maliński, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska, M. Pawlak Place: Ustroń-Jaszowiec (2006-06-17 - 2006-06-23)
Author: Franciszek Firszt
Name: 2006 E-MRS Fall Meeting - plakat Title: Growth and properties of ZnBeMnSe crystals Place: Warszawa (2006-09-04 - 2006-09-09)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: 6thEuropean Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation, - plakat Title: Complex OSL signal and the Trap Independence Assumption Place: Lwów (2006-06-19 - 2006-06-23)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: 3rd International Conference on Photoresponsive Organics and Polymers/2nd France-Korea Bilateral Symposium on Photonic Materials and Devices (3rd ICPOP/2nd KF-PMD), Val Thorens, Savoie, France - referat Title: Photoluminescence and Third Harmonic Generation of ZnPc Thin Films Co-authors: M. Wojdyła, W. Bała, B. Derkowska, Z. Łukasiak, R. Czaplicki, B.Sahraoui, J. Luc, Z. Sofiani, S. Dabos-Seignon Place: Val Thorens, Savoie, France (2006-01-15 - 2006-01-19)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: Professor Brian G. Wybourne Commemorative Meeting: Symmetry, Spectroscopy and Schur - plakat Title: Scintillation Properties of Lu(Y)AP:Ce(Mo) Crystals Place: Toruń (2005-06-11 - 2005-06-14)
Author: Andrzej J. Wojtowicz
Name: International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and their Industrial Applications, SCINT 2005 - referat Title: Scintillation Light Yield of Ce-Doped LuAP and LuYAP Pixel Crystals Place: Crimea (Ukraina) (2005-09-19 - 2005-09-23)
Author: Alicja Chruścińska
Name: VII Torunian Carbon Symposium - referat Title: Thermally stimulated luminescence from graphene layers Place: Toru? (2005-08-31 - 2005-09-03)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: SPIE Conference on Optics and Optoelectronics - referat Title: Photothermal Spectroscopy of II-VI Mixed Crystals Place: Warszawa (2005-09-02 - 2005-09-06)
Name: 12th International Conference on II-VI Compounds September 12 - 16, 2005 Warsaw, Poland - plakat Title: Determination of the Thermophysical Parameters of Zn1-xBexSe Mixed Crystals By Means of Photothermal Techniques Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, M. Malinski, M. Pawlak F. Firszt, S. Legowski, H. Meczynska, K. Strzalkowski Place: Warszawa (2005-09-12 - 2005-09-16)
Author: Franciszek Firszt
Name: 12th International Conference on II-VI Compounds September 12 - 16, 2005 Warsaw, Poland - plakat Title: Optical Characterizationof Cd1-x-yBexZnySe Mixed Crystals Co-authors: Y. T. Liu, P. J. Huang, Y. S. Huang, F. Firszt, S. Legowski, H. Meczynska, A. Marasek and W. Paszkowicz Place: Warszawa (2005-09-12 - 2005-09-16)
Name: 12th International Conference on II-VI Compounds September 12 - 16, 2005 Warsaw, Poland - plakat Title: Growth and characterisation of Cd1-x-yZnxBeySe crystals by spectroscopic ellipsometry and luminescence Co-authors: F. Firszt, A.A. Wronkowska, H. Arwin, A. Wronkowski, M. Wakula, K. Strzalkowski, W. Paszkowicz Place: Warszawa (2005-09-12 - 2005-09-16)
Name: 12th International Conference on II-VI Compounds September 12 - 16, 2005 Warsaw, Poland - plakat Title: Characterization of BexCd1-xSe Alloys by Contactless Electroreflectance Co-authors: P. J. Huang, Y. S. Huang, M. C. Tamargo, F. Firszt and H. Meczynska, Place: Warszawa (2005-09-12 - 2005-09-16)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: 10th Workshop on Photoacoustic and Photothermics, Ustron 2005, Poland - referat Title: Influence of the Annealing Process on the Photoacoustic Spectra of AII–BVI Compounds Co-authors: M. Maliński, L. Bychto, J. Zakrzewski Place: Ustron (2005-03-02 - 2005-03-04)
Author: Michał Pawlak
Name: 10th Workshop on Photoacoustic and Photothermics, Ustron 2005, Poland - referat Title: Determination of the Thermophysical Parameters of Zn1-XBeXSe Mixed Crystals by means of Standard Photopyroelectric and Piezoelectric Photothermal Techniques Co-authors: Michal Pawlak, Jurgen Gibkes, Jacek Zakrzewski, Miroslaw Maliński, Bruno. K. Bein, Josef Pelzl, Franciszek Firszt,Hanna Męczyńska, Karol Strzałkowski. Place: Ustron (2005-03-02 - 2005-03-04)
Author: Jacek Zakrzewski
Name: Gordon Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, Trieste 2005, - plakat Title: Study of Cd1-x-yBexZnxSe Mixed Crystals By Means of Photothermal Techniques Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, M. Malinski, M. Pawlak1, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska, K. Strzalkowski Place: Trieste (2005-06-26 - 2005-07-01)
Author: Karol Strzałkowski
Name: 12th International Conference on II-VI Compounds - plakat Title: Growth and characterisation of Cd1-x-yZnxBeySe crystals by spectroscopic ellipsometry and luminescence Co-authors: F. Firszt, A.A. Wronkowska, H. Arwin, A. Wronkowski, M. Wakula, K. Strzalkowski, W. Paszkowicz Place: Warszawa (2005-09-12 - 2005-09-16)
Name: 12th International Conference on II-VI Compounds - plakat Title: Determination of the Thermophysical Parameters of Zn1-xBexSe Mixed Crystals By Means of Photothermal Techniques Co-authors: J. Zakrzewski, M. Malinski, M. Pawlak F. Firszt, S. Legowski, H. Meczynska, K. Strzalkowski Place: Warszawa (2005-09-12 - 2005-09-16)
Author: Beata Derkowska-Zielińska
Name: The Third International Conference of the African Materials Research Society, Marrakech, Morocco - referat Title: Linear and nonlinear optical properties of zinc phthalocyanine Co-authors: W. Bała, M. Wojdyła, B. Derkowska, Z. Łukasiak, Z. Sofiani, B. Sahraoui Place: Marrakech, Morocco (2005-12-07 - 2005-12-10)
Name: The Third International Conference of the African Materials Research Society, Marrakech, Morocco - referat Title: Influence of cerium and aluminium on linear and nonlinear optical properties in thin layers based on ZnO nanostructures Co-authors: Z. Sofiani, B. Derkowska, Z. Łukasiak, W. Bała, M. Addou, M. Alaoui Lamrani, L. Dghoughi, B. Sahraoui Place: Marrakech, Morocco (2005-12-07 - 2005-12-10)
Name: Optics and Optoelectronics - Nonlinear Optics Applications (NOA), Warsaw, Poland - referat zaproszony Title: Linear and nonlinear optical studies of ZnO:Ce nanostructures Co-authors: B. Sahraoui, Z. Sofiani, B. Derkowska, P. Dalasinski, Z. Lukasiak, W. Bala, M. Addou, L. Dghughi, A. Lamrani Place: Warsaw, Poland (2005-08-31 - 2005-09-02)
Name: Optics and Optoelectronics - Nonlinear Optics Applications (NOA), Warsaw, Poland - referat Title: Investigation of linear and nonlinear optical properties in copper phthalocyanine Co-authors: B. Derkowska, M. Wojdyla, P. Rytlewski, R. Czaplicki, J. Luc, W. Bala, B. Sahraoui Place: Warsaw, Poland (2005-08-31 - 2005-09-02)
Name: ICONO/LAT 2005 International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics połączoną z International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies, St. Petersburg, Rosja - referat Title: Grown of ZnO: Ce layers by spray pyrolysis method for nonlinear optical studies Co-authors: Z. Sofiani, B. Derkowska, J. Luc, P. Dalasiński, Z. Łukasiak, M. Wojdyła, K. Bartkiewicz, W. Bała, S. Dobos-Seignon, M. Addou, B.Sahraoui Place: St. Petersburg, Rosja (2005-05-11 - 2005-05-15)
Name: ICONO/LAT 2005 International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics połączoną z International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies, St. Petersburg, Rosja - referat Title: Grown of thin layers of CuPc and ZnPc using quasi MBE method for nonlinear optical studies Co-authors: B. Derkowska, M. Wojdyła, R. Czaplicki, P. Rytlewski, A. Bratkowski, J. Luc, S. Dabos-Seignon, B. Sahraoui, W. Bała Place: St. Petersburg, Rosja (2005-05-11 - 2005-05-15)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: Seminarium PTF - referat zaproszony Title: Metody oceny własności scyntylacyjnych materiałów z szeroką przerwą energetyczną, aktywowanych jonami ziem rzadkich Place: Szczecin (2005-06-03 - 2005-06-03)
Author: Winicjusz Drozdowski
Name: Polish-French-Israeli Symposium on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics and Biology - plakat Title: Scintillation Properties of Pr-Activated LuAlO3 Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, D. Wiśniewski, T. Łukasiewicz, J. Kisielewski Place: Będlewo (2004-09-27 - 2004-09-30)
Author: Czesław Koepke
Name: Polish-French-Israeli Symposium on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics and Biology - plakat Title: Evidence for existence of the trapped exciton states in Pr3+ - doped LiNbO3 crystal Co-authors: K. Wiśniewski, D. Dyl, M. Grinberg, M. Malinowski Place: Będlewo, Poland (2004-08-27 - 2004-08-30)
Name: Polish-French-Israeli Symposium on Spectroscopy of Modern Materials in Physics and Biology - plakat Title: Upconverted luminescence under 800 nm laser diode excitation in Nd3+ - activated fluoroaluminate glass Co-authors: K. Wiśniewski, L. Sikorski, D. Piątkowski, K. Kowalska, M. Naftaly Place: Będlewo, Poland (2004-08-27 - 2004-08-30)
Name: 4th International Spring Workshop on Spectroscopy, Structure and Synthesis of Rare Earth Systems - plakat Title: VUV Spectroscopy and Low Temperature Thermoluminescence of LSO:Ce and YSO:Ce Co-authors: W. Drozdowski, A.J. Wojtowicz, D. Wiśniewski, P. Szupryczyński, S. Janus, J.L. Lefaucheur, Z. Gou Place: Lądek Zdrój (2003-06-21 - 2003-06-26)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 28th Fall meeting of the section AMO (Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics) - referat Title: REMPI and photodissociation of OD radicals using velosity map imiging Co-authors: - Place: Lunteren (Holandia) (2003-11-13 - 2003-11-14)
Name: 35th EGAS Conference of the European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy - plakat Title: Investigation of dynamic processes at highly excited state of Ca atoms due tu muliphoton ionization Co-authors: R.S. Dygdała, D. Lisak, P. Płóciennik, R.S. Trawiński Place: Bruksela (2003-07-15 - 2003-07-18)
Author: Czesław Koepke
Name: 5-th International Conference on Excited States of Transition Elements - referat zaproszony Title: Excited state spectroscopy of chromium ions in various valence states in glasses Co-authors: K. Wiśniewski, M. Grinberg Place: Ladek Zdrój, Poland (2001-06-06 - 2001-06-11)
Name: 5-th International Conference on Excited States of Transition Elements - plakat Title: Excited State Absorption in Materials Containing the Cr3+ and Cr4+ Ions Co-authors: K. Wiśniewski Place: Ladek Zdrój, Poland (2001-06-06 - 2001-06-11)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: From Quantum Optics to Photonics - referat Title: An investigation of the structure of Calcium atoms in a multiphoton ionization experiment. Co-authors: R.S. Dygdała Place: Zakopane (2001-06-28 - 2001-07-03)
Name: V Szkoła Konferencyjna Metrologia Wspomagana Komputerowo - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Układ wypychania jonów dla spektrometru masowego czasu przelotu Co-authors: R. Rumianowski, P. Płóciennik, M. Zieliński, R.S. Dygdała Place: Rynia (2001-05-21 - 2001-05-24)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: Modern Optics 2000 - plakat Title: Spectrum of calcium autoionizing States Co-authors: R.S. Dygdała Place: Jurata (2000-09-17 - 2000-09-22)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: 31st EGAS Conference of the European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy - plakat Title: The plasma phenomena in multiphoton ionization of Ca Co-authors: Krzysztof Karasek, Roman T. Rumianowski, Roman S. Dygdała Place: Marsylia (1999-07-06 - 1999-07-09)
Name: 31st EGAS Conference of the European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy - plakat Title: Three-photon resonances due to autonizing states in calcium Co-authors: Roman S. Dygdała, Krzysztof Karasek, Przemysław Płóciennik. Place: Marsylia (1999-07-06 - 1999-07-09)
Name: 2nd Polish Meeting of Atomic Molecular and Optical Phisicists - plakat Title: Structural and optical properties of PbSe thin films grown on (111) silicon by PLD Co-authors: R. Rumianowski, R.S. Dygdała, W. Bała, J. Sylwisty Place: Toruń (1999-09-03 - 1999-09-03)
Name: IV Szkoła Konferencyjna Metrologia Wspomagana Komputerowo - inna forma uczestnictwa Title: Ocena stabilności gereratora przy pomocy wielokanałowego systemu zliczającego Co-authors: M. Zeliński, K. Karasek, R.S. Dugdała Place: Rynia (1999-06-07 - 1999-06-10)
Author: Anna Zawadzka
Name: Spotkanie Sekcji Fizyki Atomowej, Molekularnej i Optyki (FAMO) - plakat Title: Multiphoton investigation of the autoionizing states of calcium. Co-authors: Roman S. Dygdała Place: Toruń (1998-02-26 - 1998-02-27)