- Conference:
- Author: Mohammed Boumhamdi
- Name: The 5th international conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing, Energy Conversion and Energy Applications - plakat
Place: Marrakech, Morocco (2023-05-24 - 2023-05-27) - Name: The 5th international conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing, Energy Conversion and Energy Applications - udział bierny
Place: Marrakech, Morocco (2023-05-24 - 2023-05-27) - Name: International School of Quantum Electronics 67th Course progress in Photoacoustic & Photothermal Phenomena focus on Biomedical, Nanoscale, Nde, Gas sensing and Thermopysical Phenomena and Technologies - referat
Place: Erice - Sicily, Italy (2023-09-23 - 2023-10-01)
- Conference:
- Author: Mohammed Boumhamdi
- Name: The International Conference Advanced Functional Materials for Optics, Lasers and Photovoltaics Applications - udział bierny
Place: Kenitra, Morocco (2022-06-15 - 2022-06-16)