Name: APS March Meeting 2023 - referat Title: Itinerant electron ferromagnetism in moiré materials Co-authors: N. Morales Duran, N. Hu, A. H. MacDonald Place: Las Vegas (2023-03-05 - 2023-03-10)
Name: The 25th International Conference on the Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems - referat Title: Magnetic properties of partially filled energy bands of moiré superlattice Co-authors: N. Morales-Duran, A. H. MacDonald Place: Grenoble (2023-07-09 - 2023-07-14)
Author: Paweł Potasz
Name: APS March Meeting 2022 - referat zaproszony Title: Exact Diagonalization for Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene Co-authors: Allan H. MacDonald Place: Chicago, USA (2022-03-12 - 2022-03-18)
Name: International Workshop on Quantum Circuits in 2D Materials (QC2DM 2022) - referat Title: Magnetic properties of moire quantum dot arrays Co-authors: W. Pasek, M. Kupczyński Place: Ottawa (2023-05-25 - 2023-05-28)