Name: HSAcademy – Current topics - referat Title: OCT for Examination of Artworks Place: Lubliana (2023-10-26 - 2023-10-26)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: Workshop: Strengthening National Nodes for E-RIHS ERIC - referat Title: Results and Lessons from the National Node survey Co-authors: dr inz. Magdalema Kowalska Place: Kraków (2023-06-07 - 2023-06-07)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: LACONA XIII - 13th International Conference on Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks - referat Title: A mystery of a 17c. Hebrew grammar book – back to the 11th century Co-authors: P. G. Żukowska, M. Kowalska, B. Wagner, D. Jutrzenka-Supryn, P. Pludra-Żuk, M. Opalińska Place: Auditorium di Santa Apollonia, Via San Gallo 25, Florence (2022-09-13 - 2022-09-16)
Name: LACONA XIII - 13th International Conference on Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks - plakat Title: The analysis of The Sacred Heart of Jesus by Adolf Herman Duszek (1872-1964) by the application of X-ray radiography and MAXRF techniques Co-authors: Paula Karina Śwituszak, Piotr Targowski, Justyna Olszewska-Świetlik Place: Auditorium di Santa Apollonia, Via San Gallo 25, Florence (2022-09-13 - 2022-09-16)
Name: Analiza Chemiczna w Ochronie Zabytków - referat zaproszony Title: Tajemnica XVI-wiecznej gramatyki hebrajskiej: fragmenty XI-wiecznego psałterza w badaniach filologicznych i fizyko-chemicznych Co-authors: dr. hab. M. Opalińska Place: Centrum Nauk Biologiczno Chemicznych UW (2022-12-01 - 2022-12-02)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: The Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminars - referat Title: Optical Coherence Tomography for Heritage Science Place: University of Cambridge, Dept. of Archaeology (2022-11-18 - 2022-11-18)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: SPIE Optical Metrology - Optics for Art, Architecture and Archaelogy - referat Title: Application of Optical coherence tomography for assessment of methodologies of varnish removal from easel paintings Co-authors: Caterina Zaggia, Magdalena Kowalska, Magdalena Iwanicka, Giorgia Sciutto, Silvia Prati Place: W sieci (2021-06-21 - 2021-07-23)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: Iperion HS Doctoral Summer School - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Coherence Tomography for planning and monitoring of conservation of paintings Place: W sieci (2021-07-14 - 2021-07-14)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: Lacona XII - The 12th conference on Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks - referat Title: PRACTICAL CONSERVATION ISSUES TO BE RESOLVED WITH OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY Co-authors: Magdalena Iwanicka, Marcin Sylwestrzak Place: Paryż (2018-09-11 - 2018-09-14)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: Wykład na zaproszenie - referat Title: Optical Coherence Tomography for examination of cultural heritage objects Place: Wiedeń, Austria (2018-11-22 - 2018-11-22)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: 6th Interdisciplinary ALMA Conference on Research, Technology, History and Conservation/Restoration of Fine Art - Painting as a Story - referat Title: The past restorations of ‘Madonna dei Fusi’ by Leonardo da Vinci (circle) as revealed by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Co-authors: Magdalena Iwanicka, Marcin Sylwestrzak, Raffella Fontana, Cecilia Frosinini Place: Brno (2017-05-31 - 2017-06-03)
Name: O3A Conference/ Optical Metrolog - referat Title: Combined use of Optical Coherence Tomography and MA-XRF imaging for non-invasive evaluation of artworks Co-authors: Magdalena Iwanicka, Marcin Sylwestrzak Place: Munich, Germany (2017-06-28 - 2017-06-29)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: Zobaczyć niewidoczne- obrazowanie bez cienia wątpliwości - referat zaproszony Title: Optyczna Tomografia Koherencyjna dla badań obiektów zabytkowych Co-authors: B. Rouba, M. Iwanicka, M. Sylwestrzak, Ł. Ćwikliński Place: Toruń (2016-06-08 - 2016-06-09)
Name: 6th Meeting „X-ray and other techniques in investigations of the objects of cultural heritage” - referat Title: X-ray mapping of hidden wall paintings – a feasibility study Co-authors: Piotr Targowski1, Ermanno A. Clerici2, Liesbeth Dingemans3, Jędrzej Musiela4, Robert Rogal5 Place: Kraków (2016-05-19 - 2016-10-20)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: OCT4NDT - 2nd Symposium - referat Title: OCT as a tool for tracing of restoration treatments Co-authors: Magdalena Iwanicka, Marcin Sylwestrzak, Ewa A. Kaszewska, Anna Szkulmowska, Anna Faron, and Bogumiła J. Rouba Place: Drezno, Niemcy (2015-03-25 - 2015-03-26)
Name: TECHNART 2015 Conference on “Non-Destructive and microanalytical techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage” - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) – a novel tool for examination of artworks Co-authors: Magdalena Iwanicka, Marcin Sylwestrzak, Ewa Kaszewska, and Anna Szkulmowska Place: Catania, Włochy (2015-04-27 - 2015-04-30)
Name: 8th International Conference on the application of Raman spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology – RAA2015 - referat zaproszony Title: Prospective European research infrastructure E-RIHS and its Polish partner E-RIHS PL Place: Wrocław (2015-09-01 - 2015-09-05)
Name: Franco-German Summer School : Interdisciplinary approaches to manuscript studies combining philology, materials studies, computer science and digital humanities - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Place: Fraueninsel, Chiemsee , Niemcy (2015-09-06 - 2015-09-12)
Name: Multidisciplinary Research on Works of Art - referat zaproszony Title: Selected non-invasive techniques for examination of easel paintings: exemplary applications, synergistic approach Co-authors: dr Magdalena Iwanicka Place: Toruń (2015-09-28 - 2015-10-02)
Name: Multidisciplinary Research on Works of Art - referat zaproszony Title: OCT and macroXRF for ceramic and amber Co-authors: prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Łukaszewicz, dr Magdalena Iwanicka Place: Toruń (2015-09-28 - 2015-10-02)
Name: Analiza Chemiczna w Ochronie Zabytków'2015 - referat Title: Zastosowanie metody makroXRF do oceny stanu zachowania obiektu na przykładzie obrazu „Matka Boża Byszewska” Co-authors: Bogumiła J. Rouba, Jolanta Korcz Place: Warszawa (2015-12-03 - 2015-12-04)
Name: Optics for Art, Architecture, and Archeology – O3A Conference /Optical Metrology, - referat Title: Combined use of OCT and macro-XRF for examination of easel paintings Co-authors: M. Iwanicka, B.J. Rouba, J. Olszewska-Świetlik, M. Sylwestrzak Place: Monoachium (2015-06-24 - 2015-06-25)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: IsraAnalytica - 17th Annual Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society - referat Title: Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) for Examination of Artworks Co-authors: M. Iwanicka, M. Sylwestrzak, E. Kaszewska Place: Tel Aviv (2014-01-08 - 2014-01-09)
Name: 5th Meeting X-ray and other techniques in investigations of the objects of cultural heritage - referat Title: MacroXRF scanning - a new tool for examination of artworks Co-authors: Justyna Olszewska-Świetlik, Bogumiła J. Rouba Place: Kraków (2014-05-14 - 2014-05-17)
Name: The Tenth Conference on Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks LACONA X - referat Title: The application of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and X-ray Fluorescence for examination of parchment Co-authors: Ira Rabin, Małgorzata Pronobis-Gajdzis, Magdalena Iwanicka, Aleksandra Surmak, Zina Cohen, Ewa A. Kaszewska, Marcin Sylwestrzak Place: Sharjah, ZEA (2014-06-10 - 2014-06-12)
Name: 18 TH INTERNATIONAL MICROSCOPY CONGRESS - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) – a novel tool for examination of artworks Co-authors: Iwanicka M., Sylwestrzak M., Kaszewska E., Szkulmowska A. Place: Praga (2014-09-07 - 2014-09-12)
Name: III Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa - Fizykochemiczne Badania Śladów Kryminalistycznych - referat zaproszony Title: Technika makro-skanowania XRF w badaniach autentyczności obiektów zabytkowych Co-authors: Barbara Łydżba-Kopczyńskab Place: Jachranka k. Warszawy (2014-11-19 - 2014-11-21)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: First International Symposium on Optical Coherence Tomography for Non-Destructive Testing - referat zaproszony Title: An Application of OCT for Examination of Artworks Co-authors: Magdalena Iwanicka, Marcin Sylwestrzak, Ewa A. Kaszewska, Anna Szkulmowska Place: Linz, Austria (2013-02-13 - 2013-02-14)
Name: Optical Metrology - Optics for Art, Architecture, and Archeology IV - referat Title: OCT structural examination of Madonna dei Fusi by Leonardo da Vinci Co-authors: M. Iwanicka, M. Sylwestrzak, E.A. Kaszewska, C. Frosinini Place: Monachium (2013-05-15 - 2013-05-16)
Name: Analiza Chemiczna w konserwacji zabytków - referat zaproszony Title: Optyczna Tomografia Koherencyjna (OCT) dla konserwacji/restauracji zabytków - przegląd zastosowań Co-authors: Magdalena Iwanicka Place: Warszawa (2013-12-05 - 2013-12-06)
Name: Training on application of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) to structural analysis - referat Title: Training on application of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) to structural analysis Place: IF UMK (2013-06-27 - 2013-06-28)
Name: Training on application of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) to structural analysis - referat Title: Examination of structure and properties of historic glass with OCT Co-authors: P. Karaszkiewicz, B.J. Rouba, D. Markowski, L. Tymińska-Widmer, M. Iwanicka, E.A. Kaszewska, M. Sylwestrzak Place: IF UMK (2013-06-27 - 2013-06-28)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: referat na seminarium wydziałowym University of Trent, Nottingham - referat zaproszony Title: Application of Optical Coherence Tomography to examination of artwork Place: University of Trent, Nottingham (2012-01-17 - 2012-01-17)
Name: referat w instytucji konserwatorskiej we Florencji - referat Title: Introduction to application of Optical Coherence Tomography to examination of paintings - technical aspects Place: Florencja, Włochy (2012-02-27 - 2012-02-27)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: Art Restauration and Heritage National Week (AR&PA Innovation) - referat zaproszony Title: Innovation for European research infrastructures in cultural heritage: the CHARISMA project Co-authors: Bruno G. Brunetti Place: Valladolid, Hiszpania (2012-05-24 - 2012-05-27)
Name: Advanced laser-based techniques in art conservation, diagnostics and analysis - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Coherence Tomography Place: Heraklion, Grecja (2012-06-18 - 2012-06-22)
Name: Gordon Research Conference - Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Coherence Tomography Place: Mount Snow Resort, West Dover, VT, USA (2012-07-29 - 2012-08-03)
Name: 7Th International Conference of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy - referat Title: True depth-resolved elemental analysis of stratigraphy of multilayer paintings by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) integrated with Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Co-authors: E. A. Kaszewska, M. Sylwestrzak, J. Marczak, W. Skrzeczanowski, M. Iwanicka, E. Szmit-Naud, D. Anglos Place: Luxor, Egipt (2012-09-29 - 2012-10-04)
Name: 41. Krajowa Konferencja Badań Nieniszczących - referat zaproszony Title: Zastosowanie koherencyjnej tomografii optycznej (OCT) do nieinwazyjnych badań dziedzictwa kulturowego Co-authors: Bogumiła J. Rouba Place: Toruń (2012-10-23 - 2012-10-25)
Name: 2nd CHARISMA Users' Meeting - referat zaproszony Title: A new Optical Coherence Tomography system for in-situ applications Place: Amsterdam (2012-11-29 - 2012-11-30)
Name: II Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa - Fizykochemiczne Badania Śladów Kryminalistycznych - referat zaproszony Title: Tomografia optyczna OCT. Potencjalne narzędzie badań nieinwazyjnych dla kryminalistyki Place: Serock (2012-11-20 - 2012-11-23)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: SPIE Optical Metrology - referat Title: Application of optical coherence tomography (OCT) for real time monitoring of consolidation of the paint layer in Hinterglasmalerei objects Co-authors: Magdalena Iwanicka, Ewa A. Kwiatkowska, Marcin Sylwestrzak Place: Monachium, Niemcy (2011-05-25 - 2011-05-26)
Name: LACONA IX Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks - referat Title: Application of optical coherence tomography (OCT) for monitoring of conservation treatment Co-authors: M. Iwanicka, E. A. Kwiatkowska, M. Sylwestrzak Place: Londyn, Wlk. Brytania (2011-09-07 - 2011-09-10)
Name: OPTO Meeting for Young Researchers & VIth International SPIE Students’ Chapters Meeting - referat Title: Application of Optical Coherence Tomography to examination of artwork Co-authors: E. A. Kwiatkowska, M. Sylwestrzak, M. Iwanicka Place: Toruń (2011-05-11 - 2011-05-14)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: referat na zaproszenie, Univ. of Kent - referat zaproszony Title: Application of OCT to examination of artwork – the last year results Place: Applied Optics Group, School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK (2010-01-19 - 2010-01-19)
Name: Studia podyplomowe: Nowoczesne techniki analityczne dla konserwacji obiektów zabytkowych - referat Title: Tomografia optyczna Place: Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Wydział Chemii (2010-05-07 - 2010-05-07)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: 14th International Conference Conference "Laser Optics 2010" - referat zaproszony Title: Application of optical coherence tomography to examination of artworks Co-authors: P. Targowski, M. Iwanicka, E. A. Kwiatkowska, W. Skrzeczanowski, M. Sylwestrzak Place: St. Petersburg, Rosja (2010-06-28 - 2010-07-02)
Name: Technology and technique in research on the works of art - referat Title: Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) – a novel tool for non-invasive examination of artwork Co-authors: P. Targowski, E. A. Kwiatkowska Place: UMK (2010-11-25 - 2010-11-26)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: SPIE Europe Optical Metrology - referat Title: Picosecond laser ablation system with process control by Optical Coherence Tomography Co-authors: P. Targowski, R. Ostrowski, J. Marczak, M. Sylwestrzak, E.A. Kwiatkowska Place: 14 - 18 June 2009 ICM-International Conference Centre Munich Munich, Germany (2009-06-14 - 2009-06-18)
Name: Forum for the Conservation and Restoration of Stained-Glass Windows - referat Title: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) for non-destructive investigations of structure and properties of historic glass Co-authors: P. Targowski Place: New York, USA (2009-05-31 - 2009-06-01)
Name: LACONA VIII - Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks - referat Title: Absolute LIBS stratigraphy with Optical Coherence Tomography Co-authors: P. Targowski, E.A. Kwiatkowska, M. Sylwestrzak, J. Marczak, W. Skrzeczanowski, R. Ostrowski, E. Szmit-Naud, M. Iwanicka Place: Sibiu, Rumunia (2009-09-21 - 2009-09-25)
Name: REMO 2009: Naprawa, konserwacja i wzmacnianie obiektów - referat Title: Optyczna Koherentna Tomografia OCT – nowe narzędzie do działań konserwatorskich i inwentaryzacyjnych Co-authors: Piotr Targowski, Bogumiła J. Rouba Place: Wrocław – Wojanów (2009-12-02 - 2009-12-04)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: Seminarium Zakładu Optyki Wydz. Fizyki PW - referat zaproszony Title: Zastosowanie OCT do badań obiektów zabytkowych Place: Wydział Fizyki Politechniki Warszawskiej (2009-03-30 - 2009-03-30)
Name: Studia podyplomowe: Nowoczesne techniki analityczne dla konserwacji obiektów zabytkowych - referat Title: Tomografia optyczna Place: Kraków (2009-01-24 - 2009-01-24)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: 9th International Conference ART2008 - referat Title: Optical coherence tomography for non-destructive investigations of structure of objects of art Co-authors: Piotr Targowski, Bogumiła J. Rouba, Paweł Karaszkiewicz, Ludmiła Tymińska-Widmer, Magdalena Iwanicka, Michalina Góra, Ewa Kwiatkowska Place: Jerozolima, Izrael (2008-05-25 - 2008-05-28)
Name: Optical Coherence Tomography for Examination of Art - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Toruń, Poland (2008-07-03 - 2008-07-06)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: referat w Instytutcie Konserwatorstwa i Zabytkoznawstwa UMK - referat zaproszony Title: Optyczna Koherentna Tomografia w konserwacji i inwentaryzacji zabytków wyniki z lat 2007 - 2008 Place: Instytut Konserwatorstwa i Zabytkoznawstwa UMK (2008-04-14 - 2008-04-14)
Name: referat w ASP w krakowie - referat zaproszony Title: Optyczna Koherentna Tomografia w konserwacji i inwentaryzacji zabytków Place: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie (2008-09-17 - 2008-09-17)
Name: referat w Muzeum Okręgowym w Torumiu - referat zaproszony Title: Optyczna Koherentna Tomografia w Toruniu Place: Muzeum Okręgowe w Toruniu (2008-05-07 - 2008-05-07)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: 18th International Congress on Photonic in Europe - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Coherence Tomography for Varnish Ablation Monitoring Co-authors: Piotr Targowski Place: Monachium, Niemcy (2007-06-17 - 2007-06-21)
Name: Lacona VII - Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks - plakat Title: Optical coherence tomography for structural imaging of artworks Co-authors: P. Targowski, M. Góra, T. Bajraszewski, M. Szkulmowski, M. Wojtkowski, A. Kowalczyk, B. Rouba, L. Tymińska-Widmer, M. Iwanicka Place: Madryt, Hiszpania (2007-09-17 - 2007-09-21)
Name: Lacona VII - Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks - referat Title: Fast spectral optical coherence tomography for monitoring of varnish ablation process Co-authors: M. Góra, P. Targowski, A. Kowalczyk, J. Marczak, A. Rycyk Place: Madryt, Hiszpania (2007-09-17 - 2007-09-21)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: Workshop on Science for Conservation & Preservation of Cultural Heritage Research & Education - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in Art Diagnostics and Restoration Place: Wrocław (2007-06-04 - 2007-06-05)
Name: E-MRS (European Materials Research Society) Spring Meeting, Workshop S: Science & Technology of Cultural heritage Materials: Art conservation and Restoration - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in Art Diagnostics and Restoration Place: Strasbourg, Francja (2007-05-28 - 2007-06-01)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: 12th Conference of Laser Optics, Workshop W4: “Lasers for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage” - referat zaproszony Title: “Optical coherence tomography in cultural heritage” Place: St. Petersburg, Rosja, (2006-06-27 - 2006-06-28)
Name: 12th Conference of Laser Optics, Workshop W4: “Lasers for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage” - plakat Title: „Optical Coherence Tomography for Tracking Canvas Deformation" Place: St. Petersburg, Rosja (2006-06-27 - 2006-06-28)
Author: Piotr Targowski
Name: 5. X spotkanie grup roboczych w ramach inicjatywy G7 (Artwork Conservation by Laser) europejskiego programu mi?dzyrz?dowego COST (European co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research) - referat zaproszony Title: Optical Coherence Tomography for Investigation of Museum Objects Co-authors: Piotr Targowski Place: Tulcea, Rumunia (2005-05-19 - 2005-05-22)
Name: 4th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine - referat zaproszony Title: Spectral Optical Coherence Tomography for Ophthalmologic Applications Co-authors: Piotr Targowski, Tomasz Bajraszewski, Iwona Gorczy?ska, Anna Szkulmowska, Maciej Szkulmowski, Maciej Wojtkowski, Andrzej Kowalczyk, Jakub J. Kaluzny, Bart?omiej J. Kaluzny Place: Tianjin, Chiny (2005-09-02 - 2005-09-06)