Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry 2009 - plakat Title: Coverage of dynamic and non-dynamic correlation effects by DFT functionals Co-authors: K. Jankowski, R. Słupski, I. Grabowski Place: Dobogoko, Hungary (2009-09-25 - 2009-09-28)
Author: Karol Jankowski
Name: Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry - CTTC V - referat Title: Electron-density distribiution based studies of dynamic correlation effects in DFT Place: Kraków, Poland (2008-07-06 - 2008-07-10)
Name: Conference "50 Years of Coupled Cluster Theory" - referat Title: The impact of orbital choice on the performance of coupled-cluster methods Place: Seattle, USA (2008-06-30 - 2008-07-02)
Author: Karol Jankowski
Name: Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics SAMQCP 2007 - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Toruń, Poland (2007-09-02 - 2007-09-06)
Author: Karol Jankowski
Name: Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry 2006 - referat Title: Ab initio asymptotic-expansion coefficients for pair energies in MP2 perturbation theory for atoms. Co-authors: Romuald Słupski, Jesus R. Flores Place: Zakopane (2006-09-24 - 2006-09-27)
Name: Symposium: Modern Trends in Atomic Physics II - referat Title: Ab initio asymptotic-expansion coefficients for pair energies Place: Göteborg (2006-06-02 - 2006-06-03)
Author: Karol Jankowski
Name: Fifth Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics - referat Title: The borderland between ab initio and DFT methods: Compatibility problems with electron correlation Place: New Orleans. USA (2005-07-20 - 2005-07-26)