Name: 50th International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors "Jaszowiec 2022" - plakat Title: Trilayer Rhombohedral Stacked Graphene being more Stable than its Bernal Counterpart Co-authors: R. Guerrero-Aviles, F. R. Geisenhof, T. R. Wietz, A. Ayuela Place: Szczyrk (2022-06-06 - 2022-06-10)
Name: Graphene Conference 2022 - referat Title: Interaction of a graphene nanoflake with an adatom under optical illumination Co-authors: M. Kosik, M. Müller, G. Bryant, A. Ayuela, C. Rockstuhl, K. Słowik Place: Akwizgran (Niemcy) (2022-07-05 - 2022-07-08)
Name: Quantum Designer Phisics - referat Title: Trilayer Rhombohedral Stacked Graphene being more Stable than its Bernal Counterpart Place: San Sebastian (2022-07-18 - 2022-07-21)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: Advanced school on Quantum Transport using SIESTA - udział bierny Place: on-line (2021-05-17 - 2021-05-21)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: EMN Workshop on Graphene and Graphene-derived materials - referat zaproszony Title: Nontrivial topologically protected states at grain boundaries in bilayer graphene: signatures and electrical switching Co-authors: Włodzimierz Jaskólski, Leonor Chico, Andres Ayuela Place: San Sebastián, Hiszpania (2016-05-19 - 2016-05-23)
Name: Graphene 2016 - plakat Title: Electronic Properties of Corrugated Bilayer Graphene Co-authors: W. Jaskólski A. Ayuela, L. Chico Place: Genova, Włochy (2016-04-19 - 2016-04-22)
Name: 40th International Conference of Theoretical Physics - Correlations & Coherence at Different Scales - referat Title: Nontrivial topologically protected states at grain boundaries in bilayer graphene: signatures and electrical switching Co-authors: Włodzimierz Jaskólski, Leonor Chico, Andres Ayuela Place: Ustroń (2016-09-04 - 2016-09-09)
Name: The Eleventh International School on Theoretical Physics Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter - referat Title: Nontrivial topologically protected states at grain boundaries in bilayer graphene: signatures and electrical switching Co-authors: Włodzimierz Jaskólski, Leonor Chico, Andres Ayuela Place: Rzeszów (2016-09-05 - 2016-09-10)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: Seminarium w Instytucie Fizyki LMU w Monachium - referat Title: Topologically protected states at stacking boundaries in bilayer graphene Place: LMU w Monachium (2016-11-22 - 2016-11-22)
Name: Graduate Collage Seminar - referat Title: Topologically protected states at stacking boundaries in bilayer graphene Place: Universität Regensburg (2016-11-25 - 2016-11-25)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: Interaction effects in graphene and related materials - plakat Title: Electronic Properties of Corrugated Bilayer Co-authors: Włodzimierz Jaskolski, Andres Ayuela, Leonor Chico Place: San Sebastian, Hiszpania (2015-07-13 - 2015-07-17)
Name: 44th "Jaszowiec" International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - referat Title: Electronic Properties of Corrugated Bilayer Graphene Co-authors: W. Jaskólski, A. Ayuela, L. Chico Place: Wisla (2015-06-20 - 2015-06-25)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: The International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - Jaszowiec - referat Title: Transport properties of twisted bilayer nanoribbons Co-authors: L. Chico, E. Suárez-Morell, M. Pacheco, L. Brey Place: Wisła (2014-06-07 - 2014-06-12)
Name: NanoSpain 2014 - plakat Title: Electronic and transport properties of graphene based systems with divacancies Co-authors: Leonor Chico, Włodzimierz Jaskólski, Andres Ayuela Place: Madryt (2014-03-11 - 2014-03-14)
Name: The Eleventh International School on Theoretical Physics Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter - plakat Title: Transport properties of twisted bilayer nanoribbon systems Co-authors: L. Chico, E. Suárez Morell, M. Pacheco and L. Brey Place: Rzeszów (2014-09-01 - 2014-09-06)
Name: XXXVIII International Conference of Theoretical Physics - Correlations & Coherence at Different Scales - referat Title: Transport properties of twisted bilayer nanoribbon quantum dots Co-authors: L. Chico, E. Suarez Morell, M. Pacheco and L. Brey Place: Ustroń (2014-09-05 - 2014-09-10)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: XXVII International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials - plakat Title: Octagonal defects in graphene structures Co-authors: Włodzimierz Jaskólski, Leonor Chico, Andres Ayuela Place: Kirchebrg, Austria (2013-03-02 - 2013-03-09)
Name: III Kopernikańskie Sympozjum Studentów Nauk Przyrodniczych - referat zaproszony Title: Ile może być wart rysik z ołówka? Wykład o grafenie Place: Toruń (2013-03-22 - 2013-03-24)
Name: The International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - Jaszowiec - plakat Title: Divacancies in graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotubes Co-authors: W. Jaskólski, L. Chico, A. Ayuela Place: Wisła (2013-06-23 - 2013-06-28)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: Seminar: Nanostructures, Surfaces and Coatings - referat Title: Edge localized states in graphene nanoribbons Place: Madryt, Hiszpania (2013-10-31 - 2013-12-31)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: Seminarium Kinetyka – korelacje – złożoność - referat Title: Edge states in graphene nanoribbons Place: Instytut Fizyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej (2012-01-04 - 2012-01-04)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: The International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - Jaszowiec - plakat Title: Octagonal defects in graphene structures Co-authors: Włodzimierz Jaskólski, Leonor Chico, Andres Ayuela Place: Krynica Zdrój (2012-06-08 - 2012-06-15)
Name: XXXVI International Conference of Theoretical Physics: Correlation & Coherence at Different Scale 2012 - plakat Title: Octagonal defects in graphene structures Co-authors: Włodzimierz Jaskólski, Leonor Chico, Andres Ayuela Place: Ustroń (2012-09-13 - 2012-09-18)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials - plakat Title: Edge states and flat bands in graphene nanoribbons with arbitrary geometries Co-authors: W. Jaskólski, L. Chico, H. Santos, A. Ayuela Place: Kirchberg, Austria (2011-02-26 - 2011-03-05)
Lecture at other centre:
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: Seminarium Grupowe - AG prof. Janina Maultzsch - referat Title: Edge states and flat bands in graphene nanoribbons with arbitrary geometries Place: Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Festkörperphysik (2011-12-13 - 2011-12-13)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials - plakat Title: The Physics of Carbon Nanotube Interfaces Co-authors: H. Santos, A. Ayuela, W. Jaskólski, M. Pelc, L. Chico Place: Kirchberg, Austria (2010-03-06 - 2010-03-13)
Name: The International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - Jaszowiec - plakat Title: Carbon Nanotube Interfaces in a Magnetic Field Co-authors: M. Pelc, W. Jaskólski Place: Krynica Zdrój, Polska (2010-06-19 - 2010-06-24)
Name: XXXIV International Conference of Theoretical Physics: Correlation & Coherence at Different Scale 2010 - referat Title: The Edge States of Graphene Nanoribbons and Carbon Nanotubes Co-authors: A. Ayuela, L. Chico, W. Jaskólski, M. Pelc, H. Santos Place: Ustroń, Polska (2010-09-03 - 2010-09-08)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: The Tenth International School on Theoretical Physics "Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter" - referat Title: Interface States of Carbon Nanotube Junctions Place: Myczkowce, Polska (2009-09-02 - 2009-09-09)
Name: International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces - referat Title: Interface States of Carbon Nanotube Junctions Place: Weimar, Niemcy (2009-07-05 - 2009-07-10)
Name: The International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - plakat Title: The Physics of Carbon Nanotube Interfaces Place: Jaszowiec - Krynica Zdrój, Polska (2009-06-19 - 2009-06-26)
Name: OPTO Meeting for Young Researches and V International SPIE Students' Chapters Meeting - referat Title: The Physics of Carbon Nanotube Interfaces Place: Toruń, Polska (2010-05-14 - 2010-05-16)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: XXXII International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Coherence and Correlations in Nanosystems - referat Title: Friedel-like Oscillations in Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots and Superlattices Place: Ustroń, Polska (2008-09-05 - 2008-09-10)
Name: Workshop on Optics of Nanostructures - inna forma uczestnictwa Place: Toruń, Polska (2008-10-10 - 2008-10-11)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics - plakat Title: Carbon nanotube superlattices in a magnetic field Co-authors: W. Jaskólski, M. Pelc Place: Toruń, Polska (2007-09-02 - 2007-09-06)
Name: International Workshop on Quantum Dots and Laser Applications - plakat Title: Carbon nanotube superlattices in a magnetic field Co-authors: W. Jaskólski, M. Pelc Place: Politechnika Wrocławska, Wrocław, Polska (2007-07-12 - 2007-07-14)
Author: Marta Pelc
Name: International Conference of Theoretical Physics: Electron correlations in nano- and macrosystems - plakat Title: From independent particles to Wigner localization in quantum dots: the effect of dielectric environment Place: Ustroń, Polska (2006-09-09 - 2006-09-14)