Institute of Physics

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Dr. Daniel Ruminski receives 2025 Pascal Rol Award at Photonics West in San Francisco

We are happy to announce that Dr. Daniel Ruminski from the Institute of Physics at the Nicolaus Copernicus University has won Pascal Rol Award at Ophthalmic Technologies XXXV conference during SPIE Photonics West in San Francisco for the best paper. SPIE Photonics West is the leading global conference and marketplace for lasers, biomedical optics, quantum, and biophotonics technologies.

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AI for molecular physics and chemistry simulations

Professor Pavlo Dral Dr. Pavlo O. Dral (Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University, China, Instytut Fizyki, UMK Toruń) | (Atomistic Machine Learning) @ (Xiamen Atomistic Computing Suite), our expert on AI and ML, will conduct a 10-hour course entitled "AI for molecular physics and chemistry simulations". The course is intended for students, PhD students and employees. More information in file.


Nicolaus Copernicus University has been awarded full funding under the PROM program (NAWA) – Short-term Academic Exchange. The PROM program provides students and PhD candidates with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in an international environment, which participants can utilize at various stages of their professional careers. It also facilitates Polish universities and research institutions in establishing and strengthening collaborations with foreign institutions. 

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