Już 21 listopada 2024 roku o godz. 12:30 w Audytorium Aleksandra Jabłońskiego dr Maciej Kowalczyk (Wydział Elektroniki, Fotoniki i Mikrosystemów, Politechnika Wrocławska) wygłosi wykład pt. "Ultrabroadband mid-infrared frequency combs".
I will present our advances in generation of ultrashort pulses with lasers based on chromium-doped gain media at 2.3 μm. I will describe how to compress laser pulses down to durations equivalent to a single electric field cycle (sub-7 fs) and how to stabilize the laser to a frequency comb with an unprecedented amplitude and phase stability. These ultrashort pulses are further employed for nonlinear spectral conversion to the mid-IR spectral range covering almost 4 optical octaves (1 - 12 μm). Finally, I will demonstrate our new technique providing control over the evolution of the mid-IR electric field waveforms.
Organizatorem Czwartkowego Kolokwium Fizycznego jest Instytut Fizyki UMK w Toruniu.